There are two central multi-agent models used in economics: the general equi-librium model and the strategic or game theoretic model. In the strategic model we
say what each actor in the economy (or in the part of the economy under consid-eration) can do. Each agent acts taking into consideration the plans of each other
agent in the economy. There is a certain coherence to this. It is clearly specied
what each person knows and how knowledge flows from one to another. It becomes
dicult to specify in a completely satisfying way all the relevant details of the
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ECON 301 FC Advanced Microeconomics
John Hillas
Chapter 1. General Equilibrium Theory 5
1. The basic model of a competitive economy 5
2. Walrasian equilibrium 7
3. Edgeworth Boxes 7
4. The First and Second Fundamental Theorems of Welfare Economics 11
5. Exercises 11
Chapter 2. Noncooperative Game Theory 17
1. Normal Form Games 17
2. Extensive Form Games 21
3. Existence of Equilibrium 26
Chapter 3. Auctions 29
1. Introduction 29
2. Types of Auction 30
3. Analysis of the Auctions I: Private Values 31
Chapter 4. Information Economics 37
1. The market for lemons 37
2. Market Signaling 39
Bibliography 43
General Equilibrium Theory
There are two central multi-agent models used in economics: the general equi-
librium model and the strategic or game theoretic model. In the strategic model we
say what each actor in the economy (or in the part of the economy under consid-
eration) can do. Each agent acts taking into consideration the plans of each other
agent in the economy. There is a certain coherence to this. It is clearly specied
what each person knows and how knowledge flows from one to another. It becomes
dicult to specify in a completely satisfying way all the relevant details of the
In the general equilibrium model on the other hand each actor does not take
explicitly into account the actions of each other. Rather we assume that each
reacts optimally to a market aggregate, the price vector. In comparison with the
strategic model there is a certain lack of coherence. It is not specied exactly how
the consumers interact or how information flows from one consumer to another.
On the other hand the very lack of detail can be seen as a strength of the model.
Since the details of how the actors interact is not specied we do not get bogged
down in the somewhat unnatural details of a particular mode of interaction.
1. The basic model of a competitive economy
We summarise the basic ingredients of the model. All the following items except
the last are part of the exogenous description of the economy. The price vector is
endogenous. That is it will be specied as part of the solution of the model.
L goods
N consumers | a typical consumer is indexed consumer n. The set of all
consumers is (abusively) denoted N . (That is, the same symbol N stands
for both the number of consumers and the set of all consumers. This will
typically not cause any confusion and is such common practice that you
should become used to it.)
the consumption set for each consumer is RL+, the set of all L-dimensional
vectors of nonnegative real numbers.
%n the rational preference relation of consumer n on RL+ or un a utility
function for consumer n mapping RL+ to R the set of real numbers. That
is, for any consumption bundle x = (x1; : : : ; xL) 2 RL+ un tells us the
utility that consumer n associates to that bundle.
!n = (!1n; !2n; : : : ; !Ln) in RL+ the endowment of consumer n
p in RL++ a strictly positive price vector; p = (p1; : : : ; p‘; : : : ; pL) where
p‘ > 0 is the price of the ‘th good.
Definition 1.1. An allocation
x = ((x11; x21; : : : ; xL1); : : : ; (x1N ; x2N ; : : : ; xLN ))
in (RL+)N species a consumption bundle for each consumer. A feasible allocation
is an allocation such that X
or equivalently that, for each ‘ X
That is, for each good, the amount that the consumers together consume is no more
than the amount that together they have. (Note that we are implicitly assuming
that the goods are freely disposable. That is, we do not assume that all the good
is necessarily consumed. If there is some left over it is costlessly disposed of.)
Definition 1.2. Consumer n’s budget set is
B(p; !n) = fx 2 RL+ j p x p !ng
Thus the budget set tells us all the consumption bundles that the consumer
could aord to buy at prices p = (p1; p2; : : : ; p‘; : : : ; pL) if she rst sold all of her
endowment at those prices and funded her purchases with the receipts. Since we
assume that the consumer faces the same prices when she sells as when she buys
it does not make any dierence whether we think of her as rst selling all of her
endowment and then buying what she wants or selling only part of what she has and
buying a dierent incremental bundle to adjust her overall consumption bundle.
Definition 1.3. Consumer n’s demand correspondence is
xn(p; !n) = fx 2 B(p; !n) j there is no y 2 B(p; !n) with y n xg
or, in terms of the utility function
xn(p; !n) = fx 2 B(p; !n) j there is no y 2 B(p; !n) with un(y) > un(x)g:
In words we say that the demand correspondence for consumer n is a rule that
associates to any price vector the set of all aordable consumption bundles for
consumer n for which there is no aordable consumption bundle that consumer n
would rather have.
Let us now make some fairly strong assumptions about the%n’s, or equivalently,
the utility functions un. For the most part the full strength of these assumptions
is unnecessary. Most of the results that we give are true with weaker assumptions.
However these assumptions will imply that the demand correspondences are, in
fact, functions, which will somewhat simplify the presentation.
We assume that for each n the preference relation %n is (a) continuous (this
is technical and we won’t say anything further about it), (b) strictly increasing (if
x y and x 6= y then x n y), and (c) strictly convex (if x %n y, x 6= y, and
2 (0; 1) then x+ (1 − )y n y).
If we speak instead of the utility functions then we assume that the utility
function un is (a) continuous (this is again technical, but you should know what a
continuous function is), (b) strictly increasing (if x y and x 6= y then un(x) >
un(y)), and (c) strictly quasi-convex (if un(x) un(y), x 6= y, and 2 (0; 1) then
un(x+ (1 − )y) > un(y)).
Proposition 1.1. If %n is continuous, strictly increasing, and strictly convex (un
is continuous, strictly increasing, and strictly quasi-convex) then
(1) xn(p; !n) 6= ; for any !n in RL+ and any p in RL++,
(2) xn(p; !n) is a singleton so xn(; !n) is a function, and
(3) xn(; !n) is a continuous function.
2. Walrasian equilibrium
We come now to the central solution concept of general equilibrium theory,
the concept of competitive or Walrasian equilibrium. Very briefly a Walrasian
equilibrium is a situation in which total demand does not exceed total supply.
Indeed, is all goods are desired in the economy, as we assume they are, then it is
a situation in which total demand exactly equals total supply. We state this more
formally in the following denition.
Definition 1.4. The price vector p is a Walrasian (or competitive) equilibrium
price if X
xn(p; !n)
If we do not assume that the demand functions are single valued the we need
a slightly more general form of the denition.
Definition ??def:walras0. The pair (p; x) in RL++ (RL+)N is a Walrasian equilib-
rium if x is a feasible allocation (that is,
n2N xn
n2N !n) and, for each n in
xn %n y for all y in B(p; !n):
Since we assume that %n is strictly increasing (in fact local nonsatiation is
enough) it is fairly easy to see that the only feasible allocations that will be involved
in any equilibria are those for which
xn =
3. Edgeworth Boxes
We shall now examine graphically the case L = N = 2. An allocation in this
case is a vector in R4+. However, since we have the two equations of the vector
equation 1 we can eliminate two of the variables and illustrate the allocations in
two dimensions. A particularly meaningful way of doing this is by what is known
as the Edgeworth box.
Let us rst draw the consumption set and the budget set for each consumer,
as we usually do for the two good case in consumer theory. We show this in 1
and 2. The only new feature of this graph is that rather than having a xed
amount of wealth each consumer starts o with an initial endowment bundle !n.
The boundary of their budget set (that is, the budget line) is then given by a line
through !n perpendicular to the price vector p.
What we want to do is to draw 1 and 2 in the same diagram. We do this by
rotating 2 through 180 and then lining the gures up so that !1 and !2 coincide.
We do this in 3. Any point x in the diagram now represents (x11; x21) if viewed from
01 looking up with the normal perspective and simultaneously represents (x12; x22)
if viewed from 02 looking down. Notice that while all the feasible allocations are
01 x11
Figure 1
02 x12
Figure 2
within the \box" part of each consumer’s budget set goes outside the \box." One
of the central ideas of general equilibrium theory is that the decision making can be
decentralised by the price mechanism. Thus neither consumer is required to take
into account when making their choices what is globally feasible for the economy.
Thus we really do want to draw the diagrams as I have and not leave out the parts
\outside the box."
Figure 3
We can represent preferences in the usual manner by indierence curves. I shall
not again draw separate pictures for consumers 1 and 2, but rather go straight to
drawing them in the Edgeworth box, as in 4.
Let us look at the denition of a Walrasian equilibrium. If some allocation
feasible x (6= !) is to be an equilibrium allocation then it must be in the budget
sets of both consumers. (Such an allocation is shown in 5.) Thus the boundary of
the budget sets must be the line through x and ! (and the equilibrium price vector
will be perpendicular to this line). Also x must be, for each consumer, at least as
good as any other bundle in their budget set. Now any feasible allocation y that
makes Consumer 1 better o than he is at allocation x must not be in Consumer
1’s budget set. (Otherwise he would have chosen it.) Thus the allocation must
be strictly above the budget line through ! and x. But then there are points in
Consumer 2’s budget set which give her strictly more of both goods than she gets
in the allocation y. So, since her preferences are strictly increasing there is a point
in her budget set that she strictly prefers to what she gets in the allocation y. But
since the allocation x is a competitive equilibrium with the given budget sets then
what she gets in the allocation x must be at least as good any other point in her
budget set, and thus strictly better than what she gets at y.
What have we shown? We have shown that if x is a competitive allocation
from the endowments ! then any feasible allocation that makes Consumer 1 better
o makes Consumer 2 worse o. We can similarly show that any feasible allocation
Figure 4
that makes Consumer 2 better o makes Consumer 1 worse o. In other words x
is Pareto optimal.
r !
Figure 5
4. The First and Second Fundamental Theorems of Welfare Economics
We shall now generalise this intuition into the relationship between equilibrium
and eciency to the more general model. We rst dene more formally our idea of
Definition 1.5. A feasible allocation x is Pareto optimal (or Pareto ecient)
if there is no other feasible allocation y such that yn %n xn for all n in N and
yn0 n0 xn0 for at least one n0 in N .
In words we say that a feasible allocation is Pareto optimal if there is no other
feasible allocation that makes at least one consumer strictly better o without
making any consumer worse o. The following result generalises our observation
about the Edgeworth box.
Theorem 1.1 (The First Fundamental Theorem of Welfare Economics). Suppose
that for each n the preferences %n are strictly increasing and that (p; x) is a Wal-
rasian equilibrium. Then x is Pareto optimal.
In fact, we can say something in the other direction as well. It clearly is not
the case that any Pareto optimal allocation is a Walrasian equilibrium. A Pareto
optimal allocation may well redistribute the goods, giving more to some consumers
and less to others. However, if we are permitted to make such transfers then
any Pareto optimal allocation is a Walrasian equilibrium from some redistributed
initial endowment. Suppose that in the Edgeworth box there is some point such as
x in 6 that is Pareto optimal. Since x is Pareto optimal Consumer 2’s indierence
curve through x must lie everywhere below Consumer 1’s indierence curve through
x. Thus the indierence curves must be tangent to each other. Let’s draw the
common tangent. Now, if we redistribute the initial endowments to some point !0
on this tangent line then with the new endowments the allocation x is a competitive
equilibrium. This result is true with some generality, as the following result states.
However we do require stronger assumptions that were required for the rst welfare
theorem. We shall look below at a couple of examples to illustrate why these
stronger assumptions are needed.
Theorem 1.2 (The Second Fundamental Theorem of Welfare Economics). Suppose
that for each n the preferences %n are strictly increasing, convex, and continuous
and that x is Pareto optimal with x > 0 (that is x‘n > 0 for each ‘ and each n.
Then there is some feasible reallocation !0 of the endowments (that is
n2N !
n =P
n2N !n) and a price vector p such that (p; x) is a Walrasian equilibrium of the
economy with preferences %n and initial endowments !0.
5. Exercises
Exercise 1.1. Consider a situation in which a consumer consumes only two
goods, good 1 and good 2, and takes prices as exogenously given. Suppose that the
consumer is initially endowed with !1 units of good 1 and !2 units of good 2, and
that the price of good 1 is p1 and the price of good 2 is p2. (The consumer can
either buy or sell at these prices.)
Suppose that the consumer’s preferences are given by the utility function
u(x1; x2) = x1x2
where x1 is the amount of good 1 the consumer consumes and x2 the amount of
good 2. Suppose also that !1 = 2 and !2 = 1 and that p2 = 1.
Figure 6
(1) Write the budget constraint of this consumer and solve the budget con-
straint to give x2 as a function of x1.
(2) Substitute this function into the utility function to give utility as a func-
tion of x1.
(3) Find the value of x1 that maximises the consumer’s utility. You do this
by dierentiating the function you found in the previous part setting the
derivative equal to zero and then solving the resulting equation to give x1
as a function of p1.
(4) Substitute the value you nd for x1 into the function you found in part 1
to nd the optimal value of x2 as a function of p1.
(5) Graph the functions x1(p1) and x2(p1).
(6) Find the value of p1 that will make this consumer willing to consume her
initial endowment.
(7) Suppose that p2 was 2, rather than 1. Repeat the analysis above for this
case. Comment on the result.
Exercise 1.2. Suppose that in addition to the consumer described in the
previous exercise we also have an another consumer, consumer 2, whose preferences
are given by the utility function
u2(x1; x2) = x12x2
where x1 is the amount of good 1 the consumer consumes and x2 the amount of
good 2. Suppose also that !12 = 1 and !22 = 3, where !‘2 is consumer 2’s initial
endowment of good ‘. Again assume that p2 = 1.
(1) Repeat the analysis of the previous exercise for this consumer, nding the
demand functions x12(p1) and x22(p1).
(2) Find the market demand in the economy consisting of these two consumers
by adding the individual demand functions. That is
X1(p1) = x11(p1) + x12(p1)
X2(p1) = x21(p1) + x22(p1):
(3) Find the value of p1 for which the market demand for good 1 is exactly
equal to the total endowment of good 1.
(4) Conrm that at this price the the market demand for good 2 is also equal
to the total endowment of good 2.
(5) Why?
Exercise 1.3. Consider a situation in which a consumer consumes only two
goods, good 1 and good 2, and takes prices as exogenously given. Suppose that the
consumer is initially endowed with !1 units of good 1 and !2 units of good 2, and
that the price of good 1 is p1 and the price of good 2 is p2. (The consumer can
either buy or sell at these prices.)
Suppose that the consumer’s preferences are given by the utility function
u(x1; x2) = maxfx1; x2g
where x1 is the amount of good 1 the consumer consumes and x2 the amount of
good 2. [If you have come across Leontief preferences in the past be careful. These
are almost precisely the opposite. Leontief preferences are dened by u(x1; x2) =
minfx1; x2g. You are asked to analyse Leontief preferences in Exercise 1.5.] Suppose
also that !1 = 2 and !2 = 3. Again, we can choose one normalisation for the price
vector and again we choose to let p2 = 1.
(1) On a graph draw several indierence curves of this consumer.
(2) Draw, on the same graph draw the budget sets when p1 = 0:5, when
p1 = 1, and when p1 = 2,
(3) Find the value(s) of (x1; x2) that maximises the consumer’s utility, for
each of these budget sets. You don’t need to do any dierentiation to do
this. Simply thinking clearly should tell you the answer.
(4) Generalise the previous answer to give the optimal values of x1 and x2 as
functions of p1.
(5) Graph the functions x1(p1) and x2(p1).
(6) Argue that there is no value of p1 that will make the consumer willing
to consume her initial endowment, and that thus, in the one consumer
economy there is no equilibrium.
Exercise 1.4. Consider again the preferences given in Exercise 1.3. We shall
now illustrate the convexifying eect of having many consumers.
(1) Suppose that there are two consumers identical to the consumer described
in Exercise 1, that is they have the same preferences and the same initial
endowment. Graph the aggregate demand functions
X1(p1) = x11(p1) + x12(p1)
X2(p1) = x21(p1) + x22(p1)
taking particular care at the value p1 = 1.
(2) Is there a competitive equilibrium for this economy? Why?
(3) How many identical consumers of this type are needed in order that the
economy should have an equilibrium?
Exercise 1.5. Consider a situation in which a consumer consumes only two
goods, good 1 and good 2, and takes prices as exogenously given. Suppose that the
consumer is initially endowed with !1 units of good 1 and !2 units of good 2, and
that the price of good 1 is p1 and the price of good 2 is p2. (The consumer can
either buy or sell at these prices.)
Suppose that the consumer’s preferences are given by the utility function
u(x1; x2) = minfx1; x2g
where x1 is the amount of good 1 the consumer consumes and x2 the amount of
good 2. Think a little about what this utility function means. If the consumer has
3 units of good 1 and 7 units of good 2 then her utility is 3. If she has 3 units of
good 1 and 17 units of good 2 then her utility is still 3. Increasing the amount of
the good she has more of does not increase her utility. If she has 4 units of good 1
and 7 units of good 2 then her utility is 4. Increasing the amount of the good she
has less of does increase her utility.