Civil society organizations (CSOs) in Vietnam
have been making significant contributions to
climate change adaptation at both local and national levels. CSOs have been applying various
methods in climate vulnerability assessment
(CVA) to develop practical adaptive measures,
with the more commonly used ones being “community-based”, “participatory”, and so on. The
CVA methods that most CSOs have applied to
climate change studies and projects in more than
30 provinces and cities include: HVCA, PVCA,
CVCA and VA-EBA. The process and effectiveness of each method is different, depending on
the technical capacity and support resources.
Overall, the CVA results obtained are not only
an important input for various adaptation programs, projects and models in localities but also
a major contribution of non-governmental organizations to the National Adaptation Plan.
This paper aims to provide evidence of climate
vulnerability assessment for adaptation projects
that have been implemented by CSO in the last
10 years as well as feedback of vulnerable communities and policy recommendations.
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Vietnam Journal of Hydrometeorology, ISSN 2525-2208, 2019 (03): 28-38
Hoang Thi Ngoc Ha1, Nghiem Thi Phuong Tuyen2, Bui Thi Kim Oanh3
Civil society organizations (CSOs) in Vietnam
have been making significant contributions to
climate change adaptation at both local and na-
tional levels. CSOs have been applying various
methods in climate vulnerability assessment
(CVA) to develop practical adaptive measures,
with the more commonly used ones being “com-
munity-based”, “participatory”, and so on. The
CVA methods that most CSOs have applied to
climate change studies and projects in more than
30 provinces and cities include: HVCA, PVCA,
CVCA and VA-EBA. The process and effective-
ness of each method is different, depending on
the technical capacity and support resources.
Overall, the CVA results obtained are not only
an important input for various adaptation pro-
grams, projects and models in localities but also
a major contribution of non-governmental or-
ganizations to the National Adaptation Plan.
This paper aims to provide evidence of climate
vulnerability assessment for adaptation projects
that have been implemented by CSO in the last
10 years as well as feedback of vulnerable com-
munities and policy recommendations.
Keywords: Civil society organizations
(CSOs), Climate vulnerability assessment (CVA),
Climate change, National Adaptation Plan
1. Introduction
Climate change is becoming more intense
globally, causing ever greater damage to the en-
vironment, and the natural resources and the so-
cioeconomic aspects of human communities. In
October 2018, as nominated by the Intergovern-
mental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Viet-
nam was selected to be the very first nation to
present the Special Report on Global Warming
of 1,5º. The “Paris Agreement on Climate
Change” in 2015 also showed the countries' de-
termination to limit the increase of Earth's tem-
perature to less than 2oC, or even to less than
1.5oC by the end of the century (compared to
pre-industrial period) (TTCP, 2016). The Gov-
ernment and people of Vietnam have made great
efforts in dealing with climate change, reflected
in local policies and actions. Revisions and
amendments of the Nationally Determined Con-
tributions (NDC) and the National Adaptation
Plan (NAP) are also underway. Priority and long-
term adaptation measures will be identified by
NAP to increase national resilience to climate
change impacts. This is an important tool that
contributes to reducing Climate Change Vulner-
ability, building community and ecosystem
adaptive capacity (UNFCCC, 2015). The
development of NAP requires the involvement
Research Paper
Received: October 08, 2019 Accepted: November 12, 2019
Publish on: December 25, 2019
Corresponding author: hahoang.ecode@gmail.com
1Center for Eco-Community Development (ECODE), Vietnam
2VNU-Central Institute for Natural Resources and Environmental Studies (CRES)
3Center for Eco-Community Development (ECODE), Vietnam
Accepted: November 12, 2019
of regulatory agencies, scientists, communities
and social organizations. The process of adap-
tive with climate change in general and the de-
velopment of NAP in particular has recognized
the contributions of social and non-governmen-
tal organizations in Vietnam. CSOs have devel-
oped hundreds of initiatives and activities in
order to respond to climate change and to reduce
disaster risks across different fields and locali-
ties with a greater focus on vulnerable groups.
By implementing proactive, innovative and
transparent operations, CSOs have achieved tan-
gible results in enhancing the awareness of adap-
tation and resilience capacity of communities
and stakeholders. Outstanding among them is the
Climate Vulnerability Assessment (CVA) ap-
proach adopted with the engagement of vulner-
able communities. There is a need for CVA
implementation to identify objects, sectors, and
areas susceptible to climate change impacts in
the present and future and assess their vulnera-
bility status and level so that effective adaptation
measures can be defined and adopted in order to
enhance resilience and foster sustainable devel-
opment (Füssel and Klein, 2006).
2. Methodology
The research was conducted on the basis of
reviewing and evaluating the results of the im-
plementation of studies and projects of more
than 20 representative CSOs in Vietnam, who
have conducted climate vulnerability assessment
at community level over the past 20 years. The
Center for Eco-community Development
(ECODE) conducted this research with the tech-
nical and financial support of the Friedrich-
Ebert-Stiftung (FES), Germany and Climate
Change Working Group in Vietnam (CCWG).
This research adopts the users’ perception of
satisfaction approach. The authors examine the
perceptions and feedback of CSOs that imple-
mented CVAs in their programs and projects in
more than 30 provinces in 7 priority sectors of
NAP. The main used methodologies are second-
ary research, focus group discussions, interviews
with information providers/major stakeholders,
baseline survey and consult expert. Question-
naires with pre-defined questions were sent to
sample CSOs to fill out and in-depth interviews
were conducted with staff of CC related-govern-
ment offices and representatives of lead CSOs in
the CC sector. The purpose is to clarify the
awareness and capacity of CSOs as well as the
results of their CVA implementation. The re-
search also aimed to draw lesson learn from
stakeholders who have been contributing to the
suitability, feasibility and effectiveness of the
CVA methodology that CSOs have applied. By
engaging various stakeholders, the research was
able to capture voices and feedback from vul-
nerable communities.
The research has three main objectives: (1)
conduct a baseline survey of CVA methods and
results that CCWG members have conducted in
priority sectors of Vietnam's NAP process; (2)
Analyze and identify the most common and ap-
propriate CVA methods with insights from CSO
perspectives; (3) Identify adaptation measures
and models from grassroots CSO projects that
need to be considered by government agencies
as they develop specific implementation plans
on adaptation options in the this priority sectors.
3. Results
A review of CSO action plans, programs and
projects shows that CSOs in Vietnam have con-
ducted CVAs to meet specific objectives: i) De-
fine and describe local climate hazards and their
impacts and potential impacts; ii) Identify ob-
jects, areas, services and functions that are most
vulnerable to current climate hazards and sub-
ject to high risks in the future due to climate
change; iii) Identify direct impacts of climate
Hoang Thi Ngoc Ha et al./Vietnam Journal of Hydrometeorology, 2019 (03): 28-38
Integration of climate vulnerability assessment of civil society organizations into
national adaptation plan (NAP) in Vietnam
change on the most vulnerable groups of people,
infrastructure and areas; understand how indi-
rectly impacts affect others; iv) Assess people’s
capacities and needs for adaptation; Assess the
way services and ecosystem functions can re-
spond to on-going pressure; and v) Provide in-
formation, develop appropriate intervention
models, and enhance adaptive capacity for lo-
calities and people. CSOs emphasize that the
core and most important factor of CVAs is that
CVA results and the process of CVA implemen-
tation must be connected to development of
adaptation models to mitigate vulnerability. CVA
results enable CSOs to define “gaps” and design
adaptation models and activities which can “fill
the gaps”.
Most common CVA methods implemented
by CSOs in Vietnam
CSOs’ initiatives and solutions to support
community adaptation were implemented in
many provinces and have achieved positive re-
sults. Many adaptation models have been created
based on the results of Climate Vulnerability As-
sessments (CVAs). CVA results not only facili-
tate the development of adaptation strategies,
plans, and measures at provincial level but also
make great contributions to macro and long-term
adaptation policies.
The integration of CSO’s CVA approach and
results into the NAP helps to clarify the CSOs’
roles and contribution (in concurrence with gov-
ernment activities) and institutionalize their rec-
ommendations in national adaptation policies.
Assessment results show that poor and disad-
vantaged people are most susceptible to impacts
of climate change. Climate vulnerability assess-
ments are of great importance in identifying vul-
nerable subjects, areas, and sectors and in
finding appropriate adaptation strategies and
measures to reduce risks and leverage develop-
ment opportunities.
Two major approaches of CVA implementa-
tion observed in Vietnam are: 1) the top-down
approach that mainly done by government agen-
cies and research institutions; and 2) the bottom-
up community-based approach. This approach is
participatory, providing community’s perspec-
tive and allowing space for practical vulnerabil-
ity information and feedback. The CVA methods
described below are the most common adopted
by CSOs in many of their programs and projects.
• HVCA - Hazard Vulnerability Capacity As-
Nearly 71% of the surveyed CSOs claimed
that they have used this approach. HVCA is a
prevailing CVA method whose development and
adoption are pioneered by the Vietnam Red
Cross from the late 1990s, assessing the hazards
of natural disasters and climates so as to offer so-
lutions to minimize risks and ensure safety for
the community. HVCA puts emphasis on five as-
pects: (1) Livelihoods, (2) Basic living stan-
dards, (3) Self-protection, (4) Social protection,
and (5) Civil society organizations (Le, 2017).
HVCA’s major components are designed to iden-
tify exposure levels, locations, vulnerable
groups, and adaptive capacity of vulnerable
groups. Measures following the implementation
of HVCA tend to be developing plans for com-
munity safety enhancement and risk reduction,
such as establishing early warning systems and
building shelters. Therefore, HVCA is suitable
for projects that focus on community safety.
Qualitative and less-mentioned long-term cli-
mate risks are the drawbacks of this approach.
• PVCA- Participatory Vulnerability Capac-
ity Assessment
64% of the interviewed CSOs used this
method. PVCA is a combination of tools to help
communities develop and implement plans to en-
hance resilience to climate change. This method
is based on the participation of community mem-
bers to identify and classify climate hazards as
well as to analyze resources (capacities) and
local availability opportunities in order to reduce
risks. PVCA is more about disaster risk reduc-
tion and emphasizes the participation of vulner-
able groups (the poor, children and people with
disabilities). PVCA is very useful for poverty re-
duction and gender equality related programs.
Hoang Thi Ngoc Ha et al./Vietnam Journal of Hydrometeorology, 2019 (03): 28-38
• CVCA - Climate Vulnerability Capacity
35% of CSOs and experts have used CVCA
for the last 6 - 8 years, mainly for natural re-
source-related sectors, such as agriculture, water,
mangrove forests, and so on. The key compo-
nents of CVCAs are exposures, sensitivity, po-
tential impacts, and adaptive capacity. CVCA
enables identification of practical solutions or
strategies, boosting community-based adaptation
measures. As an open tool, its results depend on
community discussions to setpriorities before de-
veloping adaptation plans, models, and solutions.
CARE is a lead organization in CVCA applica-
tion in Vietnam. CARE joined in a mission with
UNDP-GCF Project to combine PVA and CVCA
into a less sophisticated method which can be ap-
plied across NAP special sectors. GCF is now
extending the application of this method.
• VA-EbA - Vulnerability Assessment-
Ecosystem-based Adaptation/EbA
This approach has been strongly recom-
mended in Water, Land, Biodiversity and Trans-
potation sectors, which are significantly affected
by the quality of the ecosystem. It is an evolu-
tion from the Ecosystem-based Adaptation
(EbA) approach proposed by the UN’s Conven-
tion on Biological Diversity (1992). Currently,
many researchers in Vietnamare extending the
application of this approach to their research.
EbA proves to be helpful in the pursuit of a fair
balance between the protection and the rational
use of biodiversity, enabling vulnerability miti-
gation, resilience to climate change, and sus-
tainable development (Hoang and Truong,
2016). VA-EbA provides detailed assessments of
factors contributing to vulnerability, boasts a har-
monious combination of quantitative and quali-
tative methods; prudently examines potential
natural risks (ecosystems), conducts assessments
at both the provincial and locallevel, and pro-
motes involvement and coordination of provin-
cial specialized officials and local people.
VA-EbA-based adaptation measures will meet
three objectives (socio-economy, environment,
and biodiversity preservation) and highly accu-
rate (Doswald et al., 2011). However, VA-EbA
requires years of meteorological, climate and
natural disaster data as well as relatively sophis-
ticated vulnerability treatments and mapping
techniques, which are mostly appropriate for the
assessments bya key technical expert. This is a
difficulty for the expansion and transfer of CVA
at the local level.
In addition, CSOs and other agencies also use
different methods depending on their objectives,
targets and evaluation scale, such as: Urban Vul-
nerability Index (UVI), Livelihood Vulnerability
Index (LVI), Social Vulnerability Index (SVI),
Ecological Risk Assessment (ERA), Simulation
methods, IPCC climate impacts assessment
framework, Flowing Forward, Oxfam’s Vulnera-
bility and Risk Assessment (VRA) and CVA of
agriculture value chains. The most popular tools
used in Participatory Rapid Appraisal (PRA) by
CSOs in CVA are: Seasonal calendars and disas-
ter brief history, Community risk maps (hazard
maps), Problem tree, Transect survey and analy-
sis, Venn diagram and Group discussion.
According to the findings of the research:
CSOs implemented disaster risk and climate
change-related programs and projects; supported
communities in livelihoods development with the
application of CVA; and each organization ap-
plied several tools. The Center for Rural Devel-
opment in Central Vietnam (CRD) and WWF
Vietnam used a variety of methods. CSOs that
mainly working on climate change and disaster
risk reduction in Vietnam, like CARE, Oxfarm,
World Vision, Plan, SNV, SRD and MCD, tend
Fig. 1. CVA methods
Integration of climate vulnerability assessment of civil society organizations into
national adaptation plan (NAP) in Vietnam
to apply HVCA and PVCA. Meanwhile, WWF
and GIZ are pioneers in the application of VA-
EbA with an attention the vulnerability of ecosys-
tems in relation to livelihoods. It should be noted
that components of the method(s) should be ap-
propriate adjusted according toobjectives, condi-
tions, and contexts.
• Sources of information and data
Information and data for CVA mainly come
from secondary (available) sources as well as-
primary ones (surveys, questionnaires, synthe-
sis, analysis, calculations). Depending on CSO’s
operational areas, the most popular locations for
CVA application are in the regions where are
vulnerable to climate change and natural disas-
ters. These localities were identified through sci-
entific and practical evidences because they are
very sensitive to climate change factors. They
are vulnerable and suffered many risks, as well
as losses in life and production; Climate change
and sea level rise scenarios (2009, 2012 and
2016) have predicted high risks in the next 100
years for these areas .
• Participants in CVAs and gender equality
Among CSO’s strengths and priorities in CVA
is the attraction of many stakeholders to take part
in the implementation and support process. Most
CVAs are implemented at the grassroots level and
some at the commune, district, and provincial
levels. Whilst HVCA is widely applied at the
community (village, hamlet) and commune level,
PVCA is more popular at the commune and dis-
trict level. CVCA, meanwhile, is adopted in a
more balanced manner at all levels. Although
several organizations (including World Vision,
WWF and others) managed to get district offi-
cials involved. Their participations are mainly re-
lated to monitoring and facilitating working
process with people at the commune and hamlet
level. CVCA implementation mainly lies in the
hands of consutants, project officers, commune
officers who provided information and feedback.
Local social organizations act as important part-
ners, as main force working with CSOs and as
collaborators during CVA implementation. They
are Vietnam Red Cross Society, Women’s Union,
Farmers’ Union, and Youth Union. Schools are
an object for climate risk assessments, so students
and teachers also take part in CVAs and are in-
structed to create plans for safe learning environ-
ment themselves. CSOs like Plan, World Vision,
and Live and Learn have excelled in their CVA
activities applied for schools.
• Ensuring gender equality
The following aspects are mainly considered:
who are most vulnerable to climate change;
Men’s and Women’s participation in CVA imple-
mentation; and each gender’svoice and feedback
in decision making or adaptation planning. Vul-
nerable groups: Women in many rural areas in
Vietnam are most affected by climate change im-
pacts, including natural disasters. They have lim-
ited disaster response skills. This is more
common among women aged above forty-five.
Consequently, following CVAs, many CSOs sup-
ported women in focusing on knowledge en-
hancement and livelihood development. Men’s
and Women’s participation in CVA implementa-
tion: Over 90% of surveyed CSOs said that both
men and women were encouraged to take part in
CVAs at the district and commune level.How-
ever, there is a clear distinction in the proportion
of men and women participating in CVAs at dif-
ferent levels: At district and provincial level:
Men’s participation in CVAs accounts for an ap-
proximate 80%, they are mainly support project
officers. They make connections to localities,
monitor the implementation process, and take
part in interviews; Opposite, Women’s participa-
tion is greater at the grassroots (commune, ham-
let) level. They are ordinary people and female
officiers who work in social organizationssuch
as: Women’s Union, Farmers’ Union, Youth
Union,... (Fig. 2). As a result, insome occasions,
adaptation plans implemented by local authori-
ties are not totally suitable to meet the demands
and resources of vulnerable groups. The expec-
tation of CSOs is that women in districts and
provinces will have a greater and deeper partici-
Hoang Thi Ngoc Ha et al./Vietnam Journal of Hydrometeorology, 2019 (03): 28-38
pation in CVA-related training courses, adapta-
tion recommendations and plans, as well as in the
supervision and assessment of the adaptation im-
plementation process.
• Relevance to local context
Self-assessment results show that the rele-
vance of each method related to the local con-
text at three levels (Irrelevant, Relevant and
Highly Relevant) is rated mainl