Abstract Aluminum-based bimetallic core–shell
nanoparticles have shown promising applications in
civil and defense industries. This study addresses the
thermal stability of aluminum–palladium (Al–Pd)
core/shell nanoparticles with a varying shell thickness
of 5, 6, and 7 A˚ , respectively. The classic molecular
dynamics (MD) simulations are performed in order to
investigate the effects of the shell thickness on the
ignition mechanism and subsequent energetic processes of these nanoparticles. The histograms of
temperature change and structural evolution clearly
show the inhibition role of the Pd shell during ignition.
While the nanoparticle with a thicker shell is more
thermally stable and hence requires more excess
energy, stored as the potential energy of the nanoparticle and provided through numerically heating, to
initiate the thermite reaction, a higher adiabatic
temperature can be produced from this nanoparticle,
thanks to its greater content of Pd. The two-stage
thermite reactions are discussed with their activation
energy based on the energy balance processes during
MD heating and production. Analyses of the simulation results reveal that the inner pressure of the core–
shell nanoparticle increases with both temperature and
the absorbed thermal energy during heating, which
may result in a breakup of the Pd shell.
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Influence of shell thickness on thermal stability of bimetallic
Al–Pd nanoparticles
John Z. Wen • Ngoc Ha Nguyen • John Rawlins •
Catalin F. Petre • Sophie Ringuette
Received: 22 March 2014 / Accepted: 26 May 2014
Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2014
Abstract Aluminum-based bimetallic core–shell
nanoparticles have shown promising applications in
civil and defense industries. This study addresses the
thermal stability of aluminum–palladium (Al–Pd)
core/shell nanoparticles with a varying shell thickness
of 5, 6, and 7 A˚, respectively. The classic molecular
dynamics (MD) simulations are performed in order to
investigate the effects of the shell thickness on the
ignition mechanism and subsequent energetic pro-
cesses of these nanoparticles. The histograms of
temperature change and structural evolution clearly
show the inhibition role of the Pd shell during ignition.
While the nanoparticle with a thicker shell is more
thermally stable and hence requires more excess
energy, stored as the potential energy of the nanopar-
ticle and provided through numerically heating, to
initiate the thermite reaction, a higher adiabatic
temperature can be produced from this nanoparticle,
thanks to its greater content of Pd. The two-stage
thermite reactions are discussed with their activation
energy based on the energy balance processes during
MD heating and production. Analyses of the simula-
tion results reveal that the inner pressure of the core–
shell nanoparticle increases with both temperature and
the absorbed thermal energy during heating, which
may result in a breakup of the Pd shell.
Keywords Bimetallic Ignition Energetics
Aluminum Core–shell Nanoparticles
Energetic nanomaterial has shown promising applica-
tions in developing advanced technologies related to
chemical propellants, materials processing, compo-
nents joining, propulsion, and power production.
There are typically two classes of such kind of
material. This first class is the metastable intermolec-
ular composites (MICs), which contains Al nanopar-
ticles and a nanostructured oxidizer such as CuO,
Fe2O3, SnO2, and WO3. The other is the binary
energetic nanostructures (e.g., core–shell nanoparti-
cles and layered nanolaminates) of Ni/Ti, Co/Al, Ni/
Al, and Pt/Al. The latter has recently drawn much
attention in developing micro-joining and micro-
welding technologies (Hemeryck et al. 2010; Picard
et al. 2008; Olia et al. 2012; Yang et al. 2012;
J. Z. Wen (&) J. Rawlins
Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics
Engineering, University of Waterloo, 200 University
Avenue West, Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1, Canada
e-mail: john.wen@uwaterloo.ca
N. H. Nguyen
Department of Chemistry, Center for Computational
Science, Hanoi National University of Education, Hanoi,
C. F. Petre S. Ringuette
Defence Research and Development Canada – Valcartier,
2459 Pie-XI Blvd North, Quebec, QC G3K1Y1, Canada
J Nanopart Res (2014) 16:2486
DOI 10.1007/s11051-014-2486-z
Levchenko et al. 2010; Fiedler et al. 2012; Gillner et al.
2006; Howell et al. 2011). In comparison with the
extensive studies in the literature on characterizing
thermal and chemical properties of MIC, few exper-
imental studies have been reported on investigating the
ignition and energetic properties of the bimetallic
nanothermites. One of these challenges in this field is
the fabrication and characterization of the bimetallic
core–shell and laminated nanostructures, although the
synthesis of larger particles such as the Ni-coated Al
microparticles was recently reported (Wang et al.
2008). On the other hand, numerical and theoretical
studies have been performed to a greater extent to
reveal the structural transformation and inner diffusion
processes within the nanoparticles during ignition and
combustion. Recently, researchers carried out such
computational tasks on some bimetallic nanothermites
(Yang et al. 2012; Levchenko et al. 2010; Evteev et al.
2009; Nguyen et al. 2011; Song and Wen 2010). As
bimetallic nanoparticles, these core–shell nanoalloys
are expected to exhibit the morphological instability
which usually correlates with the particle size as well
as the shape and placement of the inner core (Bochic-
chio and Ferrando 2013; Laasonen et al. 2013). The
determination of the nanoalloy geometries therefore
requires performing global optimization searches,
based on the reliable potential energy data of the
interested bimetallic system. In the literature, the
global optimization has been normally carried out for
small clusters with \100 atoms. It becomes very
challenging for nanoparticles of a few nanometers, duo
to computing difficulties, although a very recent study
reported on the morphological instability of Ag-based
nanoparticles with diameters up to 3–4 nm (Bochic-
chio and Ferrando 2013). It was suggested that in that
study, there is a critical value of the shell number of
core atoms, for the given shell number of the shell
atoms, at which the morphological instability becomes
significant. And this critical value is system dependent.
Heat released from the core–shell bimetallic ther-
mite nanoparticles is comparable to the energy pro-
duced by MIC. Table 1 summarizes the energy release
data from a variety of Al-based thermite and bimetallic
systems (Fischer and Grubelich 1998), which do not
necessarily exhibit designated nanostructures. Shown
in this table, the Al–Pd system, as the most powerful
bimetallic thermite, can produce 2,890 cal/cm3 from
its thermite reaction, compared with 4,976 cal/cm3
from the Al–CuO system. More importantly, due to its
faster alloying rate and more intensive energy produc-
tion rate, less gas is generated from the Al–Pd thermite
reaction, which produces the liquid metal under the
adiabatic condition. These characteristics are extre-
mely critical and well desired in developing new wire
bonding or material joining technologies for the
microelectronics and MEMS (microelectromechanical
systems) devices, which requires a larger power
density, a greater reaction rate, appropriate wetting,
and a less vibrational disturbance.
As a predictive tool of composite design and
optimization, theoretical studies using the classical
molecular dynamics (MD) approach have become
popular to investigate the ignition mechanism and
energetic properties of both core–shell nanoparticles
and multilayer nanolaminates (Yang et al. 2012;
Levchenko et al. 2010; Evteev et al. 2009). This
approach is not suitable to perform the global optimi-
zation of stable geometries of nanoparticles, which
usually requires combined simulations by means of
atomistic and density functional theory (DFT) models
(Bochicchio and Ferrando 2013; Laasonen et al.
2013). The MD approach, however, can address larger
nanoparticles. Most such studies on nanothermites
have been focused on the Al–Ni system, while little
research has been done on the Al–Pd system.
Recently, a force field has been reported for studying
the Al–Pd binary system (Nguyen et al. 2011). That
force filed, constructed by employing the EAM
(embedded atom method) potentials developed from
the structural parameters of pure Al and Pd metals and
the Al–Pd binary, was used to study the thermal
stability and energetic reaction of a Pd-coated Al
Table 1 Energetic properties of Al-based thermites and
intermetallic systems (based on Fischer and Grubelich 1998)
Reactants Adiabatic
temperature (K)
Heat of
Al–CuO 5,718 4,976 0.3431
Al–NiO 3,968 4,288 0.0063
Al–Fe2O3 4,382 3,947 0.0784
Al–B2O3 2,621 1,971 0
Al–Ni 2,362 1,710 0
Al–Pt 3,379 2,510 0
Al–Pd 2,725 2,890 0
2486 Page 2 of 12 J Nanopart Res (2014) 16:2486
nanoparticle with a diameter of 5 nm and possessing a
fixed ratio of Al to Pd atoms. In that study, a new two-
stage reaction process was proposed when the thermite
was ignited below 900 K. At the first stage, the solid-
state diffusion of Al atoms occurs within the nano-
particle. At the second stage, when the Al core is
molten, the alloying reaction between the liquid Al
core and the Pd shell happens. Due to the limitation of
computing resources, no effect of the shell thickness
on the ignition and combustion was reported.
In the present study, three different Al–Pd core/
shell nanoparticles, with the varying thicknesses of 5,
6, and 7 A˚, respectively, were numerically investi-
gated. The diameters of these nanoparticles were set to
about 3 nm. The classic MD simulations were per-
formed to produce the histograms of temperature
change and structural evolution of these nanoparticles,
which were analyzed to study the effects of the shell
thickness on their ignition and energetic behaviors.
The objective was to further investigate and charac-
terize the thermal stability and thermite reaction
properties of the Al–Pd metallic nanothermite with
different shell thicknesses, which are extremely
important for exploring their applications.
The determination of the stable geometries of interested
core–shell nanoparticles at given temperatures was the
starting point. In the literature, the main geometrical
motifs for bimetallic AgCu, AgCo, AgNi, and AuCo
clusters were found to be fcc nanocrystals, icosahedra,
decahedra, and polyicosahedra (Bochicchio and Ferr-
ando 2013; Laasonen et al. 2013). And it was found that
centered cores are possible in icosahedral nanoparticles
with small core sizes. For pure palladium clusters,
calculations by Jennison et al. (1997) found that fcc
structures are more favored in the Pd system than in the
Ag system. Experimentally, the thiol-passivated Pd
nanoparticles with the diameters of 1–5 nm exhibited a
variety of structures, ranging from fcc (simple and
twinned), to icosahedral, to decahedral, to amorphous
ones (Jose-Yacaman et al. 2001). The stable geometries
of the Pd clusters are, however, needed to be further
investigated. (Baletto and Ferrando 2005). Due to the
lack of literature data, the initial structures of these Al–
Pd core/shell nanoparticles were built from an Al core
with a radius of 20 A˚ (with 2,243 Al atoms) and a Pd
shell with different thicknesses: 5, 6, and 7 A˚ (with
2,174, 2,774, and 3,238 Pd atoms, respectively). Both
the Al core and the Pd shell were empirically
constructed from their fcc structures when spherical
nanoparticles were configured. Note that the excess
energy was allowed within the initial geometries of
three core–shell nanoparticles and lattice mismatch
between metals was possible. Those initial geometries
were further relaxed in order to remove the excess
energy, as stated later on. These Al–Pd systems were
denoted as AlPd5, AlPd6, and AlPd7, respectively, in
this work. Figure 1 shows the constructed AlPd5
nanoparticle with a fcc structure. Note that this
computational structure does not necessarily represent
the optimized structure of the corresponding nanopar-
ticle at different initial temperatures. It would experi-
ence a molecular restructuring process within a buffer
period at the specified initial temperature. For all three
nanoparticles, the classic MD simulations were per-
formed with three initial temperatures, i.e., 500, 600,
and 700 K, which are close to the reported melting
point of Al nanoparticles (e.g., 620 K for 4.4 nm pure
Al nanoparticles, Song and Wen 2010) and are lower
than 900 K above which the one-stage reaction was
observed (Nguyen et al. 2011).
In detail, the following three-stage procedure was
employed in each temperature (initial) simulation,
from the initial geometries of the AlPd5, AlPd6, and
AlPd7 nanoparticles.
Molecular dynamics relaxation/optimization
Three initial geometries with the different shell
thicknesses (hence the different atomic Al–Pd ratios)
were relaxed, by the applied force field, at 0 K in order
to represent the equilibrated structures of these Al
core/Pd shell nanoparticles at 0 K. The buffering
period was set to 5 ps.
The major purpose of this step is to relax the
empirically constructed Al–Pd core/shell nanoparti-
cles to these equilibrated structures which satisfy the
applied force field. This task was conducted at 0 K and
mainly resulted in changing of lengths of bonds and,
subsequently, the remove of the excess energy within
the nanoparticle. For example, the Pd–Pd length,
which was originally set to 2.751 A˚, was changed to
2.803 A˚ in the core–shell AlPd7 nanoparticle. As
shown in Fig. 2, the relaxed AlPd7 nanoparticle still
shows the fcc structures of the core and the shell.
J Nanopart Res (2014) 16:2486 Page 3 of 12 2486
These slightly adjusted bonding lengths between
atoms do not modify the crystalline structure signif-
icantly. Moreover, since the shell number of the Pd
shell (2–3) is less than the shell number of the Al core
(7–8), the morphological instability is less notable
according to the literature (Bochicchio and Ferrando
2013). Thirdly, because the thickness of the Pd shell is
quite small in comparison with the diameter of the Al
core, the lattice mismatch between two components is
not expected to result in a large strain in the relaxed
geometry and hence will not affect significantly the
thermal behavior of the nanoparticles.
Molecular dynamics heating
The produced nanoparticles from the first stage were
heated up to the specified ignition temperature Tig
(also called the initial temperature) of 500, 600, and
700 K, respectively, over a given period of time tig.
Two different heating periods were tested, i.e., 0.5 and
1 ps, in order to investigate the effects of different
heating powers (of 1,200–2,140 and 614–1,161 eV/ps,
respectively, as shown later in Table 2). Note that in
practical, ignition can occur at the room temperature at
which some external energy source such as a laser and
an electrical arc is utilized to initiate the nanothermite
reaction. This work, however, focused on the thermal
ignition through heating up the nanoparticle. Depen-
dent on the amount of thermal energy added, the
ignition may occur or not. The heating rates investi-
gated here (about a few 100 K/ps) are greater than the
heating rates of a few or hundreds degrees per minute
reported in the regular thermogravimetric analysis
(TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
Fig. 1 The initial structure
of the AlPd5 core/shell
nanoparticle (before
optimization using
Fig. 2 The relaxed structure of the AlPd7 core/shell nanoparticle (after optimization at 0 K)
2486 Page 4 of 12 J Nanopart Res (2014) 16:2486
studies (Dreizin 2009). But they are comparable with
the heating rates applied during pico- and femtosecond
laser heating, which ranged from 0.95 to 1,290 K/ps,
when the kinetic superheating and melting of alumi-
num nanolayers were studied (Hwang and Levitas
2013). In addition, it was reported that, when the
nanothermite is ignited by a detonation front produced
by an ignition primer or an expanding fire ball
generated by a powerful explosive, the heating rates
could reach the order of 106–107 K/s (Dreizin 2009).
The canonical ensemble MD (NVT) calculations were
employed at this stage. For different simulation cases,
both the heating period tig and the initial temperature Tig
determine how much thermal energy was added into the
nanoparticle. Excess thermal energy provided at a given
temperature could result in an energized structure which
subsequently initiates alloying between Al and Pd. As
will be discussed later, at the same initial temperature, the
total energy level of the nanoparticle is controlled by the
duration of the heating process.
Molecular dynamics production
During this stage, depending on whether the ignition
has occurred or not from the heating stage, the phase
change of the molecular structure could be observed
when the particle temperature was increased from Tig.
This process was described by the microcanonical
ensemble MD (NVE) simulation. The three nanopar-
ticles were isolated from the surroundings, and the
total energy levels associated with these nanoparticles
were fixed until the end of the simulation. No periodic
boundary condition was applied at this stage.
For these aforementioned three stages, the MD time
step was set to 1 fs. During the heating period of tig, when
the initial system was heated up from 0 K to the specified
temperature Tig, the thermal energy absorbed by the Al–
Pd nanoparticle was calculated from the change in the
total energy (the sum of kinetic and potential energy) of
the corresponding nanoparticle. Generally speaking, this
heating process would produce energized nanoparticles
at the same temperature Tig, but with the different
potential energy, dependent on the additional thermal
energy absorbed through heating (e.g., the excess energy
added to the nanoparticle over tig = 1 ps, compared with
the energy adsorbed over tig = 0.5 ps).
Results and discussion
Thermal energy added during molecular dynamics
As mentioned earlier, the optimized initial geometries
of the three Al–Pd nanoparticles were heated from 0 K
to the desired temperature Tig over the specified period
of tig. During this process [with the canonical ensem-
ble MD (NVT) simulation], a certain amount of
thermal energy Q was transferred from the surround-
ings to the system, while the nanoparticle structure can
be energized by this energy. The value of Q, in eV, is
calculated as
Q ¼ Etot Tig
Etotð0Þ ð1Þ
where Etot is the total energy of the nanoparticle at the
specified temperature. This total energy includes both
kinetic and potential parts produced from the heating
process. These Q values and the corresponding heating
powers P (in eV/ps) were calculated for the three
nanoparticles with the different shell thickness and
over two heating periods, as shown in Table 2.
Table 2 Thermal energy Q (in eV) and heating power P (in eV/ps) transferred to the Al–Pd core/shell nanoparticle during the
heating process
Tig AlPd5 (ps) AlPd6 (ps) AlPd7 (ps)
0.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 0.5 1.0
500 K Q 601.3 613.8 661.2 690.5 722.1 752.6
P 1,202.6 613.8 1,322.4 690.5 1,444.2 752.6
600 K Q 750.4 778.9 823.5 865.7 890.4 938.4
P 1,500.8 778.9 1,647.0 865.7 1,780.8 938.4
700 K Q 889.9 948.4 993.8 1,069.6 1,070.4 1,161.0
P 1,779.8 948.4 1,987.6 1,069.6 2,140.8 1,161.0
J Nanopart Res (2014) 16:2486 Page 5 of 12 2486
Table 2 clearly shows the larger nanoparticle
absorbed more thermal energy during the heating
process, due to its greater specific heat value. And a
higher Tig resulted in a greater thermal energy transfer.
In addition, when the heating period tig was increased
from 0.5 to 1 ps, these nanoparticles become much
energized due to the excess amount of thermal energy.
Note that for AlPd5, a significant amount of excess
thermal energy was supplied to the nanoparticle at
Tig = 700 K (about 58 eV more) than the energy
supplied at Tig = 500 K (about 13 eV more) when the
heating period changed from 0.5 to 1 ps. A similar
observation was made for the two other nanoparticles.
For AlPd7, the amount of excess thermal energy
supplied to the nanoparticle is about 91 eV at
Tig = 500 K when the heating period increased from
0.5 to 1 ps. Generally speaking, the MD heating
process, through adding different amounts of thermal
energy into these nanoparticles in varying specified
heating periods, can be viewed as a numerical ignition
process during which an external energy was supplied
to nanoparticles in order to overcome the activation
energy of the thermite reaction at Tig. If the initial
temperature Tig is high enough and close to the
ignition temperature of the corresponding nanoparti-
cle, less external energy is required to initiate the
thermite reaction (