Abstract. The objective of this study is to analyze the situation of social networks usage and the
association between the status of social media overusing and the risk of different risk behaviours
of Hanoi high school students. The survey with sample size of more than 1300 students was
conducted in early of 2016. The result showed that a third of all respondents spent from 3 hours a
day or more for social networks' activities or online relationships. It was also very clear from the
statistic that students who spent more than 3 hours a day or had more than 1000 online friends
were at higher risk of having different risk behaviors such as: drug or substances using, physical
and mental violent behaviors. The findings implicated for educational administrators, schools and
parents to work together to identify a better solution to monitor and control social media networks
assessing of high school students.
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HNUE JOURNAL OF SCIENCE DOI: 10.18173/2354-1075.2017-0185
Educational Sciences, 2017, Vol. 62, Iss. 12, pp. 155-164
This paper is available online at
Duong Thi Thu Huong
Sociology Department, Academy of Journalism & Communication
Abstract. The objective of this study is to analyze the situation of social networks usage and the
association between the status of social media overusing and the risk of different risk behaviours
of Hanoi high school students. The survey with sample size of more than 1300 students was
conducted in early of 2016. The result showed that a third of all respondents spent from 3 hours a
day or more for social networks' activities or online relationships. It was also very clear from the
statistic that students who spent more than 3 hours a day or had more than 1000 online friends
were at higher risk of having different risk behaviors such as: drug or substances using, physical
and mental violent behaviors. The findings implicated for educational administrators, schools and
parents to work together to identify a better solution to monitor and control social media networks
assessing of high school students.
Keywords: Social media networks, high school students, risk behaviours, abuse, adolescents.
1. Introduction
Asian countries are classified as very prospective countries for the internet and social networks
development. Among them, Vietnam is one of the leading countries in terms of the prevalence of the
social networks usage. According to the statistics of Facebook in 2015, there was about a third of the
population in Vietnam knew at least one social network as well as used social networks regularly.
Among more than 90 million people, about 30% of them use social networks monthly and the number
of the daily social networks' connection is about 20 million ones (about 22% of all population). It was
also reported from Facebook that on average, each user spent about 2.5 hours per day for connecting
with different social networks. Noticeably, many of them are young people and including high school
students [13].
High school students are at the age between 15 and 18 years old; this is the late stage of
adolescence with many changes in psychological and cognitive progress. They have passed the age of
having with many different health risks, and they are believed to be at the highest physically fitness
age. However, this is also a transition period to change to the mature age, so most of them are
interested in discovering and experiencing the new things. In the era of the internet and social
networks explosion all over the world today, it is very hard for young people to stand outside and
being cold to the "technology storm". It is undeniable that social networks brings the plenty of
benefits for the users. The main work of Nguyen Thi Kim Hoa and her colleagues who studied the
students' usage social networks basically focused on the positive effects such as promoting their
Received: October 12, 2017. Revised: December 5, 2017. Accepted: December 9, 2017.
Contact: Duong Thi Thu Huong, e-mail address: duonghuong_xhh@yahoo.com
Duong Thi Thu Huong
dynamic, assisting students in finding studying papers [5]. However, in addition to the positive aspects
of the internet exploring and social networks connecting, there were also many negative effects. The
recent study in South Korea has found that about 30% of South Koreans under the age of 18 were
believed to be addicted of social networks [2; 3]. According to the study in Norway, the overuse of
social networks could bring the potential symptoms similar to those who are addicted to gambling or
other drugs [6; 8]. On the one hand, social networks' addiction of young people can lead to the time
losing and it waste lots of time of young people which they could save to spend on their studying,
doing exercise to improve their physical health or joining in different social and entertainment
relationships in their real life. A number of studies had shown the evidences of Facebook's influencing
and impacting on young people's behaviors and their studying. Studies in the US, for example, showed
that spending too much time on social networks had affected students' learning outcomes, while also
had influenced and inhibited their active participation in the extracurricular activities [9].
In recent years, along with the rapid spread of the internet, there are also many studies focusing
on internet addiction and games online's addiction of the youth in Vietnam. A typical example of these
studies including the one which was conducted by the Sociological Institute (Vietnam Academy of
Social Sciences) and its focus was the volume and status of the involvement in game online of
students. The other ones which had explored the status of the students involvement in games online
and they were conducted by Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city's Department of Education and Training [9-
11]. These studies were mainly focused on the situation of students' involvement in game online and
the impacts and side effects of spending too much time for it [9-11]. The findings from the above
studies showed that this is really a considerable concern and it requires a sufficient monitoring and
intervention from family, school and society.
If online game topic has attracted lots of the large-scale studies, there are not many studies
focusing on the social media networks usage and the effects of social networks abuse among high
school students. From the practical requirement for understanding in more detail about the social
networks usage situation, we conducted a study focusing on the social networks overuse among high
school students in Hanoi. The findings could be the practical evidences to contribute to develop an
effective strategy on behaviors change for the high school students and then contribute for building a
healthy life style for our future generations.
2. Content
2.1. Methodology
Quantitative method with a prepared questionnaire was conducted with a sample size of more
than 1300 students. Participants were selected from Hanoi high schools and the survey was conducted
in the beginning of 2016. The sampling process was divided into different phases to select
representing districts, schools, classes and then to select students for doing the survey. At the first
phase, 3 districts were selected among 12 districts in Hanoi. Then at each district, one public school
and one nonpublic school were selected from the list of each type of the schools. At each selected
school, two classes of each grade (10, 11, 12) were selected randomly, therefore six classes of each
school had been selected. All students from these selected classes were invited to do the survey after
receiving information about the goals and the anonymity of this survey. They were also informed that
their participations were voluntary and they could stop involvement at any stage without explanation.
Social networks abuse: The situation and association of social media networks usage
In total, 1333 respondents had completed their questionnaires, representing for 36 classes of six high
schools in three different Hanoi districts.
2.2. The main findings
2.2.1. The status of social networks'usage of Hanoi high school students and the associated
factors of their overuse social networks
With the popular and the wide coverage of internet in Hanoi, social network involvement and
participation has become very popular among high school students. Social networks environment has
provided many attractive functions and features for young people: they can expose their opinions and
emotions without face-to-face meetings or communication with other individuals or groups. They
could also interact with each other, share updated information as well as update their status frequently.
For many students, their social life in their social media networks is no less important than their
everyday life at homes and at schools.
Acording to the data collected from the survey, 97.6% of the students currently involved in
different social networks and only 2.4% of all said they were not the members of any social networks.
It can be seen that almost students of each class have already involved in at least one social media
network, only one or two students of each class were not the members of any social networks,
probably due to the fact that they did not have smartphones or computers connecting to the internet or
due to their family regulation that forbidding their connection to the social networks. Along with the
popularity of the social networks connections, students have also spent a considerable time daily for
their online's activities and relationships in this new social environment. In terms of the estimation
time students have spent on social networks' activities daily, the statistics of this study has been
showed on the following table:
Table 1. Average time students spent on social networking daily
Everage time per day Number %
1. Under 1 hour 243 18.2
2. From 1 hour to less than 2 hours 319 23.9
3. From 2 hour to less than 3 hours 323 24.2
4. From 3 hours or more 414 31.1
The table above showed that more than 55% of students usually spend about 2 hours or more per
day on social networks' activities and nearly 45% of all students spend less than 2 hours per day for it.
According to Facebook's statistic, Vietnamese people usually spent about 2.5 hours per day on average
for social networks' activities. In comparison to the findings from this study with the respondents
comming from Hanoi high schools, the difference in amount of time spending for social networks is
unremarkable between our study and the Facebook's statistic. Meanwhile, the respondents of our study
are at high school age and they are expected to spend most of the time for their studying, for their
extracurricular activities and for their family connections rather than spending too much time on
different social networks.
At high school ages, students usually try to have a broaden connection with more social
relationships such as their friends from different schools, their friends from formal and informal
classes. This situation makes their friendships and their other social relationships to be more
Duong Thi Thu Huong
complicated. In addition to their complex of their real-life friendships, social networks with their
online friends are believed to be more complicated as there are not only their real life friends to be
added on their friend list, but there are also many ones that they don't know each other or met each
other in their real-life, were also added on their online friend lists. Having many online friends could
be the associated factor for increasing the complexity of their social networks, in addition, it also puts
additional pressure on them to interact and maintain their online relationships. Research showed that
up to one-third of the all students in the sample survey said that they have 1000 or more online friends
and this is an impressive figure.
In order to identify the differences in spending time for specific group of students who usually
spend too much time for social media networks or abuse time for social media networks's activities,
some statistical analyses have been conducted from the survey as be demonstrated on table 2:
Table 2. The difference between male and female students in spending time daily
for social networks and their amount of online friends connection
Total time connecting to social networks
per day and the number of online
Male students Female students
Number % Number %
Total time
to social
media per
1. Under 1 hour 154 23.1 89 14.1
2. From 1 hour to less
than 2 hours
181 27.2 138 21.8
3. From 2 hour to less
than 3
159 23.9 164 25.9
4. From 3 hours or more 172 25.8 242 38.2
The amount
of online
1. Have less than 1000
online friends
479 69.5 403 62.2
2. Have from 1000
online friends or more
210 30,5 241 37,4
In terms of the difference between male and female students in social media network usage, it
was clear from the findings that female students usually spent more time per day for social networks'
activitiies and usually have higher amount of online friends than male students. There were about 40%
of all female respondents spending from 3 hours or more per day for social media network while this
proportion among male students was lower with only about 26% of all. There was about more than
30% of all male respondents said that they have from 1000 online friends or more, while this
percentage among all female students was higher and occupied for 37.4%. Another social factor
associated with the difference in the status of social media usage was their status of having or ever had
boyfriend/girlfriend. The detail difference in each data has been showed in the graph 1.
It showed from graph 1 that the proportion of students who usually spent from 3 hours per day or
more for social media networks among a groups of the students who had or ever had
boyfriend/girlfriend was 40%, while this percentage among ones who do not have or ever have
boyfriend/girlfriend was only 20.2%. The difference in the total estimation time spending daily for
social networks between these two groups is very high. In terms of the students who had from 1000
online friends or more, this proportion among ones who had boyfriend/girlfriend was nearly two time
Social networks abuse: The situation and association of social media networks usage
higher than the proportion of all students who hadn't got boyfriend/girlfriend. In addition, the
proportion of the students who usually spent too much time for social media networks is much lower
among the group who had a good education achievement in comparison to ones who did not get the
good education achievement in the latest semester. There was only 29% of all students with good
education achievement reported that they spent from 3 hours per day or more for social networks
connection and this percentage among low education achievement group was more than 41%.
Graph 1. The association bewteen the status of having or not having boyfriend/girlfriend
and the social media network usage of high school students (%)
In addtition to some social demographic factors, the diferences in their school's types (public and
non public school) and the location of the schools are also the factors associated with their status of
using social media networks.
The proportions of non - public school's students spending from 3 hours or more as well as
connecting with about 1000 online friends or more were much more higher than the proportions of
students from public schools. Students from Hoan Kiem district's schools, which located in a central of
Hanoi and known as the oldest district of Hanoi, tend to spend much more time for social media
networks than students from two other districts which are known as the considerably younger districts
(41.3% compared to 28.6% and 24.2%). The school managers of these selected high schools also had
the same opinion that it was very hard for them to control or monitor students connecting to social
media networks as many of them had their own smartphones which can connect to internet and social
media networks at any time. In addition, internet devices were also very popular in urban families and
many of students can access to these tools in order to connect to social media networks without any
restriction. Teachers and school managers of the nonpublic schools in the survey sample said that they
had already recognized many students could not control their connecting to the internet and social
media networks during their studying time, they seem to abuse their time for their social network
connection's activities. In order to cope with it, teachers and managers from some of the nonpublic
schools had encouraged students to give all their smartphones to be kept in the locked boxes and they
can receive back them in the break times. However, this was believed to be a temporary solution and
they also expected to have reasonable and sustainable solutions to deal with this situation.
Duong Thi Thu Huong
Table 3. The association between school types (public and private school) & school's location
with the status of using social media network (%)
The status of using social media
School type School's location
Bac Tu
Cau Giay Hoan Kiem
(The central
connecting to
networks per
1. Under 1 hour 20.1 17 22.6 21.6 13.2
2. From 1 hour to
less than 2 hours
27.9 20.4 25.4 26.2 22.4
3. From 2 hour to
less than 3
24.2 25.7 23.4 27.9 23.0
4. From 3 hours
or more
27.8 36.8 28.6 24.2 41.3
estimation of
friends of
each students
1. Have less than
1000 online
71.8 59.3 65.5 64 68.7
2. Have from
1000 online
friends or more
28.2 40.7 34.5 36 31.3
In terms of the family's characteristics, the survey's data showed that student's parents marriage
status and the availability of the internet devices in their families are also the associated factors of their
social networks status. The proportion of students spending 3 hours or more for social networks'
activities among broken or saperated families was much more higher than the proportion of students
living in both parents families (51.5% compared to 28.9%). It is possible that in broken or saperated
families, students received unsufficent attention and they only live with a single parent or living with
their grandparents. The unsufficent attention and connections from their families could be the risk
factor motivating them to find another relationships and connections outside their families, including
virtual relationships on social networks. In addition to the time abused spending for social networks,
students from broken/seperated families also had much more online friends than the students from
both parents families: 41.6% of all living with single parent compared to 32.7% of all living with both
parents families that had from 1000 online friends or more. The proportion of students from families
that had computers, laptops, tablets or other internet devices spending from 3 hours or more each day
for social network connection was more popular than ones from families without internet connection
devices (32.6% compared to 28.6%).
2.2.2. The association between social network usage and the risk of having different risk
behaviors of Hanoi high school students
It is undeniable that internet as well as social media networks have provided many possitive
chances for students to improve their studying everyday as well as help them to maintain their social
connections and friendship easier. However, at the transition age, it is not easy for all of them to
manage their time and control their behaviors on the social networks' environment. Spending too many
Social networks abuse: The situation and association of social media networks usage
hours for it could be a risk which could effect their studying time and their time spending for
extracurricular activities as well as for their real-life's interactions. In addition, the data from the
survey has demonstrated clearly about the association between the total time spending for social media
connections as well as the amo