Nanoscale metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have appeared as potential materials in biomedical and
sensing applications. In this work, a nano Zn-BDC-NH2 encoded MOF was effectively synthesized using
the co-surfactants strategy and characterized for the curcumin adsorption. The analysis of the synthesized MOF by using characterization techniques, including XRD, SEM, N2 isotherm sorption, TGA, and FTIR revealed that the nanomaterial exhibited similar structure structural and other physical properties to
the original framework, but its particle size was very small of about 50 nm. As a result of the curcumin
(CUR) adsorption investigation, the nanomaterial showed a high adsorption capacity on Zn-BDC-NH2 up
to 179.36 mg$g1 and faster adsorption in comparison with reported adsorbents. The results suggest that
the nano Zn-BDC-NH2 MOF can be considered as a promising material for bio-applications.
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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Room temperature synthesis of biocompatible nano Zn-MOF for the rapid and selective adsorption of curcumin, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
7, V
Nanoscale metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have appeared as potential materials in biomedical and
IR revealed that the nanomaterial exhibited similar structure structural and other physical properties to
tivity so that they can be utilized to develop electrochemical
sensors. Interestingly, the active sites in the structure of high
lications, zinc is a
ts low cost [25,26].
ered as promising
s the toxicity, the
terials’ dispersion
been many studies
ano Zn-MOF ma-
nd in Indian spices
using overdosed
peutic molecules. Therefore, much effort has been put into
increasing the bioavailability and delivery of CUR through the
design of drug carrier systems [41e43].
Herein, we demonstrate a fast room temperature preparation
of nanoscale Zn-BDC-NH2 whose structure is built from octahe-
dral Zn4O clusters and amine-functionalized terephthalate (BDC-
NH2) linkers. Additionally, the nano Zn-BDC-NH2 containing NH2
* Corresponding author. Center for Innovative Materials and Architectures
(INOMAR), Ho Chi Minh City, 721337, Viet Nam.
E-mail address: (T.L.H. Doan).
Contents lists availab
Journal of Science: Advanc
.e l
Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices 5 (2020) 560e565Peer review under responsibility of Vietnam National University, Hanoi.been widely used as sensing materials in the field of electro-
chemical detection [23e25]. MOFs possess an electrochemical ac-
[18,19,38e40]. In addition, the low solubility in water of this
polyphenolic hydrophobic substance has limited its use as thera-metal-containing nodes and organic linkers [1e5]. These materials
have attracted appreciable attention for their potential applications
in many areas, such as gas storage and separation [6e8], catalysis
[9e11], sensing [12e14], environment treatment and biomedicine
[15e19]. Recently, MOFs have been widely used as promising car-
riers in drug delivery systems owing to their high drug loading
capacity, biocompatibility, biodegradability, and robust function-
ality [20e22]. Current advances in MOF synthesis for drug delivery
applications relate to the size and shape control, the improvement
of biocompatibility and biological stability. In addition, MOFs have
Among many metals used in biological app
common choice due to its low toxicity as well as i
Therefore, Zn-MOFs have been recently consid
materials for these applications [27e30]. Beside
particle size plays an important role in the ma
ability and biocompatibility [31,32]. There have
reported on the synthesis and applications of n
terials [33e37].
Curcumin (CUR) is a yellow bioactive compou
and some drugs, but it is dangerous ifMetal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are a class of porous
inorganic-organic hybrid materials which are constructed from
give the potential to improve the performance of MOFs in the
electrochemical detection.Available online 16 September 2020
Metal-organic frameworks
Nano Zn-BDC-NH2
Fast adsorption
Nano materials
1. Introduction
2468-2179/© 2020 The Authors. Publishing services b
( original framework, but its particle size was very small of about 50 nm. As a result of the curcumin
(CUR) adsorption investigation, the nanomaterial showed a high adsorption capacity on Zn-BDC-NH2 up
to 179.36 mg$g1 and faster adsorption in comparison with reported adsorbents. The results suggest that
the nano Zn-BDC-NH2 MOF can be considered as a promising material for bio-applications.
© 2020 The Authors. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Vietnam National University, Hanoi.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
porosity MOFs act as the enzyme-likes and are designed as nano-
zymes in biosensor applications. The developments in nano MOFsReceived in revised form
10 September 2020
Accepted 14 September 2020sized MOF by using characterization techniques, including XRD, SEM, N2 isotherm sorption, TGA, and FT-Received 22 May 2020 sensing applications. In this work, a nano Zn-BDC-NH2 encoded MOF was effectively synthesized using
the co-surfactants strategy and characterized for the curcumin adsorption. The analysis of the synthe-Original Article
Room temperature synthesis of biocomp
rapid and selective adsorption of curcum
Y Thi Dang a, b, Minh-Huy Dinh Dang a, b, Ngoc Xuan
Thang Bach Phan a, b, Hai Viet Le b, c, Tan Le Hoang
a Center for Innovative Materials and Architectures (INOMAR), Ho Chi Minh City, 72133
b Vietnam National University-Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh City, 721337, Viet Nam
c University of Science, Ho Chi Minh City, 721337, Viet Nam
a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history:
a b s t r a c t
journal homepage: wwwy Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Vietnamtible nano Zn-MOF for the
at Mai a, b, Linh Ho Thuy Nguyen a, b,
oan a, b, *
iet Nam
le at ScienceDirect
ed Materials and Devices
sevier .com/locate/ jsamdNational University, Hanoi. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
functional groups will be a selective adsorbent for CUR with high
capacity and fast adsorption. This results from the p-p interac-
tion of nano Zn-BDC-NH2 and CUR as well as from the
improvement of the material affinity with respect to CUR by
introducing polar amine groups [19]. The aim of this work has
been dedicated to the development of the novel nano MOF (Zn-
BDC-NH2) with high biocompatibility, rapid and selective
adsorption of CUR regarded to the application as a nanocarrier in
CUR delivery systems or a sensing material for the detection of
CUR. The nanomaterial was fully characterized by analysis tech-
niques, including powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), scanning
electron microscopy (SEM), N2 isotherm sorption, thermogravi-
metric analysis (TGA), and Fourier-transform infrared spectros-
copy (FT-IR) to define its structural properties. Especially, kinetics
and thermodynamics of CUR adsorption on Zn-BDC-NH2 were
also investigated in this article.
2. Experimental
centrifugation at 15,000 rpm in 20 min. The as-synthesized sample
15 min to separate the solids from the solutions. The supernatant
solutions were analyzed for the absorbance at the wavelength
l ¼ 420 nm via the UV-Vis spectrum. The remaining CUR concen-
trations after adsorption were determined based on the linear
function y ¼ a$x obtained from the calibration graph of the CUR
solution at concentrations (from 0.3125 to 10 mg$L1), and results
are shown in Fig. S2, Supplementary Data. The point of zero charge
(pHpzc) of the Zn-BDC-NH2 adsorbent was determined using the
solutions with pH values between 2 and 11 adjusted by 0.1 N HCl or
NaOH solutions. The initial and final pH values of the solutions
before and after the adsorption process were measured and plotted
to obtain the pHzpc.
3. Results and discussion
3.1. Synthesis and characterization
The Zn-BDC-NH2 material is synthesized from the mixture of
Zn(OAc) .2H O and H BDC-NH in the presence of surfactants,
Y.T. Dang et al. / Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices 5 (2020) 560e565 561was washed with DMF (15 3 mL, each day) for 3 days and
methanol (15 3 mL, each day) for 3 days.
2.2. CUR adsorption
Nano Zn-BDC-NH2 was washed in DMF for 3 days, in methanol
for 2 days and then activated in a vacuum system at 25 C for 12 h to
remove the solvent from the pore of the material and used to
conduct the adsorption experiments. In the adsorption experiment,
for each given concentration of CUR (from 100 to 1600 mg L1),
5 mg Zn-BDC-NH2 was dispersed in 5 mL of CUR ethanol solution
with a pH of 7 and stirred at 25 C for 3 h. At the end of the
adsorption process, the samples were centrifuged at 14,000 rpm for2.1. Synthesis of nano Zn-BDC-NH2
Nano Zn-BDC-NH2 was synthesized via a modified method re-
ported previously [19]. Typically, a solution of H2BDC-NH2
(10.86 mg, 0.059 mmol), hexadecyltrimethylammonium bromide
CTAB (10 mg, 0.027 mmol) and PVP (10 mg, 0.00025 mmol) was
dissolved in 3 mL N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF). A solution of
Zn(OAc)2.2H2O (35.12 mg, 0.16 mmol) was dissolved in DMF (2 mL)
and quickly added to the above mixture under stirring and the
whole was further stirred for 30 min. The product was collected byFig. 1. (a) PXRD analysis of Zn-BDC-NH2, the calculated pattern from the single crystal data
image of Zn-BDC-NH2.2 2 2 2
CTAB and PVP, in DMF as the solvent and stirred at room temper-
ature for 30 min. The obtained solid was washed with DMF three
times and thenwas confirmed by PXRD shown in Fig. 1a. The PXRD
result exhibits the characteristic peaks at 2q of 6.84, 9.69, 13.71,
and 15.41, which are assigned to the (200), (220), (400), and (420)
planes of Zn-BDC-NH2 structure, respectively. All the experimen-
tally observed signals of the Zn-BDC-NH2 sample are the same as
those of the Zn-BDC-NH2 structure calculated from reported data
[44], indicating the pure phase of Zn-BDC-NH2. The Zn-BDC-NH2
material was then measured by SEM to determine the particle size.
Fig. 1b shows the particle size of Zn-BDC-NH2 to be about 50 nm
and there is a uniform size distribution. The results of both PXRD
and SEM confirm that the Zn-BDC-NH2 nanomaterial has been
successfully synthesized.
The surface area and the pore size distribution of the materials
can be typically obtained from the nitrogen
adsorptionedesorption isotherms. The nitrogen isotherm of Zn-
BDC-NH2 in Fig. 2a exhibits the type I isotherm and the BET
(BrunauereEmmetteTeller) surface area was calculated to be
887 m2$g1. The pore size distribution was calculated through the
DFT method (see the inset of Fig. 2a) resulting in an average pore
size of 13.25 Å. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was carried out
from room temperature to 700 C, and results are shown in Fig. 2b.
According to the TGA curve, a low weight loss at a temperature(black) is compared to the experimental one of the Zn-BDC-NH2 sample and (b) SEM
Fig. 2. (a) N2 isotherm at 77 K of activated Zn-BDC-NH2 and the pore-size distribution of Zn-BDC-NH2 (inset picture). (b) TGA curve of the activated Zn-BDC-NH2.
Y.T. Dang et al. / Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices 5 (2020) 560e565562below 200 C can be attributed to the loss of solvent molecules,
indicating that the material activation process has completely
removed the solvent through the activation process. The weight
loss (about 63%) occurs between 300 C to 485 C corresponding
to the decomposition of the organic linkers. At temperatures
higher than 485 C, no weight loss was observed, and the residue
weight was that of the metal oxide of about 34.5%.
3.2. CUR adsorption
We studied the effect of the initial CUR concentration and time
on the adsorption capacity. Firstly, the effect of the CUR initial
concentration on the adsorption process is illustrated in Fig. 3a. The
experiment was performed by adding 5 mg Zn-BDC-NH2 to 5 mL
CUR ethanol solution at different concentrations with a pH of 7 and
continuous stirring at 25 C for 3 h. The results show that the
adsorption capacity increases with the increasing CUR concentra-
tion. Specifically, the adsorption capacity increases rapidly with the
CUR concentration from 100 mg$L1 to 800 mg$L1 and increases
slowly with the CUR concentration from 1000 mg$L1 to
1600 mg$L1. The qo value of the adsorption process derived is
179.36 mg$g1. Secondly, the influence of the contact time to the
CUR adsorption on the Zn-BDC-NH2 material at the concentration
of 600 mg$L1 was investigated. The adsorption of CUR on adsor-
bents was studied over a contact time period from 15 to 180 min to
determine the equilibrium time of adsorption. The result in Fig. 3b
Fig. 3. (a) The effect of the CUR concentration on the adsorption capacities andshows that time of 180 min stirring is considered to be the equi-
librium time for the adsorption process with a qe value of
113.98 mg$g1.
Fig. 4 shows the FT-IR spectra of the Zn-BDC-NH2, CUR, and CUR/
Zn-BDC-NH2 samples. The FT-IR analysis was performed to analyze
the vibrations of Zn-BDC-NH2, CUR and confirmed the adsorption
of CUR on the Zn-BDC-NH2 material. In the IR spectrum of Zn-BDC-
NH2, the characteristic peak observed at 1571 cm1 indicates the
deprotonation of the COOH groups in 2-aminoterephthalic acid
upon the reaction with metal ions [45]. In the CUR spectrum, the
band at 3508 cm1 corresponds to the OeH vibration of the
phenolic group. Other characteristic peaks of the CUR molecule are
observed at 1628 cm1 (C]C vibration), 1602 cm1 (benzene ring
stretching vibration), 1509 cm1 (C]O vibration), 1428 cm1
(olefinic CeH bending vibrations), 1279 cm1 (aromatic CeO
stretching vibrations), and 1025 cm1 (CeOeC stretching vibra-
tions) [46,47]. Comparison between the CUR/Zn-BDC-NH2 and the
Zn-BDC-NH2 spectra exhibits that the CUR/Zn-BDC-NH2 spectrum
has three signals at 1509 cm1, 1628 cm1 and 3472 cm1, corre-
sponding to the C]O, C]C, and OeH groups of CUR, respectively.
However, the stretching peak of the OeH group of CUR was red-
shifted from 3508 to 3472 cm1 in CUR/Zn-BDC-NH2 [48]. As the
results of the FT-IR spectra, the presence of CUR in the CUR/Zn-
BDC-NH2 sample was confirmed.
In the kinetics study, the pseudo-first-order and pseudo-
second-order kinetic models were used to calculated the reaction
(b) effect of contact time on the adsorption rates of CUR on Zn-BDC-NH2.
rate of CUR adsorption on Zn-BDC-NH2 (Section S3). The results of
the CUR adsorption kinetics on Zn-BDC-NH2 in Fig. 5 reveal that the
correlation coefficient value (R2) for the pseudo-second-order is
higher than that of the pseudo-first-order, indicating that the
adsorption fits the pseudo-second-order kinetic model and the
reaction rate was 2.03 103 g$mg1$min1. The CUR adsorption
capacity on the Zn-BDC-NH2 material and the reaction rate are
compared with some of UiO-66 materials, as shown in Table 1.
Based on Table 1, it is possible to show that the CUR adsorption
The thermodynamics of the interaction between CUR and Zn-
BDC-NH2 was analyzed to determine the thermodynamic quanti-
ties DG, DH, and DS of the adsorption process. The thermodynamic
process of adsorption is carried out at an initial CUR concentration
of 600 mg$L1 with stirring for 3 h at various temperatures. The
values of the thermodynamic properties of the CUR adsorption on
Zn-BDC-NH2 were calculated according to Eqs. (1) and (2) [49,50]:
DG¼DH TDS; (2)
where R is the universal gas constant (8.314 J$mol1$K1), T is the
absolute temperature (K), DH is the enthalpy change (kJ/mol), DS is
the entropy change (J/mol$K) and DG the free energy change (kJ/
Based on the van't Hoff plot in Fig. 6, the thermodynamic values
are calculated and shown in Table 2. The negative DG value in-
dicates that the CUR adsorption on Zn-BDC-NH2 is the spontaneous
reaction. The CUR adsorption on Zn-BDC-NH2 is an exothermic
reaction with negative DH value. The positive DS value means that
the randomness of the reaction system increases in the adsorption
To study the surface charge properties of the zn-bdc-nh2
Fig. 4. FTIR spectroscopy of Zn-BDC-NH2 (red), CUR (blue) and CUR/Zn-BDC-NH2
(green). Right: corresponding picture of Zn-BDC-NH2, CUR, CUR/Zn-BDC-NH2 powders.
Y.T. Dang et al. / Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices 5 (2020) 560e565 563capacity to Zn-BDC-NH2 is lower than that of Hf-UiO-66, Zr-UiO-66
and Zr-UiO-66 NH2 materials, these all could be due to the low
surface area of Zn-BDC-NH2. However, the CUR adsorption on Zn-
BDC-NH2 is 3 times faster than on the UiO-66materials [18,19]. This
could result from the strong interaction of CUR and the amino-
functionalized framework. It is noted that the CUR adsorption of
the nano Zn-BDC-NH2 was significantly faster in comparison to the
other nano MOFs.Fig. 5. (a) Pseudo-first-order and (b) pseudo-second-order
Table 1
Adsorption capacities (qo) and reaction rate of CUR on Zn-BDC-NH2 and other MOFs.
Nano MOF Particle size (nm) Surface area (m2$g1) Averag
Zn-BDC-NH2 50 887 13.25
Zr-UiO-66 30 1400 12.30
Hf-UiO-66 50e70 950 12.30
Zr-UiO-66 100e150 1276 10.50
Zr-UiO-66-NH2 100 1258 10.50adsorbent, the pH of point of zero charge (pHpzc) was determined.
The graph of initial pH versus final pH of the solutions is shown in
Fig. 7. The pHpzc can be determined via the point of intersection of
the final pH line and the initial pH line. Accordingly, the pHzpc of zn-
bdc-nh2 is about 7. This indicates that at pH values below 7, the
surface of Zn-BDC-NH2 was positive, while at pH above 7, the sur-
face was negative. This suggests the possibility of controlling the
release of CUR at acidic pH.
kinetics models for CUR adsorption on Zn-BDC-NH2.
e pore size (Å) qo (mg$g1) k2 (g$mg1$min1) Refs
179.36 2.03 103 This study
466.39 7.81 104 [10,11,18]
463.02 6.78 104 [10,18]
393.22 7.37 104 [10,11,19]
382.86 6.76 104 [10,19]
cedY.T. Dang et al. / Journal of Science: Advan5644. Conclusion
Nano Zn-BDC-NH2 has been successfully synthesized via the fast
and room temperature reaction in the presence of surfactants, PVP,
and CTAB. The synthesized nanomaterial with a particle size
around 50 nm exhibited better CUR capture abilities than other
materials. The maximum adsorption capacities of nano Zn-BDC-
NH2 was 179.36 mg$g1. Notably, kinetics investigation showed the
CUR adsorption on the nano Zn-BDC-NH2 three times faster in
comparison to the other MOF frameworks. Due to the formation of
the hydrogen bond between the amine groups in the framework
and the polar groups of CUR, the interaction between the nanoMOF
and CUR has caused such a high adsorption capacity and fast
adsorption. The results suggest that the nano amino-functionalized
Zn-MOF could be considered to be a highly efficient adsorbent and
can be used as a promising material for the design of novel drug-
delivery systems or sensing material toward CUR.
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