The research results of Fe3O4 and Mn, Cu doped Fe3O4 nanomaterials synthesized by a chemical method
for As(III) wastewater treatment are presented in this paper. The X-ray diffraction patterns and transmission electron microscopy images showed that samples had the cubic spinel structure with the grain
sizes were varied from 9.4 nm to 18.1 nm. The results of vibrating sample magnetometer measurements
at room temperature showed that saturation magnetic moments of Fe1−xCuxFe2O4 and Fe1−xMnxFe2O4
samples decreased from 65.9 emu/g to 53.2 emu/g and 65.9 emu/g to 61.5 emu/g, respectively, with the
increase of Cu, Mn concentrations from 0.0 to 0.15. The nitrogen adsorption–desorption isotherm of a
typical Fe3O4 sample at 77 K was studied in order to investigate the surface and porous structure of
nanoparticles by BET method. The specific surface area of Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles was calculated
about of 100.2 m2/g. The pore size distribution of about 15–20 nm calculated by the BJH (Barrett, Joyner,
and Halendar) method at a relative pressure P/P0 of about 1. Although the saturation magnetic moments
of samples decreased when the increase of doping concentration, but the arsenic adsorption capacity
of Cu doped Fe3O4 nanoparticles is better than that of Fe3O4 and Mn doped Fe3O4 nanoparticles in a
solution with pH = 7. In the solution with a pH > 14, the arsenic adsorption of magnetic nanoparticles is
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Applied Surface Science 340 (2015) 166–172
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Applied Surface Science
journa l h om epa ge: www.elsev ier .com/ locate /apsusc
Effects pro
nanopa in
Tran Min Anh
Faculty of Phys
a r t i c l
Article history:
Received 14 Se
Received in re
Accepted 22 F
Available onlin
Cu doped Fe3O
Magnetic nano
Arsenic adsorption
, Cu d
nm. T
o 53.
m 0.
about of 100.2 m /g. The pore size distribution of about 15–20 nm calculated by the BJH (Barrett, Joyner,
and Halendar) method at a relative pressure P/P0 of about 1. Although the saturation magnetic moments
of samples decreased when the increase of doping concentration, but the arsenic adsorption capacity
of Cu doped Fe3O4 nanoparticles is better than that of Fe3O4 and Mn doped Fe3O4 nanoparticles in a
solution with pH = 7. In the solution with a pH > 14, the arsenic adsorption of magnetic nanoparticles is
1. Introdu
lem that h
human hea
porous Al2O
arsenic rem
tion faces t
and leaving
ied magnet
magnetic n
of an extern
Ferrite m
transition m
erties whic
[5], wastew
∗ Correspon
E-mail add
( Copyright © 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC
BY-NC-ND license (
contamination in natural waters is a world-wide prob-
as been concerned by the influence of arsenic to a
lth. Various metal oxide heterostructures, such as meso-
3, TiO2, CuO, ZrO2, MnO2 [1], were investigated for the
oval. However, using these oxides for arsenic absorp-
o the difficulties in recovering from aqueous solutions
residuals in the solution. Recently, researchers stud-
ic nanoporous materials as an arsenic absorbent. These
anoporous materials bearing adsorbed arsenic can be
ly separated from aqueous solutions with the assistance
al magnetic field.
aterials and Fe3O4 magnetic nanomaterials doped
etals [2–4] have unique electric and magnetic prop-
h enable them to have a wide range of technological
s in different field such as magnetic resonance imaging
ater treatment [6–8]. Many groups have used Fe3O4
als for removing As, Cr, Cd ions [6–11] from pollution
ding author. Tel.: +84 0437547797.
ress: (T.M. Thi).
water, or for applying in medicine [12–14]. It is believed that the
nanosized ferrites can exhibit improved physical and chemical
properties and hence can effectively be used for various appli-
cations. More interestingly, both the electronic and magnetic
properties of Fe3O4 can be adjusted with substitution of Fe ions by
other transition metals such as Zn, Mg, Cu, Zn, Ni [15–19].
In terms of Fe3O4 crystal structure, the unit cell of spinel fer-
rite (AB2O4) consists of cubic closed-packed arrays of oxygen ions
which result in two kinds of interstitial sites denoted as tetrahe-
dral A-site (Fe3+) and octahedral B-site (Fe2+:Fe3+ = 1:1) [15,17].
Since the A-site ions are trivalent for Fe3O4, different from the
general spinel materials with divalent ions at A-sites, this com-
pound is called an inverse spinel. These sites are occupied by metal
cations depending on their radii, the electrostatic energies of the
lattice and the matching of the electronic configuration with the
surrounding oxygen ions. The cation distribution among the (A)
and (B) sites play an important role in controlling the electric and
magnetic properties of the ferrite materials. In work [18], the mag-
netization of Ni1−xZnxFe2O4 samples (x = 0, 0.5 and 1) was changed
by substitutions of Ni2+ and Zn2+ ions into A-sites and B-sites. The
Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4 sample [19] with the saturation magnetic moment
of 46.1 emu/g and specific surface area of 49.0 m2/g achieved the
arsenic equilibrium adsorption quantity of 7.2 mg/g when the
own Copyright © 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license of Mn, Cu doping concentration to the
rticles and arsenic adsorption capacity
h Thi ∗, Nguyen Thi Huyen Trang, Nguyen Thi Van
ics, Hanoi National University of Education, Viet Nam
e i n f o
ptember 2014
vised form 1 February 2015
ebruary 2015
e 27 February 2015
4 nanoparticles
a b s t r a c t
The research results of Fe3O4 and Mn
for As(III) wastewater treatment are
mission electron microscopy images
sizes were varied from 9.4 nm to 18.1
at room temperature showed that sa
samples decreased from 65.9 emu/g t
increase of Cu, Mn concentrations fro
typical Fe3O4 sample at 77 K was stu
nanoparticles by BET method. The sp
2perties of magnetic
oped Fe3O4 nanomaterials synthesized by a chemical method
nted in this paper. The X-ray diffraction patterns and trans-
ed that samples had the cubic spinel structure with the grain
he results of vibrating sample magnetometer measurements
on magnetic moments of Fe1−xCuxFe2O4 and Fe1−xMnxFe2O4
2 emu/g and 65.9 emu/g to 61.5 emu/g, respectively, with the
0 to 0.15. The nitrogen adsorption–desorption isotherm of a
in order to investigate the surface and porous structure of
surface area of Fe3O4 magnetic nanoparticles was calculated
T.M. Thi et al. / Applied Surface Science 340 (2015) 166–172 167
initial arsenic concentration of 3 mg/L. Due to the nature of adsorp-
tion process was attributed to the inelastic exchange interaction
energy between the arsenic and the porous materials with high
specific surface area of adsorption substance, these results were
analyzed an
then compa
the Temkin
the arsenic
using Langm
The nano
in their surf
ties signific
At the same
mum state o
grains and
are interest
urate magn
in applicati
doping effe
tion in the a
paper we p
the magnet
Cu doped F
2. Experim
The hig
company w
with concen
arsenic con
10 times hig
by the Wor
(EC) and Un
Besides, the
pH of soluti
The FeCl
and Cu2+ w
0.10, and 0
solutions w
the NH3 sol
pH = 10. Thi
netic mater
through a fi
0.05, 0.10, a
The obta
an arsenic c
level and st
the solutio
atomic abso
The mic
diffraction (
ties were m
The mesopo
using TriSta
he ma
2 mo
he Roentgen diffraction patterns of the Mn, Cu doped Fe3O4 samples.
ults and discussion
agnetic and microstructure properties and chemical
lity of Fe3O4 sample
t, the stability of magnetic, microstructure property of Fe3O4
vestigated by examining a sample right after synthesized
at sample after 2 months. Fig. 1 showed that the saturate
tic moment of Fe3O4 sample decreased from 65.9 emu/g to
/g, corresponding to freshly synthesized sample and this
measured after 2 months of synthesis. This decrease was
ted that after formation, Fe3O4 material is easy to be oxi-
nto -Fe2O3 due to the effects of oxygen in air as following
+ O2 + 18H2O → 6Fe2O3 + 12H2O
appearance of -Fe2O3 phase can be seen in Raman spectra
4 sample freshly synthesized and after 2 months in (Fig. 3).
Raman spectrum of the pristine sample (spectrum a), a peak
ave number of 668 cm−1 can be observed corresponding to
oscillation mode of Fe3O4. In addition, the peak at 360 cm−1
all intensity can also be detected which was attributed to
sence of a -Fe2O3 phase with such a tiny amount that it
not be detected by XRD measurement. The appearance ofd calculated by the pseudo-second-order kinetic model,
ring with the two- and three-parameter models and
and Redlich-Peterson model [19]. The parameters of
adsorption isotherm process are studied and calculated
uir isotherm equation [19,22,25].
particles show the special properties due to an increase
ace area and mass. Then the electrical, magnetic proper-
antly change due to the quantum effects of particle size.
time, the particles show a tendency to shift to a mini-
f free energy through some of forms such as: the phase
tion, the change of surface structure, the agglomerate of
surface absorption [20,21]. At present, the researchers
ing to the chemical instability and the decrease of sat-
etic moment of Fe3O4 over time and their effectiveness
on [22–25]. However the complete investigation of the
cts in Mn, Cu doped Fe3O4, and their potential applica-
rsenic treatment of wastewater are still limited. In this
resent the studying results of the synthesize process,
ic properties, microstructure, surface properties of Mn,
e3O4 nanomaterials and the influence of Mn, Cu con-
on the arsenic adsorption process in water at different
h purity initial chemicals from Merck chemical
ere used: FeCl3·6H2O; Na2SO3; (CH3COO)2Cu·4H2O;
Mn·4H2O acetone with 99% purity; the solutions: NH3
tration of 25% mol, the original AsO3 solution with the
centrations of 1 g/L. (1 g/L = 106 ppb corresponding to
her than that allowed arsenic levels (10 ppb) regulated
ld Health Organization (WHO), European Commission
ited States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA).
NaOH and HCl solutions also were used to adjust the
3·6H2O, (CH3COO)2Cu·4H2O solutions containing Fe3+
ith different doping nominal concentrations of 0, 0.05,
.15 were mixed with a Na2SO3 solution. These mixed
ere stirred until they turned to yellow in color. Then
ution was added dripping slowly, drop by drop, until the
s mixed solution was then stirred for 30 min. The mag-
ials were obtained by using magnets, and then passed
lter. These powders were dried at 50 ◦C in low-pressure
for 48 h. They were called Fe3O4, Fe0.95Cu0.05Fe2O4,
Fe2O4 and Fe0.85Cu0.15Fe2O4, respectively.
, samples of Fe0.95Mn0.05Fe2O4, Fe0.90Mn0.10Fe2O4 and
5Fe2O4 with different doping nominal concentrations of
nd 0.15 also were synthesized using above method.
ined powders were mixed into an As (III) solution with
oncentration of about 10 times higher than the allowed
irred for 20 min. In order to determine the saturated
capacity of the material, the arsenic concentrations in
n before and after stirring were measured using the
rption spectrophotometer (AAS 6300 Shimadzu).
rostructure of the samples was measured by X-ray
XRD, D5005, Bruker), transmission electron microscopy
5410 TEM NV) measurements. Their magnetic proper-
easured using a vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM).
res structure of samples was measured by BET method
r 3000 V6.07A instrument with TriStar 3000 V6.08 soft-
Fig. 1. T
Fig. 2. T
3. Res
3.1. M
was in
and th
56 emu
dized i
of Fe3O
In the
with w
the A1g
with sm
the pre
could gnetic moment of Fe3O4. (a) New synthesized Fe3O4; (b) Fe3O4 syn-
nths old.
168 T.M. Thi et al. / Applied Surface Science 340 (2015) 166–172
Fig. 3. The Ra
thesized 2 mo
the -Fe2O3
synthesis pr
because the
other hand,
ple, the pea
A1g oscillat
at the 668 c
two peaks a
peaks sugge
The change
Fe3O4 samp
to their app
netic prope
spinel lattic
3.2. The mi
Fe3O4 nanop
3.2.1. The m
In orde
with half m
be selectiv
ture in whic
(B) sites. On
invokes a d
at the (B) s
magnetic in
the Mn, Cu
in the mate
In case
doped Fe3O
observed th
ing Cu dopi
increased m
of the dope
been previo
hedral and
migrates to
such a way
increases a
imbalance o
Table 1
The values of the lattice constant and particle size of samples.
Sample Particle size (nm) Lattice constant (A˚)
Fe O
et m
A sit
rk at
ed. T
ller t
+ ion
ak in
at of
the d
Cu K
e dif
tice c
le 1 s
he in
s wi
s (14
nd 0
4 p
of pman spectra of samples. (a) New synthesized Fe3O4; (b) Fe3O4 syn-
nths old.
phase in the pristine sample might originate from the
ocess in which the oxidation of Fe2+ into Fe3+ happened
samples were synthesized in the atmosphere. On the
for the Raman spectrum of the 2-month-old Fe3O4 sam-
ks at 360 cm−1, 486 cm−1, 1360 cm−1 corresponding to
ion modes of -Fe2O3 were observed. Also, the peak
m−1 position in Fig. 3 showed signs of splitting into
t 666 cm−1 and 710 cm−1. The appearance of additional
sted that Fe3O4 is easy to be oxidized to form -Fe2O3.
of magnetic moment and the chemical instability of the
le might lead to the unexpected phenomena affecting
lication ability. So the technique to stabilize the mag-
rty in Fe3O4 is to dope some transition metals into the
e of Fe3O4 [15,17,26,27].
crostructure and magnetic properties of Mn, Cu doped
icrostructure properties of Fe1−xCuxFe2O4 and
2O4 nanoparticles
r to create stable materials while preserving the
ure and interactive mechanism via the B site network
etallicity, some of divalent transition metal need to
ely substituted into the A sites, and not the B sites
7]. Fe3O4 possesses a cubic inverse spinel ferrite struc-
h Fe cations occupy the tetrahedral (A) and octahedral
e explanation for the observed ferrimagnetism in Fe3O4
ouble exchange interaction through Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions
3 4
in the n
it is co
of Mn
at the
peaks c
tion pa
is sma
of Cu2
tion pe
than th
due to
of line
is th
the lat
was bi
with t
tion b
of 0.1 a
erationite, while the (A) site magnetic ions form antiferro-
teractions with (B) site Fe ions. To minimize oxidation,
elements with concentrations below 0.15 were doped
rial to reduce the oxidized possibility of Fe2+ to Fe3+
of high Cu concentration from 0.17 to 0.35, the Cu
4 films were prepared by sputtering method [27], it was
at the saturation magnetization increases with increas-
ng concentration. This behavior is expected due to the
agnetic anisotropy and modifications in microstructure
d films with increasing Cu doping concentration. It has
usly suggested that Cu2+ ions can occupy both tetra-
octahedral sites in the spinel structure. If a Cu2+ ion
the tetrahedral site, the structural formula changes in
that the number of Fe3+ ions at the octahedral sites
t the cost of same ions on the tetrahedral sites. The
f spins on the two sublattices will result in an increase
terns are q
and Fe1−xM
3.2.2. Magn
The ma
doped Fe3O
perature. T
(Fig. 5) and
Fe3O4 at in
from 0.0 t
from 65.9 e
reduced fro
ples. Oppos
to 0.35 [27]14.49 8.3760
Fe2O4 14.09 8.3825
Fe2O4 14.08 8.3802
e2O4 12.37 8.3688
e2O4 11.78 8.3601
agnetization [27]. For case of Mn doping from 0.1 to 0.5,
red that a changing magnetization and low resistivity
d Fe3O4 were realized by the substitution of Mn2+ ions
es without effect to the conduction path of the Fe ion
the B sites [26].
showed the XRD pattern of Fe1−xCuxFe2O4 and
2O4 (x = 0, 0.10, 0.15) samples in which diffraction
ide with the standard spectrum in the Roentgen diffrac-
n. Therefore, these samples are single-phase with the
ture of centered face. The XRD curves for Cu doped
ed the increase of diffraction peaks when Cu content
his increment is because the Cu2+ atomic radii (73 pm)
han that of Fe2+ (78 pm) [29], and thus the substitution
s for Fe2+ leads to the reduction of lattice constant in
2O4 samples (in Table 1). On the contrary, the diffrac-
tensity of Fe1−xMnxFe2O4 samples seems to be smaller
Fe3O4, but the diffraction peaks seems to be un-shifted
atomic radii of Mn2+ is approximate to that of Fe2+ ion
tice constant of the Fe3O4, Fe1−xCuxFe2O4 and
2O4 samples were calculated from the Bragg diffraction
2dsin = n by the equation: a = dhkl
h2 + k2 + l2;
h k l is the distance between the lattice planes. Using the
errer formula D = 0.9/ ˇ cos (here, is the wavelength
˛ (1.5416 A˚); ˇ is the full width at haft maximum and
fraction angle) the particle sizes were calculated for
xCuxFe2O4 and Fe1−xMnxFe2O4 samples. The values of
onstant and particle size were present in Table 1.
hows that the particle size (14.49 nm) of Fe3O4 sample
. The particle sizes of Cu doped Fe3O4 samples decreased
crease of Cu content (12.37 nm and 11.78 nm for the
th Cu content of 0.1 and 0.15, respectively). This reduc-
ior is stronger than those observed Mn doped Fe3O4
.09 nm and 14.08 nm for the samples with Mn content
.15, respectively).
resented the TEM image of Fe3O4 and SEM image of
0Fe2O4 sample. TEM images (Fig. 4a) shows the agglom-
articles with their size about 9.4–18.1 nm. Thus, the
results of particle size from Roentgen diffraction pat-
uite consistent with the TEM image. Hence, we could
the single-phase and nanometer-scaled Fe1−xCuxFe2O4
nxFe2O4 samples using the chemical method.
etic moment of Mn, Cu doped Fe3O4
gnetic properties of Fe3O4, Cu doped Fe3O4 and Mn
4 materials were measured by VSM at room tem-
he magnetization curves of Fe3O4, Cu doped Fe3O4
Mn doped Fe3O4 samples (Fig. 6) expressed the super-
tic properties with Hc value of about 3 Oe (sample
set of Fig. 5). With the increase of x concentration
o 0.15, the saturation magnetic moments decreased
mu/g to 53.2 emu/g for Fe1−xCuxFe2O4 samples and
m 65.9 emu/g to 61.5 emu/g for Fe1−xMnxFe2O4 sam-
ite to this, in case of high Cu concentration from 0.17
, the saturation magnetization of Cu doped Fe3O4 films
T.M. Thi et al. / Applied Surface Science 340 (2015) 166–172 169
Fig. 4. (a) T
increases w
ions can occ
structure. T
with increa
for these do
lic cations w
a spinel str
B suffixes h
tively, and x
Thus, for x
and for 0 <
of XRD ana
doping of lo
be attribute
structure [1
Fighe TEM image of Fe3O4. (b) The SEM image of Fe0.90Mn0.10 Fe2O4.
ith increasing Cu doping concentration because Cu2+
upy both tetrahedral and octahedral sites in the spinel
his behavior is attributed to the increased magnetic
and modifications in microstructure of the doped films
sing Cu doping concentration [27]. The empiric formula
ped compounds is MY2O4 where M and Y are metal-
ith different oxidation state. The general formula for
ucture is
M2+1−x Y
M2+x Y
1−x Y
O4 where A and
old for the tetrahedral and octahedral sites, respec-
is a parameter usually ascribed to the inversion grade.
= 0 the spinel is termed as normal, for x = 1 inverse
x < 1 mixed spinel [17,18,27]. Thus, from the results
lyses and above decrease of magnetic moment, the
w concentration of Mn2+ and Cu2+ (x = 0.10, 0.15) can
d by their substitution for Fe2+ at (A) sites in spinel
3.3. Investi
3.3.1. Inves
arsenic adso
In order
doped Fe3O
carried out
surement, t
fixed at 106
WHO). Each
putted into
0.6, 0.8, 1.0
the mixtur
these adsor
tions befor
magnetic n
reduce arse
Figs. 7 a
trations aft
the arsenic
0.01 mg/L)
the 1.6 g/L . 5. The magnetic moment of Cu doped Fe3O4 materials.. 6. The magnetic moment of Mn doped Fe3O4 materials.
gation of arsenic adsorption of Fe1−xCuxFe2O4 and
2O4 nanoparticles
tigation of the effects of the Mn, Cu doping on the
to evaluate the arsenic adsorption capacity of Mn, Cu
4 nanoparticles, all the adsorption experiments were
at room temperature of 25 ◦C and pH = 7. For each mea-
he concentration of the original As (III) solution was
ppb (10 times higher than the permitted level by the
adsorbent of Fe1−xMnxFe2O4 and Fe1−xCuxFe2O4 were
the original arsenic solution with concentrations of
, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2.0 and 2.2 g/L, respectively. Then
e solutions were stirred for 20 min for all samples. In
ption isotherms, the arsenic concentrations in the solu-
e and after adsorption were measured by the atomic
spectroscope. The Fe1−xMnxFe2O