Mục tiêu:
Sau phần này, học viên có thể
o Xác định tầm quan trọng/ vai trò của đề cương
o Liệt kê những nội dung cần phải có trong một đề cương
o Thiết kế đề cương môn học
o Đánh giá một đề cương môn học
Đánh giá:
o Thảo luận
o Bài tập
Tài liệu tham khảo:
o Preparing a course: course design
o Preparing a course: building a syllabus
o Example course syllabus-guide for course outlines in the Faculty of Science
o Syllabus components - What you might include in your syllabi
o Write the syllabus
o Evaluation Rubric for Peer Review of Course syllabi
o Fink’s Five Principles of Good Course Design
o Syllabus rubric
o Rubric to Evaluate Syllabus
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Thiết kế đề cương môn học
Phương pháp giảng dạy
đại học theo học chế tín chỉ
Phần 5
Copyright © 2009 Trung tâm nghiên cứu cải tiến
phương pháp dạy và học đại học – ĐH KHTN TP HCM
Phương pháp giảng dạy đại học theo học chế tín chỉ Thiết kế đề cương chi tiết môn học
Copyright © 2008 TT Nghiên Cứu Cải Tiến Phương Pháp Dạy và Học Đại Học – ĐH KHTN TP HCM
Giảng viên:
o TS. Phùng Thúy Phượng ptphuong@hcmuns.edu.vn
Số tiết: 12 tiết (3 buổi)
Mục tiêu:
Sau phần này, học viên có thể
o Xác định tầm quan trọng/ vai trò của đề cương
o Liệt kê những nội dung cần phải có trong một đề cương
o Thiết kế đề cương môn học
o Đánh giá một đề cương môn học
Đánh giá:
o Thảo luận
o Bài tập
Tài liệu tham khảo:
o Preparing a course: course design
o Preparing a course: building a syllabus
o Example course syllabus-guide for course outlines in the Faculty of Science
o Syllabus components - What you might include in your syllabi
o Write the syllabus
o Evaluation Rubric for Peer Review of Course syllabi
o Fink’s Five Principles of Good Course Design
o Syllabus rubric
o Rubric to Evaluate Syllabus
Tài liệu tham khảo đọc thêm:
o Creating a syllabus
Phương pháp giảng dạy đại học theo học chế tín chỉ Thiết kế đề cương chi tiết môn học
Copyright © 2008 TT Nghiên Cứu Cải Tiến Phương Pháp Dạy và Học Đại Học – ĐH KHTN TP HCM
Các hoạt động và nội dung chính:
Nội dung Hoạt động Thời lƣợng
Thiết kế đề cƣơng môn học
Các câu hỏi
- Tầm quan trọng của việc
thiết kế đề cương;
- Các nội dung chính của đề cương
- Làm thế nào để thiết kế một đề cương môn học
Giới thiệu 5’
Động não (Brainstorming) 2’
Làm việc theo cặp 3’
Bản đồ tư duy 10’
Trình bày bản đồ tư duy 30’
Đọc tài liệu
Preparing a course: course design
Preparing a course: building a
Example course syllabus-guide for
course outlines in the Faculty of
Syllabus components- What you
might include in your syllabi
Write the syllabus
Thảo luận 30’
Trình bày 40’
Bài tập về nhà Viết đề cương một môn học ( mỗi
nhóm chọn một môn học để viết
đề cương)
Nội dung Hoạt động Thời lƣợng
Thiết kế đề cƣơng môn học
Câu hỏi
Trình tự thiết kế đề cương môn học
Đánh gía đề cƣơng môn học
Trình bày đề cương 25’
Trình tự thiết kế đề cương môn học 10’
Backward design 5’
Các tiêu chí đánh gía đề cương 10’
Đọc tài liệu
Fink’s Five Principles of good course
Evaluation Rubric for Peer Review of
Course syllabi
Mục tiêu:
Học viên xác định tầm quan trọng của việc thiết kế đề cương;
Học viên liệt kê được các nội dung chính của đề cương
Mục tiêu:
Học viên có thể thiết kế đề cương môn học
Học viên có thể xây dựng các tiêu chí đánh gíá một đề cương môn
- Sử dụng và quản lý thời gian trên lớp có hiệu quả.
Buổi 1:
Buổi 2:
Phương pháp giảng dạy đại học theo học chế tín chỉ Thiết kế đề cương chi tiết môn học
Copyright © 2008 TT Nghiên Cứu Cải Tiến Phương Pháp Dạy và Học Đại Học – ĐH KHTN TP HCM
Câu hỏi
Những tiêu chí đánh gía đề cương môn học?
Bài tập: Xây dựng tiêu chí đánh giá đề cương
Syllabus rubric
Rubric to Evaluate Syllabus
Thảo luận 30’
Trình bày 40’
Nội dung Hoạt động Thời lƣợng
Đánh giá đề cƣơng môn học
Tổng kết các tiêu chí đánh giá 45’
Đánh giá chéo đề cương 30’
Hoàn chỉnh đề cương 45’
Trình bày 45’
Mục tiêu:
Học viên có thể đánh giá đề cương môn học
- Sử dụng và quản lý thời gian trên lớp có hiệu quả.
Buổi 3:
Phương pháp dạy và học theo học chế tín chỉ Thiết kế đề cương chi tiết môn học
Course design involves the planning of curriculum, assessments, and opportunities for
learning which attempt to meet the goals of the course and evaluate whether those
goals are indeed being met. The designing of a course can be adeptly performed
through the use of backwards design, which is based on the principle of working first
from the material and concepts you want students to master, in order to plan how you
will assess whether this learning has occurred, and this information thus guides which
resources and methods of teaching are employed in order to enact learning of this
Four questions from Wiggins & McTighe (1998) are suggested as a guide for
condensing the course’s material into a few key topics:
• To what extent does the idea, topic, or process represent a “big idea” having
enduring value beyond the classroom?
• To what extent does the idea, topic, or process reside at the heart of the discipline?
• To what extent does the idea, topic, or process require uncoverage?
• To what extent does the idea, topic, or process offer potential for engaging
Also consider the goals and characteristics of your future students. Some reasons that
students may be taking your course include: to develop a philosophy of life, to learn
to interpret numerical data, to understand scientific principles or concepts, to learn to
effectively communicate, to learn to organize ideas, or to understand how researchers
gain knowledge. As the instructor, you can use this information, along with your own
goals for the course, to guide your course structure and teaching pace.
After having determined which material will guide the course design, the next step in
backwards design is to establish the criteria you will employ to evidence student
learning. Instead of using a lone cumulative exam to assess learning, however,
backwards design is guided by the concept that understanding increases across time,
as students process, reassess, and connect information. Therefore, assessments to
measure this increasing level of understanding should be conducted throughout the
semester, using a variety of methodologies such as discussions, tests and quizzes,
projects, and assessments in which students analyze their own level of understanding.
Once key concepts and assessment criteria have been decided upon, you can then
focus on which teaching methodologies and activities you will use to help students
reach these course goals. In this manner, teaching is driven by the concepts that are
Phương pháp dạy và học theo học chế tín chỉ Thiết kế đề cương chi tiết môn học
crucial to the course, rather than the course being driven by the teaching methodology
Resources: Wiggins, G. & McTighe, J. (1998). Understanding by Design. Merrill
Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, New Jersey
Ph˱˯ng pháp d̩y và h͕c theo h͕c ch͇ tín ch͑ Thi͇t k͇ ÿ͉ c˱˯ng chi ti͇t môn h͕c
Start with the basic information of the course, including the year and semester of the
course, the course title and number, number of credits, and the meeting time/place.
Provide your name, office address (and a map if it’s hard to find), and your contact
information. Indicate whether students need to make appointments or may just stop in.
If you list a home number, be specific about any restrictions for its use. Next, clarify
what prerequisites, knowledge, skills, or experience you expect students to have or
courses they should have completed. Suggest ways they might refresh skills if they’re
uncertain about their readiness.
When discussing the course, outline the course purpose(s); what is the course about and
why would students want to learn the material? Outline the three to five general goals or
objectives for the course (see Course design for more information), and explain why
you’ve arranged topics in a given order and the logic of themes or concepts you’ve
selected. When discussing the course format and activities, tell students whether the
class involves fieldwork, research projects, lectures, and/or discussion, and indicate
which activities are optional, if any.
In regard to the textbooks & readings, include information about why the readings were
selected. Show the relationship between the readings and the course objectives. Let
students know whether they are required to read before class meetings. Also detail any
additional materials or equipment that will be needed.
Specify the nature and format of the assignments, and their deadlines. Give the exam
dates and indicate the nature of the tests (essay, short–answer, take–home, other).
Explain how the assignments relate to the course objectives. Describe the grading
procedures, including the components of the final grade and weights for each
component. Explain whether you will grade on a curve or use an absolute scale, if you
accept extra credit work, and if any of the grades can be dropped. Also explain any other
course requirements, such as study groups or office hour attendance. Clearly state your
policies regarding class attendance, late work, missing homework, tests or exams,
makeups, extra credit, requesting extensions, reporting illnesses, cheating and
plagiarism. You might also list acceptable and unacceptable classroom behavior. Let
students know that if they need an accommodation for any type of disability, they should
meet with you to discuss what modifications are necessary.
Include a course calendar with the sequence of course topics, readings, and assignments.
Exam dates should be firmly fixed, while dates for topics and activities may be tentative.
Ph˱˯ng pháp d̩y và h͕c theo h͕c ch͇ tín ch͑ Thi͇t k͇ ÿ͉ c˱˯ng chi ti͇t môn h͕c
Also list on the course calendar the last day students can withdraw without penalty. Give
students a sense of how much preparation and work the course will take.
Finally, a syllabus is a written contract between you and your students. End with a caveat
to protect yourself if changes must be made once the course begins; e.g., “The schedule
and procedures in this course are subject to change in the event of extenuating
circumstances.” For more information, please see Ombud’s Website.
Resources: Appleby, Drew C. “How to improve your teaching with the course
syllabus.” APS Observer, May/June 1994.Davis, Barbara Gross. Tools for teaching.
San Francisco: Jossey–Bass, 1993. “Syllabus Checklist.” (2002). Teaching Matters, 6
(1), 8. This material is drawn from Eddy, Judy. (2001). Creating a Syllabus. Handout.
Ph˱˯ng pháp d̩y và h͕c theo h͕c ch͇ tín ch͑ Thi͇t k͇ ÿ͉ c˱˯ng chi ti͇t môn h͕c
Example Course Syllabus
Guide for Course Outlines in the Faculty of
A typical, informative course outline will range anywhere from 3 to 6 pages, or
perhaps more in some cases, for example where week-by-week or lecture-by-lecture
descriptions are included.
Course outlines may be provided on the web (e.g., ACE) or in hard copy. Note that if
a course outline is made available only on-line and a student requests a hard copy, an
instructor is obliged to provide the hard copy.
A good course outline should include most or all of the following elements. Note that
some items below marked with an asterix (*) indicate that specific types of
information are mandatory – these are related to student assessment, discipline and
Course description
Include an informative course description. Minimally, this could be the official
calendar description, or an enhanced version (preferred). Other details that might be
presented are where the course fits into a discipline, who the course might appeal to,
how or where knowledge gained from the course may be applied, or how the course
draws from and relates to other courses in the program/plan.
Also be sure to indicate how the course is delivered – lectures with chalkboard,
PowerPoint, or seminars, etc. If this course has a web presence, include relevant
You might also consider indicating the nature of teaching and learning activities
students might expect – will there be small group discussions, collaborative labs, or
special projects? Is there anything else that is especially unique about your course?
Course learning objectives
Describe these from the students’ perspective – what will they learn, be able to do, or
better appreciate.
Learning objectives can be broad or they can be narrow and focused on course details.
A course may have several learning objectives that reflect one or more overarching
institutional philosophies like learning to think critically, communicating clearly or
looking at issues in a global context.
Objectives should be measurable, where possible, and specific. More focused learning
objectives could be at the departmental or discipline-level. Examples include:
x For a course in molecular biology – “Explain techniques used to
monitor DNA, RNA or protein abundance, recognizing the benefits
and limitations of each technique”;
x For a course in computational chemistry – “Calculate potential energy
surfaces for chemical reactions”;
Ph˱˯ng pháp d̩y và h͕c theo h͕c ch͇ tín ch͑ Thi͇t k͇ ÿ͉ c˱˯ng chi ti͇t môn h͕c
x For a course in solid state physics – “Explain the operation and use of
several modern electronic devices, including the p-n junction,
transistors, opto-electronic devices, etc.”;
x For a course in Earth history – “Examine the concepts and approaches
used in the stratigraphic analysis of rocks and sediments”.
Contact information
Identify instructor(s), teaching assistants; indicate office or help locations, telephone
numbers, email addresses. Some of these details, particularly those pertaining to TAs,
might not be available if the outline is prepared far ahead of time, of course. Also
include office hours (if any), and the preferred way for students to contact either
instructor(s) or TAs. If you have a preference for how students should contact you by
email, provide a clear example (e.g., using course-identifying subject lines such as
“BIOL 130 query”).
You may also want to indicate what kinds of email will be responded to. If your class
is large and email communication concerning course material could be overwhelming,
you may decide to emphasize that no emails about course content will be answered
via email and students must instead must use office hours, class or tutorial time.
Also useful is an indication whether you will respond to emails on weekends. You
might want to provide an indication of when a student might expect to hear back (e.g.,
mornings) or the expected length of time that students might wait for a response (e.g.,
within 24 hours).
Include full details regarding course texts (required, recommended), course notes,
laboratory manuals, other materials required (e.g., clickers, calculators –
programmable or not), library reserves, relevant URLs, etc.
Course topics
Provide the full list of primary and secondary topics – more detailed outlines may do
this on a week-by-week or lecture-by-lecture basis.
Expectation of student commitment to the course
Estimate the number of hours, on average, that a student should devote to your course
each week. Consider all aspects – lectures, labs, tutorial, reading, assignments, etc.
and break them out individually if this might be useful. If there is an uneven work
load, indicate when those times are.
*Student assessment
Indicate clearly how grade assessment will be done – this information must be
included in any course outline (see section below for other mandatory statements).
What are the values of exams, assignments, essays and other tools used for grade
assessment? If there is a participation element, including attendance, to the grading
scheme, explain precisely the expectation.
Indicate unambiguously the penalties for late submissions and course policy for
missed course elements, including exams. Indicate if accommodations of any sort will
Ph˱˯ng pháp d̩y và h͕c theo h͕c ch͇ tín ch͑ Thi͇t k͇ ÿ͉ c˱˯ng chi ti͇t môn h͕c
be considered and whether this will occur only with verified Verification of Illness
Forms (VIF), counseling letters, etc. Indicate if there is opportunity to make up
missed grading elements, such as mid-terms, or whether the grading scheme will be
modified, for example the missing assignment or mid-term weight assigned to the
final exam instead. You might also include a statement encouraging students to bring
their VIFs to the Science Undergraduate Office for verification and filing.
Also be sure to include due dates for their assignments and essays, as well as the
scheduled dates for quizzes and mid-terms. Indicate that students are expected to
check the appropriate UW websites for details concerning final examinations and
various course drop deadlines.
Statement for students with disabilities
Although not mandatory, instructors should consider incorporating the following
statement into their course outlines:
“Note for students with disabilities: The Office for Persons with Disabilities
(OPD), located in Needles Hall, Room 1132, collaborates with all academic
departments to arrange appropriate accommodations for students with
disabilities without compromising the academic integrity of the curriculum. If
you require academic accommodations to lessen the impact of your disability,
please register with the OPD at the beginning of each academic term.”
Statement regarding travel and the final examination period
It may be useful to include the statement that “Student travel plans are not considered
acceptable grounds for granting an alternative examination time.” (see
Instructors should include
here the exact dates of the exam period for that term. The final exam schedule is
usually posted about 5 or 6 weeks into the term, so a reminder in the outline
encouraging students when to check may be useful:
x for Fall exams “start checking toward the end of October”
x for Winter exams “start checking in the middle of February”
x for Spring exams “start checking in the middle of June”.
Changes to Course Outlines
If appropriate, include a statement that some types of course details may be revised
(e.g., topics treated, emphasis on certain topics, etc.).
When circumstances do arise such that it becomes necessary to change some aspect of
a course, students need to be informed of this as soon as possible so they have ample
opportunity to respond. This applies to outlines in hard copy as well as on-line.
While it is reasonable in some situations that certain elements of a course outline
might “evolve” over the term (e.g., range of topics to be treated in course), the grading
scheme and other elements related to evaluation cannot change. If minor changes
are made to non-grading elements of the outline, the new outline should draw
attention to these changes. If changes are made, an instructor has to be able to show
an archive of the outline from the time it was first made available to students at the
beginning of a course.
Ph˱˯ng pháp d̩y và h͕c theo h͕c ch͇ tín ch͑ Thi͇t k͇ ÿ͉ c˱˯ng chi ti͇t môn h͕c
Other special considerations or rules
If there are other rules or policies that you want your students to know about (e.g.,
protocols for participating in course chat rooms or e-submission of assignments),
explain clearly what they need to know. If a student has a concern related to how a lab
assignment was graded, who should be contacted – the TA? Lab instructor? Course
instructor? If you have a policy about recording (audio, video) lectures, indicate it. If
there you have a preference for a particular citation style for assignments or essays,
this should also be conveyed, and perhaps you could point to a source of guidance for
this information.
Also consider how you wish to handle unclaimed student submissions (e.g.,