The term “World Englishes” has become very common in mass media nowadays. In fact,
mastering English empowers people to enter the world without much difficulty. However,
Vietnamese government has launched many projects with a hope of turning English in our country
into a second language one. This study investigates the attitudes of Vietnamese college students
towards English acquisition. The findings would serve as basis for the administrators to reassess
their aims of becoming an English-speaking country. The quantitative method was employed in
this study, basing on 46 items in the questionnaire which are divided into three aspects, namely the
awareness of English with the liability score 0.935, the current English educational policies
(0.932), and the purposes for learning English (0.920). The data was collected in four universities
in different settings with 305 students answering the Google forms to get the confidential and
quick results. The findings found that students had very high attitudes towards the awareness of
English and purposes, but very low attitudes towards the current English educational policies. It is
necessary for the policy makers to come up with more renovated and revolutionary policies in
learning and teaching English at the tertiary level.
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ISSN: 1859-2171
e-ISSN: 2615-9562
TNU Journal of Science and Technology 225(03): 41 - 47
Email: jst@tnu.edu.vn 41
Vu Van Tuan
Hanoi Law University
The term “World Englishes” has become very common in mass media nowadays. In fact,
mastering English empowers people to enter the world without much difficulty. However,
Vietnamese government has launched many projects with a hope of turning English in our country
into a second language one. This study investigates the attitudes of Vietnamese college students
towards English acquisition. The findings would serve as basis for the administrators to reassess
their aims of becoming an English-speaking country. The quantitative method was employed in
this study, basing on 46 items in the questionnaire which are divided into three aspects, namely the
awareness of English with the liability score 0.935, the current English educational policies
(0.932), and the purposes for learning English (0.920). The data was collected in four universities
in different settings with 305 students answering the Google forms to get the confidential and
quick results. The findings found that students had very high attitudes towards the awareness of
English and purposes, but very low attitudes towards the current English educational policies. It is
necessary for the policy makers to come up with more renovated and revolutionary policies in
learning and teaching English at the tertiary level.
Keywords: Attitudes; World Englishes; awareness; global English; English acquisition.
Received: 12/9/2019; Revised: 24/9/2019; Published: 30/9/2019
Vũ Văn Tuấn
Trường Đại học Luật Hà Nội
Ngày nay thuật ngữ “Tiếng Anh toàn cầu” ngày càng trở nên phổ biến trong phương tiện công
cộng. Trên thực tế, thành thục tiếng Anh giúp cho con người tham gia vào thế giới công việc hết
sức dễ dàng. Tuy vậy, chính phủ Việt Nam đã đưa ra rất nhiều dự án với hi vọng sẽ biến tiếng Anh
ở đất nước chúng ta trở thành quốc gia nói tiếng Anh như ngôn ngữ thứ hai. Nghiên cứu này điều
tra về thái độ của sinh viên đại học đối với việc học tiếng Anh. Kết quả của nghiên cứu sẽ là nền
tảng để các nhà quản lý đánh giá lại mục đích của mình trong tham vọng biến đất nước trở thành
quốc gia nói tiếng Anh. Phương pháp định lượng được sử dụng trong nghiên cứu này dựa trên 46
câu hỏi phỏng vấn và được phân chia thành 3 khía cạnh điều tra đó là khả năng nhận thức về tiếng
Anh, các câu hỏi này có thang độ tin cậy 0,935, chính sách giáo dục đối với tiếng Anh hiện tại,
thang độ tin cậy 0,932 và mục đích học tiếng Anh với thang độ tin cậy 0.920. Dữ liệu được thu
thập ở 4 trường đại học ở các nơi khác nhau với 305 sinh viên hợp lệ trả lời trên biểu mẫu của
Google nhằm đạt được kết quả nhanh và bảo mật. Kết quả cho thấy rằng sinh viên có thái độ rất
cao đối với sự hiểu biết về tiếng Anh, và mục đích học tiếng Anh, nhưng có thái độ rất thấp đối với
chính sách giảng dạy tiếng Anh hiện tại. Rất cần thiết cho nhà hoạch định kế hoạch đưa ra những
chính cải tổ có tính chất cách mạng đối với việc dạy và học tiếng Anh ở cấp độ đại học.
Từ khoá: Thái độ; tiếng Anh thế giới; nhận thức; tiếng Anh toàn cầu; học tiếng Anh.
Ngày nhận bài: 12/9/2019; Ngày hoàn thiện: 24/9/2019; Ngày đăng: 30/9/2019
Email: vuvantuanphd@gmail.com
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34238/tnu-jst.2020.03.2042
Vu Van Tuan TNU Journal of Science and Technology 225(03): 41 - 47
Email: jst@tnu.edu.vn 42
1. Introduction
Industry 4.0 has actively promoted the
international integration quickly. The tool
contributing to this development is used
common languages. As one of the most
influential languages, English has been
considered as a worldwide lingual franca
through globalization. Remarkably, Kachru [1]
comes up with the notion about the Concentric
Circle Model which differentiates English usage
into three circles i.e. inner, outer, and expanding
circles, which serve as a fundamental
framework to discuss the popularity of English
coverage. After reviewing the historical and
global development of English, Crytal [2]
confirms in his study that English becomes
more influenced by non-native speakers, similar
to the finding by Widdowson [3] which asserts
English belongs not only to its native speakers
but also to non-native speakers, too.
The widespread use of English has greatly
affected language policy-making and
practices concerning English education. For
the past three decades, English in Vietnam
has gradually become a dominant foreign
language in the curricula of educational
policies. In fact, many reformed, educational
policies have been issued to enhance English
competence of Vietnamese users. Particularly,
the following decisions and circulars have
been in effect such as Decision No.1400/QĐ-
TTg on the approval of the project “Teaching
and learning English in the National
education system from 2008-2020”, Decision
No.711/QĐ-TTg on education and training
development period 2011-2020; Circular
No.01/2014/TT-BGDĐT issued in relation to
Vietnamese 6 level foreign language
competence framework; Decision
No.2080/QĐ-TTg on the approval of revising
and supplementing the project on teaching
and learning English language in the National
education system period 2017-2025. Among
these documents, the main objectives
concentrate on the foreign language
competence of human resources to serve the
cause of industrialization and modernization.
Until now, much investment and effort to
meet the targets of the National foreign
language project have been implemented to
turn English into a second language in
Vietnam. The outcomes, however, have not
been persuasive. For the past time, many
studies have been conducted on the
innovation of English language teaching and
learning [4].
In fact, some studies have been conducted on
the attitudes of language learners worldwide
(e.g. [5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10]). The overall
findings have shown that learners have
positive attitudes towards learning English;
whereas, they cannot know how to turn their
motivation into the effects of learning
English. This study was done basing on the
three factors that might affect Vietnamese
college students, namely their awareness of
the diversity of English, their assessment of
the current education policy, and their
purposes of learning English. Participants
were recruited from students in four
universities with both public and private
universities in Hanoi and Bac Ninh city, using
the quantitative approach to get the quick and
correct data. The findings of this study would
highlight the motivation that students should
change to be fluent in learning English.
2. Method
2.1. Participants
Using Google forms to collect data via
mailshot is a convenient and efficient tool in
research nowadays. Student unions of four
universities, namely University of Languages
& International Studies (ULIS); Hanoi
University of Business & Technology
(HUBT); Hanoi Law University (HLU); and
University of Kinh Bac (UKB) were selected
as respondents for this study. After one month
requested via social media, the data were
collected and the screen process took place.
824 participants answered the questionnaire,
however, 519 answer sheets were rejected as
the participants hadn’t correctly filled them
out although the instructions had been clearly
explained. The final sample consisted of 185
Vu Van Tuan TNU Journal of Science and Technology 225(03): 41 - 47
Email: jst@tnu.edu.vn 43
male and 120 female participants, equivalent
to 60.7% and 39.3%, respectively. 94 students
from ULIS which accounts for 30.8%, 63
from HLU, equivalent 20.7%, 89 or 29.2%
from HUBT, and 59 or 19.3% respondents
from UKB. 121 freshmen (39.7%), 104
sophomores (34.1%), 61 juniors (19.7%), and
20 seniors (6.6%) took part in the survey. In
terms of number of years they studied
English, the respondents spent many years
studying English, namely 157 participants
(51.5%) who reported that they studied
English over 10 years, 85 or 27.9% students
for 6-9 years. 31 respondents (10.2%)
revealed that they learnt English for 3-5 years.
32 respondents (10.5%) acquired English for
less that 3 years. When asked about whether
they have learnt with native speakers of
English, 248 participants (81.3%) said that
they had not learnt with native speakers while
57 participants (18.7%) had a chance to study
with native speakers. When asking about their
parents, 224 or 73.4% of participants’ parents
don’t know English, whereas 81 parents
(26.6%) can use English. For living in
English-speaking countries, only 7 students
(2.3%) have spent time in an English-
speaking country, whereas 298 participants
(97.7%) haven’t been abroad. In general, the
respondents have a long time studying
English but they have little chance to use
English in real lives. This might affect
negatively their attitudes in learning English,
which would be confirmed later in this study.
2.2. Measures
The survey questionnaire consisted of
demographic items in the first part such as
sex, school year, the number of years learning
English, students’ past teachers, These
items would be the background for the
consideration of influencing their attitudes
towards learning English. The second part
survey including 46 items dealt with attitudes
towards English acquisition. The first
category consisted of 18 items relating to the
awareness of English. The second one, 18
items, concerned about the current English
education policy. The third one, 10 items,
dealt with the purposes for learning English.
In order to know the respondents’ attitudes,
limits of description were used to make
qualitative judgements as follows; 1.0-1.79
equivalent to “very low”, 1.8-2.59 “low”, 2.6-
3.39 “moderate”, 3.4-4.19 “high”, and 4.2-5.0
“very high”. t-test used to determine whether
the difference between sex and attitudes.
2.3. Procedure
The researcher-made survey questionnaire
was presented to five experts on educational
assessment and accreditation for content
validation. The questionnaire was then fine-
tuned with a group of 70 students who
participated in a pilot study to validate the
strengths and weaknesses of the instrument.
To ensure the liability of the questionnaire
items, 46 questions were mixed up and
encoded to get the best results. After the data
mining had been completed, Cronbach Alpha
was applied for the second part of the survey
to check whether these items were liable for
the actual implementation. The results
showed that the participants’ attitudes toward
the awareness of English got 0.935 and no
index of Corrected Item-Total Correlation
was below 0.3. The same figures were with
the current English education policy and the
purposes for learning English, namely 0.932
and 0.920, respectively. These results proved
that these items were very reliable for
carrying out the survey. Then, the five experts
were again consulted for the finalization of
the questionnaire before the researcher
personally administered it basing on mailshot
thanks to the administrative aides in targeted
universities. All collected data were
organized, summarized, analyzed, interpreted,
and treated confidentially. IBM SPSS
software was used for the treatment of the
collected data.
3. Results and discussion
When analyzing the participants’ attitudes
toward the awareness of English as presented
in the Table 1 below, they all recognized the
role of English nowsadays. The weighted
Vu Van Tuan TNU Journal of Science and Technology 225(03): 41 - 47
Email: jst@tnu.edu.vn 44
mean is 4.38, and the means of 18 items are
also above 4, which denotes that the
participants show their agreements in this
survey. Overall, the standard deviation also
stands at a very low figure 0.63, which
denotes that not much difference is seen
among the participants in terms of the
awareness of English. Interestingly, the
participants thought that like “Singaporean
English” and “Indian English,” Vietnam
should have its own variety of English:
“Vietnamese English.” was gained the highest
mean, that is 4.55. From this figure, it can be
inferred that students want to become global
citizens. They want to integrate their work with
people in different countries using English.
They, however, wish to have English intervened
with Vietnamese circumstances in order to
create their own essence – Vietnamese English.
This tendency takes time to achieve its
satisfaction such as the Philippines or India.
Remarkably, the respondents acknowledged
that British English and American English are
not the major varieties of English in the world,
which earned the lowest mean in this aspect
(4.21). We might negate the idea that students
don’t recognize the importance of acquiring
English because they want to have their own
Vietnamese English and they also know that
more varieties of English have developed these
days. This notion can be supported with the
phrase “World Englishes” which the
participants gave a high score of 4.43 on the list.
In short, the attitudes towards the awareness of
English in the students are well recognized,
which does not require much effort of the
school administrators in persuading their
learners to motivate themselves in learning
English [7].
Table 1. The attitudes toward the awareness of English
1 English is an international language. 4.33 0.642
2 English is the language used most widely in the world. 4.44 0.583
3 Knowing English is important in understanding people from other countries. 4.35 0.648
Knowing English is important in understanding the cultures of English-speaking
countries, like the USA or the UK.
4.31 0.667
If I have a chance, I would like to travel to English-speaking countries, like the
USA or the UK.
4.39 0.551
6 I prefer learning English to other foreign languages. 4.4 0.637
7 British English and American English are the major varieties of English in the world. 4.21 0.681
8 The English spoken by Indian people is not authentic English. 4.35 0.627
9 Many varieties of English exist in the world. 4.46 0.567
The non-native English speakers can also speak Standard English. (Here, Standard
English refers to English spoken in the English-speaking countries, like the USA or
the UK).
4.39 0.591
11 I want to learn American English rather than Singapore English. 4.49 0.551
12 As long as people understand me, it is not important which variety of English I speak. 4.37 0.662
13 I have heard of the phrase “World Englishes.” 4.43 0.631
14 I have heard of the phrase “Vietnamese English.” 4.31 0.769
Like “Singaporean English” and “Indian English,” Vietnam should have its own
variety of English: “Vietnamese English.”
4.55 0.549
16 When I speak English, I want to sound like a native speaker. 4.33 0.596
17 When I speak English, I want to be identified clearly as Vietnamese. 4.38 0.643
18 I am not confident in speaking English because of my Vietnamese accent. 4.34 0.694
Weighted mean 4.38
Vu Van Tuan TNU Journal of Science and Technology 225(03): 41 - 47
Email: jst@tnu.edu.vn 45
When investigating the participants’ attitudes
towards the current English education policy
shown in the table 2 below, the findings
revealed that they felt very low or
disappointed with the current policy in
learning English, which represents by a very
modest figure 1.70 in the weighted mean. In
recent years many reformed policies have
been launched such as the Decision
No.1400/QĐ-TTg; Decision No.711/QĐ-
TTg; Cirlular No.01/2014/TT-BGDĐT; or
Decision No.2080/QĐ-TTg. The core in these
decisions or circular focuses on the role of
teaching foreign languages, but the
interviewees still supposed that they were not
satisfied with the English teaching methods in
their school. This piece of information
confirms that it is the teachers who take
charge of the success in learning English of
the students. It’s time for teachers to review
and adapt their methods in teaching different
levels in one class. In fact, the respondents
know that it is necessary to use English as one
subject in the National Graduation
Examination in Vietnam. Besides, the
respondents also thought that they preferred
learning British English to American English.
Concerning the comparison between language
skills and literacy skill in college English
education, the respondents didn’t care much
about this question. This implies that students
want to develop four skills – speaking,
listening, reading, and writing –
simultaneously. The finding on the list shows
the mean of 1.89. In short, students show no
interest in the current English policy.
Table 2. The attitudes toward the current English education policy
1 I am satisfied with the English teaching methods used in our school. 1.50 0.50
English should not be a compulsory subject in the National Graduation Examination
in Vietnam.
1.55 0.50
3 American English is the best model for Vietnamese learners of English. 1.56 0.50
4 British English is the best model for Vietnamese learners of English. 1.60 0.52
Vietnamese college students should use English in either spoken or written
communications among each other.
1.61 0.52
6 I would not take English if it were not a compulsory subject in school. 1.65 0.53
7 English education should start from kindergarten schools in Vietnam. 1.66 0.51
8 College English classes should be conducted in both English and Vietnamese. 1.69 0.58
9 All Vietnamese students should learn English. 1.70 0.55
10 I prefer native speakers rather than non-native speakers as my English teachers. 1.72 0.57
B1 or C1 (CEFR) should not be a requirement for non-major and major students
respectively, obtaining the university degree in Vietnam.
1.74 0.58
12 If English were not taught at school, I would study it on my own. 1.76 0.62
13 I am satisfied with the college English education curriculum in Vietnam. 1.76 0.58
Besides English classes, other college classes, such as Math, should be also
conducted in English.
1.81 0.53
15 I am satisfied with the English education policy in Vietnam. 1.81 0.49
16 I am satisfied with the English learning textbooks and other materials used in our school. 1.81 0.56
17 College English classes should be entirely conducted in English. 1.86 0.55
Speaking language skills are more important than literacy skills in college
English education.
1.89 0.62
Weighted mean 1.70
Vu Van Tuan TNU Journal of Science and Technology 225(03): 41 - 47
Email: jst@tnu.edu.vn 46
Table 3. Your attitudes toward the purposes for learning English
1 In Vietnam, knowing English is more useful than knowing any other foreign language. 4.14 0.69
2 An important purpose for my English learning is to get a decent job. 4.22 0.69
3 I learn English in order to obtain better education and job opportunities abroad. 4.26 0.63
An important purpose for my English learning is to obtain high scores in English
examinations, such as B1, C1 equivalence.
4.3 0.68
5 My parents believe that learning English is important. 4.34 0.72
Learning English is important for me, because English is a very useful tool in
contemporary society.
4.35 0.66
7 I learn English to catch up with economic and technological developments in the world. 4.