This article is a survey of case studies of knowledge management systems in use
in companies that develop computer software. We nd many descriptions of such
knowledge management systems in the research literature, but most of them deal
with technical issues, and few are dealing with how these systems actually work
in the organisations where they are deployed. This is an attempt to systematically
present published case studies of knowledge management systems that can be found
in the research literature, and to analyse (1) What systems are in use, and (2) What
is the impact of such systems on work in an organisation?
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September 24, 2002 14:26 WSPC/117-ijseke 00096
International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering
Vol. 12, No. 4 (2002) 391{414
c© World Scientic Publishing Company
*Sintef Telecom and Informatics, NO-7465 Trondheim, Norway
yDepartment of Computer and Information Science,
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, NO-7491 Trondheim, Norway
Submitted 1 September 2001
Revised 25 May 2002
Accepted 20 June 2002
This article examines the literature on case studies of knowledge management systems
in use in organisations that develop software. We investigate knowledge management
approaches in eight case studies, and what the reported benets are. Surprisingly, very
few organisations claim to have lowered software production costs or increased the qual-
ity of the software. But many claim to have improved the work situation for software
developers and managers.
Keywords: Knowledge management; software engineering; learning software organisa-
tions; experience factory.
1. Introduction
This article is a survey of case studies of knowledge management systems in use
in companies that develop computer software. We nd many descriptions of such
knowledge management systems in the research literature, but most of them deal
with technical issues, and few are dealing with how these systems actually work
in the organisations where they are deployed. This is an attempt to systematically
present published case studies of knowledge management systems that can be found
in the research literature, and to analyse (1) What systems are in use, and (2) What
is the impact of such systems on work in an organisation?
We have written this article for people who are either skilled in knowledge
management, and are eager to know how this is interpreted and used in software
engineering, or for people in the software engineering eld, who are interested in
knowing more about what knowledge management has had to oer them. This
article is partially based on [1].
Corresponding author.
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392 T. Dingsyr & R. Conradi
First, we will briefly motivate the use of knowledge management systems in
software development by discussing the use of software, common problems in de-
velopment and suggested improvement actions. We then go on to dene what we
mean by \knowledge" and \knowledge management", before we state more precise
research questions for this survey. Next, we present dierent technology innovations
for knowledge management in software engineering as context, and then present and
discuss eight case studies found in the literature.
1.1. Software development; problems and remedies
To develop and maintain software is often referred to as \software engineering".
One denition is that software engineering \is concerned with theories, methods
and tools which are needed to develop software . . . for computers", and it diers
from engineering in other disciplines because it is \not constrained by materials
governed by physical laws or by manufacturing processes" [2] (quoted in [3]).
1.1.1. Problems with software development
Software development can often be challenging. There are many examples of soft-
ware projects that have failed. The much-cited Standish report on software projects
[4] \shows a staggering 31.1% of projects will be cancelled before they ever get com-
pleted. Further results indicate 52.7% of projects will cost 189% of their original
estimates. The cost of these failures and overruns are just the tip of the proverbial
iceberg. The lost opportunity costs are not measurable, but could easily be in the
trillions of dollars . . . ". The view that the software systems we use today are not
very mature is also supported by the American \President’s Information Technol-
ogy Advisory Committee", that writes: \The Nations needs robust systems, but the
software our systems depend on is often fragile. Software fragility is its tendency
not to work properly | or at all. Fragility is manifested as unreliability, lack of
security, performance lapses, errors and diculty in upgrading" [5].
So why does there seem to be so many problems related to software develop-
ment projects? Software is an immaterial product, and it can be dicult to get
an overview of a total program system, which can be millions of lines of code,
to identify all possible error sources. Also, a very small defect might have a lot
of influence in safety-critical systems, like the European Space Agency’s Ariane 5
satellite launcher, that ended in failure in 1996. About 40 seconds after initiation,
the launcher \veered o its flight path, broke up and exploded" according to the re-
port by the inquiry board [6]. The error was \caused by an internal variable related
to the horizontal velocity of the launcher exceeding a limit which existed in the
software". Thus, just a few lines of code that was lacking, had severe consequences
| a loss of around 500 million pounds.
Other problems can be that the communication between the end-users and
the software developers is lacking, or that project management is dicult in an
environment where a small bug can take a very long time to correct, and where it
is often dicult to determine how much work is left to do on a software module.
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Use of Knowledge Management in Software Engineering 393
Numerous examples of problems in software development projects can be found
in popular books like Crash | Learning from the World’s worst Computer Disasters
[7] and Software Runaways [8].
After listing all these problems that exist in software, you may ask: are all
software systems that bad? That is not so, there are a lot of software projects
which deliver software that is highly usable and working. Robert Glass has argued
that the software failures are the exception rather than the trend [9] | \we tend
to focus on the unusual things that go wrong because they’re more interesting
or important than the run-of-the-mill things that go right". We should not use a
word like \crisis" to describe the software development eld when we know of so
many well-working systems. The main reason for this argument is that problems in
software is used to motivate a lot of research; which should be able to stand on its
own feet.
We acknowledge that there have been more writings about the failures than the
successes in software engineering projects, and that the situation might not be as
bad as it looks. But as the reports we have cited earlier shows, there are at least
quite a lot of projects that could improve, although it is not right to use a word
like \crisis".
1.1.2. Suggested remedies
There has been a lot of discussion in the software engineering community about
nding a \silver bullet" to end the problems, or at least reduce the impact of them.
Several solutions have been tried to improve the way software is developed, like
changes in the way software is produced, the \process", introduction of new pro-
gramming languages, and supporting tools to assist in development. The goal is
usually to increase productivity and quality of the developed software. The out-
come of several of these improvement initiatives was summed up in an article in
Communications of the ACM [10]. Claims of \order of magnitude" improvements
were evaluated, on dierent \technologies", such as:
Structured techniques | using structured analysis, design and programming.
Fourth generation programming languages (4GL).
Computer Aided Software Engineering | tools to support software engineering,
mainly in analysis and design.
Formal methods | formal specication and verication of software.
Cleanroom methodologies | a method for removing defects from software.
Process models | descriptions of appropriate processes in software engineering.
Object-oriented technology | to nd \objects" in the problem to be solved, and
use those in generating software solutions.
Many of the technologies show promising results, but there are relatively few scien-
tic articles that evaluate how the dierent methods work. Also, in some studies that
claim improvement, the improvement technology is confused with other changes,
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394 T. Dingsyr & R. Conradi
like changes in the programming language. So there is still a need for more research
on how these technologies really work.
1.2. What is knowledge management?
Recently, much focus has been placed on \managing knowledge" better in what
we can call knowledge-intensive companies. This has been applied in many other
domains than software development, but we focus mainly on what has been achieved
there, although we draw on general knowledge management theory to discuss what
has happened in this domain. But rst, we discuss what we mean by \knowledge"
before going on to discuss \knowledge management".
1.2.1. What is knowledge?
The term \knowledge" is dened in the Oxford Dictionary and Thesaurus [11]
as: \awareness or familiarity gained by experience (of a person, fact, or thing)",
\persons range of information", \specic information; facts or intelligence about
something", or \a theoretical or practical understanding of a subject". A more
philosophical (and positivist) view of knowledge is to see it as \justied true belief".
We often divide knowledge into two types, tacit and explicit knowledge [12]. By tacit
knowledge we mean knowledge that a human is not able to express explicitly, but is
guiding the behaviour of the human. For example, how to ride a bike is something
that is dicult to express, which you have to learn by trial and error. Another
example of tacit knowledge is the struggle of Japanese engineers to make a machine
that bakes bread. According to Nonaka and Takeuchi [13], there were several trials
to construct such a machine, but the bread simply did not taste as good as bread
made by human bakers. The company NEC then decided to send people to a local
baker to see how the process of making bread was carried out. The researchers
returned with new insight on the kneading process, and later were able to replicate
this in their machine. This is an example of tacit knowledge that is dicult to
transfer by other means than looking at someone who are actually baking bread.
Explicit knowledge is knowledge that we can represent, for example, in reports,
books, talks, or other formal or informal communication. So when we later talk
about computer systems for knowledge management, it is only the explicit knowl-
edge that can be managed in these kinds of systems; the tacit knowledge remains in
the people! Some claim that tacit knowledge can be converted to explicit through
externalisation [13], and from explicit to tacit through internalisation. We also
nd conversions from tacit to tacit | socialisation, and explicit to explicit |
Some terms related to knowledge are experience and information. In normal
English, experience means \actual observation of or practical acquaintance with
facts or events", or \knowledge or skill resulting from this" [11]. Most people see
experience as a type of knowledge that you have gained from practise. Information
is seen as \something told; knowledge", \items of knowledge; news". In normal
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Use of Knowledge Management in Software Engineering 395
English, it is dicult to distinguish the terms information and knowledge. Within
articial intelligence, information is often referred to as \data with meaning". The
characters \4m" does not say much in itself, but if we know that \m" stands
for \meters", it can be useful information. Knowledge is then often dened as
information that is used (in an articial intelligence-sense: in a computer system).
For an interesting discussion about the terms data, information and knowledge in
articial intelligence, see [14].
This use of the term knowledge in articial intelligence is however greatly dis-
puted by Dreyfus [15], who claims that knowledge requires other processes than
those in a computer system.
To sum up this discussion, it is clearly out of scope to land the discussion
on knowledge in this article, but we will use a pragmatic denition of knowledge,
what Taylor [16] who has been working with \information use environments" would
call \instrumental information" | information that is used so that individuals
know how to do something, or \factual information" | information that is used to
determine facts. We will refer to this type of \operational information" as explicit
knowledge, and we will also use the term tacit knowledge.
1.2.2. What is knowledge management?
There are many interpretations of what knowledge management is, and many terms
that describe computer systems to support managing knowledge in companies. In
1974, the book The Corporate Memory was published [17], arguing on the ben-
et of collecting information from dierent sources in a company and making it
\searchable". At this time, the information was gathered on paper, and \search"
would mean to submit a form to a department who would manually search through
their les. The term corporate memory is still in use, but now meaning a comput-
erised database for storing documents from many people in a company. The term
\corporate brain" is also used to describe such a database. Another related term is
\organisational memory", which does not really have a clear denition, but \intu-
itively, organisations should be able to retrieve traces of their past activities, but
the form of this memory is unclear in research literature. Early eorts assume one
could consider memory as though it were a single, monolithic repository of some
sort for the entire organisation" [18]. Many see this term as meaning both a process
of collecting and using information as well as a repository.
In Software Engineering, to reuse life cycle experience, processes and products
for software development is often referred to as having an \Experience Factory"
[19]. In this framework, experience is collected from software development projects,
and is packaged and stored in an experience base. By packing, we mean generalising,
tailoring and formalising experience so that it is easy to reuse. This will be further
elaborated in the next subsection.
So what do we mean by knowledge management? We think that this term in-
cludes issues from all the terms discussed. Some goals of knowledge management can
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396 T. Dingsyr & R. Conradi
be [20]: \To make the enterprise act as intelligently as possible to secure its viability
and overall success". Thomas Davenport has dened it as \a method that simpli-
es the process of sharing, distributing, creating, capturing and understanding of a
company’s knowledge" [21]. If we look a bit more into knowledge management, we
nd that some important aspects are [22]:
Survey, develop, maintain and secure the intellectual and knowledge resources of
the enterprise.
Determine the knowledge and expertise required to perform work tasks, organise
it, make the requisite knowledge available, \package it", and distribute it to the
relevant points of action.
Provide (. . . ) knowledge architecture so that the enterprise’s facilities, proce-
dures, guidelines, standards, examples, and practices facilitate and support active
Knowledge Management as part of the organisation’s practices and culture.
This seems to be pretty in line with what people from two software companies
see as knowledge management. We interviewed 13 managers and developers about
what they meant by \knowledge management" and got answers like \manage, plan,
deploy, collect and spread knowledge in an organisation, and do it in a planned
manner", and \to create, store, survey, use and revise knowledge".
We can divide between two dierent usages, or strategies for knowledge man-
agement [23]:
Codication | to systematise and store information that represents the knowl-
edge of the company, and make this available for the people in the company.
Personalisation | to support the flow of information in a company by storing
information about knowledge sources, like a \yellow pages" of who knows what
in a company.
We should add here that the codication strategy does not t all types of knowledge.
In situations where knowledge is very context-dependent, and where the context
is dicult to transfer, it can be directly dangerous to reuse knowledge without
analysing it critically. For some more examples of problems with this strategy, see
Another strategy apart from the two mentioned above could be to support the
growth of knowledge | the creation of new knowledge by arranging for innovation
through special learning environments or expert networks, but it is beyond the
scope of this article. When we go on to discuss computer systems that support
knowledge management, we will restrict the scope to systems supporting the rst
two strategies.
The Experience Factory
One way to manage knowledge is by giving the responsibility for capturing and
reusing experience to a separate part of the development organisation. This is the
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Use of Knowledge Management in Software Engineering 397
Software Development Project
Experience Factory
Fig. 1. The Experience Factory (taken from [25]).
idea behind the \Experience Factory"; a technical and social knowledge manage-
ment infrastructure to reuse life cycle experience, processes and products, which
has been very much referred to in the software engineering eld [19]. Experience is
collected from software development projects, and are packaged and stored in an
experience base.
The Experience Factory is a part of the quality improvement paradigm [26],
which is inspired by work in Total Quality Management. It involves a feedback
loop for improvement initiatives which include: (1) characterise the environment,
(2) set goals, (3) choose process, (4) execute, (5) analyse, and (6) package. So,
what we learn from these improvement cycles should be made available for the
Examples of experience packages are:
Product Packages | information about the life cycle of a product, information
on how to reuse it and lessons learned from reuse.
Process Packages | information on how to execute a life cycle process, and how
to reuse it.
Relationship Packages | used for analysis and forecasts. Can be cost and defect
models, resource models.
Tool Packages | instructions for use of a tool and experience with it.
Management Packages | reference information for project managers.
Data Packages | data relevant for a software project or its activities. Can be
project databases or quality records.
The Experience Factory organisation will then help new software develop projects
with earlier experience, and can also suggest improvements in processes based on
collected experience (we call this \strategic improvement management" in Fig. 1).
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398 T. Dingsyr & R. Conradi
Goals and a way to
achieve them
Methods to manage
tacit and explicit
Infrastructure for
explicit knowledge
+ +
Fig. 2. A model of the components of a knowledge management \System" or \Program".
The interaction between the Experienc