Oxidation is essential to many organisms for the production of
energy to fuel biological processes. However, the uncontrolledpro-duction of superoxide anion free radicals is involved in the onset
of many diseases such as cancer, atherosclerosis and degenerative
processes with aging[1]. Thus, it is essential to develop effective
and natural antioxidants so that they can protect the human body
from free radicals and many chronic diseases[2]. Polysaccharides
extracted from mushrooms, such asLentinus edodes, Ganoderma
tsugaeandCordyceps sinensis, havealsoexhibitedantioxidant prop-erties by their free radical scavenging ability[3,4].
Tricholoma matsutake is a kind of fungi belonging to Sub-genus Tricholoma and is widely distributed in Asian countries,
such as China, Japan, and Korea. As a traditional edible fungus
in oriental countries, it has been consumed as a vegetable and
used as a traditional Chinese medicine in single and compound-ing prescriptions for the prevention and treatment of diseases
for several thousand years [5]. As an extract from T. matsutake,
polysaccharides (TMP) have showed strongly bioactive properties
towards antioxidant and anti-tumor[6].
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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Đề tài Structure elucidation and antioxidant activity of a novel polysaccharide isolated from Tricholoma matsutake, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 47 (2010) 271–275
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International Journal of Biological Macromolecules
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Structure elucidation and antioxidant activity of
from Tr
Xiang Di Zha
Qun Sun
a Key Laborator ge of L
b Key Laborato du 61
a r t i c l
Article history:
Received 20 M
Received in re
Accepted 19 A
Available onlin
Antioxidant as
Tricholoma ma
hes a
en pe
age s
1. Introduction
Oxidation is essential to many organisms for the production of
energy to fuel biological processes. However, the uncontrolled pro-
duction of s
of many dis
processes w
and natural
from free ra
extracted fr
tsugae andC
erties by th
genus Trich
such as Ch
in oriental
used as a t
ing prescri
for several
towards an
∗ Correspon
Environment o
sity, Wangjian
fax: +86 28 85
E-mail add
1 These auth
of the structure of polysaccharides was necessary to establish
the relationship between the biological activities and the struc-
In this work, one novel water-soluble polysaccharide was
0141-8130/$ –
doi:10.1016/j.uperoxide anion free radicals is involved in the onset
eases such as cancer, atherosclerosis and degenerative
ith aging [1]. Thus, it is essential to develop effective
antioxidants so that they can protect the human body
dicals and many chronic diseases [2]. Polysaccharides
om mushrooms, such as Lentinus edodes, Ganoderma
ordyceps sinensis, have also exhibited antioxidant prop-
eir free radical scavenging ability [3,4].
a matsutake is a kind of fungi belonging to Sub-
oloma and is widely distributed in Asian countries,
ina, Japan, and Korea. As a traditional edible fungus
countries, it has been consumed as a vegetable and
raditional Chinese medicine in single and compound-
ptions for the prevention and treatment of diseases
thousand years [5]. As an extract from T. matsutake,
ides (TMP) have showed strongly bioactive properties
tioxidant and anti-tumor [6]. Thus the determination
ding author at: Key Laboratory of Biological Resource and Ecological
f the Ministry of Education, College of Life Sciences, Sichuan Univer-
g Road 29#, Chengdu 610064, PR China. Tel.: +86 28 85460487;
ress: biostart8083@yahoo.cn (J. Zhao).
ors contributed equally to this research.
extracted and purified from the fruiting bodies of T. matsutake
using a DEAE-cellulose column chromatography and a Sephadex
G-100 column chromatography. Its chemical structures were char-
acterized for the first time. The antioxidant activity of TMP-A
was evaluated by various antioxidant assay and MTT method.
The result of this study introduced T. matsutake as a possible
valuable source which helped to exhibit unique antioxidant prop-
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Chemicals
The fruiting bodies of T. matsutake were collected in Xiaojing
country of Sichuan Province, China, and were authenticated by
Prof. Sao-rong Ge (College of Life Sciences, Sichuan University,
Chengdu, China). At the same time, a voucher specimen had been
preserved in Key Laboratory for Biological Resource and Ecolog-
ical Environment of Education Ministry, College of Life Sciences,
Sichuan University. DEAE-cellulose 52 and Sephadex G-100 were
purchased fromSigma–Aldrich (mainland, China).Monosaccharide
standards, Dextran T-500, T-110, T-70, T-40, and T-10, were pur-
chased from Beijing Biodee Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (Beijing, China).
All other reagents used were of analytical grade.
see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
ijbiomac.2010.04.010icholoma matsutake
nga,1, Jie Tanga,1, Mei Caob,1, Chun-xiao Guoa, Xia
a, Su Fenga, Zhi-rong Yanga, Jian Zhaoa,b,∗
y of Biological Resource and Ecological Environment of the Ministry of Education, Colle
ry of Sichuan Academy of Medical Sciences, Sichuan Provincial People’s Hospital, Cheng
e i n f o
arch 2010
vised form 17 April 2010
pril 2010
e 27 April 2010
a b s t r a c t
In this study, structural features of
by a combination of infrared (IR) sp
magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrosc
d-glucopyranose residue which branc
mainly composed of an (1→3)--d-
residue. The antioxidant activity of T
ing DPPH− radical scavenging, hydrog
results indicated that TMP-A showed s
TMP-A could attenuate PC12 cell dam/ locate / i jb iomac
a novel polysaccharide isolated
nga, Jing Zhonga, Jie Zhanga,
ife Sciences, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610064, PR China
0072, PR China
loma matsutake polysaccharide (TMP-A) were investigated
gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS), nuclear
The results indicated that TMP-A had a backbone of 1,4--
t O-6 based on the experimental results. The branches were
topyranose residue, and terminated with -d-xylopyranose
was evaluated with several biochemical methods, includ-
roxide scavenging, superoxide anion radical scavenging. The
antioxidant. In the in vitro antioxidant assay byMTTmethod,
ignificantly caused by hydrogen peroxide.
© 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
272 X. Ding et al. / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 47 (2010) 271–275
2.2. Extraction, purity and fractionation of polysaccharides from
T. matsutake
After the fruiting bodies (200g) of T. matsutake were soaked
with 95% E
boiling wat
crude polys
(Staub [7])w
to a DEAE-c
and eluted s
eluate was
0M NaCl e
a Sephadex
sutake poly
processes a
starting ma
2.3. Measur
High pe
was carried
T-10). The
software). T
2M trifluor
nism of aci
by co-distil
sis was com
for thin lay
ously. Deve
solution (8:
system (85
dissolved in
tiated by ad
Dong [11,12
at a tempe
2.4. Methyl
The pol
methyl iod
After comp
was depoly
at 100 ◦C in
using the m
2.5. UV and
analysis of
were run in
2.6. Nuclea
ian Unity IN
2.7. Determination of 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl free radical
(DPPH−) scavenging activity of TMP-A
The DPPH− radical scavenging activity of TMP-A was measured
ing t
he a
is th
s fol
/A co
l gro
e abs
ell li
2 ce
his s
m. Af
ed to
de (D
e inh
s the
eplictOH, the residue was dried and then extracted with
er for three times (6h for each). After the filtrate was
d, dialyzed (MWCO 5000, Sigma), and centrifuged, the
t was added with 3 volumes of 95% EtOH to precipitate
accharides (32.8 g, recovery 16.4%). After Sevag method
asused for thedeproteination, TMP(8g)was subjected
ellulose column (Tris–HCl, pH 7.0, 4.5 cm×50 cm, Cl−)
tepwise with 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5 and 1.0M NaCl. The
monitored by the phenol-sulfuric acid method [8]. The
luation was concentrated, lyophilized and purified on
G-100 column (2.6 cm×60 cm). The resulting T. mat-
saccharide, named TMP-A, was obtained by the above
nd the yield rate of TMP-A was 0.22% (0.432g) for the
ement of molecular weight and monosaccharide
analysis of TMP-A
rformance gel permeation chromatography (HPGPC)
out tomeasuremolecularweight. The columnwas cali-
standardT-seriesDextran (T-500, T-110, T-70, T-40and
data were processed with Waters GPC (Millennium32
hepolysaccharideTMP-A (5.0mg)washydrolyzedwith
oacetic acid (TFA) at 110 ◦C for 6h on the mecha-
d-catalyzed hydrolysis [9]. Excess acid was removed
lation with methyl alcohol (MeOH) after the hydroly-
pleted. One part of the hydrolysate (1.0mg) was used
er chromatography (TLC) analysis as described previ-
loping solvent: acetoacetate–pyridine–ethanol–water
5:1.5:1); the developer system: diphenylamine–aniline
% phosphoric acid solution 140mL containing 8mL
ine, 8 g aniline) [10], and the other (1.0mg) was
pyridine (0.2mL). The derivatization reaction was ini-
dition of hexamethyl-disilazane (0.2mL) and trimethyl
ane (0.2mL) according to the method described by
]. The resulting supernatant was examined by GC–MS
rature program of 50–230 ◦C with a rate of 2 ◦C/min
ation analysis
ysaccharide, TMP-A (10mg), was methylated using
ide (MeI) according to the Hakomori method [14].
lete methylation, the permethylated polysaccharide
merized with 90% aqueous formic acid (3mL) for 10h
a sealed tube. The methylated sugars were derivatized
ethod described and analyzed by GC–MS.
infrared (IR) spectra analysis
as tested in UV from 200 to 600nm and infrared
the samples was obtained by grinding a mixture of
ide with dry KBr and then pressing in a mold. Spectra
the 4000–400 cm−1 region.
r magnetic resonance (NMR) experiment
spectra and 13C NMR spectra were recorded on a Var-
OVA 400/45 in D2O with tetramethylsilane as internal
age sc
trol is t
itive c
2.8. Sc
The pe
lated a
was th
in the
2.9. D
ing to
of sup
Vc was
2.10. C
10% h
in a hu
2.11. A
In t
for ano
stock s
tion of
the am
is the a
and A i
2.12. S
three ro themethod described by Braca et al. [15]. The percent-
ging activity was calculated by the following formula:
effect (%) = (1−A sample/A control)×100,whereA con-
bsorbance of control (DPPH solution without sample), A
e test sample (DPPH solution plus test sample or pos-
l) [16]. Vitamin C (Vc) and butylated hydroxytoluene
used as a positive control in the study.
ging effect on hydroxyl radicals
ity of the TMP-A to scavenge hydrogen peroxide was
according to the method of Smirnoff and Cumbes [17].
tage of scavenging of hydrogen radicals was calcu-
lows: scavenging effect (%) = [1− (A sample−A sample
ntrol]×100, where A control was the absorbance of the
up in the hydroxyl radicals generation system, A sample
orbance of the test group and A sample blank was the
of the samples only. Vc was used as a positive control
ination of superoxide anion scavenging activity
ide anion scavenging activity was measured accord-
pyrogallol’s autoxidation method [18]. The inhibition
de anion production was calculated as follows: scav-
ct (%) = (A−B)/A×100, where A is the change speed of
of the control group in the superoxide anion generation
B is the change speed of absorbance of the test sample.
d as a positive control in the study.
nes and culture
lls (ATCC, American Type Culture Collection, USA) were
in Dulbcco’s Modified Eagle Medium, which contained
nactivated horse serum, 5% fetal bovine serum and
(100U/mL penicillin, 100mg/mL streptomycin) at 37 ◦C
fied atmosphere containing 5% CO2.
xidant activity assay
tudy, PC12 cells were seeded into 96-well plates at the
on of 5×104 cells/mL using Dulbcco’s Modified Eagle
ter 24h, PC12 cells were pretreated with TMP-A for 2h
2 (300mMsolution) exposure for1h.After theH2O2 was
, cells were then further incubated in the fresh medium
6h at 37 ◦C. Then methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium (MTT)
on was added to each well reaching a final concentra-
g/mL. After incubating for 4h, the supernatants were
remove untransformed MTT. Finally, 150L dimethyl
MSO) was added to dissolve the formazan crystals and
of purple formazan was determined by the absorbance
nt at 570nm using the Universal Microplate Reader
[19]. The damage inhibitory effect was expressed as:
ibitory effect (%) = [(As −A)]/[(A0 −A)]×100% where As
bance in the presence of the sample and H2O2, A0 is the
of the control in the absence of the sample and H2O2,
absorbance only in the presence of the H2O2.
tical analysis
were presented as means± standard deviation (SD) of
ations. Statistical analyses were performed using Stu-
X. Ding et al. / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 47 (2010) 271–275 273
dent’s t-tes
were consid
3. Results
3.1. Extract
The cru
the fruiting
eluate and
geneity of th
G-100 colum
as a single
tion spectra
nucleic acid
rotation: [
tion of etha
room temp
8.89×104 D
d-xylose (d
with the TL
posed to co
GC–MS ana
3.2. Structu
The inte
(Fig. 1) was
charide and
2923.62 cm
in the regio
Two strong
range of 12
tion at 875
linkages, w
ı4.570 in th
tic absorpti
in the polys
anomeric p
nances in t
spectrum o
of -d-gluc
and -d-xy
signals at ı1
results of methylation analysis of TMP-A.
lated sugar Linkage m/z
e3-Glc 1,4- 45,59,73,88,101, 133,146,159,232
e2-Glc 1,4,6- 45,59,73,88,101,116,133,146,174,232
e3-Gal 1,3- 45,59,73,89,116,146,159,191,204,233
e3-Xyl T- 45,59,73,88,101,116,133,146,174
to C-1 of →4,6)--d-Glcp-(1→; ı100.7 to C-1 of →3)--d-
→; ı104.1 to C-1 of .-d-Xylp-(1→, respectively (Fig. 2). All
ignment of the carbon atoms signals was shown in Table 1.
r methylation according to the Hakomori method for four
themethylated polysaccharidewas depolymerized and con-
into partially methylated ramifications. The analysis of
thylated monosaccharide was conducted by GC–MS. The
ation in MS showed that fragment ion peaks were consis-
ith the data of d-configuration monosaccharide fragment
eaks which can be concluded that the glucose, galactose
lose residues were d configuration. Methylation analysis
P-A proved that the -d-glucopyranose residues were 2,3-
stituted and 2,3,6-trisubsituted, the -d-galactopyranose
es were 2,4,6-trisubsituted, and the -d-xylopyranose
e was 2,3,4-trisubsituted (Table 2). Results methylatedFig. 1. FTIR spectra of polysaccharide TMP-A.
t and one-way analysis of variance. Values of P<0.05
ered to be a statistically significant finding.
and discussion
ion, purity and composition of polysaccharides
de polysaccharide, named TMP, was obtained from
bodies of T. matsutake with a yield of 16.4%. After
n on DEAE-cellulose 52 and Sephadex G-100 column
aphy, 324mgof TMP-Awas obtained from the 0MNaCl
detected by the phenol-sulfuric acid assay. The homo-
e polysaccharidewas elucidated by the following tests.
eluted fromgel-filtration chromatographyonSephadex
n and was detected by the phenol-sulfuric acid assay
peak. No absorption at 280 and 260nm in UV absorp-
of TMP-A demonstrated the absence of protein and
in this polysaccharide and it had the same optical
]20D −1.648◦ (c0.5, water) in different low concentra-
nol using HK7-SGW-1 automatic optical polarimeter at
erature. Weight-average molecular weight was around
a. The three monosaccharides, d-glucose, d-galactose,
-Glc, d-Gal, and d-Xyl) were also identified using the
of TMP-A by GC–MS which was in good agreement
C with the ratios of 79.37:9.81:10.82.TMP-A was sup-
ntain the d-configuration monosaccharide according to
re elucidation of TMP-A
nsity of bands around 3408.22 cm−1 in the IR spectrum
due to the hydroxyl stretching vibration of the polysac-
as expected theywere broad. The bands in the region of
−1 were due to C–H stretching vibration, and the bands
n of 1643.29 cm−1 were due to associated water [20].
absorption bands at 1075.03 cm−1, 1041.64 cm−1 in the
00–1000 cm−1 in the IR spectrum suggested that the
aride in TMP-A had a pyranose-ring [21]. The absorp-
Table 1
Table 2
the ass
the me
tent w
ions p
and xy
for TM
residu.43 cm−1 indicated that TMP-A had -glucopyranose
hich was indicated by the anomeric proton signals at
e 1H NMR (400MHz) [22]. Moreover, the characteris-
ons at 799.73 cm−1 indicated -configurations existing
accharide [23], which was in good agreement with the
roton signals at ı5.182, ı5.107, ı5.060 in the 1H NMR
spectrum. According to the literature [24], the reso-
he region of 98–106ppm in the 13C NMR (200MHz)
f TMP-A were attributed to the anomeric carbon atoms
opyranose (-d-Glcp), -d-galactopyranose (-d-Galp)
lopyranose (-d-Xylp). In the anomeric carbon region,
05.2 could be attributed to C-1 of →4)--d-Glcp-(1→;
linkage an
linked --
The relative
cating that
namely on
backbone. R
It is conclu
(1→4)--dFig. 2. The 13C NMR spectra of polysaccharide TMP-A.
ical shift data (ı, ppm) for polysaccharide TMP-A.
es Chemical shifts, ı (ppm)
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
cp-(1→ 105.239 69.370 78.160 72.941 78.750 63.636
lcp-(1→ 105.423 69.370 78.426 72.121 79.598 63.636
lp-(1→ 100.762 70.820 77.388 75.439 80.717 63.258
→ 104.194 71.047 75.638 74.305 72.121alysis of TMP-A indicated that (1→4)-linked--d-
ose was one of the largest amounts residue of the
ride structure, the branched residue was (1→4,6)-
d-glucopyranose revealing that (1→4)-linked--d-
ose should be possible to form the backbone structure.
amounts of (1→4,6)-linked--d-glucopyranose indi-
approximate branch ratios could theoretically be 12.5%,
average one branching point for each eight residues of
esidues of branch structure were (1→3)-linked--d-
nose and terminated with -d-xylopyranose residue.
ded that a repeating unit of TMP-A has a backbone of
-glucopyranose residues which branches at O-6 based
274 X. Ding et al. / International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 47 (2010) 271–275
Fig. 4. DPP
on the expe
ture of the n
3.3. Determ
enging acti
there is a di
idants. Fig.
that the IC
about 3.0m
effect on sca
tity. Howev
3.4. Scaven
Thus, hydro
living syste
enging effec
and IC50 va
trations, TM
a concentra
cation poly
effects than
3.5. Determ
Fig. 6 illu
1, 2, 3, 4, an
Vc. At all th
varying deg
ydroxyl radical scavenging effect of TMP-A from Tricholoma matsutake.
uperoxide radical scavenging effect of TMP-A from Tricholoma matsutake.3. Predicted chemical structure of polysaccharide TMP-A.
H− radical scavenging effect of TMP-A from Tricholoma matsutake.
rimental results. The branch was supposed to be the
n of an (1→3)--d-galactopyranose residue and one
with -d-xylopyranose residue. The predicted struc-
ovel polysaccharide TMP-A was shown in Fig. 3.
ination of DPPH radical scavenging activity of TMP-A
a useful reagent for investigating the free radical scav-
vities of various samples. It is noticeable by eye that
scolouration from purple to yellow induced by antiox-
Fig. 5. H
Fig. 6. S4 illustrates the scavenging activity of the purified
ide samples on the DPPH radical. These results showed
50 value of TMP-A for eliminating DPPH radicals was
g/mL, which indicated that TMP-A have a noticeable
vengingDPPH radical, especially at high additionquan-
er, the inhibiting ability was lower than that of BHT and
ging effect of hydroxyl radical by TMP-A
l radical can easily cause tissue damage or cell death.
xyl radical removing is important for the protection of
ms. Fig. 5 shows the percentage hydroxyl radical scav-
ts of TMP-A at the dose of 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 10mg/mL
lue of TMP-A was about 7.1mg/mL. At the test concen-
P-A exhibited scavenging effect on hydroxyl radicals in
tion-dependent manner which showed that the purifi-
saccharides had weaker hydroxyl radical scavenging
Vc of same dose.
ination of superoxide anion scavenging effect
strates the superoxide radical scavenging effect of 0.5,
d 5mg/mL of TMP-A in comparison to the same doses of
e concentrations, the polysaccharide samples exhibited
rees of antioxidant effect and IC50 value of TMP-A was
Fig. 7. TM
about 3.6m
rides had w
same dose.
3.6. Antioxi
A on PC12
After pretr
PC12 cell c
a dose dep
35.4%, 76.1P-A attenuated PC12 cell damage induced by h