Abstract. Occupational orientation education (OOE) for high school students is a real concern of society. Education Law (2005) and several other
studies have shown the important role and the position of OOE in high
school curriculums. However, the execution of OOE in high schools still
faces different problems, such as time allocated for OOE, training of OOE
teachers, contents of the subjects and teaching methods, awareness of OOE
by students and teachers, school facilities for OOE, etc.
To overcome the aforementioned problems, the author of this paper has
proposed some solutions including (1) improving the management of OOE
in high schools, (2) building up a good team of OOE teaching and managing
staff, (3) innovating the contents and approaches of teaching OOE, and (4)
improving the school facilities for OOE by making good use of the school
facilities and resources available at localities.
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2011, Vol. 56, N◦. 1, pp. 93-100
Ho Van Thong
Dong Thap Province’s Education and Training Department
E-mail: hvthong.dongthap@moed.edu.vn
Abstract. Occupational orientation education (OOE) for high school stu-
dents is a real concern of society. Education Law (2005) and several other
studies have shown the important role and the position of OOE in high
school curriculums. However, the execution of OOE in high schools still
faces different problems, such as time allocated for OOE, training of OOE
teachers, contents of the subjects and teaching methods, awareness of OOE
by students and teachers, school facilities for OOE, etc.
To overcome the aforementioned problems, the author of this paper has
proposed some solutions including (1) improving the management of OOE
in high schools, (2) building up a good team of OOE teaching and managing
staff, (3) innovating the contents and approaches of teaching OOE, and (4)
improving the school facilities for OOE by making good use of the school
facilities and resources available at localities.
Keywords: O.O.E, occupational orientation
1. Introduction
Document of the Vietnam Communist Partys 9th Congress (2001) underscored
the important role of Occupational Orientation Education (OOE): implementing the
policy: learning is accompanied by practice, education goes with labour and produc-
tion, school education must be close to social issues. It is necessary to highly value
O.O.E. and the streaming of high school students, preparing the teenagers for suit-
able professions based on the change of economic structures of the whole country as
well as in each locality [1].
As for the Education Law (2005), OOE is a part of the comprehensive high
school education curricula. Actually, in the current curriculum of high school edu-
cation, OOE is introduced from grades 9-12 with various topics for the purposes of
helping students develop a good idea of and the right attitude toward professions
and labour; get a general understanding of assignments of work in society, the struc-
ture of National Economy, the countrys economic growth, familiar with major and
Ho Van Thong
fundamental jobs and sections, traditional professions of their localities; form and
develop interest and occupational ability.
Some recent studies show that schools have the greatest influence on poten-
tial aspects and occupational orientation of high school students. The properties,
abilities or core capacities of occupational potentials depend very much on OOE.
OOE will help individuals realize the true values of occupations and find happi-
ness when they heartedly dedicate all their spirit and strength to such professions.
Therefore, OOE really needs the synchronous involvement of several social sections,
not excluding the role of high schools.
2. Content
2.1. Contents of research
2.1.1. Urgency of the research of OOE
In reality, the launching of OOE programs in Vietnam still has several prob-
lems. Some of the major ones are as follows.
- The Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam (MOET) includes O.O.E.
in high schools with extra activities. Before the 2008-2009 school-year, there were 27
OOE lessons/ school year/ class [2]. When Document No. 7475/BGDT-GDTrH was
issued on the 15 of August, 2008 it was implemented, the number of OOE lessons
fell down to 9 lessons/ school year/ class [3]. With such limited time, it has been
impossible to convey all the contents of the OOE book written by MOET. Also, it
has been very hard for students to do a variety of activities such as survey, infor-
mation processing, information exchanging, problem solving, visiting to designated
places, etc. The teachers do not have the chance to arouse the students interest or
instruct them to search for necessary information for themselves in terms of occupa-
tion and training institutions. Hence, it is impossible to help students to be active
in choosing a suitable future occupation for themselves.
- As for high schools, not enough attention has been paid to OOE activities. A
survey shows that 100% of high schools dont have officials and teachers specializing
in OOE (or Careers Advice Officers). For these reasons, when assigned to provide
OOE training to students, the teachers do not only have the necessary knowledge of
OOE but they are also confused about both organization and teaching methods. The
weaknesses in OOE at high schools can also indicate that most schools havent had
the programmes and contents of the concerned activities. OOE is just considered as
an extra lesson for 12th graders when they are beginning to prepare documents to
apply for university/college entrance examinations. Regulations or instructions on
how to implement the contents, programmes and more importantly the inspection
of OOE has not been implemented sufficiently and regularly.
Occupational orientation education (O.O.E.) in high schools: problems and solutions
2.1.2. Survey of the real situation of O.O.E. in High Schools
To evaluate the real situation of OOE at 40 high schools in the Mekong Delta,
we sent 830 questionnaires, of which 500 were for the students, 300 to teachers and
30 to school leaders. The questions are closely related to OOE activities. After col-
lecting and compilating the data in September 2009, we came to a general conclusion
as follows:
- Awareness of OOE activity.
Of the 500 questionnaires sent to students, 442 (88.4%) of them said OOE
at schools over the past time was just an extra activity. The number of students
knowing about the jobs in their areas was small - only 387 of them (77.4%). We
asked what form of OOE was most effective now, most of them - 420 opinions
(84%) they got information via books and newspapers and others. As for the OOE
consulting work, 472 of them (94.4%) said their schools didnt have OOE consulting
offices. It indicated that OOE activity at high schools was not well-organized, so
the students couldnt get access to the contents of this activity. The conclusion was
also made based on our survey that got opinions of managing officials, teachers and
students about the organization of OOE in schools. 631/830 opinions (76.02%) said
the activity was organized in school only once in each semester.
Table 1. Students awareness of O.O.E
(number of questionnaires: 500)
Contents of survey No. of opinions Percentage (%)
- A school subject 00 0
- An extra activity 442 88.4
- An essential activity 18 3.6
- Not an essential activity 40 8.0
Total 500 100.0
- Teachers and School Leaders. Teachers and school leaders have direct influ-
ences on potential aspects and occupational orientation of students. However, their
awareness as well as attitude towards O.O.E. activity in schools is not sufficient.
As many as 192 out of 330 (57%) of the teachers say OOE was not important in
the past. It was obvious that most of the high schools in the region didnt have
an organization structure, regulations, or even plans for OOE activities as a real
activity in schools. Insufficient attention was paid to inpection and direction. Up
to 284 out of 300 teachers (95%) said schools did not inspect this activity and 16
out of 300 teachers (5%) said the inspection is just conducted once in a while. Up
to 116 opinions (35%) said OOE is a knowledge unit in high school education. Yet
the OOE contents just focus mainly on occupational Orientation Consulting work.
- Regarding the facilities for OOE activity: 809 opinions (97.5%) of school
leaders, teachers and students said schools didnt have the facilities for this activity.
Ho Van Thong
Table 2. Teachers & schools leaders’ awareness of the importance of OOE
(number of questionnaires: 330)
Level of Awareness
Contents Very Important No effect Not
important on students important
No. % No. % No. % No. %
- OOE is a unit of
knowledge in high
school curriculum
70 21 72 22 100 30 88 27
- Creating oppor-
tunities for high
school students to
choose jobs in a
scientific and ap-
propriate way
91 28 51 15 92 28 96 29
- OOE is edu-
cational for high
school students
42 13 100 30 86 26 102 31
- Influences of
OOE on choosing
53 16 89 27 98 30 90 27
The table indicates that the awareness of school leaders is limited because up
to 57% of them said OOE did not have an influence on and was not important to
high school students. Some even said students could still choose jobs without OOE.
Table 3: Purposes of O.O.E. in High Schools
(number of survey ballots sent: 330)
Contents of OOE No. of Opinions Percentage (%)
- Introducing some jobs in local areas, in society 2 0.7
- Providing occupational orientation advice 277 83.9
- instructing students to choose future occupa-
tions based on their strengths
43 13.0
- Creating opportunities to help students to be
placed in suitable jobs
8 2.4
2.2. Suggestions
To make sure OOE at high school complies with the leading of the Party
and policies of the State, OOE activities need strong basic measures in the new
stage. Based on the real situation and problems mentioned above, we suggest some
measures to improve the effectiveness of OOE as in following:
Occupational orientation education (O.O.E.) in high schools: problems and solutions
2.2.1. Strengthening the OOE management responsibilities
In addition to the management function and responsibility in the school in
general, the heads of the schools need to make specific plans to deal with OOE, and
these plans must be included in the school curriculum to be passed at school board
meetings at the beginning of each school year. Specific activities are planned based
on the contents of the school books.
Plans are to be made to send teachers on training courses in OOE, to introduce
all the relevant regulations on this activity. Short-term and long-term plans to be
made about the staffing of specialized officials in schools. Based on the documents is-
sued by the Ministry of Education and Training/MOET, the schools need to quickly
make clear regulations on occupational orientation education/OOE in such a way
that is suitable to the situation of each school and local area. In the inspection of
the regulation compliance, teachers must also be inspected for their OOE teaching.
At present, OOE programs have been launched and implemented on a large scale in
high schools although it is considered as a part of the education contents. However,
the teachers OOE teaching is not particularly done by grading on a monthly basis,
so it is still hard to get accurate evaluations of OOE results. Therefore, schools need
measures to make records in combination with weekly reviewing meetings in each
class to grade students.
To strengthen the organization, management and direction of OOE work, the
heads of schools need to:
+ Establish occupational orientation (O.O.) Board and strengthen its activi-
+ Improve the planning of OO;
+ Strengthen direction of specialized activities, organize OO activities;
+ Strengthen inspection, reviewing and evaluation of OO work;
It is important to build an organization and management structure and im-
plement OOE activities in schools in a synchronous way; including the heads of the
schools, OO boards, teachers in charge of classes, teachers of subjects (especially
teachers in charge of technical training), Youth Union Organizations, Student Par-
ent Teacher Association, and other social forces representatives. It is necessary to
issue regulations on specific tasks for officials, with central direction focused on the
building of the plan of OOE for each unit but it is necessary to reach the final goal of
providing students with essential knowledge of technology and engineering, helping
them develop the ability to work in society, and ensuring the orientation for students
to enter suitable jobs and work in every field of the national economy.
2.2.2. Establishing the teaching staff, people in charge of OOE activities
The second conference of the Partys Central Steering Committees 3rd term
said, The teaching staff play the pivotal role in the quality of education and are
honoured by the society [4]. To meeting growing needs of OOE in the coming
Ho Van Thong
time, we need teaching staff with good conduct, in-depth specialized knowledge,
competence in teaching and OO and especially with excellent practical skills.
Now, schools dont have specialized OO teachers. They have only teachers of
other subjects teaching OO and they need real competence and enormous enthusiasm
for the career. Therefore, to improve the quality of the teaching staff in charge of
OO activity, it is important to do the following:
- Conducting the training workshops for the teaching staff in charge of OOE.
- Creating and improving conditions for teachers of industrial and agricultural
technical training to get involved in the OOE activity and teaching working skills
in all schools to manage the learning of the students as well as discover and help
gifted students in a practical and effective way.
- Cooperating with teachers at vocational training schools to provide OO for
- Mobilizing artisans to participate in the teaching of OO in traditional jobs
in local areas and the country to preserve and improve traditional careers, as well
as create a skilled work force for the localities. However, the artisans are usually
good at their skills but dont acquire the required teaching methods, so when using
this work force, it is necessary to help them to make their teaching effective.
- Sending teachers and school leaders on visits to and learn from schools with
similar facilities that do OO activities well.
- Building a group of free lancers including students parents who work in
different jobs and are seen as highly respected and competent as well as having
good conduct in their career; former students who are studying at universities,
colleges, vocational schools, former students who are successful workers. Especially
the former students of the school who are working at facilities in the locality, and
those who graduated from the high school who decided to stay in the locality to
start their own businesses and are running them successfully.
- Providing satisfactory support for O.O. Boards and the people involved.
2.2.3. Improving the content and forms of OOE
It is necessary to change the contents and forms of the OOE activities on a
monthly basis, with cooperation from teachers of other subjects, teachers in charge
of classes and experts or other relevant social forces to be invited.
The contents of OO are issued by the MOET but the schools need plans
to prepare programs and lessons for OO activities, extra activities based on the
hardware of the regulations issued by MOET and the software suitable for the
socio-economic development of each local area.
- Making plans and assigning teachers in charge of 2 to 3 specialized points.
The specialized points assigned to the teachers must be suitable for their strengths,
specialized ability or those who are capable of or interested in such specialized
points. Good assigning will give teachers opportunities to study and exploit such
Occupational orientation education (O.O.E.) in high schools: problems and solutions
points to improve the quality of the contents of OO activities. However, schools
should also step-by-step set up programmes, prepare documents and materials to
teach traditional jobs in the localities.
- The contents of OO must result from the objective practical needs:
Teaching what is the society and local communities needs for today and the
future rather than what the teachers and schools think. Also, when setting up
OO programs, it is important to take into consideration the inclusion of essential
knowledge to ensure the relationships between what students learn at school and
occupational knowledge. Associate Professor Ph.d., Dang Danh Anh said, The
notable points in OOE books for 11th graders are that teachers in charge should try
to find fundamental information about:
+ The local labour market through the documents issued by the provincial
or municipal Partys Committees, through the provinces or cities long-term socio-
economic development plans.
+ The national labour market through documents issued by the Partys 10th
Meeting, the States socio-economic development plans.
- Cooperating with Youth Unions to include the contents of OOE in extra
activities. Establising extra OOE groups and organizing trips for students to visit
production facilities, plants, factories in the local area or visit vocational training
institutions providing training that the locality needs.
To achieve the expected results and attract students to voluntarily get involved
in activities, it is necessary to change the OOE teaching methods as well as forms
of OOE. Therefore, to do the OOE teaching well, first, it is necessary to:
- Organizing classes to improve technical OOE and labour work teaching meth-
- Making big changes in methods of OOE to improve students activeness and
creativeness in a way that increases students involvement.
- Specialized points prepared by teachers need to be distributed to students to
use as manuals and reduce the time they need to write them. It also gives teachers
more time to organize more practicing activities.
- Forms of organizing OO activities need to be made more various and practical
to get out of classroom activity such as organizing clubs where students can get to
know about careers while being involved in outdoor activities and field trips.
- The Ministry of Education and Training need to increase the amount of time
needed to ensure OO activities on a monthly basis (with 3-4 lessons/ week/ class)
2.2.4. Improving facilities & equipment needed for OO activities
With meager funding for education, even the equipment used for teaching
activities at schools cannot meet the needs of teaching activities, so facilities and
equipment for OO activities will make it very hard for the people involved. To make
it possible for OO activities to be implemented, first, it is important to set up an
Ho Van Thong
office for OO and career consulting. Depending on the conditions in each school,
the scope of such an office can vary, but at least there must be one to introduce,
propagate and educate OO to help students:
- to have information about the world of careers, about the local and na-
tional labour market, about the systems of training institutions, about the needs of
occupations for those who want to search and choose jobs.
- to measure psychological indices the basis for choosing the right jobs.
- to exchange ideas with other individuals and groups of students to find
interests, trends, desires as well as wishes, concerns, and questions from students
who are choosing careers.
- to provide funding for meetings, conferences and visits to relevant places,
specialized reports outside the classroom lessons.
3. Conclusion
In brief, OOE for high school students is a system of educational measures
of families, schools and society, in which, schools play a key role in instructing and
preparing the younger generations in the aspects of ideas, psychological matters,
awareness and skills so that they can later work in sections and jobs in places where
the society needs development, and it is also suitable for their personal interest and
ability. In that sense, OOE can ensure maximum benefits for individuals and so-
ciety; exploit and use all the abilities, potentials and strengths of each individual
in their careers and all through their lives and also the appropriate exploitation of
labour force in the societys economic development. If the groups of measu