Lập trình mã nguồn mở Bài 8: Module Manager

Advanced Options  Alternative Layout Can specify an alternative breadcrumb layout if alternatives are configured.  Module Class Suffix Can specify an alternative style if additional styles are configured in your template.  Caching. Options available to pull this parameter from the global configuration settings, or to disable Caching.

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Bạn đang xem trước 20 trang tài liệu Lập trình mã nguồn mở Bài 8: Module Manager, để xem tài liệu hoàn chỉnh bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
1 LẬP TRÌNH MÃ NGUỒN MỞ Bài 8: Module Manager Nguyễn Hữu Thể 2 Nội dung  Custom HTML  Footer  Random Image  Lastest New  Lastest User  Login 3 Module – Custom HTML  Extensions > Module Manager > New > Custom HTML 4 Module – Custom HTML  Extensions > Module Manager > New > Custom HTML Module – Custom HTML Advanced Options  Alternative Layout Can specify an alternative breadcrumb layout if alternatives are configured.  Module Class Suffix Can specify an alternative style if additional styles are configured in your template.  Caching. Options available to pull this parameter from the global configuration settings, or to disable Caching. 6 Module – Custom HTML  Custom HTML ở trang chủ 7 Module – Custom HTML  Vào module Custom HTML, bổ sung thêm HTML source 8 Module – Custom HTML  Trang chủ, nội dung đã thay đổi 9 Module – Footer  Trang báo Thanh Niên Online, Zing 10 Module – Footer  Extensions > Module Manager > New > Footer 11 Module – Footer  Extensions > Module Manager > New > Footer 12 Module – Footer  Footer đã được đưa ra trang chủ 13 Module – Footer  Thay đổi position Footer 14 Module – Footer với Custom HTML  Tạo module Custom HTML cho phần Footer, nhập dữ liệu mẫu của Zing 15 Module – Footer với Custom HTML  Tạo module Custom HTML cho phần Footer 16 Module – Xóa thông tin ở Footer  Xóa dòng chữ “Power by Joomla!@” 17 Module – Xóa thông tin ở Footer  Extension > Template Manager > Templates 18 Module – Xóa thông tin ở Footer  Extension > Template Manager > Templates > Edit main 19 Module – Xóa thông tin ở Footer  Sửa đoạn code HTML ở phần Footer 20 Module – Latest New  New Module 21 Module – Latest New  Nhập, chọn thông tin Module – Latest New  Count. The number of Articles to show.  Order. Recently Added First or Recently Modified First. Whether to show the Articles based on the date added or the date modified.  Authors. Anyone, Added or modified by Me, or Not added or modified by me. Optional filter to limit the display to Articles based on whether they were authored or modified by the current user. Only applies if a user is logged in to the site. 23 Module – Latest New  Trang chủ, hiển thị module Lastest New 24 Module – Lastest User  Trang chủ, hiển thị module Lastest New 25 Module – Lastest User  Nhập, chọn thông tin 26 Module – Lastest User  Tạo mới User để kiểm tra  User Manager > New 27 Module – Lastest User 28 Module – Lastest User 29 Module – Login 30 Module – Login 31 Module – Login 32 Module – Login  Đăng nhập 33 Module – Random Image 34 Module – Random Image 35 Module – Random Image Basic Options  Image Type. The type of image to display. Options are "jpg", "png", "gif", and so on. The default is "jpg".  Image Folder. The folder on the server that stores the image files. The path is relative to the site URL (for example, "images/stories").  Link. Optional web site to link to when image is clicked.  Width (px). Optional image width, in pixels. If entered, image will be forced to this width.  Height (px). Optional image height, in pixels. If entered, image will be forced to this height. 36 Module – Random Image Advanced Options  Alternative layout Apply an alternative layout or template override  Module Class Suffix Apply a CSS suffix to the module  Caching. Use Global/No Caching. Whether or not to cache the content of this Module. A setting of "Use Global" will use the Cache Settings from the Global Configuration screen. 37 Module – Random Image 38 Module – Search 39 Module – Search 40 Module – Search  Module Class Suffix. A suffix applied to the CSS class of the Module.  Box Width. The size of the search box, in characters. Default value is 20.  Box Text. Default text to display in the Search box. If blank, the "search box" field from the language file will be used.  Search button. Whether or not to display a Search button. If no button is displayed, the user starts the search by pressing Enter.  Button Position. Position of the Search button. Options are Right, Left, Top, or Bottom.  Search button image. Whether or not to display the Search button as an image. If yes, the image file must be named "searchButton.gif" and be located in the "images/M_images" folder.  Button Text. The text to display in the Search button. If left blank, the "search" string from the language file will be used.  Set Item ID Assign an ItemID when no specific menu item for Com_search exists 41 Module – Search 42 Module – Search
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