Increasing involvement of the business community in tvet, objectives, approaches and benefits - Le Van Hien

I. Objectives of cooperation between TVET institutes and Business Community 1. Outlook from Business Community Business Community want to develop and increase their market competitive with high economic benefits based on the following factors: • Technology • Manpower capital • Research and Development • Management • Financing . Manpower plays a very important role to produce high quality products with competitive price. To achieve this objective: It’s absolutely necessary that Business Community must cooperate closely with TVET institutes to recruit expected workforce and no need to re-train. 2. Outlook from TVET institutes in Vietnam Vietnamese TVET institutes established mainly train with Supplied Driven, at present a lot of them are changing to Demand Driven. So the existing TVET institutes doesn’t meet the Business Community labor demand because of following reasons:• For training program: TVET institutes have updated training program (curriculum and training materials) but they still have a lot of limitations: not suitable to generate knowledge and skills match with technology procedure in workplace and lack assessment standards match with standards used in Business Community. • Training Equipment: Due to the limited budget for investment in equipment so TVET institutes still lack quantity of equipment. • Trainers: They do not meet the requirement when Vietnam TVET system is changing the training method to delivery or coaching method (theory and practice). With above reasons, Business Community think that TVET institutes do not meet their demand. In contrast, TVET institutes think it’s very difficult to meet Business Community demand because their requirements are so specific. However TVET institutes realize that to change from Supplied Driven to Demand Driven and create TVET quality breakthrough when they have cooperated with Business Community.

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INCREASING INVOLVEMENT OF THE BUSINESS COMMUNITY IN TVET, OBJECTIVES, APPROACHES AND BENEFITS Dr. Le Van Hien / Rector Date: 10/10/2012 LILAMA2 Technical & Technology College I. Objectives of cooperation between TVET institutes and Business Community 1. Outlook from Business Community Business Community want to develop and increase their market competitive with high economic benefits based on the following factors: • Technology • Manpower capital • Research and Development • Management • Financing .. Manpower plays a very important role to produce high quality products with competitive price. To achieve this objective: It’s absolutely necessary that Business Community must cooperate closely with TVET institutes to recruit expected workforce and no need to re-train. 2. Outlook from TVET institutes in Vietnam Vietnamese TVET institutes established mainly train with Supplied Driven, at present a lot of them are changing to Demand Driven. So the existing TVET institutes doesn’t meet the Business Community labor demand because of following reasons: • For training program: TVET institutes have updated training program (curriculum and training materials) but they still have a lot of limitations: not suitable to generate knowledge and skills match with technology procedure in workplace and lack assessment standards match with standards used in Business Community. • Training Equipment: Due to the limited budget for investment in equipment so TVET institutes still lack quantity of equipment. • Trainers: They do not meet the requirement when Vietnam TVET system is changing the training method to delivery or coaching method (theory and practice). With above reasons, Business Community think that TVET institutes do not meet their demand. In contrast, TVET institutes think it’s very difficult to meet Business Community demand because their requirements are so specific. However TVET institutes realize that to change from Supplied Driven to Demand Driven and create TVET quality breakthrough when they have cooperated with Business Community. To stimulate the advantage of “Golden Population” in Vietnam, Increase competitive of Business Community and upgrade quality of TVET institutes; orientation-objective of cooperation between Business Community and TVET institutes are: • To exchange information about workforce demand, technology production, training program, vocational skill orientation. • To assure that Business Community will be provided with high quality workforce 3. Objectives of cooperation between Business Sector and training institutes in TVET. matching with their demand. • To support TVET institutes for performing their quality breakthrough. • To provide learners with knowledge and skills match with the world of work, so learners will be easy to find jobs matching with their majors and get high salary. • Integrate into international labor market • To build up national vocational skill framework . Training program plays with “PRECONDITION FACTOR” role in TVET model having involvement of Business Community. Hence, LILAMA2 has build training materials based on following elements: • National or international qualification framework such as: EQF (European Qualifications Framework) in Europe, IHK in Germany, City & Guilds in UK, IIW. II. Approaching involvement of Business Community combined with TVET – Experiences from LILAMA2 Technical and Technology College. III.1. Building training program • Together with some Corporations, State Corporations, FDI Enterprise research and develop curriculum with Elective modules suitable with Business Community. • Inviting experienced engineers from Business Community to participate with institutions to discuss on curriculum and the content of training materials must include: − Technology procedure, material standards − Drawing system for fabrication − Procedure of testing and assessment according to international standards such as: DIN, AMSE,AWS, JIS Trainers of TVET institutes plays with “CORE FACTOR” role, so trainers need following criteria: − Had qualified vocational knowledge and skills, experiences in enterprises. − Master international technology standards relevant to professional fields. − Knowledgeable in international vocational pedagogy “student centered” to motivate learners. 2. Trainers The most challenges of TVET institutes in general as well as LILAMA2 in particularly is lack of experienced trainers from the real world of work, insufficient of trainers understanding standards applied in enterprises and having ability working in industrial environment. To solve this problem, LILAMA2 has carried out “Training procedure upgrade trainers quality” according to the model as follow: Knowledge and skill supplement training General and technical English training T R A I N I N G C O N T E N T S Training venue Upgrade learning at LILAMA2 Upgrade skills and experience via workplace of BC Learning at Institutions further learning in overseas Trainers for vocational diploma Trainers for vocational intermediate International pedagogy training Postgraduate training Lecturer for applied engineer level Layout of trainers T R A I N I N G C O N T E N T S 3. Equipment: Equipment plays with “MEANS FACTOR” role, equipment is essential factor to assure students getting from basic skills to pro skills to meet each demand level of Business Community. To assure that having sufficient equipment for training. LILAMA2 has planned to invest equipment according to 3 practical levels as follow : Objective: Application of previously gained skills under workplace conditions (Complex skills in a real or simulated working environment) Method: Supervised performance of complex tasks in a real of simulated working environment Examples: Project workshop; Training projects in cooperation with the industry (Combine equipments of vocational centre and business) I N C R E A S I N G W O R K P L A C E R E L E V A N C E Layer 3 Objective: Acquisition of generic skills fundamental for a wider occupational area (Generic Fundamental Skills) Method: Introduction, demonstration and practical application of fundamental skills Examples: Metal workshop for hand-operated tools; Lab for fundamental electrical engineering and electronics (Equipments invested by Vocational Training Centre) Objective: Acquisition of specific practical and trade-relevant skills (Specific trade relevant skills) Method: Practical application of specific skills using professional equipment in a training set-up Examples: Workshop for metal cutting; Workshop for professional electrical installations (Equipments invested by Vocational Training Centre) I N C R E A S I N G W O R K P L A C E R E L E V A N C E Layer 1 Layer 2 Although LILAMA2 has not invested more equipments, LILAMA2 still has enough equipment for students’ practice to get high skills depend on the cooperation with Business Community . Especially, Welding achieved international skill standards. 4. Assessment of training outcome with involvement of Business Community. Assessment of training outcome plays with “PREREQUISITE FACTOR” role in training model with involvement of Business Community. Thus, from school years 2008 - 2009, LILAMA2 planned to build quality training assurance system with following elements: • Quality Training Manual • Internal Verifiers (having involvement of engineers from Business Community) • Combine with External Verifiers (having involvement of foreign experts and engineers from Business Community) • Cooperate with international organizations of assessing and awarding certificate such as : AWS-USA, IIW-International, City & Guilds-UK, IHK-Germany 5. Internship of students in training cooperation with Business Community. According to training model between Business Community and LILAMA2, there are 2 types internship of students in Business Community : • Internship of students according to LILAMA2 time schedule: students will take part in Business Community production line and Business Community will support allowance, having participation of trainers and guide students to complete portfolio. • Internship of students according to Business Community demand: Business Community will participate in assessing students’ knowledge and skills before students come to Business Community for workplace (cooperation model between LILAMA2 and PTSC, LILAMA, QUATRON, KING’S GRATIN, VITRAC Vinhphu). In this case, students will be recruited by Business Community for permanent workers and Business Community pay salary assented to working result of students. TRAINING PROGRAM IS THE PRECONDITION FACTOR TRAINERS IS THE CORE FACTOR T R A I N G Q U A L I T Y T R A IN IN G C O S T TRAINING MODEL COMBINES EQUIPMENT IS THE MEANS FACTOR TRAINING OUTCOME ASSENT BY BC IS THE PREREQUISITE FACTOR T R A I N G Q U A L I T Y T R A IN IN G C O S T WITH BUSINESS COMMUNITY • Employ workers having knowledge, skills and competences match with requirements. • Saving permanent staff For example: Due to having personnel arrangement method properly such as: PTSC M&C, LILAMA or KING’S GRATING, VITRAC Vinh Phu, they only need 80% permanent workforce; 20% remainders is LILAMA2 students joining in workplace, taking part in production directly III. Benefit of training model having involvement of Business Community 1. For Business Community • Upgrade product quality, save cost • Having trusty address to recruit workers 2. For TVET institutes • Upgrading TVET system (both training program and training staff) • Saving training cost • Being the TVET institutes to change training model from Supplied Driven to Demand Driven 3. For learners • Low tuition fees but high knowledge and practical skill • Convenient to find jobs match with their majors • A lot of opportunities to go to overseas for working 4. For State • If Government stimulates Business Community and promotes TVET institutes to expand this training cooperation model, State will save budget to invest in TVET equipment but still achieve objectives of upgrading Vietnam TVET quality. That mentioned in “Strategy of reform and develop vocational training 2011-2020” and approved by Prime Minister. IV . CONCLUSION With experience in training model involving with Business Community and with ODA funding from Federal Republic of Germany with EUR17 million to support LILAMA2 establish “Centre of Excellent”. Hope that LILAMA2 will effectively carry out the pilot TVET program based on the German Dual System . In order to learn experience for expanding TVET system in Vietnam. Thank you for your attention !
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