Fréchet subdifferentials of the minimum time function at points in the target

If there is no trajectory of F starting at x can reach K , then. If x K  then we set T x ( ) 0  . It is well-known that, under assumptions (F1) - (F3), the infimum in (1.2) is attained and the minimum time function T is lower semicontinuous [21]. The minimum time function is an important optimal value function of optimal control theory. This function has been widely studied since the beginning stages of optimal control theory [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 16, 21]. In general, the minimum time function is not differentiable. Generalized differentiations of the minimum time function and their applications have been investigated by several researchers [11, 13, 14, 15, 18] and references therein). The aim of this paper is to present formulas for computing the Fréchet subdifferential and Fréchet singular subdifferential of the minimum time function at points in the target. Our results generalize the corresponding results in [17,19]

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Hong Duc University Journal of Science, E6, Vol.11, P (76 - 84), 2020 76 F ac. o f G rad . S tu d ies, M ah id o l U n iv . M . M . (In tern atio n al H o sp itality M an ag em en t) / 7 6 FRÉCHET SUBDIFFERENTIALS OF THE MINIMUM TIME FUNCTION AT POINTS IN THE TARGET Nguyen Van Luong, Nguyen Thi Thu 1 Received: 11 December 2019/ Accepted: 1 September 2020/ Published: September 2020 Abstract: We derive formulas for computing the Fréchet subdifferential and Fréchet singular differential at points in the target of the minimum time function associated with a system governed by differential inclusions. Keywords: Minimum time function, Fréchet subdifferentials, differential inclusions. 1. Introduction and Preliminaries We consider the following differential inclusion   0 '( ) ( ( )), a.e. t 0, (1.1) (0) n x t F x t x x      for some 0  , where : n nF  is a multifunction satisfying the following standard conditions: (F1) ( )F x is nonempty, convex, and compact for each nx . (F2) F is locally Lipschitz, i.e. for each compact set nK  , there exists a constant 0L  such that ( ) ( ) || ||F x F y L y x IB   , for all ,x y K . (F3) there exists 0  such that    max || ||: ( ) 1 || ||v v F x x   , for all nx . A solution of (1.1) is an absolutely continuous function (.)x defined on  0, satisfying (1.1) with the initial value 0(0)x x . We also say that (.)x is a trajectory of F starting at 0x . Under the above assumptions on F , if (.)x is a trajectory of F defined on  0, then there exists a constant 0M  such that 0( )x t x Mt  for all  0,t  . Without loss of generality, we fix the constant M for all trajectories and for all 0  considered in this paper. We next recall a result regarding 1C trajectories of .F Theorem 1.1. (See, e.g., [21] and pages 115-117 in [1]). Assume (F1)-(F3). Let NE  be compact. Then there exists 0  such that associated to every x E and Nguyen Van Luong, Nguyen Thi Thu Faculty of Natural Sciences, Hong Duc University Email: () Hong Duc University Journal of Science, E6, Vol.11, P (76 - 84), 2020 77 F ac. o f G rad . S tu d ies, M ah id o l U n iv . M . M . (In tern atio n al H o sp itality M an ag em en t) / 7 7 ( )v F x is a trajectory (.)x defined on  0, with x'(0) v . Moreover, we have || '( ) ||x t v LMt  for all  0,t  . We assume that a closed subset K of n is given which is called the target. The minimum time function  : 0,nT   associated with the differential inclusion (1.1) to the target K is defined as follows. If x K then  ( ) : inf 0 : (.) satisfying (1.1) with (0)= and (t)T x t x x x x K    (1.2) If there is no trajectory of F starting at x can reach K , then. If x K then we set ( ) 0T x  . It is well-known that, under assumptions (F1) - (F3), the infimum in (1.2) is attained and the minimum time function T is lower semicontinuous [21]. The minimum time function is an important optimal value function of optimal control theory. This function has been widely studied since the beginning stages of optimal control theory [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 16, 21]. In general, the minimum time function is not differentiable. Generalized differentiations of the minimum time function and their applications have been investigated by several researchers [11, 13, 14, 15, 18] and references therein). The aim of this paper is to present formulas for computing the Fréchet subdifferential and Fréchet singular subdifferential of the minimum time function at points in the target. Our results generalize the corresponding results in [17,19]. The rest of this section is devoted to some basic concepts of nonsmooth analysis. Standard references are in [10, 20]. We denote by || . || the Euclidean norm in n , by .,.  the inner product. We also denote by ( , )B x r the open ball of radius 0r  centered at x and (0,1)IB B . Let nS  be a closed set and let x S . The Fréchet normal cone to S at x , written ( )SN x  , is the set , , ( ) : : limsup 0nS y S y x y x N x y x                . Elements in ( )SN x  are called Fréchet normals to S at x . In other words, ( )SN x   if and only if for any 0  , there exists 0  such that , , y B(x, )y x y x       . Let  : nf    be an extended real-value function. The effective domain of f is the set  ( ) : : ( )ndom f x f x    and the epigraph of f is the set  ( ) : ( , ) : ( ), ( )nepi f x x dom f f x      . Let ( )x dom f . The Fréchet subdifferential of f at x is the set Hong Duc University Journal of Science, E6, Vol.11, P (76 - 84), 2020 78 F ac. o f G rad . S tu d ies, M ah id o l U n iv . M . M . (In tern atio n al H o sp itality M an ag em en t) / 7 8 ( ) ( ) , ( ) : : liminf 0n y x f y f x y x f x y x                  In other words, ( )f x   if and only if for any 0  , there exists 0  such that , ( ) ( ) , y B(x, )y x f y f x y x         . The Fréchet subdifferential of f at x can also be defined as follows:   ( )( ) : , 1 ( , ( ))n epi ff x N x f x         Elements in ( )f x   are called Fréchet subgradients of f at x The Fréchet singular subdifferential of f at x is the set   ( )( ) : : ,0 ( , ( ))n epi ff x N x f x        Elements in ( )f x   are called Fréchet singular subgradients of f at x . In other words, ( )f x   if and only if for any 0  , there exists 0  such that  , ( ) , y B(x, ),(y, ) ( )y x y x f x epi f            . 2. Fréchet Subdifferentials of the minimum time function This section presents the main results of this paper. In the next theorem, we provide a formula for computing the Fréchet subdifferential of the minimum time function at point in the target. This result generalizes [17, Theorem 4.1]. Note that the result in [17, Theorem 4.1] is for linear control system. Here, we prove the result for a more general setting. Theorem 2.1. Assume that the multifunction F satisfies (F1)-(F3). Let 0x K . Then  0 0 0( ) ( ) : ( , ) 1nKT x N x h x          (1.3) Proof. Assume that 0( )T x   . Then, for any 0  , there exists 0  such that 0 0 0( ) , , ( , ).T y y x y x y B x         (1.4) Since ( ) 0T x  whenever x K , it follows from (2.2) that 0 0 0, , ( , )y x y x y K B x        . Hence, 0( )KN x   . Since 0( )F x is compact, there exists 0( )w F x such that 0 0 ( ) , min , ( , ) v F x w v h x      . Hong Duc University Journal of Science, E6, Vol.11, P (76 - 84), 2020 79 F ac. o f G rad . S tu d ies, M ah id o l U n iv . M . M . (In tern atio n al H o sp itality M an ag em en t) / 7 9 By theorem 1.1, there exists a 1C trajectory (.)y of F on  0,T for some 0T  satisfying 0(0)y x , . (0)y w  and 0( )y t x Mt  for all  0,t T . There are two cases needed to consider. Case 1. There exists 0  such that 0( ) ( , )y t K B x   for all  0,t  . Plugging : ( )y y t with  0,t  into (1.4), we have 0 0, ( ) ( ) .y t x y t x M t      Equivalently, 0( ), y t x M t     . Letting 0t   , we get , '(0)y M  , i.e., , w M   . Since 0  isarbitrary, 0( , ) , 0h x w   . Case 2. There axists 0  such that ( )y t K for all  0,t  . Fix  0,t  such that 0( ) ( , )y s B x  for all  0,s t . Set  ( ) ( ), 0,x s y t s s t   . Then (.)x is a trajectory of F with 0( )x t x . By the principle of optimality, for all  0,s t , 0( ( )) ( (0)) ( )T y s T y s T x s s     . In (1.4), we take : ( )y y s with  0,s t , 0 0( ( )) , ( ) ( )T y s y s x y s x M s         . Equivalently, 0, (s)s y x M s     which implies that 0( ), 1 . y s x M s       Let 0s   , we get , '(0) 1y M     . Since 0  is arbitrary, 0( , ) , 1h x w    . Assume now that 0( )KN x   with 0( , ) 1h x    . We will show that 0( )T x   , i.e., for any 0  , there exists 0  such that 0 0 0( ) , , ( , ).T y y x y x y B x         (1.5) We may assume that 0  . Set 1c M   . For 0  , let 0 (0, / )c  . Since 0( )KN x   , there exists 0 0  such that 0 0 0 0 0, , y K B(x , ).y x y x        Hong Duc University Journal of Science, E6, Vol.11, P (76 - 84), 2020 80 F ac. o f G rad . S tu d ies, M ah id o l U n iv . M . M . (In tern atio n al H o sp itality M an ag em en t) / 8 0 Since 0  and ( ) 0T x  for all x K , (1.3) holds for any 0 0y K B(x , )  . Set now 0 0 2 : min , ,1 . c c cL               It is enough to show that (1.5) holds for all 0y B(x , ) \ K . Assume to the contrary that there exists 0y K such that 0 0y x   and 0 0 0 0 0( ) , .T y y x y x     (1.6) It follows from (1.6) and the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality that 0 0 0( ) . .T y y x   (1.7) Set 1 0: ( )T T y and let (.)x be an optimal trajectory for 0 y . Then 1 1: ( )y x T K  . We have, for all  10;t T , that 0 0 0 0( ) ( )x t x x t y y x     0 0 Mt y x     0 0 0 01 .M y x c y x     (1.8) In particular, 1 0 0 0 0y x c y x     , i.e., 1 0 0K B(x , )y   . Thus, 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0, .y x y x c y x       (1.9) Let (.)y be a measurable function which is the projection of '(.)x on the set 0( )F x restricted to  10;T . Since F is locally Lipschitz,   . 0 0 1( ) ( ) (0) ( ) a.e. t 0,y t x t L x x t LMt L y x T       (1.10) Using (1.7) - (1.10) and having in mind that 0( , ) 1h x    , one has 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 ( ) , , ,T y y x T y y y x         1 1 1 0 0 , '( ) , T T x t dt y x      1 1 1 1 0 0 0 , y( ) , '( ) ) , T T T t dt x t y(t dt y x         1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ( , ) '( ) ) T T T h x dt x t y(t dt c y x          1 0 0 1 0 0 0L MT y x T c y x         0 0 1 0 0 01L M y x T c y x        2 2 0 0 0 0 0cL y x c y x      0 0 0 y x   . Hong Duc University Journal of Science, E6, Vol.11, P (76 - 84), 2020 81 F ac. o f G rad . S tu d ies, M ah id o l U n iv . M . M . (In tern atio n al H o sp itality M an ag em en t) / 8 1 which contradicts to (1.6). This ends the proof. In the following theorem, we present a formula for computing the Fréchet singular differential of the minimum time function at point in the target. This result generalizes [19, Theorem 3.4]. Note that the result in [19, Theorem 3.4] is for the bilateral minimum time function - a special case of the general minimum time function considered in this paper. Theorem 2.2. Assume that the multifunction F satisfies (F1)-(F3). Let 0x K . Then  0 0 0( ) ( ) : ( , ) 0 .nKT x N x h x         (1.11) Proof. Let 0( )T x   . Then, for any 0  , there exists 0  such that  0 0 0, , (x , ), ( ).y x y x y B T y           (1.12) Taking 0(x , ) Ky B   and ( ) 0T y   in (1.12), we have 0 0, .y x y x    It follows that 0( )KN x   . We are now going to show that 0( , ) 0h x   . Let 0( )w F x be such that 0 0( ) , min , ( , ). v F x w v h x      By Theorem 1.1, there exists 0T  and a 1C trajectory (.)y on [0, ]T of F satisfying 0(0) , y'(0)y x w   and 0( )y t x Mt  for all [0, ]t T . There are two possible cases. Case 1. There exists 0  such that 0( ) K (x , )y t B   for all [0, ]t  . Plugging : ( )y y t and : ( ) 0T y   with [0, ]t  into (1.12), we have 0 0, ( ) ( ) ,y t x y t x M t      equivalently, 0( ), . y t x M t    Letting t 0+ , we get , , '(0)w y M     which implies that 0( , ) , 0h x w   as 0  is arbitrary. Case 2. There exists 0  such that ( ) Ky t  for all [0, ]t  . Fix [0, ]t  such that 0(s) (x , )y B  for all [0, ]s t . Set ( ) ( ), [0, ]x s y t s s t   . Then (.)x is a trajectory of F with 0x(t)= x . By the principle of optimality, 0( (0)) ( )T(y(s)) T y s T x s s     for all [0, ]s t In (1.4), taking : (s)y y and ( (s))s T y   with [0, ]s t , we have  0 0, (s) ( ) ( 1) .y x y t x s M s        Hong Duc University Journal of Science, E6, Vol.11, P (76 - 84), 2020 82 F ac. o f G rad . S tu d ies, M ah id o l U n iv . M . M . (In tern atio n al H o sp itality M an ag em en t) / 8 2 Equivalently, 0( ), ( 1). y s x M s     Let 0s   , we get , '(0) ( 1)y M   which yields 0( , ) , 0h x w   . Now, let 0( )KN x   be such that 0( , ) 0h x   . We prove that 0( )T x   . Assume that 0( )T x   . Then, there exists a constant 0C  and sequences { } ( )ny dom T , { } [0, )n   such that 0ny x and for all n that 0ny x , ( )n nT y  ,  0 0, .n n ny x C y x     Hence,  0 0, ( ) , .n n ny x C y x T y n     (1.13) Set : ( )n nT T y for each n . It follows from (1.13) that 0 1 .n nT y x C     Moreover, since 0( )KN x   , by (1.13), we may assume that ny K , i.e., 0nT  for all n . For each n , let (.)nx be an optimal trajectory for ny . Set ( )n n nz x T . Then nz K . We have, for all [0, ]nt T , that 0 0 0( ) ( ) .n n n n n nx t x x t y y x MT y x        In particular, 0 0 0 1 ,n n n n M z x MT y x y x C              which implies that 0nz x as n . Since 0( )KN x   , for any 0  and for n sufficiently large, one has  0 0 0, .n n n nz x z x MT y x        For each n , let (.)na be the projection of ' (.)nx on 0( )F x retricted on [0, ]nT . By Lipschitz continuity of F , one has 0 0( ) ' ( ) ( ) .n n n n na t x t L x t x LMT L y x      For n sufficiently large,  0 0,n n nC y x T y x    0 , , zn n ny z x     0 0 , '( ) , z nT nx t dt x        0 0 0 ,a ( ) ' ( ) ,a ( ) , z n nT T n n n nt x t dt t dt x            Hong Duc University Journal of Science, E6, Vol.11, P (76 - 84), 2020 83 F ac. o f G rad . S tu d ies, M ah id o l U n iv . M . M . (In tern atio n al H o sp itality M an ag em en t) / 8 3 0 0 a ( ) ' ( ) , z nT n n nt x t dt x        0 0n n n n nL MT y x T MT y x        0 0( ) ,n n nC T y x T    for some constant 0 0C  . This yields 0( ).nC C T   Letting n and then letting 0   in both sides of the latter inequality, we get 0C  . This contradiction ends the proof. ACKNOWLEDGMENT This article was supported by the Sciences and Technology Fund of Hong Duc University under the project DT-2019-19. References [1] J.-P. Aubin, A. Cellina (1984), Differential Inclusion, Springer-Varlag, Berlin. [2] P. Cannarsa, H. Frankowska, C. Sinestrari (2000), Optimality conditions and synthesis for the minimun time problem, Set-Valued Anal, 8, 127-148. [3] P. Cannarsa, A. Marigonda, K.T. Nguyen (2015), Optimality conditions and regulariry results for time optimal control problems with differential inclusion, J. Math. Anal. Appl, 427, 202-228. [4] P. Cannarsa, F. Marino, P.R. 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