Learning Outcomes
8.1 Give examples of vital, incidental, and periodic supplies used in a typical medical office.
8.2 Describe how to store administrative and clinical supplies.
8.3 Implement a system for tracking the inventory of supplies.
8.4 Schedule inventories and ordering times to maximize office efficiency.
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Chia sẻ: nguyenlinh90 | Lượt xem: 740 | Lượt tải: 0
Bạn đang xem trước 20 trang tài liệu Bài giảng môn Medical Assisting - Chapter 8: Managing Office Supplies, để xem tài liệu hoàn chỉnh bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
8Managing Office Supplies8.1 Give examples of vital, incidental, and periodic supplies used in a typical medical office. 8.2 Describe how to store administrative and clinical supplies.8.3 Implement a system for tracking the inventory of supplies.8.4 Schedule inventories and ordering times to maximize office efficiency.Learning Outcomes28.5 Locate and evaluate supply sources.8.6 Use strategies to obtain the best-quality supplies while controlling costs.8.7 Follow procedures for ordering supplies.8.8 Check a supply order and pay for the supplies.Learning Outcomes (cont.)3IntroductionEssential to evaluate and replenish the office’s supplies before shortage occursSkills includeEvaluation ReplacementOrganizationPayment for expendable items4Organizing Medical Office SuppliesResponsibilities for managing an officePurchasing suppliesMaintaining suppliesTaking inventory of equipment and suppliesEvaluating and recommending equipment and suppliesNegotiating pricesGoal in managing supplies: efficiencyProduce desired result with the leastEffortExpenseWaste5Organizing SuppliesSupply = expendable itemsItems used and restockedExamples: prescription pads, pencils, etc.Durable itemsItems used indefinitelyExamples: telephones, exam tables, stethoscopes, etc.6Organizing Supplies (cont.)Two people usually have responsibility for organizing supplies One for administrative supplies The other for clinical suppliesIn large practices, a third individual may handle supplies for durable items such as computers, fax machines, and copiers7AdministrativeClinicalGeneral Stationary Insurance forms Pens Clipboards Alcohol swabs Disposable sheaths Tongue depressors Tissue Paper towels Hypoallergenic soapCategorizing Supplies8A supply list can help track and categorize supplies according to need and urgencyIncidentalSuppliesVital SuppliesPeriodicSuppliesCategorizing Supplies (cont.)Exam table paper, prescription padsStaples, rubber bandsAppointment books, holiday cards9Storing Office SuppliesStore supplies in a neat, organized manner to preventLossTheftDamageDeterioration10Storing Office Supplies (cont.)Place close to areas of useStorage cabinetsLabel storage cabinets and boxes to facilitate finding suppliesNote the shelf life of items and place older items in the front to be used firstAlways check expiration datesDo not store any items on the floor!11Storing Supplies: AdministrativeStore paper products flat in their boxes or packagesInformation booklets may be stored upright to save spaceEnvelopes and other paper goods with gummed surfaces must be kept dry to prevent them from sticking12Storing Supplies: ClinicalImplement the rules of good housekeeping and asepsis for clinical suppliesSterile items must be kept sterile and clean items cleanChemicals, drugs, and solutions Keep in a cool, dark place unless refrigeration is requiredKeep liquids in original containers and store below dry supplies13Storing Supplies: Clinical (cont.)Poisons and narcotics are to be stored separatelyNarcotics must be kept in a locked cabinetClinical refrigerators No food itemsMonitor and record temperatureRefer to Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for storage detailsNo Food!14What should you do when placing new items in a storage cabinet?Apply Your KnowledgeANSWER: When placing new items in a storage cabinet, you should check the expiration dates and rotate older items to the front to be used first.Impressive!15Taking Inventory of Office SuppliesInventoryA list of supply items and quantities on handKeeping the inventory accurate requiresCareful planningAttention to detailBasic math skillsAccurate inventories prevent the office from running out of needed supplies16Medical Assistant ResponsibilitiesTracking supplies bought and usedCalculating the budget for suppliesSelecting supplies and vendorsFollowing purchasing and payment proceduresStoring items properly17Medical Assistant Responsibilities (cont.)18Inventory and OrderingEstablish regular inventory and ordering timesAll staff know when to submit requestsReduces the need for rush ordersWhen to order earlyTo avoid shortages on high-usage itemsConsider storage capacityUnanticipated shortage of a supply item19Apply Your Knowledge What is necessary to keep an accurate inventory? ANSWER: To keep an accurate inventory you mustPlan carefullyPay attention to detailHave basic math skillsGood Answer!20Locating and Evaluating Supply VendorsDetermine what percent of the budget is neededCompare vendors for:Use reputable vendorsGet the best prices$PricesQualityServicePaymentpoliciesAverage is 4–6% of annual gross21Competitive Pricing and QualityUnit pricingGenerally lower if larger quantities are purchasedTo calculate:divide total cost of package by the quantity, or number of itemsRush ordersCost more than regularly scheduled ordersLearn the average delivery time for each vendor to avoid rush orders$$$22Competitive Pricing and Quality (cont.)Mail-order companiesUsually more economicalLess control over the orderRisk hidden costsGroup buying poolsOffices pool resources to qualify for quantity discountsConvenient for medical offices in the same buildingCost controlsLook for ways to reduce cost without sacrificing qualityPurchasing groupsGroups of physicians that order supplies together to obtain bulk rate discounts23Benefits of Local VendorsSpecial services in an emergency situationInformation about upcoming sales and specialsPersonal assistance, such as helping with inventoryPart of the community, and good relations between them and the physicians are a plus 24Payment SchedulesVendorPaymentTermsVendor’s invoice Usually describes terms of paymentsExamples include:No handling charges forprepaid ordersDiscounts if checks areenclosed with the orderDelayed billing for 30 to 90 days 25Ordering ProceduresOrder formsOrders can be madeWith traditional order forms By telephone, fax, or online Be sure to keep a copy of order formDouble-check order form for accuracyCotton tipped swabs Elastic bandagesTape2 x 2s4 x 4sTongue depressors3 ml syringes5 ml syringesAlcohol padsCotton balls26Ordering Procedures (cont.)Purchase requisitionsFormal requests for purchases Large purchases may require approval Purchase orders - preprinted forms, often with consecutive numbers27Ordering Procedures (cont.)Checking received ordersRecord the date orders are received on inventory care or record pageCheck the shipment packing slip against the order and mark date received on packing slipMSDS should be provided by manufacturer for any chemical item28Ordering Procedures (cont.) Checking received orders (cont.)Correcting errorsReport all errors to vendor immediatelyHave the invoice number, order date, and other information handy when reporting an error to the companyInvoicesCheck against original order and packing slipDocument when paidDisbursements Payment of funds to vendors using a check, cash, or money order29Avoiding Common MistakesBe aware of dishonest telephone solicitorsIt is a good practice not to purchase after an initial telephone solicitation Request a return telephone numberCheck with the Better Business Bureau Be aware of the “bait and switch” tactic used by some vendors30Apply Your Knowledge Why is it important for a medical office to have an inventory and ordering schedule? ANSWER: Regularly scheduled inventory and order days help all staff know when to have requests submitted; this reduces the need for rush orders.Right!31In Summary8.1 Supplies:Vital supplies Essential to office functioningExamples – prescription pads and examination table covers Incidental suppliesPurchased quickly Examples – rubber bands or staplesPeriodic supplies Require occasional ordering Examples – appointment books or holiday cards32In Summary (cont.)8.2 Storing administrative and clinical supplies requires good organizational skills. Administrative supplies should be stored flat in their original boxes to prevent bending or curling. Store clinical supplies in clean and protected areas away from damage and exposure to the elements and refer to the rules of asepsis. 33In Summary (cont.)8.3 Make sure you track your inventory properly by using reorder reminder cards or inventory cards and a supply checklist.8.4 Establish a regular inventory and ordering system so that supplies will not be depleted before the next ordering cycle.34In Summary (cont.)8.5 Always locate and use reputable vendors when ordering supplies. Find vendors with competitive prices, and make comparisons.8.6 Savings can add up when you obtain the best quality supplies while controlling costs. Purchasing in groups and sometimes using mail-order supplies will be beneficial in the long run.35In Summary (cont.)8.7 Ordering procedures may vary from office to office. Properly complete the paperwork, check orders received, correct errors in shipment and make payments on time.8.8 When you receive your supplies, check for any errors. If there are errors, notify the supplier immediately.36 When you go to buy, use your eyes, not your ears. - Czech Proverb End of Chapter 837