This work investigates the effect of the ratio of the explored Pt area in the electrolyte medium and the
photoanode area (REP) on the performance of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs). It is found that the power
conversion efficiency of DSCs increases by the ascending REP. The highest power conversion efficiency,
which was obtained for the cell with the REP of 64/49, was 8.40%. Furthermore, a relationship between
the efficiency and fabrication cost is analyzed in terms of reducing or enhancing the surface area of CE
compared to the photoanode's surface area. These findings may provide a way for the development of
efficient and large-scale DSCs.
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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Balance between the explored Pt counter electrode in an electrolyte medium and the photoanode for highly efficient liquid-junction photovoltaic devices, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Faculty of Biotechnology, Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, Phenikaa University, Hanoi, 10000, Viet Nam
Sohag University, Sohag, 82524, Egypt
Phenikaa University, Hanoi, 10000, Viet Nam
have extensively been researched and are commonly used [1e11].
Among solar cells, DSC has the largest potential for a wide range of
gh efficiency and
al DSC consists of
trode (CE). In gen-
alline TiO2, coated
SnO2:F, where the
is based on a so-
usually selected to
and excellent cat-
ponents affect the
important role in
So far, several methods have been employed to fabricate the Pt
CE such as thermal decomposition, sputtering, electro-deposition
or plasma reduction techniques [12e15]. For example, Jeong et al.
fabricated periodically aligned Pt nanocups CEs which resulted in
an increase of the short-circuit current density (Jsc), the Fill Factor
(FF) and the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of the DSC
compared to the cell with Pt-sputtered CE [12]. Different shapes of
* Corresponding author. Faculty of Biotechnology, Chemistry and Environmental
Engineering, Phenikaa University, Hanoi, 10000, Viet Nam.
E-mail address: (V.-D. Dao).
Contents lists available at ScienceDirect
Journal of Science: Advanc
.e l
Journal of Science: Advanced Materials and Devices 5 (2020) 180e184Peer review under responsibility of Vietnam National University, Hanoi.(DSCs), quantum-dot-sensitized solar cells, perovskite solar cells,
solar-driven evaporation generation devices, and photocatalysis
the device performance, while the CE is the key to regenerating
iodide ions from tri-iodide ions.Explored Pt area
1. Introduction
Nowadays, the human being is facing both energy and climate
problems. Therefore, researches on renewable energy have
received a lot of attention. Several renewable energy sources such
as solar power, hydroelectric power, tidal power, wind power, etc.
have been exploited. Among them, solar power has numerous ad-
vantages compared to other sources, and it has a great potential for
the development of solar cells.
Currently, in the solar energy field, dye-sensitized solar cells
applications due to its cost-effectiveness, hi
environmentally friendly fabrication [1]. A typic
a photoanode, an electrolyte and a counter elec
eral, the photoanode is fabricated by nano-cryst
on a transparent conducting oxide (TCO) such as
TiO2 layer absorbs the N719 dye. The electrolyte
lution consisting of the I/I3 redox couple. Pt is
be the CE due to its high electrical conductivity
alytic activity [5]. It is well known that all com
performance of DSCs. The photoanode plays anPhotoanode
Counter electrode
This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( of Material Science and Engineering,
a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history:
Received 2 January 2020
Received in revised form
23 March 2020
Accepted 26 March 2020
Available online 1 April 2020
Dye-sensitized solar cells
2468-2179/© 2020 The Authors. Publishing services b
( b s t r a c t
This work investigates the effect of the ratio of the explored Pt area in the electrolyte medium and the
photoanode area (REP) on the performance of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs). It is found that the power
conversion efficiency of DSCs increases by the ascending REP. The highest power conversion efficiency,
which was obtained for the cell with the REP of 64/49, was 8.40%. Furthermore, a relationship between
the efficiency and fabrication cost is analyzed in terms of reducing or enhancing the surface area of CE
compared to the photoanode's surface area. These findings may provide a way for the development of
efficient and large-scale DSCs.
© 2020 The Authors. Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Vietnam National University, Hanoi.Faculty of Environmental Sciences, University
d Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science,
eb Phenikaa Research and Technology Institute (PRATI), A&A Green Phoenix Group, 167 Hoang Ngan, Hanoi, 10000, Viet Nam
c of Science, Vietnam National University, 334 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi, Viet NamOriginal Article
Balance between the explored Pt counte
medium and the photoanode for highly
photovoltaic devices
Hai-Linh Thi Dang c, Van-Duong Dao a, b, *, Ngoc Hu
Hong Ha Thi Vu a, b, Thi Hanh Nguyen c, Ibrahim M
Doan Anh Vu e, Pham Anh Tuan e
journal homepage: wwwy Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Vietnamelectrode in an electrolyte
fficient liquid-junction
Vu a, b, Dang Viet Quang a, b,
. Mohamed d, Xuan-Co Hoang c,
ed Materials and Devices
sevier .com/locate/ jsamdNational University, Hanoi. This is an open access article under the CC BY license
ncedFig. 1. Configurations of three CEs in the DSC structures: a), b), c) show the cross-
sectional views of DSCs with different CEs; d), e), and f) show the top-views of Pt
CEs with different active areas, respectively.H.-L.T. Dang et al. / Journal of Science: AdvaPt have also been synthesized such as Pt hollow spheres, Pt nano-
urchins, microporous Pt, mesh-shaped nanopatterning of Pt and Pt
honeycomb structures to apply in CEs of DSCs [12,16e21]. Shi et al.
demonstrated the use of FeOx-supported single Pt atoms as CEs in
DSCs [22]. Recently, Pt-based alloys have been developed as the
efficient CEs of DSCs [23e29]. Previous researches mainly focused
on improving the specific active area, i.e. the catalytic activity of
catalysts in CEs. However, neither the explored area of CE in the
electrolyte medium nor the relationship between the photoanode
area and the CE area has been investigated yet.
In this research, the influence of the explored Pt active area in
the electrolyte medium on the PCE of the DSCs is investigated.
Moreover, in this work, we present the effect of the ratio of the
explored Pt area in the electrolyte medium and that in the photo-
anode area (herein after referred to REP) on the performance of
DSCs. In general, the surface area of CE is fabricated together with
the photoanode. Given that the surface area of the photoanode is
7 7 mm2 (or 49 mm2), the CE's surface area is also 49 mm2. We
also discuss the relationship between efficiency and fabrication
cost by reducing or enhancing the surface area of CE compared to
the photoanode's surface area. In this regard, we fabricated three Pt
electrodes by a sputtering method with three different explored Pt
areas in the electrolyte medium (Fig. 1). The catalytic activity of the
developed electrodes was carefully assessed through cyclic vol-
tammogram (CV), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS),
Bode analysis and photocurrent-voltage (J-V) measurements.
2. Experimental
2.1. Preparation of CEs
Pt layers with different Pt areas of 5 5 mm2, 7 7 mm2, and
8 8 mm2 were sputtered on 2 2 cm2 FTO glass substrates (~8 U/
paste and after annealing, the blocking layers were fabricated as in
our previous work [16]. For dye adsorption, the TiO2-coated FTO
glass substrates were immersed into 0.3 mM N719 dye solution
(Solaronix, Switzerland) of acetonitrile (SigmaeAldrich) and tert-
butyl alcohol (Aldrich) with the volume ratio of 1:1 for 24 h at
the temperature of 25 C.,, Pilkington, USA) by DC-sputtering (Young Hi-Tech) of Pt at
10mA and 2 103 torr for 5 min. Accordingly, 100 nm thickness of
Pt is coated on FTO glass substrates which were measured in a
previous work [16]. We denoted the electrodes as 5 5 mm,
7 7 mm and 8 8 mm (Fig. 1 def).
2.2. Preparation of the photoanode
The photoanodes are fabricated by the doctor-blade method
[10]. 11 mm thickness of TiO2 (Solaronix, Switzerland) were coated
on a 2 2 cm2 FTO glass substrates. Note that the photoanode area
is 7 7mm2. Then, it was sequentially annealed at 325 C for 5min,
at 375 C for 5 min, at 450 C for 15 min, and finally at 500 C for
15 min under ambient condition. Note that before coating TiO2Fig. 2. IeV curves of DSCs with different CEs.Materials and Devices 5 (2020) 180e184 1812.3. Assembly of DSCs
The photoanodes were matched with CEs into a sandwich-type
cell. They were sealed at 120 C for 5 min with a Surlyn polymer
(DuPont) of 60 mm thickness.
2.4. Measurements
The J-V under 1 sun, CV and EIS measurements were carried out
as in our previous work [18]. The J-V characteristics of the DSCs
were measured under one sun illumination from a Sun 3000 solar
simulator composed of a 1000 W mercury-based Xe arc lamp and
AM 1.5 G filters. A CV was used to measure the electrochemical
catalysis of the electrodes. The experiments were performed in a
three-electrode cell with a potentiostat (IVIUMSTAT) as in a pre-
vious study. The EIS of the DSCs was measured with constant light
illumination (100 mWcm2) under open-circuit conditions. The
frequency range used in the experiments was from 100 kHz to
100 mHz with a perturbation amplitude of 10 mV. The obtained
spectra were fitted using Z-view software with reference to the
proposed equivalent circuit.
nceTable 1
Photovoltaic parameters of DSCs with different CEs.
Counter electrode Jsc (mAcm2) Voc(V) FF h (%)
5 5 mm 14.61 0.785 67.74 7.77 (±0.09)
7 7 mm 13.96 0.815 70.51 8.02 (±0.13)
8 8 mm 14.37 0.815 71.77 8.40 (±0.10)
Fig. 3. Nyquist plots of DSCs with different CEs. The top image shows an equivalent
circuit diagram used to fit the observed impedance spectra in this figure. The solid
lines are the fitted curves.
H.-L.T. Dang et al. / Journal of Science: Adva1823. Results and discussion
To compare the effect of the catalytic activity on the perfor-
mance of DSCs, we first conducted photovoltaic (PV) performances.
The obtained results are presented in Fig. 2 and Table 1. As can be
seen in Table 1, the change in Jsc value is not significant compared to
that of the Voc, FF and PCE values. The Jsc value for a cell with a
5 5 mm CE was lower than those of cells with 7 7 mm and
8 8 mm CEs. It is well-known that the value of Jsc is influenced by
the light-harvesting and charge collection efficiencies, the effi-
ciency of the electron injection from the excited dye into the TiO2,
and the efficiency of the dye regeneration. It should be noted that in
this work, identical compounds were used to fabricate all devices,
except for the CEs. Thus, all factors can be excluded except the last
one, which is the efficiency of the dye regeneration. Therefore, the
change in Jsc can be attributed to the Rct1 value, which is further
confirmed by the EIS analyses. Specifically, the DSC fabricated with
a 5 5 mm CE which has the REP of 25/49, showed Jsc, Voc, FF, and
PCE values of 14.61 mA cm2, 0.785 V, 67.74% and 7.77%, respec-
tively. With REP of 49/49, the PV parameters were 13.96 mA cm2
for Jsc, 0.815 V for Voc, 70.51% for FF and 8.04% for PCE. Interestingly,
increasing REP to 64/49 for the DSC with a 8 8 mm CE resulted in
a higher PCE value of 8.40%. Therefore, the REP is considered as an
important factor to control the PCE of DSC. As a result, the
ascending surface area of CE from 49mm2 to 64mm2 resulted in an
increase of PCE from 8.02% to 8.41%. On the other hand, while the
surface area decreasing by 48.97%, the efficiency of the device
reduced by 0.35%. The decline of the surface area of CE from
49 mm2 to 25 mm2 lead to a fall in PCE from 8.02% to 7.77%.
Accordingly, at increasing the surface area of CE by 30.61%, 0.39%
efficiency is lost. The obtained results suggest a relationship be-
tween fabrication cost and device efficiency. Note that this is an
important key for designing and fabricating DSC.To study the effect of the explored Pt area in the electrolyte
medium on the reduction of tri-iodide ions, we conducted EIS
(Fig. 3) and Bode (Fig. 4) measurements. The EIS measurements
were performed with the same DSC under 1 sun. The charge-
transfer resistances of both the CE (Rct1) and the photoanode
(Rct2) and also the CPE parameters for the interfaces of both
cathode and photoanode were estimated through fitting Nyquist
plots and were summarized in Table 2. As seen in Table 2, the Rct1
values of the 7 7 mm electrode and the 8 8 mm electrode
were as small as 2.95 U and 2.46 U, respectively, while that of the
5 5 mm one was higher with 3.64 U. This difference is due to
the larger surface-active area of the 7 7 mm and 8 8 mm
electrodes compared to that of the 5 5 mm CE. It should be
noted that a lower Rct at the CE/electrolyte interface indicates a
higher reaction rate for the reduction of tri-iodide ions. On the
other hand, a lower Rct1 value means a higher catalytic activity of
CE. As a result, the highest catalytic activity belongs to CE
(8 8 mm) while the catalytic activity of the 7 7 mm CE is
higher than that of the 5 5 mm CE. The constant-phase element
(CPE1¼(CPE1-T)1(jw)-(CPE1P)) of the CE can also be used to es-
Fig. 4. Bode phase plots of DSCs with different CEs.
d Materials and Devices 5 (2020) 180e184timate the surface-active area of CEs via the CPE1-T values.
Gratzel et al. proposed that a higher value of CPE1-T means a
larger active surface area [30]. As shown in Table 2, the CPE1-T
values for the 5 5 mm electrode, 7 7 mm electrode and
8 8 mm electrode were 10.4 mF, 16.0 mF, and 18.5 mF, respec-
tively. The obtained results indicated that the active surface areas
of the 7 7 mm CE and 8 8 mm CE are larger than that of the
5 5 mm CE.
The effect of the explored Pt area on the catalytic activity for the
reduction of tri-iodide ions to iodide ions at CEs was further
confirmed by the electron lifetime (t). From Bode plots, we found
the fmax values for 5 5 mm, 7 7 mm and 8 8 mm CE being
1.000 104 Hz, 1.259 104 Hz and 1.585 104 Hz, respectively. t is
calculated by the expression: t ¼ 1/2pfmax, where fmax is the peak
frequency in the Bode plots. As calculated results, the t values for
the 5 5 mm CE, 7 7 mm CE and 8 8 mm CE were 4.42 ns,
3.52 ns and 2.79 ns, respectively. It is known that a shorter lifetime
indicates a faster electron transfer across the CE/electrolyte inter-
face [12]. The obtained results illustrated that the speed of electron
transfer across the CE/electrolyte interface of the 8 8 mm CE was
higher than that of the 7 7 mm CE, whereas the lowest one was
for the 5 5 mm CE. The achieved results showed that a larger
explored Pt area in the electrolyte medium leads to an
8 8 mm 5.29 2.46 18.5 0.94
ncedenhancement of the rate of electron transfer across the CE/elec-
trolyte interface.
To further confirm the catalytic activity of CEs, we conducted CV
Fig. 5. CV curves of three CEs with different active areas.Table 2
Impedance parameters of DSCs with different CEs estimated from the impedance sp
Counter electrode Rh (U) Rct1 (U) CPE1-T (mF) CPE1-P
5 5 mm 5.21 3.64 10.4 0.94
7 7 mm 5.29 2.95 16.0 0.91
H.-L.T. Dang et al. / Journal of Science: Advameasurements as shown in Fig. 5. For this purpose, we determined
the absolute value of the redox current peak (|Jred|) and the peak-to-
peak separations (DE). We found that the |Jred| value increased
associated with a rising trend of the explored Pt area in the elec-
trolyte medium. Specifically, the |Jred| values for the 5 5 mm,
7 7 mm, and 8 8 mm electrodes were 0.854 mA, 0.908 mA, and
0.955 mA, respectively. It was reported that a high |Jred| value re-
flects a high diffusion current of ions [31], a larger active surface
area [12] and more active reaction kinetics [32,33]. Furthermore,
the rate-limiting step of the regeneration process of iodide ions
from tri-iodide ions is estimated by the rate of the iodide ions
desorption. The desorption energy, CE surface structure, surface
morphology, CE roughness factor, double-layer thickness, and CE
work function should be considered as the impact factors on the
rate of iodide ions desorption [34e38]. This was further verified by
the change in diffusion impedance (Zw) in EIS measurements (as
shown in Table 2). Fig. 5 and Table 2 also show DE for different
electrodes. As can be seen from the chart and the table, DE of
370 mV was obtained for the 5 5 mm CE, which is higher than
those of 360 mV for the 7 7 mm CE and 8 8 mm CE. The change
in DE supported the explanation of the change in Voc values for
DSCs with different CEs [16].
4. Conclusion
We investigated the impact of the REP on the performance of
DSCs. The obtained results indicated that REP could be used to
control the PCE of devices. The PCE value increases with the in-
crease of REP. On the other hand, PCE also increases while
increasing the surface area of CEs or the catalytic activity of CEs. The
REPs of 25/49, 49/49 and 64/49 resulted in the PCE values of 7.77%,8.02%, and 8.40%, respectively. We also found a relation between
the fabrication cost and device efficiency. Our study may openways
to further improve the PCE of DSCs, to reduce the cost of devices,
and to the large-scale application of solar cells in the future.
Declaration of Competing Interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
This research was funded by the Vietnam National Foundation
for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) under grant
number 103.02-2018.27.
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