Abstract. Inclusive education has chosen by Vietnam Government is one of the most
popular and dominant educational trends in the modern world. Current status of the
implementation of inclusive education with the achievements and challenges of Vietnam
shows that some people with disabilities still have not really been matched their rights in
reality. Therefore, the approach to the understanding of special education based on true
rights perspective recognizes ensures participation of people with disabilities contributing
to creating a truly inclusive society for everyone. This article consists of three parts as
follows: (1) An overview of historical review including social attitude in Vietnamese
people; (2) The verification and consideration of the construction of inclusive society from
perspective of the CRPD; (3) The reforming and the development of inclusive of Vietnam.
Part (1) and (3) was written by Dinh, and part (3) was written by Kuroda.
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JOURNAL OF SCIENCE OF HNUE DOI: 10.18173/2354-1075.2016-0228
Educational Sci., 2016, Vol. 61, No. 11, pp. 152-159
This paper is available online at
Dinh Nguyen Trang Thu1, Manabu Kuroda2
1Hanoi National University of Education
2Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan
Abstract. Inclusive education has chosen by Vietnam Government is one of the most
popular and dominant educational trends in the modern world. Current status of the
implementation of inclusive education with the achievements and challenges of Vietnam
shows that some people with disabilities still have not really been matched their rights in
reality. Therefore, the approach to the understanding of special education based on true
rights perspective recognizes ensures participation of people with disabilities contributing
to creating a truly inclusive society for everyone. This article consists of three parts as
follows: (1) An overview of historical review including social attitude in Vietnamese
people; (2) The verification and consideration of the construction of inclusive society from
perspective of the CRPD; (3) The reforming and the development of inclusive of Vietnam.
Part (1) and (3) was written by Dinh, and part (3) was written by Kuroda.
Keywords: Special needs education, persons with disabilities, rights of persons with
disabilities, inclusive society,inclusiveeducation.
1. Introduction
Currently inclusive education has become a popular trend of education in the world. In
Vietnam, inclusive education has been started since the 90s of the 20th century. The inclusive
education has achieved remarkable achievements in the policy system, human resources, quality
of education on the child/people with disabilities... [4] [5]. However, the inclusive education in
Vietnam still has many challenges, including ensuring the correct and full rights of people with
disabilities [1].
The purpose of this article is to describe a new approach to inclusive education, special
needs education and the inclusive society in Vietnam, based on the some viewpoints on the
Convention on the Rights of Personswith Disabilities (CRPD), as Vietnam government has ratified
the CRPD in February 2015.
2. Content
Laws and national systems of the education for people with disabilities (PWDs) in Vietnam
has been formalized, there is setting on the target of the progress of inclusive education for all
Received date: 18/10/2016. Published date: 11/12/2016.
Contact: Dinh Nguyen Trang Thu, e-mail: trangthudn@gmail.com
The new approach to special needs education and the construction of...
children with disabilities. CRPD is seeking the following tasks, it is to build up the society for all,
starting from the early detection of disability and early intervention, entering to school and leading
independent living and social participation, and seeking to establish school education system for
all students and the comprehensive support services after school graduation. The comprehensive
support services are intended to include the education, health care, employment, social welfare,
culture and sports and the urban planning. Also CRPD is based on the premise that to construct the
inclusive society in which each country is not anyone excluded. For the development of inclusive
education in Vietnam, it is an important for development both of inclusive education and inclusive
society of Vietnam, how to resolve linked both sides.
2.1. From Special Education to Special Needs Education, and Inclusive
The viewpoint on PWDs has changed gradually from time to time, beginning with the
charitable perspective on PWDs, which considers PWDs as disadvantaged people in society, for
their suffered physical or spiritual losses prevented them from participating in the activities of
society [6]. With such viewpoint, PWDs are often considered more vulnerable than non-disabled
people in society. People always feel compassion for PWDs, which make PWDs themselves "lose
their abilities" and accept their inferiority, and lead to their self-deprecation and dependence
in society. Therefore, there are only few chances for PWDs to be involved in social activities
and social inclusion. The thoughts, feelings, capabilities, and potential of PWDs are hardly paid
attention or mentioned.
This viewpoint was followed by the medical perspective on PWDs, which viewed PWDs
with more "scientific" and specific eyes, and provided clearer analysis of the shortage of body
structure or mental disabilities of PWDs, yet considered them as patients who need special cares.
This means that PWDs always need to be treated something, so they will not have either time or
capacity to perform various activities in society, such as learning, playing, and entertaining, etc. To
certain extend, PWDs are taken care of in terms of physical health service only while their spirit or
quality of life still receive inadequate attention. Therefore, the life of PWDs is still not improved.
The sociological perspective can be regarded as the most progressive viewpoint on PWDs.
This view showed that difficulties and shortcomings come from not only the disabled themselves
but from objective impact of social factors, which sometimes will create "disabilities" and barriers
for PWDs as well. This means that if a society can neither accept the attitude of the existence of
PWDs, nor have ideas or investments that facilitate participation and inclusion of PWDs (such
as public facilities, transport, etc.), it will cause barriers for PWDs and deprive from them the
opportunity to participate, to contribute, and to develop. Therefore, only when the defect caused
by both subjective and objective reasons is recognized properly, the whole society will consciously
develop towards social integration with participation of all people.
In the field of special education, educational methods to ensure maximum participation of
PWDs also begin from special education methods to integrated education methods and currently
transfer towards inclusive education methods. That education for everyone in the inclusive
education means no discrimination, ensuring educational opportunity for all people, including
the disadvantaged in society such as the poor, orphans, people with disabilities, etc. Therefore,
inclusive education guarantees the right to full participation of people with disabilities in society
more than special educational or integrated education methods before. Inclusive education is the
process of expanding of educational opportunity, to require the accessible for all children, for all
To date, inclusive education has been mentioned in numerous educational policies of the
Dinh Nguyen Trang Thu, Manabu Kuroda
countries worldwide. Many international legal instruments have been born as the basis for the
development of policies and approaches to inclusive education. All of these legal documents have
focused on issues such as: The right to access to education of persons with disabilities, the right
to be respected in the educational environment, the right to participation and social inclusion,
etc...[5]. In the message from Ms Irina Bokova who is director General UNESCO on International
Day of persons with disabilities, disability issues are also mentioned throughout the 2030 Agenda
for sustainable development of UNESCO. The organization also has taken the view, "No one is
left behind", which emphasizes the construction ensures an inclusive society for everyone. Most
recently, the United Nations had ratified the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
on November 28, 2014 and has been widely recognized around the world, including Vietnam.
These results are clear evidences for objective recognition perspective, fairness for people with
disabilities and aims to ensure an inclusive society for everyone.
2.2. Construction of Inclusive Society considered from the Perspective of the
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)
The CRPD was adopted on December 2006 at the United Nations, and was opened for
signature on March 2007 [2] [6]. It is the first comprehensive human rights treaty of the 21st
century in the world. The thoughts of CRPD are based on the premise that to build inclusive society
in which no one excluded. Also, the new approach of the CRPD is the movement of viewing PWDs
as not “objects” of social charity, medical care and social protection but “subjects” with rights,
who are claiming of those rights and making decisions for their independent living based on the
inclusive society. Vietnam Government ratified the CRPD in February 2015.
The explaining more specifically on some contents of the treaty is the follows.
This purpose of the CRPD is to promote, protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of
all human rights and fundamental freedoms by all PWDs, and to promote respect for their inherent
dignity. And the principles of the CRPD haveeight principles, such as:
a. Respect for inherent dignity, individual autonomy including the freedom to make one’s
own choices, and independence of people;
b. Non-discrimination;
c. Full and effective participation and inclusion in society;
d. Respect for difference and acceptance of persons with disabilities as part of human
diversity and humanity;
e. Equality of opportunity;
f. Accessibility;
g. Equality between men and women;
h. Respect for the evolving capacities of children with disabilities and respect for the right
of children with disabilities to preserve their identities.
And that, one of the important definitions for the purposes and principles of the CRPD is a
reasonable accommodation of Article 2, such as [6];
"Reasonable accommodation" means necessary and appropriate modification and
adjustments not imposing a disproportionate or undue burden, where needed in a particular case,
to ensure to persons with disabilities the enjoyment or exercise on an equal basis with others of all
human rights and fundamental freedoms;
Reasonable accommodation is intended to become the premise of all measures and
activities for PWDs, it should be noted also in the provisions of education related to Article 24,
The new approach to special needs education and the construction of...
such as;
1. States Parties recognize the right of people with disabilities to education. With a view
to realizing this right without discrimination and on the basis of equal opportunity, States Parties
shall ensure an inclusive education system at all levels and lifelong learning directed to:
2. In realizing this right, States Parties shall ensure that:
People with disabilities are not excluded from the general education system on the basis of
disability, and that children with disabilities are not excluded from free and compulsory primary
education, or from secondary education, on the basis of disability;
The CRPD has requested to give due consideration and special support for all children with
disabilities as the education guarantee, and to educate adapted for special educational needs of
children for the ratification of the convention countries.
In spite of setting the legal system of inclusive education and special needs education in
Vietnam, the school enrollment of children with disabilities is low rate. For the development of
inclusive education in Vietnam based on the CRPD, the one side of the quantitative expansion of
school enrollment rate increase, and another side of the qualitative improvement of educational
practice as to adapt the special educational needs of children with disabilities. The improvement
of quality of education and the enhancing of the enrollment rate will be cornerstone of education
development in Vietnam.
Also, it is an important for development both of inclusive education and inclusive society
of Vietnam, along with the purposes and principles of the CRPD, how to resolve linked both sides.
The CRPD has given the challenge us, as our society should create to improve every
condition for children with special educational needs on reasonable accommodation. It is never
a way that children with disabilities should adjust to the society by themselves.
The challenge of the society is not the CRPD but it has been emphasized in the International
Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), 2001 [3]. The ICF is as the functioning
and disability of an individual occurs in a context, including a list of environmental factors. ICF
is the WHO framework for measuring health and disability at both individual and population
levels. The environmental factors have a major impact for people’s lives and health, is an important
theme in terms of removing the barriers of society. And one of the five environmental factors
is the services, systems and policies, as it is the providing benefits, to structure programs and
operations, in various sectors of society, designed to meet the needs of individuals. The system
is the administrative control and organizational mechanisms, and is established by governments
at the local, regional, national, and international levels, or by other recognized authorities. The
comparison of changes in attitudes towards PWDs recognized by the ICFmodel below also reflects
the views towards ensuring the PWDs’ right to participate in the social activities - basic steps to
perform the rights of PWDs which the United Nations has given above.
Figure 1. Model of ICIDH (International Classification of Impairments, Disabilities and
Handicaps), 1980.
Dinh Nguyen Trang Thu, Manabu Kuroda
Figure 2. Model of ICF (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health) to
change perceptions of people with disabilities, 2001
Also, the construction of the inclusive society is focusing on “Leaving no one left behind”
on Transforming Our World: 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in United Nations 2015.
The Goal on this agenda has set “By 2030, eliminate gender disparities in education and
ensure equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for the vulnerable, including
people with disabilities, indigenous people and children in vulnerable situations” (Goal 4.5) and
“Build and upgrade education facilities that are children, disability and gender sensitive and
provide safe, non-violent, inclusive and effective learning environments for all” (Goal 4.a).
Indeed, the building the inclusive society is one of the common important themes on some
international conference of UN, European countries of EU in nowadays. It will be emphasized that
the construction of the inclusive society including inclusive education is strongly associated with
challenge of sustainable development like as “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs), and the
poverty eradication and inequality eliminated.
2.3. The Issue of Reforming to Inclusive Education of CRPD in Vietnam
Since the 1990s, the government of Vietnam has carried out policies and action plans
to ensure that children with disabilities have access rights to education and will be educated
in inclusive schools. Following general development trends in the world, Vietnam also chooses
inclusive education model to be one of popular education model today. To ensure the accessibility
of PWDs and implementation of educational activities for them, in legal aspect, Vietnam has
launched many legal documents at national level that significantly impacted the education of
children with disabilities. Some official documents to be named include: the Education Law in
2005, the Law on PWDs in 2010, the Joint Circular No. 58 in 2012 regulating the establishment
and operation of centers supporting the development of inclusive education, the Joint Circular No.
42 in 2013 defining education policy for PWDs, and in particular, Vietnam has ratified the CRPD.
In the process of implementing the inclusive education of children with disabilities,
Vietnam has achieved several fundamental achievements, such as: (1) The expansion of
educational scale for PWDs and the increasing of attending schools of PCWs. In Vietnam, as
The new approach to special needs education and the construction of...
of the 2012-2013 school year there were about 500,000 children with disabilities were integrated
into class [4]. Private elementary level, some provinces have relatively high rates, such as Hanoi
city mobilized more than 7,500 students with disabilities in the 2011-2012, Yen Bai province
mobilized 692 disabled children from 9 school districts in the 2014-2015 school year, Vinh Long
provincemobilized more than 1,000 students with disabilities in the 2014-2015, accounting for
74,5% [5], Tien Giang province has mobilized more than 2,700 children with disabilities of school
age in the 2015-2016 school year and so on; (2) The widely promulgated legal documents to
support PWDs. Some of legal documents have been presented above shown efficacy as is done in
practice; (3) The maintenance and development of training courses improve capacity for teachers
of children with disabilities. For example, only in Vinh Long province separately, for 10 years from
2005 to 2015, the provinceorganized 119 training courses and 64 professional seminars related
to special education, Ho Chi Minh city of support center for children with disabilities regularly
supports training for managers and professional teachers in inclusive schools in 1000-1500 annual
local surf staff [5]; (4) The effective management of PCWs in education. Results are shown through
the establishment and implement of the committee of management of education for children with
disabilities at all levels from the central to local levels.
However, besides that, the inclusive education of children with disabilities in Vietnam is
facing many challenges, such as: (1) The lack of social and community awareness about children
with disabilities and the necessity of education for children with disabilities delays. Specially, the
awareness of inclusive education is not complete, the stereotypes about children with disabilities
participate in education is still relatively heavy, including in the education managers/staff. Others
the education and training establishments reported that only 6% of 10-year provincial plan or
plans for inclusive education for 5 years. 47% of local authorities do not have an annual plan for
the education of children with disabilities; (2) The weak of the system of professional supporting
services, includes professionals group of expert on areas such as diagnostics and assessment,
intervention and education, educational therapist, etc.; (3) The limited of both quality and quantity
of education. An example of this is the poor and lack of facilities and infrastructure for education
of children with disabilities. One of the research results indicates that 36.9% of teachers lack
references, 33.9% of schools lack of acreage and infrastructure support activities, 31.5% of schools
lack device, etc.; (4) The lack of educational support institutions and centers for PWDs. Until
now, Vietnam has still got 32 provinces and cities that do not have centers, special schools for
children/students with disabilities; (5) The low of training capacity of teacher for children with
disabilities. In the report on Vietnam Inclusive education, policy evaluation has indicated a survey
of 167 support staff and teachers working in the system of education services in three provinces
found, the rate of teachers are trained in special education only 287.7%, and only 48% of education
workers feel confident in working with people with disabilities.
Aiming at implementation of CRPD of the United Nations given abov