Determining the product market to serve
Determine partner relationship commitments
Determining the level of commitment to provide resources
Determining the objectives and plans for each functional area
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McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2009 by the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.Chapter 6Market StrategyELEMENTS OFBUSINESS STRATEGY Determining the product marketto serve(What markets do we serve with what products)Determining the level of commitment to provide resources(What level of investment in the product market are we willing to make)Determining the objectives and plans for each functional area(What are the detailed aims and action plans)134Determine partner relationship commitments(How do agreements impact choices)26-*CRITICAL ELEMENTS IN A STRATEGIC PLAN Determining the product marketto serve(What markets do we serve with what products)Determining the level of commitment to provide resources(What level of investment in the product market are we willing to make)Determining the objectives and plans for each functional area(What are the detailed aims and action plans)1236-*STRATEGY PROCESS MODEL 1EXTERNAL ANALYSISSELF (INTERNAL ANALYSISEvaluate opportunities, threats and strategic questionsEvaluate strengths, weaknesses, problems, constraints, questionsSTRATEGY IDENTIFICATIONAND SELECTIONExhibit 6-26-*STRATEGY PROCESS MODEL 2Negotiate final planMeasure progress toward objectivesAuditDevelop financial documentsUpdate historical dataCollect current situation dataData analysisDevelop objectives, strategies, programsExhibit 6-26-*Strategy integration and capability developmentGap analysisEnvironmental scanningStrategy developmentDefine missionDevelop statement of operating principles and valuesDefine visionDefine goalsStrategicplanning foundationTrack 1Track 2Define planning assumptions & implications: Develop consensus re: environment (customer/market, competition, suppliers, etc.)Define total market & most attractive segmentsDefineleadership requirements, assess long-term strengths & weaknesses in attractive segmentsSelect segments and define corporate & segment strategyBusiness strategyTrack 3Define capabilitygaps by assessing strengths/weaknesses against current capabilities & specific competitors in selected segmentsFormulate strategies that yield competitive advantageAppraise, test & reconcile strategy with functional plans/needsModify goals if required, set functional and business objectivesStrategy integration capability developmentSTRATEGY PROCESS MODEL 3Exhibit 6-26-*HIGH IMPORTANCEAssistancein cost controlOVERACHIEVEMENTUNDERACHIEVEMENTConsistent product quality and appearanceReliable deliverySales supportFast order cycleLeadgenerationAccess to top managementHIGH PERFORMANCEWANTS-GETS GRIDExhibit 6-56-*CONCEPTUAL MAPExhibit 6-6ReputationforExcellenceNOVUSMAVUUSCLARKET3Project manager’scompetencyHiLoBadGood6-*Share of user $$15mm$10mmTotal spending by users100%100%250%60%Users200Distributors130Manufacturers10150%40%120052000Users300Dealers150SpecialtyWholesalers120Manufacturers100VALUE CHAIN ANALYSISExhibit 6-76-*Threat of substitutesBargaining power of suppliersStruggles between industry rivalsBargaining power of customersThreat of potential entrantsFIVE FORCES OF COMPETITIONExhibit 6-86-*BARRIERS TO ENTERING A MARKETPRODUCT DIFFERENTIATIONECONOMIES OF SCALECAPITAL REQUIREMENTSACCESS TO DISTRIBUTION CHANNELSCOST DISADVANTAGES UNRELATED TO SIZEGOVERNMENT POLICYExhibit 6-96-*ACTIONS TO MEET COMPETITIVE CHALLENGESCHOOSE ITS COMPETITIVE BATTLEGROUND JUDICIOUSLYCHANGE THE COMPETITIVE STRUCTURE OF THE INDUSTRYANTICIPATE AND EMPLOY CHANGE6-*Vision for disruptionSustaining the momentum bydeveloping flexible capacities for: Seizing initiative to gainadvantage by Shifting the rulesSignalingSimultaneous & sequential strategic thrustsMarketdisruptionIdentifying and creating oppor-tunities for temporary advantagethrough understanding Directed at identifying new waysto serve existing customersbetter or new customersthat no one elseserves nowCapabilityfor disruptionthat can be applied acrossmany actions to build aseries of temporaryadvantageouswith actions that shape, mold,or influence the direction onnature of the competitors’responsesTacticsfor disruptionStakeholder satisfactionStrategic soothsaying Speed SurpriseExhibit 6-106-*Disrupt Cat’s strategic strengthsOutmaneuver Cat’s strengths (“Encircle” Cat)BoostqualityLowercostTimingRolls outoneproductat a timeGeographicKomatsu moves out of Japanesestronghold toAsia, Europe,South America,and lastlyNorth AmericaKnow-howAggressiveR&D andnew productprogramChannelsKomatsumoves todirect sales,dealers, thenregionalcentersKomatsubuildsresources,new plantsand useralliances toGain strengthsinitiallyErodes Cat’spremium price,global volume,low costsPicks offCat’s fullline oneby oneUnderminesCat’sadvantageon productinnovationErodesCat’s Worlddominanceone placeat a timeManeuversaroundCat’s strongdealernetworkErodesCat’s deeppocketsArena 1Cost & QualityArena 2Timing & Know-howArena 3StrongholdsArena 4Deep PocketsKOMATSUV CATERPILLARFrom the Field: 6-16-*MARKET ORIENTATION ELEMENTSBEING SYSTEMATIC IN:Gathering of information on customers and competitorsAnalyzing information to develop market knowledgeUsing this knowledge to guide strategy6-*PAYOFFS FROM A MARKET ORIENTATIONA MARKET ORIENTATION COMPANY IS:BETTER AT FITTING NEEDS OF CUSTOMERSMORE DIFFICULT FOR COMPETITORS TO ASSESSAPT TO BE UNIQUE6-*REQUISITES FOR THE LEARNING ORGANIZATIONxxxxVisionaryleadershipInformationsystemsExecutionCreating &strivingTarget &trajectoryExhibit 6-136-*