Bài giảng Business Research Methods - Chapter 8: Observation Studies

Learning Objectives Understand . . . When observation studies are most useful. Distinctions between monitoring. nonbehavioral and behavioral activities Strengths of the observation approach in research design. Weaknesses of the observation approach in research design.

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Chapter 8Observation StudiesMcGraw-Hill/IrwinCopyright © 2011 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Learning ObjectivesUnderstand . . .When observation studies are most useful. Distinctions between monitoring. nonbehavioral and behavioral activitiesStrengths of the observation approach in research design.Weaknesses of the observation approach in research design.2Learning ObjectivesUnderstand . . .Three perspectives from which the observer-participant relationship may be viewed. Various designs of observation studies.3How Our Brain Works“Once a pattern becomes predictable, thebrain starts to ignore it. We get bored;attention is a scare resource, so why wasteit on something that’s perfectly predictable.”Jonah Lehrer neuroscientist and author,How We Decide4PulsePoint: Research Revelation3The number of minutes the average cubicle dweller works before being interrupted by phone, e-mail, instant message, or social networking activities.5Observation and the Research Process6Selecting the Data Collection Method7Selecting an Observation Data Collection Approach8Research DesignHow?Where?Task DetailsWhat?(event or time)When?Who?9Observation Location10Content of ObservationFactualInferentialIntroduction/identification of salesperson and customer.Credibility of salesperson. Qualified status of customer.Time and day of week.Convenience for the customer. Welcoming attitude of the customerProduct presented.Customer interest in product.Selling points presented per product. Customer acceptance of selling points of product.Number of customer objections raised per product.Customer concerns about features and benefits.Salesperson’s rebuttal of objection.Effectiveness of salesperson’s rebuttal attempts.Salesperson’s attempt to restore controls.Effectiveness of salesperson’s control attempt. Consequences for customer who prefers interaction.Length of interview.Customer’s/salesperson’s degree of enthusiasm for the interview.Environmental factors interfering with the interview.Level of distraction for the customer.Customer purchase decision.General evaluation of sale presentation skill.11Data CollectionWatchingListeningTouchingSmellingReading12Using ObservationSystematic planningProperly controlledConsistently dependableAccurate account of events13Observation ClassificationNonbehavioralPhysical condition analysisProcess or Activity analysisRecord analysisBehavioralNonverbalLinguisticExtralinguisticSpatial14Selecting an Observation Data Collection Approach Nonbehavioral15Nonbehavioral ObservationRecord AnalysisPhysical Condition AnalysisPhysical Process Analysis16Selecting an Observation Data Collection Approach Behavioral17Wal-Mart Implements RFID Labels18RFID Changes Monitoring“We can certainly understand and appreciateconsumer concern about privacy. That’s why wewant our customers to know that RFID tags willnot contain nor collect any additional data aboutour customers. In fact in the foreseeable future,there won’t even be any RFID readers on ourstores’ main sales floors.” Linda Dillman EVP & Chief Information OfficerWal-Mart19Behavioral Observation“We noticed people scraping the toppings off our pizza crusts. We thought at first there was something wrong, but they said, ‘We love it, we just don’t eat the crust anymore.”Tom Santor, Donatos Pizza20Systematic ObservationSystematic21Flowchart for Observation Checklist Design22Mechanical/ Digital Behavioral ObservationDevices23SizeUSABody Measurement System24Portable People Meters25Observer-Participant RelationshipDirect vs. indirect Known vs. unknownInvolved vs. uninvolved 26Extralinguistic ObservationVocalTemporalInteractionVerbal Stylistic27Desired Characteristics for ObserversConcentrationDetail-orientedUnobtrusiveExperience level28Errors Introduced by ObserversObserver DriftHalo Effect29Evaluation of Behavioral ObservationStrengthsSecuring information that is otherwise unavailableAvoiding participant filtering/ forgettingSecuring environmental contextOptimizing naturalnessReducing obtrusivenessWeaknessesEnduring long periods Incurring higher expensesHaving lower reliability of inferencesQuantifying dataKeeping large recordsBeing limited on knowledge of cognitive processes30Key TermsConcealmentEvent samplingHalo effectObservationDirectExtralinguisticIndirectLinguisticNonverbalParticipantSimpleSpatialSystematic31Key TermsObservation checklistObserver driftPhysical condition analysisPhysical traceProcess (activity) analysisReactivity responseRecord analysisSpatial RelationshipsTime samplingUnobtrusive measures32