Abstract. The paper presents the results of the survey on pedagogical qualities and
competencies of students course 2016-2020 (final-year-students) of the Faculty of Physical
Education, Hanoi National University of Education (HNUE) on the following aspects: The
qualities of the future teachers such as love for the job, living honestly, frankly, with a will
to develop in their careers; the pedagogical skills of future teachers such as the ability to
understand students' psychology, application of the program to the teaching process, the
usage of appropriate teaching methods and techniques; and the ability to test and evaluate
students., thereby suggesting solutions to improve the quality of teacher training of Faculty
of Physical Education, Hanoi National University of Education.
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Educational Sciences, 2020, Volume 64, Issue 4A, pp. 82-88
This paper is available online at
Tran Minh Thang
Faculty of Physical Education, Hanoi National University of Education
Abstract. The paper presents the results of the survey on pedagogical qualities and
competencies of students course 2016-2020 (final-year-students) of the Faculty of Physical
Education, Hanoi National University of Education (HNUE) on the following aspects: The
qualities of the future teachers such as love for the job, living honestly, frankly, with a will
to develop in their careers; the pedagogical skills of future teachers such as the ability to
understand students' psychology, application of the program to the teaching process, the
usage of appropriate teaching methods and techniques; and the ability to test and evaluate
students..., thereby suggesting solutions to improve the quality of teacher training of Faculty
of Physical Education, Hanoi National University of Education.
Keywords: qualities, competencies, pedagogical competencies, education competencies.
1. Introduction
In the current context of education and training, according to the orientation of General
Education Program 2018 [2], which is teaching towards developing capacity and quality of
learners, the requirements for pedagogical university are very essential. It is the training of
teachers who have the qualifications and qualities to meet the requirements of the new education
curriculum. Therefore, in the training of pedagogical students, especially for fourth-year students,
because this is the time when pedagogical students need to be aware and master the professional
skills needed to practice teaching job. Pedagogical competencies and the quality of students will
be necessary conditions for them to participate in teaching at high schools. They also help students
quickly enter and complete their tasks successfully.
Therefore, through this survey, the Faculty and the University will get information about
perceptions, level of achievement of qualities and pedagogical competencies of students and have
suitable solutions.
2. Content
2.1. The concept
2.1.1. Concept of Quality
- Qualities: The quality concept includes many different contents: 1) ethics includes social
qualities (ethics - politics), worldview, beliefs, ideals, positions, main attitudes treatment, labor
attitude; 2) personal qualities (or moral character) is the streak, the habits, the animals, the desires;
3) willpower including discipline, autonomy, purpose, criticism, assertiveness...; and 4) behavior
Received April 21, 2020. Revised April 27, 2020. Accepted May 25, 2020.
Contact: Tran Minh Thang, e-mail address: Tmthangdhsp@gmail.com
Competencies of physical education students course 2016-2020 of Hanoi National University of Education
such as behavior, weather, temper... [1].
- According to the above definitions, it is possible to understand that teacher qualities include
a combination of socio-political qualities, personal qualities, and willpower, which are consistent
with teaching profession. Thus, the qualities of teachers are formed and influenced by the living
environment, socio-political situation of the country, internal ethical factors in the relationship
with colleagues and students.
2.1.2. Concept of capacity, pedagogical capacity
- Capacity is “a combination of psychological attributes, which are suitable to the
requirements of an activity in order to make that activity achieve results” [1]. Based on the concept
of competence, capacity includes social capacity, which are adaptability, mobility, creativity,
flexibility and flexibility in social life.
- According to Pham Minh Hac (2004), the pedagogical capacity is “a combination of
psychological characteristics of personality to meet the requirements of pedagogical activities and
determine the success of such activities”[7].
In this study, we use the concepts and definitions of the above authors to conduct the research
2.2. Objective and research organization
Observing methods, questionnaire surveys, in-depth interviews and statistical methods are
methods used in the research process. We conducted a survey of 28 students of K66 of Hanoi
National University of Education. In the aspect of selection of survey subjects, we mainly select
the fourth-year students of the Physical faculty.
2.3. Research Methods
2.3.1. Methods of theoretical research
The paper seeks, synthesizes and selects theoretical materials and research results (if any)
about the awareness of students of K66 on knowledge, skills, attitudes, professional standards,
pedagogical skills, and general education programs [3].
Theoretical basis of building the questionnaire based on:
- No. 49/2012 / TT-BGDĐT [5]: Regulation on criteria for evaluating the quality of high
school teacher training programs at university level, standards for evaluating the quality of teacher
training programs, in which the Graduation Standard of High school teachers consists of 8
standards and 38 criteria.
- Regulations on professional standards for secondary school teachers and high school
teachers (Issued together with the No. 30/2009 / TT-BGDĐT by Minister of Education and
Training, October 22, 2009) [4]. The pedagogical skills of pedagogical graduates are placed in
relationship with the professional standards of high school teachers. In particular, graduating
students must ensure the necessary conditions in the rating scale of professional standards. At the
same time, pedagogical practice skills should be considered and compared with professional
standards so that the content and training program of pedagogical students can meet the actual
needs in High School.
2.3.2. Research Methods
Based on research objectives, the paper uses the following methods: Methods of investigation and survey
* Purpose
- Measure the level of awareness about quality and pedagogical capacities of fourth-year-
students in the Physical faculty at Hanoi National University of Education.
Tran Minh Thang
- Collate lecturers' opinions on assessing the level of awareness about qualities and
pedagogical competence of those students.
* Description of the questionnaire
The tool includes a questionnaire using a survey of students and lecturers with the following content:
Part 1. Information about yourself
Part 2. Content:
1. Student's motives for choosing a career.
2. Evaluate the importance among the required qualifications of teachers and their
attainments of the qualities.
3. Comments on current training program of the Physical Education Faculty, Hanoi National
University of Education.
4. The pedagogical competencies that the Faculty and the University have equipped for students.
5. Self-assessing pedagogical competence of self through the process of training at Hanoi
University of Education.
6. Self-assessment of student's educational capacity during the training process.
7. Students' opinions on solutions to renovate current training programs of the Faculty, Hanoi
National University of Education.
In order to have a more objective and comprehensive view of the fourth-year students'
qualifications and competencies, we have also designed questionnaires for lecturers of other faculties
of the University. Questionnaire for lecturers has the same content as the questionnaire for students.
* How to perform:
The questionnaire was developed in the form of survey according to the following steps:
- Step 1: Develop an open poll.
- Step 2: Develop an official survey to survey.
* How to evaluate
After filtering the invalid votes, the total number of valid votes collected included 28 votes
from K66 – graduated students in Physical Education Faculty.
We then use the frequency calculation, the percentage to evaluate the data in the
questionnaire. Processing method, mathematical statistics
We use mathematical statistics to process data. The calculation is as follows:
- Calculate the frequency and rate of selections.
- Ranking and content analysis.
2.4. The situation of quality and pedagogical competence of Students of K66 Physical
education faculty, Hanoi National University of Education
2.4.1. The situation of quality Awareness of students' qualities
Table 1 shows that students are aware of 10 qualities that teachers need to achieve through
the high percentage of “importance” and “Very Important”. In particular, the quality “Loyal to
National Independence and Socialism” accounts for the highest rate of 85.7% (Very important);
“Ability to understand student psychology” 78.6%; “Have exemplary pedagogical styles” 75%....
This shows that students are quite aware of the core qualities in professional activities.
Competencies of physical education students course 2016-2020 of Hanoi National University of Education
Table 1. Perceptions of students in K66 Physical Education Faculty
of the importance of the required qualities of future teachers
No Quality
The level of Importance
Not very
Normal Important
Ability to understand student
0,0 0,0 3,6 17,9 78,6
Have exemplary pedagogical
0,0 0,0 3,6 21,4 75,0
Love, be proud and contribute
to the career
0,0 0,0 7,1 32,1 60,7
Conscious lifelong self-study
to improve qualifications and
0,0 0,0 3,6 39,3 57,1
Frankly, honestly, supporting
the kindness
0,0 0,0 0,0 35,7 64,3
Optimistic, eager to learn,
0,0 3,6 7,1 50,0 39,3
7 Live healthy, open, friendly 0,0 0,0 3,6 50,0 46,4
Loyal to National
Independence and Socialism
0,0 0,0 0,0 14,3 85,7
Actively participate in social
0,0 3,6 7,1 60,7 28,6
Conscious to comply with
0,0 0,0 3,6 53,6 42,9 Self-assessment of the level of achievement of the teachers' qualifications from students K66
Table 2. Self-assessment of the level of achievement of the teachers' qualifications from students K66
No Quality
Levels of assessment
Weak Average
1 Ability to understand student psychology 17,9 39,3 32,1 7,1 0,0
2 Have exemplary pedagogical styles 0,0 10,7 14,3 71,4 3,6
3 Love, be proud and contribute to the career 0,0 28,6 32,1 39,3 0,0
Conscious lifelong self-study to improve
qualifications and skills
3,6 39,3 42,9 10,7 3,6
5 Frankly, honestly, supporting the kindness 0,0 7,1 32,1 60,7 0,0
6 Optimistic, eager to learn, creative 25,0 28,6 42,9 3,6 0,0
7 Live healthy, open, friendly 0,0 17,9 46,4 32,1 3,6
8 Loyal to National Independence and Socialism 0,0 0,0 3,6 89,3 7,1
9 Actively participate in social activities 0,0 21,4 64,3 14,3 0,0
10 Conscious to comply with regulations 0,0 7,1 32,1 60,7 0,0
The results in Table 2 show that most students assessed themselves to achieve the above
qualities at good and very good level with not much rate, ranging from approximately 40% to
approximately 90%. Besides, students also assess themselves to achieve limited qualities such as:
Tran Minh Thang
Understanding students' psychology; Loving the career, Being proud and Devoting to the career;
Self-study to improve qualifications and skills... This is also due to many internal reasons that can
be seen like the strong impact of today's social life also affects their thinking.
Therefore, the Faculty and the University should pay attention to foster these qualities for
students during the process of studying, not only for competency-oriented teachers [8] but also
for students.
2.4.2. Self-assessing the level of achievement of the pedagogical skills of K66 students
In this paper, we use a 5-level scale with 11 pedagogical competency to evaluate the
Table 3. Self-assessment of achievement of pedagogical skills – K66 students
in Physical Education Faculty
No Quality
Level of assessment
Weak Average Good
1 Stable knowledge and professional skills 0,0 0,0 17,9 71,4 10,7
Mastering the subject's objectives, being able to
analyze the curriculum, select textbooks and
teaching materials
7,1 10,7 53,6 28,6 0,0
Proficient use of positive teaching methods to
create excitement and promote students' creative
independent thinking ability
0,0 7,1 78,6 14,3 0,0
Make good use of technology and teaching
equipment to improve teaching effectiveness
3,6 32,1 50,0 10,7 3,6
Be able to grasp students' psychology and teaching
suitable for different types of subjects
7,1 10,7 64,3 10,7 0,0
Be able to organize experience activities outside of
class time
0,0 10,7 75,0 10,7 3,6
Having general knowledge about socio-political,
National policies, education and socio-economy.
3,6 39,3 42,9 14,3 0,0
8 Capable of integrating interdisciplinary teaching 25,0 28,6 39,3 7,1 0,0
9 Ability to collaborate, teamwork 0,0 14,3 57,1 28,6 0,0
10 Ability to use foreign languages for teaching 35,7 42,9 17,9 3,6 0,0
Ability to self-study and exploit information to
improve professional qualifications
0,0 32,1 50,0 17,9 0,0
According to Table 3, in general, only about 3.6% to nearly 10.7% of fourth year students
achieved a good level at the 11-competency-survey. Most students self-assessed the competencies
achieved at Average and Good level (From 17.9% -78.6%). A limited number of weak capacities
such as the ability to use foreign languages in teaching (42.9%) is worrying in the current context
of the 4.0 industry because the role of Foreign language is a key factor for career development;
having general knowledge about socio-political (39.3%); ability to self-study and exploit
information to improve professional qualifications (32.1%)”.
The interdisciplinary teaching skills as well as the basic knowledge on educational, socio-
economic issues and organizing extracurricular activities are quite new competencies for the
fourth-year students and they still cannot show these in pedagogical practice. Therefore, the
average rate of students in these competencies is less than 50%, which is also a concern. Thus,
the Faculty and the University need to orient and shape these capacities more for students in the
Competencies of physical education students course 2016-2020 of Hanoi National University of Education
final year of learning here. In addition, through interviews, we also find that most students suggest
that the school organizes pedagogical and foreign language skills classes to improve and adjust
appropriate training.
2.4.3. Self-assessing the level of the achievement of the student education competencies in
K66 Faculty of Physical Education.
The self-assessment is shown in Table 4 below:
Table 4. Self-assessing the level of the achievement of the student education competencies
in K66 Faculty of Physical Education.
No Competency
Level of achievement
Weak Average
1 Ability to understand the objects 7,1 71,4 17,9 3,6 0,0
Capacity to assess student progress
and education
14,3 67,9 14,3 3,6 0,0
Consulting, consulting capacity for
17,9 64,3 17,9 0,0 0,0
Capacity of educating students
through teaching subjects of
pedagogical education
0,0 28,6 50,0 21,4 0,0
5 Capacity to develop education plans 7,1 35,7 46,4 10,7 0,0
Capacity to organize educational
14,3 35,7 50,0 0,0 0,0
Ability to coordinate with educational
forces in and out of the school
25,0 42,9 28,6 3,6 0,0
Ability to handle situations that occur
in education
10,7 46,4 35,7 7,1 0,0
Ability to educate students with
unexpected behaviors
28,6 60,7 10,7 0,0 0,0
Capacity to build, manage and
exploit educational records
25,0 57,1 14,3 3,6 0,0
Table 4 shows that most students achieved average and good with a rate of more than 14.3%
- 71.4% in student education competencies. However, students can assess better competencies.
This is also an issue for the Faculty and the University to pay attention in fostering awareness as
well as organizing competencies requirements for teachers to meet the needs of teaching to
develop capacity and human qualities.
3. Conclusions and Recommendations
- The percentage of students who are aware of the role of the teachers' qualities is important
and very important with a high rate of over 40% to nearly 90%, however, there is quite high
difference in the remaining qualities. For the qualities of teaching, students assess themselves to
achieve the qualities at good and good level, with the average rate is not much. These qualities
are also what students have during the training, which shows that they have pedagogical behavior
and qualities consistent with the profession, but also need more training. On the other hand,
qualities such as the love of the career, the pride of the profession, the dedication to the profession,
and the ability to understand the psychology of students should also be focused on fostering.
Tran Minh Thang
- In the group of pedagogical skills, only about 3.6% to nearly 10.7% of students K66 reach
the good level in the survey of competencies. In particular, “Ability to use foreign languages for
teaching” and “Ability to integrate interdisciplinary teaching” are two competencies with the
lowest rate of students. Besides, interdisciplinary teaching and organizing extracurricular
activities for students are competencies that need to be improved.
- Self-assessment of the ability to educate students also shows low rate at level good and
very good; the rate of students achieving average is high proportion. This is one of the dominant
competency groups of graduates, so it is necessary to continue promoting and adjusting
appropriately (the capacity of developing educational plans, organizing educational activities, and
coordinating with education forces) inside and outside the university).
In order to meet the requirements of teachers in the context of current education innovation
and teach in order to develop learners' competencies and qualities, the Faculty of Physical
Education should pay attention to foster synchronous qualities and competencies for students. For
example, some suggestions should be mastering professional knowledge, cooperating with peers,
teaching interdisciplinary integration, specialized foreign languages...
It needs to coordinate better between the faculty and the Pedagogical Research Institute to
organize pedagogical skills classes to support students.
The University should have periodic evaluation of training programs [6], especially for fourth-year
students. In fact, what is currently limited by the Faculty of Physical Education is the periodic assessment
including surveying the suitability of the curriculum of students (in theory and practice).
Faculty of Physical Education and The University should consider fostering students'
competencies inside students’ competency groups. Students need to see the sample lessons of the
subject at high schools. Therefore, the University should encourage teachers in researching
specialized subjects; supplement pedagogical activities associated with high schools to help
students accumulate educational experience such as talks between high school teachers and
students, educational thematic activities, etc., which contribute to train the necessary qualities and
competencies of teachers in the training process.
[1] Nguyen Ngoc Bich, 1998. Pe