üIs a branch of polymer science dealing with analysis and characterisation of
üThe complication of macromolecular chains, the dispersion in molecular
weight, tacticity, crystallinity, orientation, composition of polymers etc. and
complex morphological systems
Þ analysis of polymer ¹ the small organic materials
Þ Focus on viscoelastic properties, dynamic mechanicaltesting.
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TS. Đoàn Thị Thu Loan
üIs a branch of polymer science dealing with analysis and characterisation of
üThe complication of macromolecular chains, the dispersion in molecular
weight, tacticity, crystallinity, orientation, composition of polymers etc. and
complex morphological systems
Þ analysis of polymer ¹ the small organic materials
Þ Focus on viscoelastic properties, dynamic mechanical testing.
Polymer analysis
·Instron mechanical tester
·Vicker hardness tester
·Melt flow indexer
·Torsions Rheometer
·-Pull-out test
·GPC ( size exclusion chromatography
·-X-ray (WAXS and SAXS)
·-Dynamic and static methods for contact
angle measurements.
-Tensile, flexural, impact,
compression, hardness tests,
-Rheological and viscoelastic
properties, stiffness and
modulus, surface tension,
permeation and diffusion in
polymers, adhesion tests,
-Surface roughness,
-Molecular weight determination,
-Microstructural characterisation and
compositional analysis,
-Investigation of polymer morphology,
particle size,
-Contact angle and wettability
Mechanical and Physical
Chemical, Molecular and Structural
Methods of polymer analysis
·pH meter
·Karl-Fischer titration
·Thermogravimetric analyser (TGA)
·TGA-FTIR coupled technique
·Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
·Modulated differential scanning
calorimetry (ADSC)
·Dynamic thermomechanical analyser
·Dielectric relaxation
Inolab conductivity
Purity and molecular
weight of small
molecules, water content
in organic solvents,
surface tension
measurement, pH
-Melting point, glass transition
temperature, free rotation temperature,
-Degradation and stability behaviour of
Conductivity, electric
current in solution,
light emitting and
Miscellaneous (hon tap)Thermal BehaviourElectrical and Optical Properties
Methods of polymer analysis
-For quality control
-For predicting service performance
-To generate design data
-To investigate failures
Purpose of polymer analysis
Essential to identify the purpose of testing, because the requirements for each
of the purposes are different.
Balance of these attributes,
according to the purpose of
the test
-Automated test
-Nondestructive test
üNondestructive methods are advantageous and indeed essential when
100% of the output is being tested.
üThe tests should be simple and inexpensive, and automation will
probably aid the rapidity of testing.
üTests related to product performance are preferred.
Quality Control Tests
üThe most important factor is that the tests relate to service conditions
and to aspects of product performance.
üshould not be too complex, although rapidity and cheapness are less
important than was the case with quality control.
üNondestructive tests are not always appropriate when predicting product
performance, as it may be necessary to establish the point at which failure
Tests Predicting Product Performance
üUsually test pieces are of a simple shape and a specified size, whereas
the product may be of a different geometry and size
üData must be presented in a form that enables the designer to allow for
changes in geometry, time scale, etc.. which implies detailed and
comprehensive understanding of material behavior
üIt follows that data of this type are expensive to produce and that results
are unlikely to be obtained with great rapidity.
üHowever, automation may be advantageous, particularly in the case of
tests running for a long time (creep tests)
Tests for Producing Design Data
üSome understanding of the various mechanisms of failure is necessary before
suitable tests can be chosen.
ü Tests need not be complex but must be relevant
Ex: a simple measurement of product thickness may establish that there has
been a departure from the specified design thickness.
üThe absolute accuracy of the test may not be important, but it is essential that
it be capable of discriminating between the good and the bad product.
Tests for Investigating Failures
What are our expectations of polymer materials?
•Excellent Characteristics:
Mechanical and Physical Properties
Thermal Behaviour
Surface and interface Characteristics
Electrical and Optical Properties•Safe to use
•Light weight
•Reliable, durable
•Low cost
•Less adverse environmental impact
•Good resistance to environmental attacks
Mechanical Testing
of Polymers
Types of Mechnical Tests
Tensile test (a) Flexural test (d) (e) (f)
Compression test (b) Shear (g)
Impact test (h) (i)
üMeasure the force required to break a specimen and the extent to which the
specimen stretches or elongates to that breaking point.
üProduce a stress-strain diagram, which is used to determine tensile modulus.
üThe data is often used to specify a material, to design parts to withstand
application force and as a quality control check of materials.
üSince the physical properties of many materials (especially thermoplastics) can
vary depending on ambient temperature Þ test materials at temperatures that
simulate the intended end use environment.
Tensile test
Specimen Size:
üThe most common specimen for ISO 527 is the ISO 3167 Type 1A
multipurpose specimen.
üASTM D882 uses strips cut from thin sheet or film.
*The multipurpose test specimen:
+150 mm long,
+The center section: 10 mm wide *4 mm thick *80 mm long.
Tensile test
A tensile dog bone specimen
l d
For the composite samples
Longitudinal test
Transverse test
Test Procedure:
üSpecimens are placed in the
grips and pulled until failure.
üFor ASTM D638, the test
speed is determined by the
material specification.
üFor ISO 527 the test speed
is typically 5 or 50mm/min for
measuring strength and
+and 1mm/min for measuring
ü An extensometer is used to
determine elongation and
tensile modulus.
Tensile test
Characteristics of stress-strain behavior:
ü Modulus of elasticity (stiffness, elastic
modulus, Young’s modulus) is the slope of
the stress-strain curve in the elastic region
ü Yield strength (sy) is the stress applied to a
material that just causes permanent
ü Tensile strength (TS) is defined at the
fracture point and can be lower than the
yield strength
ü Ultimate tensile strength is the stress that
corresponds to the maximum load
ü Elongation at break (%e) – the increase in
length of a specimen under tension before
it breaks (Strain).
Stress –Strain Behavior
P= Applied load
A = Original cross-sectional area
Strain, e
, s
ey eF
= d/l
Stress-train behavior of polymers
Stress –Strain Behavior
üModuli of elasticity for polymers are ~ 10MPa-4GPa (compare to metals ~ 50 -
400 GPa)
üTensile strengths are ~ 10 -100MPa (compare to metals, hundreds of MPa to
several GPa)
üElongation can be up to 1000 % in some cases (< 100% for metals)
üPolymers are also very sensitive to the rate of deformation (strain rate).
Decreasing rate of deformation has the same effect as increasing T.
Stress –Strain Behavior
Deformation of Amorphous Polymers
Stress-strain curves
Deformation of Semicrystalline and crosslinked Polymers
Flexural test
üMeasures the force required to bend a
beam under 3 point loading conditions.
üThe data is often used to select materials
for parts that will support loads without
üFlexural modulus is used as an indication
of a material’s stiffness when flexed.
ücan test materials at temperatures that
simulate the intended end use environment.
ü Most commonly the specimen lies on a span and the load is
applied to the center by the loading nose producing three point
bending at a specified rate.
üThe parameters for this test are :
+The support span;
+The speed of the loading
+The maximum deflection for the test.
These parameters are based on the test specimen
thickness, and are defined differently by ASTM and ISO.
Specimen Size: üA variety of specimen shapes can be used
üThe most commonly used specimen size:
+ 3.2mm x 12.7mm x 125mm for ASTM D790
+10mm x 4mm x 80mm for ISO 178
Test Procedure:
Flexural test
üFlexural strength
üFlexural modulus
Flexural test
4 hb
LmEb =
b =s
m : initial slope of the load vs. deflection curve
For relatively thin samples ® two point loading
For thick samples ® 4 point loading
Flexural test
Izod Impact Testing
(Notched Izod)
üNotched Izod Impact is a single point test that measures
a materials resistance to impact from a swinging
ü Izod impact is defined as the kinetic energy needed to
initiate fracture and continue the fracture until the
specimen is broken.
üIzod specimens are notched to prevent deformation of
the specimen upon impact.
üThis test can be used as a quick and easy quality control
check to determine if a material meets specific impact
properties or to compare materials for general toughness.
ü 64 x 12.7 x 3.2 mm for ASTM D256
üThe preferred thickness is 6.4 mm because it is not as likely to bend or crush
üThe depth under the notch of the specimen is 10.2 mm
ü80 x 10 x 4 mm for ISO 180
üThe depth under the notch of the specimen is 8mm
Specimen Size:
Izod Impact Testing
(Notched Izod)
üThe specimen is clamped into the pendulum impact test
fixture with the notched side facing the striking edge of the
üThe pendulum is released and allowed to strike through
the specimen.
üIf breakage does not occur, a heavier hammer is used
until failure occurs.
üSince many materials (especially thermoplastics) exhibit
lower impact strength at reduced temperatures Þ to test
materials at temperatures that simulate the intended end
use environment
Izod Impact Testing
(Notched Izod)
Test Procedure:
üThe specimens are conditioned at the specified temperature in a freezer
until they reach equilibrium.
üThe specimens are quickly removed, one at a time, from the freezer and
üNeither ASTM nor ISO specify a conditioning time or elapsed time from
freezer to impact - typical values from other specifications are 6 hours of
conditioning and 5 seconds from freezer to impact.
Reduced Temperature Test procedure:
üImpact energy is expressed in J/m or ft-lb/in.
üImpact strength is calculated by dividing impact energy in J (or ft-lb) by the
thickness of the specimen.
üThe test result is typically the average of 5 specimens.
üImpact strength is expressed in kJ/m2
üImpact strength (acU) is calculated by dividing impact energy in J by the
area under the notch.
cU 10a ´= bh
W W: energy
b = width of the sample
h = thickness of the sample
üThe test result is typically the average of 10 specimens.
The higher the resulting number, the tougher the material.
Impact Testing
üCompressive properties describe the behavior of a
material when it is subjected to a compressive load.
üLoading is at a relatively low and uniform rate.
üCompressive strength and modulus are the two most
common values produced.
Compression test
üBlocks or cylinders
üFor ASTM D695:
+The typical blocks: 12.7 x 12.7 x 25.4mm
+The cylinders:12.7mm diameter and 25.4mm long
üFor ISO 604: the preferred specimens:
+50 x 10 x 4mm for modulus
+10 x 10 x 4mm for strength
Specimen size:
üThe specimen is placed between compressive plates
parallel to the surface.
üThe specimen is then compressed at a uniform rate.
üThe maximum load is recorded along with stress-strain
üAn extensometer attached to the front of the fixture is
used to determine modulus.
Compression test
Compressive strength
maximum compressive load
minimum cross-sectional area
Compressive modulus
change in stress
change in strain
Test Procedure:
Rockwell Hardness tester
üStandard specimen of 6.4mm thickness
ü is molded or cut from a sheet.
Specimen size:
ü A hardness measurement based on the net increase in
depth of impression as a load is applied.
üHardness numbers have no units and are commonly
given in the R, L, M, E and K scales.
üThe higher the number in each of the scales, the harder
the material
üThe harder the material ® better resistance to plastic
deformation or cracking in compression, better wear
Durometer Hardness - Shore Hardness
üDetermine the relative hardness of soft materials,
usually plastic or rubber.
üThe test measures the penetration of a specified
indentor into the material under specified conditions of
force and time.
üThe hardness value is often used to identify or
specify a particular hardness of elastomers or as a
quality control measure on lots of material.
üGenerally 6.4mm (¼ in) thick for ASTM D 2240.
Specimen size:
Durometer Hardness - Shore Hardness
üThe specimen is first placed on a hard flat surface.
üThe indentor for the instrument is then pressed into the specimen making sure
that it is parallel to the surface.
üThe hardness is read within one second (or as specified by the customer) of firm
contact with the specimen.
Test Procedure:
üThe hardness numbers are derived from a scale.
üShore A and Shore D hardness scales are common, with the A scale being used
for softer and the D scale being used for harder materials.
ü Density is the mass per unit volume of a material.
ü Specific gravity is a measure of the ratio of mass of a given volume of
material at 23°C to the same volume of deionized water.
üSpecific gravity and density are especially relevant because plastic is
sold on a cost per pound basis and a lower density or specific gravity
means more material per pound or varied part weight.
Density and Specific Gravity
ASTM D792, ISO 1183
ü For sheet, rod, tube and molded articles.
üThe specimen is weighed in air then weighed when immersed in distilled water at
23°C using a sinker and wire to hold the specimen completely submerged as
required. Density and Specific Gravity are calculated.
üAny convenient size
+Specific gravity = a/[(a + w)-b]
a = mass of specimen in air.
b = mass of specimen and sinker (if used) in water.
W = mass of totally immersed sinker if used and partially immersed wire.
+Density, kg/m3 = (specific gravity) x (997.6)
Test procedures:
üBulk density is defined as the weight per unit volume of material.
üBulk density is primarily used for powders or pellets.
üThe test can provide a gross measure of particle size and dispersion which can affect
material flow consistency and reflect packaging quantity.
üA funnel is suspended above a measuring cylinder.
üThe funnel is filled with the sample and allowed to freely flow into the measuring
üThe excess material on top of the measuring cylinder is scraped off with a straight
üThe sample and the cylinder is then weighed and the weight / volume (Bulk Density) is
üApparent density value is recorded as g/cm3
Bulk Density
Thermal Analysis
üThermal analysis (TA) is frequently used to describe analytical experimental
techniques which investigate the behaviour of a sample as a function of temperature.
TA refers to conventional TA techniques such as:
+Differential thermal analysis (DTA)
+Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)
+Dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA)
+Thermogravimetry (TG/TGA)
Representative TA curves
The advantages of TA over other analytical methods can be summarized as follows:
(i) the sample can be studied over a wide temperature range using various temperature
(ii) almost any physical form of sample (solid, liquid or gel) can be accommodated using
a variety of sample vessels or attachments
(iii) a small amount of sample (0.1 µg-10 mg) is required
(iv) the atmosphere in the vicinity of the sample can be standardized
(v) the time required to complete an experiment ranges from several minutes to several
(vi) TA instruments are reasonably priced
Thermal Analysis
üAs the sample goes through the programmed temperature change, there is no
temperature difference until the sample undergoes an exothermic or endothermic
chemical reaction or change of physical state.
üThe thermal event (a temperature difference between the sample and the
reference (DT)) will be recorded®DT versus time or temperature plot
üMeasure the differential temperature between a sample and a reference pan
® to determine the temperature of the transitions
Test procedures:
Differential thermal analysis (DTA)
Schematic of a DTA apparatus
Differential thermal analysis (DTA)
A DTA curve
The subscripts represent: s-sample, r-reference, i-initial,f-final.
Tg = Glass Transition Temperature = The temperature (°C) at which an amorphous
polymer or an amorphous part of a crystalline polymer goes from a hard, brittle state to
a soft, rubbery state.
Tm = melting point = The temperature (°C) at which a crystalline polymer melts.
DHm = the amount of energy in (joules/gram) a sample absorbs while melting.
Tc = crystallization point = is the temperature at which a polymer crystallizes upon
DHc = the amount of energy (joules/gram) a sample releases while crystallizing.
The data can be used to identify materials, differentiate homopolymers from
copolymers or to characterize materials for their thermal performance.
Differential Scanning Calorimeter(DSC)
Scope: DSC measures:
üA sample of 10 to 20 mg in an aluminum
sample pan is placed into the differential
scanning calorimeter.
üThe sample is heated at a controlled
rate (usually 10°/min)
üa plot of heat flow versus temperature
is produced.
üThe resulting thermogram is then
Test Procedure:
1. Does the sample contain volatile components?
ü 2 to 3% water/solvent can lower the glass transition temperature (Tg) by up to
ü Evaporation creates endothermic peaks in standard (non-hermetic) DSC pans and
can be suppressed with use of hermetic DSC pans.
2. At what temperature does the sample decompose?
ü Set the upper limit of the DSC experiment based on decomposition temperature
(TGA). No meaningful DSC data can be obtained once decomposition results in a
5% weight loss
ü Decomposition affect: the quality of the baseline due to both endothermic and
exothermic heat flow, the quality of the baseline for future experiments and can affect
the useful lifetime of the DSC cell due to corrosion.
Some factors influence on DSC resultsc
3. How does thermal history (temperature and time) affect DSC results on the sample?
4. Identical materials can look totally different based on:
- Storage temperature and time.
- Cooling rate from a temperature above Tg or above the melting point.
- Heating rate.
- Different kinds of experiments may need to be performed in order to measure the
current structure vs. comparing samples to see if the materials are the same.
Some factors influence on DSC results
5. How is the Influence of the atmosphere (air or inert gases (N2, argon,..))
Use >10oC/min heating rates
Tg sensitivity
Thermogravimetry (TG)
üTo characterize the decomposition and the thermal stability of materials.
üTo provide an indication of the composition of the sample, including volatiles and
inert filler