On the w2,2-Regularity of incompressible fluids with shear and pressure dependent viscosity in the case of flat boundary

Abstract. We study the higher differentiability of stationary solutions up to the flat boundary for a class of systems of fluid mechanics modelling flows of incompressible fluids with shear and pressure dependent viscosity in 2D or 3D. We consider systems which are a kind of generalized Navier-Stokes system where stress tensor T has linear growth in symmetric velocity gradient and dependence of viscosity on the pressure is small with respect to an ellipticity constant.

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JOURNAL OF SCIENCE OF HNUE 2011, Vol. 56, N◦. 1, pp. 3-10 ON THE W 2,2-REGULARITY OF INCOMPRESSIBLE FLUIDS WITH SHEAR AND PRESSURE DEPENDENT VISCOSITY IN THE CASE OF FLAT BOUNDARY Nguyen Duc Huy Hanoi National University of Education E-mail: ndhuyuk@gmail.com Abstract. We study the higher differentiability of stationary solutions up to the flat boundary for a class of systems of fluid mechanics modelling flows of incompressible fluids with shear and pressure dependent viscosity in 2D or 3D. We consider systems which are a kind of generalized Navier-Stokes system where stress tensor T has linear growth in symmetric velocity gradient and dependence of viscosity on the pressure is small with respect to an ellipticity constant. Keywords: incompressible fluid, elliptic system, regularity up to the boundary 1. Introduction Let Ω ⊂ Rd, (d = 2, 3), be a bounded domain with boundary ∂Ω. We study a following problem: For given f = (f1, · · · , fd) : Ω −→ Rd and stress tensor T (Dv, p) : Rd×d × R −→ Rd×d we look for v = (v1, · · · , vd) : Ω −→ Rd and p : Ω −→ R solving d∑ k=1 vk ∂v ∂xk − div T (p,Dv) +∇p = f in Ω, div v = 0 in Ω, (1.1) v = 0 on ∂Ω, where Dv denotes the symmetric part of the velocity gradient ∇v: Dv = 1 2 (∇v +∇Tv) with Dijv = 1 2 ( ∂vi ∂xj + ∂vj ∂xi ). We assume throughout this section that T (p,Dv) = ν(p, |D|2) Dv, (1.2) 3 Nguyen Duc Huy where a generalized viscosity ν is supposed to be continuously differentiable function of both variables. Moreover, there exist positive constants λ0, λ1 and ν0 such that for arbitrary symmetric d× d- matrices ξ, D and any p ∈ R the following estimates hold λ0|ξ|2 ≤ ∂T ∂D (p,D)ξ : ξ ≤ λ1|ξ|2,∣∣∣∣∂ν∂p (p, |D|)D ∣∣∣∣ ≤ ν0. (1.3) The existence of solutions to problem (1.1) is proved in [2] under assumptions on growth conditions of T . For the regularity problems, the smoothness of u and p is a more delicate problem. As we deal with a system of nonlinear elliptic PDEs we can not expect full regularity in space dimensions d ≥ 3. The local regularity of solutions for problem (1.1) studied in [3]. In this paper we study the higher differentiability of these solutions up to the boundary. For simplicity, we consider problem (1.1) only m = 2 and Ω = B+1 (0) := B1(0) ∩ {x ∈ Rd; xd > 0} and ν0 small enough. We obtain the result about derivatives up to order 2 of solutions of problem (1.1). 2. Preliminaries We begin with some definitions and notations. Let Ω be a domain in Rd (d ≥ 2), x = (x1, · · · , xd) ∈ Rd, f ∈W 2,2(Ω), v = (v1, · · · , vd) ∈W 1,2(Ω)d, ∇f := ( ∂f ∂xj )dj=1, ∇2f := ( ∂2f ∂xj∂xl )dj,l=1, Dv := 1 2 (∇v +∇Tv) x = (x′, xd), x ′ = (x1, · · · , xd−1), u = (u′, ud), u′ = (u1, · · · , ud−1), ∇f = (∇′f, ∂f ∂xd ), ∇′ = ( ∂f ∂x1 , · · · , ∂f ∂xd−1 ), ∂v ∂xj := ( ∂v1 ∂xj · · · , ∂vd ∂xj ). Br(x0) := { x ∈ Rd; |x− x0| < r } , B+r (x0) := Br(x0) ∩ {x ∈ Rd; xd > 0}, B∗r (x0) := Br(x0) ∩ {x ∈ Rd; xd ≥ 0}, x0 ∈ Rd, r > 0. Let ξ be d× d matrix and A be d2 × d2 matrix. Denote |x| := ( d∑ i=1 |xi|2) 12 , |ξ| := ( m∑ i,j=1 |ξij|2) 12 ;Aξ : ξ := d∑ k,l,i,j=1 Aklijξklξij Now we recall the results on solvability of equations div v = g, ∇p = f. Lemma 2.1. ( See [6, Ch. 2, Lemma 2.1.1, 2.2.2.]) Let Ω be a bounded Lipschitz domain in Rd, let Ω0 be a nonempty subdomain of Ω and let 1 < q < ∞, q′ = qq−1 . 4 On the W 2,2-regularity of incompressible fluids with shear and... Then it holds: a)There is a constant C = C(q,Ω) > 0 such that for each g ∈ Lq(Ω) with ∫ Ω g dx = 0 there exists at least one v ∈W 1,q0 (Ω)d satisfying div v = g in Ω, ‖∇v‖q ≤ C‖g‖q. (2.1) b)There is a constant C = C(q,Ω,Ω0) > 0 such that for each f ∈ W−1,q(Ω)d sat- isfying condition [f, v] = 0 for all v ∈ W 1,q′0,div(Ω) there exists a unique p ∈ Lq(Ω) satisfying ∇p = f in Ω, ∫ Ω0 p dx = 0 and ‖p‖q ≤ C‖f‖−1,q. (2.2) Remark. It is easy to see that C does not depend on translations and rotations of the couple Ω,Ω0. By scaling argument we deduce that for Ω = Ω0 = BR(x0) or Ω = Ω0 = B + R(x0)(x0 ∈ Γ∞) the constant C does not depend on R. In this case we denote Cdiv as the infimum of the constants C from the inequality (2.1). In connection with estimates of full gradient and symmetric gradient we will use Korn's inequality Lemma 2.2. (Korn's inequality, See [5, Ch. 6, Theorem 3.1.]) Let Ω be a bounded Lipschitz domain in Rd. Then for every u ∈ W 1,20 (Ω) it holds ‖∇u‖2;Ω ≤ √ 2‖Du‖2;Ω. (2.3) Due to the relation ∂2ui ∂uj∂uk = ∂Diku ∂xj + ∂Diju ∂xk − ∂Djku ∂xi we have the lemma: Lemma 2.3. Let u ∈W 2,q(Ω), then it holds ‖∇2u‖q ≤ 3‖D(∇u)‖q. (2.4) We conclude this part by providing a simple result from the linear algebra about a positive definite matrix. Lemma 2.4. Let M be d× d matrix : Ω→ Rd ×Rd, M ∈ L∞(Ω). If M is positive definite i.e. there exists a constant λ > 0 such that d∑ i,j=1 Mijxixj ≥ λ|x|2 in Ω for all x ∈ Rd, (2.5) then M is regular and the inequality |det M| ≥ C (2.6) holds with a constant C = C(λ, d) > 0. 5 Nguyen Duc Huy 3. Higher differentiability of solutions The higher differentiability of solutions to the system (1.1) in the interior is studied in [3] for T having subquadratic growth m. In [3] under the suitable conditions the authors show that v ∈ W 2,2loc (Ω)d, p ∈ W 1,2loc (Ω). By a similar way we get the following result: Theorem 3.1. (Interior estimates) Let the assumption (1.2), (1.3) be satisfied, ν0 < λ0 (λ0+Cdiv,Ωλ1)Cdiv,Ω and f ∈ L2(Ω)d. Let (v, p) ∈W 1,20 (Ω)d×L2(Ω) be a weak solu- tion to problem (1.1). Then v ∈W 2,2loc (Ω), p ∈ W 1,2loc (Ω). Moreover, for any subdomain Ω′ ⊂⊂ Ω the inequality ‖∇2v‖2;Ω′ + ‖∇p‖2;Ω′ ≤ C (3.1) holds with a positive constant C which depends on ‖v‖2, ‖p‖2, ‖f‖2 and dist (Ω′,Ω). In this section, we prove higher differentiability of solution up to the boundary. Suppose that Ω = B+1 (0). Then we have the following theorem Theorem 3.2. Let the assumption (1.2), (1.3) be satisfied, ν0 < min ( λ0 (λ0+Cdivλ1)Cdiv , λ0 λ0+3(d−1)(λ1−λ0) ) with (Cdiv defined in Remark after Lemma 2.1), f ∈ L2(B+1 (0))d. Let (v, p) ∈ W 1,20 (B+1 (0))d × L2(B+1 (0)) be a weak solution to problem (1.1) and supp v, supp p ⊂ B∗1(0). Then v ∈ W 2,2(B+1 (0)), p ∈ W 1,2(B+1 (0)). Moreover, we have an estimate ‖∇2v‖2;B+ 1 (0) + ‖∇p‖2;B+ 1 (0) ≤ C (3.2) with a positive constant C which depends on ‖v‖2, ‖p‖2, and ‖f‖2. Proof. By the same procedure as in the proof of higher differentiability of solution to (1.1) in the interior of domain Ω (see Theorem 5.1 in [3]) we get D ∂v ∂xs ∈ L2(B+1 (0))d 2 , ∂p ∂xs ∈ L2(B+1 (0)) for all s = 1, · · · , d− 1, and we have estimate ‖D∇′v‖2 + ‖∇′p‖2 ≤ C (3.3) with a constant C = C(‖v‖2, ‖p‖2, ‖f‖2) > 0. From the assumption supp v ⊂ B∗1(0), v = 0 on Γ, it follows that ∂v∂xs ∈W 1,2 0 (B + 1 (0)) d for all s = 1, · · · , d − 1. We have from Korn's inequality that ∇ ∂v ∂xs ∈ L2(B+1 (0))d2 for all s = 1, · · · , d− 1 . Since div v = 0, ∇ ∂v ∂xs ∈ L2(B+1 (0))d2 for all s = 1, · · · , d− 1, we get ∂2vd ∂2xd ∈ L2(B+1 (0)). (3.4) Therefore, it is sufficient to prove that ∂Didv ∂xd ∈ L2(B+1 (0)), i = 1, · · · , d − 1 and ∂p ∂xd ∈ L2(B+1 (0)). 6 On the W 2,2-regularity of incompressible fluids with shear and... Next, Theorem 3.1 guarantees the existence of second derivatives of v and first derivatives of p which are locally square integrable on B+1 (0). Thus a.e. on B + 1 (0) it holds d∑ k=1 vk ∂vi ∂xk − d−1∑ j=1 ∂Tij(p,Dv) ∂D ∂Dv ∂xj − d−1∑ j=1 ∂Tij(p,Dv) ∂p ∂p ∂xj − ∂Tid(p,Dv) ∂xd +∇p = f , i = 1, · · · , d (3.5) or −∂Tid(p,Dv) ∂D ∂Dv ∂xd − ∂Tid(p,Dv) ∂p ∂p ∂xd + d∑ k=1 vk ∂vi ∂xk − d−1∑ j=1 ∂Tij(p,Dv) ∂D ∂Dv ∂xj − d−1∑ j=1 ∂Tij(p,Dv) ∂p ∂p ∂xj +∇p = f , i = 1, · · · , d. (3.6) Hence d−1∑ k=1 2 ∂Tid(p,Dv) ∂Dkd ∂Dkdv ∂xd +( ∂Tid(p,Dv) ∂p −δid) ∂p ∂xd = d∑ k=1 vk ∂vi ∂xk +Fi , i = 1, · · · , d, (3.7) where Fi are given by Fi := − d−1∑ k,l=1 2 ∂Tid(p,Dv) ∂Dkl ∂Dklv ∂xd − ∂Tid(p,Dv) ∂Ddd ∂Dddv ∂xd − d−1∑ j=1 ∂Tij(p,Dv) ∂D ∂Dv ∂xj − d−1∑ j=1 ∂Tij(p,Dv) ∂p ∂p ∂xj + (1− δid) ∂p ∂xi − fi , i = 1, · · · , d. (3.8) It is easy to see that (3.3) and (3.4) implies Fi ∈ L2(B+1 (0)); i = 1, · · · , d. (3.9) Now, we consider the system (3.7) at first as a linear system in the unknowns ∂Dkdv ∂xd , k = 1, · · · , d− 1, ∂p ∂xd . Denote (Rik) d i,k=1 the matrix of system (3.7) i.e. Rik = 2 ∂Tid(p,Dv) ∂Dkd if k < d, i < d; Rid = ∂Tid(p,Dv) ∂p if k = d, i < d; Rdd = ∂Tdd(p,Dv) ∂p − 1. 7 Nguyen Duc Huy Multiply dth row of R by (1 − ∂Tdd(p,Dv) ∂p )−1 ∂Tid(p,Dv) ∂p and then subtract it from ith row (i = 1, · · · , d − 1). We obtain a new matrix whose determinant det (R) = (∂Tdd(p,Dv) ∂p − 1)2d−1det S where S is a (d− 1)× (d− 1) matrix given by Sik = ∂Tid(p,Dv) ∂Dkd + (1− ∂Tdd(p,Dv) ∂p )−1 ∂Tid(p,Dv) ∂p ∂Tdd(p,Dv) ∂Dkd . Moreover, we have d−1∑ k=1 Sik ∂Dkdv ∂xd = d∑ k=1 vk ∂vi ∂xk + Fi + [ d∑ k=1 vk ∂vd ∂xk + Fd] [1− ∂Tdd(p,Dv) ∂p ]−1 ∂Tid(p,Dv) ∂p =: Hi, i = 1, · · · , d− 1. (3.10) Next, we show that S is positive definite matrix. In fact, we have from (1.3) d−1∑ i,k=1 Sikζiζk = d−1∑ i,k=1 ∂Tid(p,Dv) ∂Dkd ζiζk + d−1∑ i,k=1 [(1− ∂Tdd(p,Dv) ∂p )−1 ∂Tid(p,Dv) ∂p ∂Tdd(p,Dv) ∂Dkd ]ζiζk ≥ λ0 4 |ζ |2 − d−1∑ i,k=1 ν0 1− ν0 | ∂Tdd(p,Dv) ∂Dkd ||ζi||ζk| for all ζ ∈ Rd−1. On the other hand, for every k ∈ {1, · · · , d − 1} by choosing ξdd = ξkd = ξdk = 1, ξij = 0 if (i, j) 6= (d, d), (d, k) and (k, d) the inequality (1.3) shows that 3λ1 ≥ 4∂Tkd(p,Dv) ∂Dkd + 4 ∂Tdd(p,Dv) ∂Dkd + ∂Tdd(p,Dv) ∂Ddd ≥ 3λ0. We also have λ1 ≥ ∂Tdd(p,Dv) ∂Ddd ≥ λ0; 2λ1 ≥ 4∂Tkd(p,Dv) ∂Dkd ≥ 2λ0. Hence |∂Tdd(p,Dv) ∂Dkd | ≤ 3 4 (λ1 − λ0). Therefore, we obtain an inequality d−1∑ i,k=1 Sikζiζk ≥ [ λ0 4 − 3 4 (d− 1) ν0 1− ν0 (λ1 − λ0) ] |ζ |2 = λ|ζ |2 for all ζ ∈ Rd−1. (3.11) 8 On the W 2,2-regularity of incompressible fluids with shear and... Thanks to ν0 < λ0 λ0+3(d−1)(λ1−λ0) we get λ > 0. From this we conclude that matrix S is positive definite. Thus there exists a positive constant C such that det (N) ≥ C (thanks to Lemma 2.4). Therefore det(R) ≥ 2d−1C (3.12) and system (3.7) can be solved for the unknowns ∂Dkdv ∂xd , k = 1, · · · , d− 1, ∂p ∂xd , for almost all x ∈ B+1 (0). Sobolev embedding theorem shows that L6(B+1 (0)) d ⊂W 1,20 (B+1 (0))d. Using Young's inequality we get∫ B+ 1 (0) (v.∇v) 32 ≤ 1 4 ∫ B+ 1 (0) |v|6 dx+ 3 4 ∫ B+ 1 (0) |∇v|2 dx ≤ C. It implies v.∇v ∈ L 32 (B+1 (0))d. From this, (3.12) and the calculation of ∂Dkdv∂xd , k = 1, · · · , d− 1, ∂p ∂xd from (3.6) where Fi ∈ L2(B+1 (0)), i = 1, · · · , d; v.∇v ∈ L 32 (B+1 (0)), we deduce that ∂Dkdv ∂xd ∈ L 32 (B+1 (0)), k = 1, · · · , d− 1, ∂p ∂xd ∈ L 32 (B+1 (0)). It implies v ∈W 2, 3 2 0 (B + 1 (0)) d . (i) d = 2 Sobolev embedding theorem implies that ∇2v ∈ L 32 (B+1 (0)), then ∇v ∈ L6(B+1 (0)). Hence v ∈ L∞(B+1 (0)) and v.∇v ∈ L2(B+1 (0))d. (ii) d = 3 Sobolev embedding theorem implies that∇v ∈ L3(B+1 (0)) , v ∈ L6(B+1 (0)). Using Young's inequality we get∫ B+ 1 (0) (v.∇v)2 ≤ 1 3 ∫ B+ 1 (0) |v|6 dx+ 2 3 ∫ B+ 1 (0) |∇v|3 dx ≤ C. It implies v.∇v ∈ L2(B+1 (0))d and Hi ∈ L2(B+1 (0)) for all i = 1, · · · , d− 1. By a similar way, we obtain ∂Dkdv ∂xd ∈ L2(B+1 (0)), k = 1, · · · , d− 1 , ∂p ∂xd ∈ L2(B+1 (0)). (3.13) Next, we estimate for ∂Dkdv ∂xd , k = 1, · · · , d− 1, ∂p ∂xd . By setting ζk = ∂Didv ∂xd , k = 1, · · · , d− 1; , we get from (3.10) d−1∑ k=1 Sikζk = Hi, i = 1, · · · , d− 1. (3.14) Thus d−1∑ i,k=1 Sikζkζi = d−1∑ i=1 Hiζi. (3.15) 9 Nguyen Duc Huy Consequently, λ|ζ |2 ≤ |H||ζ | or λ d−1∑ k=1 |∂Dkdv ∂xd | ≤ |H| a.e. in B+1 (0). Hence d−1∑ k=1 ‖∂Dkdv ∂xd ‖2,B+ 1 (0) ≤ C(‖v‖2, ‖p‖2, ‖f‖2). Now the dth equation of system (3.7) implies ‖ ∂p ∂xd ‖2,B+ 1 (0) ≤ C(‖v‖2, ‖p‖2, ‖f‖2), and we obtain the inequality (3.2). Theorem is proved. REFERENCES [1] H. Beir¢o da Veiga, 2005. On the regularity of flows with Ladyzhenskaya shear dependent viscosity and slip or non-slip boundary conditions. Com. Pure Appl. Math. 58, No. 4, pp. 552-577. [2] M. Franta, J. M¡lek, K. R. Rajagopal, 2005. On steady flows of fluids with pressure- and shear-dependent viscosities. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. Ser. A Math. Phys. Eng. Sci. 461, No. 2055, pp. 651-670. [3] J. M¡lek, G. Mingione, J. Star¡, Fluids with pressure dependent viscosity: partial regularity of steady flows. to appear. [4] J. M¡lek, J. Necas, K. R. Rajagopal, 2002. 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