This paper reports the application of the Ru2þ, Cuþ, and Fe2þ complexes in form of
RuL2(SCN)2, CuL2(SCN)2 for dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) development. The calculation results, given by quantum chemistry, demonstrated that the complex containing copper is more suitable than the one containing iron. The modification of Cu(I) complex by
using various numbers of ligands enhanced photon absorption capacity as well as the
absorption range. The addition of an organic ligand such as an electron attraction group
to the benzene ring gave a better result as compared to the inorganic ones. Based on the
analysis conducted, CuM2(SCN)2 is considered as potential material for N3 replacement.
[DOI: 10.1115/1.4028582]
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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu Theoretical study on Ru2+, Cu+, and Fe2+ complexes toward the application in dye sensitized solar cell, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Nguyen Ngoc Ha
Department of Chemistry,
Hanoi National University of Education,
136 XuanThuy Street,
Hanoi 10000, Vietnam
Mai Anh Tuan
International Training Institute for
Materials Science,
Hanoi University of Science and Technology,
No. 1, Dai Co Viet Road,
Hanoi 10000, Vietnam
Dang Xuan Thu
Department of Chemistry,
Hanoi National University of Education,
136 XuanThuy Street,
Hanoi 10000, Vietnam
Luong T. Thu Thuy
Department of Chemistry,
Hanoi National University of Education,
136 XuanThuy Street,
Hanoi 10000, Vietnam
Theoretical Study on Ru21,
Cu1, and Fe21 Complexes
Toward the Application in Dye
Sensitized Solar Cell
This paper reports the application of the Ru2þ, Cuþ, and Fe2þ complexes in form of
RuL2(SCN)2, CuL2(SCN)2
for dye-sensitized solar cell (DSSC) development. The calcula-
tion results, given by quantum chemistry, demonstrated that the complex containing cop-
per is more suitable than the one containing iron. The modification of Cu(I) complex by
using various numbers of ligands enhanced photon absorption capacity as well as the
absorption range. The addition of an organic ligand such as an electron attraction group
to the benzene ring gave a better result as compared to the inorganic ones. Based on the
analysis conducted, CuM2(SCN)2
is considered as potential material for N3 replacement.
[DOI: 10.1115/1.4028582]
Keywords: dye-sensitized solar cells, ruthenium(II) complex, photon absorption
1 Introduction
DSSCs, since the first proposed by O’Regan and Gr€atzel [1],
have been widely investigated owing to their advantages of low
cost, and ease of fabrication from stable and abundant resource
materials. This is owing to the durability of the dye-sensitized cell
together with the ability to absorb more radiation per area as com-
pared to those obtained by conventional silicon-based cells, as
well as the possibility of flexible cells, which are able to be imple-
mented for various applications that are not applicable in rigid
silicon cells [2–7].
A typical DSSC consists of a nanocrystalline TiO2 electrode
modified with a dye prepared on a transparent conducting oxide, a
metal counter electrode, and an electrolyte solution redox couple
between the electrodes, Fig. 1. The dye works as a photon adsorp-
tion and, in corporation with the TiO2 layer, converts the solar
radiation into electron current. Scientists have made great efforts
of investigation of the photon dye sensitized materials for better
photon absorption, ease of fabrication, and lowering the cost.
The mechanism of a DSSC is described in four main periods:
(1) Dyeþ h! Dye* (excited state), in this phase, electron
from highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) is excited into
lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) of the dye. (2)
Dye*! Dyeþþ e (TiO2), this is a stage that electron is transfer
from Dye* to TiO2 layer. (3) Dye
þþ 3/2 I! Dyeþ 1/2 I3 is a
stage that electrons jump from I to Dyeþ and (4) 1/2 I3
þ e (Pt)
! 3/2 I is a stage where electron is transported to I3 from plati-
num cathode.
In DSSC, the ruthenium based complexes have been widely
used as photon sensitized dye because of its high photon energy
conversion rate and stability. The RuL2(SCN)2 complexes (where
L stands for bipyridine), cis-di(thiocyanato)-bis[2,20-bipyridyl-
4,40-dicarboxylic acid] ruthenium(II) denoted as N3, operates by
the conversion process Ru2þ to Ru3þ (Ru2þ e $ Ru3þ). Thus,
one of the conditions that makes a complex become photon sensi-
tive agent is that its HOMO must be basically built from the
atomic orbital (AO) of Ru2þ. In addition, the complex should
absorb the solar radiation from near violet and visible range. Ru2þ
is one of a typical photon sensitized material (with the conversion
efficiency great than 10%, [8]) and popular but the disadvantage
of the N3 material is that it is highly expensive. Replacing Ru2þ
by alternative and low cost metal ions, Mnþ is one of the solutions
that brought the DSSC to mainstream use. The following require-
ments required for the replacing ion metals:
(i) convertible Mnþ e$M(nþ1)þ
(ii) hOMO of the complex is mainly formed from the AO of
the Mnþ
This work aims at replacing the rare-earth Ru2þ in N3 by alter-
native Cuþ and Fe2þions. Other organic ligands slightly changed
but SCN remained.
2 Models and Computational Methods
All calculation (energy, structure optimization in ground state)
has been calculated by density functional theory (DFT) in the
GGA (Generalized Gradient Approximation)/PBE (Perdew-
Burke-Ernzerhof) form; the DZP (Double Zeta Polarization) basis
set and the norm-conserving pseudopotentials [9] were used for
all the atoms. The plane wave cutoff of 150 Ryd for the grid has
been chosen for all calculations.
Fig. 1 Structure and operation mechanism of a DSSC
Contributed by the Solar Energy Division of ASME for publication in the
ENERGY CONSERVATION. Manuscript received February 20, 2014; final manuscript
received August 24, 2014; published online September 30, 2014. Assoc. Editor:
Santiago Silvestre.
Journal of Solar Energy Engineering APRIL 2015, Vol. 137 / 021006-1CopyrightVC 2015 by ASME
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From optimized geometries, the time-dependent density func-
tional theory (TDDFT) method using a frequency-domain
CASIDA model was employed to calculate UV–Vis spectra (in
vacuum), and the CASIDA formalism is one of the most popular
frequency-domain DFT methods. For a finite system, the polariz-
ability must be given by
aij xð Þ ¼
x2I x2
where the I index labels different excited states; x2I and fI;ij are the
corresponding excitation energy and oscillator strength. For adia-
batic XC kernels, Casida deduced that the square of the excitation
energies were all eigenvalues of a specific matrix equation
XFI ¼ x2I FI (2)
While the oscillator strengths could be deduced from the eigen-
vectors FI of the same equation.
This matrix X is defined in the space of electron-hole excita-
tions, namely, combinations of one occupied and one unoccupied
wave function, for one spin channel.
The TDDFT simulations were run using the OCTOPUS code [10]
with the adiabatic local density approximation. For these simula-
tions, the geometrical functions were represented on a grid with a
spacing parameter of 0.175 A˚ and a radius of 4 A˚ for each atom.
The unified pseudopotential format pseudo-potentials were used
for all elements. The numbers of occupied and virtual orbitals
used in our CASIDA calculations are 20 and 100, respectively.
Mayer bond order was calculated as
½ðPSÞabðPSÞba þ ðPsSÞabðPsSÞba (3)
Here, P and Ps are total density and spin-density matrices, respec-
tively; S is overlap integral. By using these tools, the calculation
would predict the compatibility of the alternative materials to
replace the Ru2þ in dye complex.
3 Results and Discussion
3.1 RuL2(SCN)2 Complex. As N3 was confirmed by the
manufacturers, the investigation of electron structure of N3 is
helpful for further study using different ion metal complexes.
Figure 2 shows that the main peaks at 410 and 510 nm of N3
given by computational calculation are close to those that were
obtained by experimental measurement (at 405 and 550 nm,
respectively), [11]. The main peak at 410 nm is caused by electron
transfer from HOMO ! LUMO when N3 absorbs the high inten-
sity photons in near UV region (Fig. 2(a)). As seen in Fig. 2(b),
the HOMO was mainly formed from AO of Ru2þ and SCN. The
HOMO analysis proves that this wave function was built from
4dxy and 4dyz AOs of Ru
2þ with corresponding ratio of 0.18 and
0.53. The total square of these two values makes 0.3133, meaning
that 4dxy and 4dyz AOs of Ru
2þ contribute to 31.33% probability
of the HOMO. The rest belongs to contribution of other AOs in
N3 (191 AO). This calculation led to a confirmation that the
HOMO was mainly formed from Ru2þ. Using the Mayer method
[12], the analysis of the bond order found that the Ru-N bond
order of SCN was 0.78, and that of pyridine was 0.72. This result
confirms that SCN ligand strongly links with Ru2þ ion by means
of chemical bond.
The Ru-N bond length of SCN (1.99 A˚) is comparable with
that of pyridine (2.01 A˚) matching with the bond order given by
Mayer calculation (the longer bond, the smaller bond order). The
above calculations indicate that all single Ru-N bonds were
formed from the donor–acceptor bonds, which were created by
the combination between the lone (electron) pair of N and empty,
hybrid AO d2sp3 of Ru2þ.
Figure 3 represents the density of state (DOS) of AOs dxy, dyz,
and other AOs of Ru2þ. Below the Fermi level, the DOS of dyz is
greater than that of dxy. This means that the probability of the
electron’s presence in dyz AO of Ru
2þ dominates (note that,
because of the known problem of LDA and GGA, the underesti-
mation of GGA functional used, Fig. 3 appears an artificial gap-
less electronic states). Thus, in N3, the electron transfer from
HOMO ! LUMO occurred mainly by the contribution of dyz
electron of Ru2þ.
3.2 CuL2(SCN)2
2 and FeL2(SCN)2—the Complex
Modification Investigation. Replacing Ru2þ in RuL2(SCN)2 by
Cuþ and Fe2þ creates a new—CuL2(SCN)2
and FeL2(SCN)2. The
Fig. 2 (a) The computational UV–VIS spectra; (b) HOMO; and (c) LUMO of N3
Fig. 3 DOS of AO d (of Ru21) in N3
021006-2 / Vol. 137, APRIL 2015 Transactions of the ASME
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corresponding results on UV–VIS, bond order, and bond length
were obtained when using the similar investigation tools and
methods as implemented in RuL2(SCN)2. The comparison of the
results achieved in RuL2(SCN)2, CuL2(SCN)2
, and FeL2(SCN)2
may give a general conclusion of compatibility of the alternative
metal ion Feþ2, Cuþ2 in new complexes for DSSC application.
In general, the conversion efficiency of solar cell is proportional
with the photon absorption intensity of the dye. In Fig. 4, the pho-
ton absorption intensity of CuL2(SCN)2
is much better than that
of FeL2(SCN)2 but smaller than that of RuL2(SCN)2. The photon
absorption of FeL2(SCN)2 complex is effective in near UV region
while that of CuL2(SCN)2
represents the absorption in both UV
and visible range (at 550 nm). This result has significant meaning
in improving the conversion efficiency of the cell compared to
FeL2(SCN)2 complex. The results obtained lead to the conclusion
that the CuL2(SCN)2
complex is much more effective than of
FeL2(SCN)2 for application in DSSC. Thus, the paper will focus
on the results of CuL2(SCN)2
Figure 5 shows that the HOMO of CuL2(SCN)2
was mainly
formed from the AOs of Cuþ (and SCN) is similar to N3. How-
ever, the LUMO is found in one benzene ring of pyridine. Thus,
the geometry arrangement in complex-TiO2 binding is also essen-
tial for the electron transfer from LUMO of the complex into
TiO2 of the DSSC. The effectiveness of an attachment between
benzene ring and TiO2 complex is always below 100% which
reduces the conversion efficiency of CuL2(SCN)2
based DSSC.
The (calculated) bond order for the two bonds Cu-N of bipyri-
dine was 0.001 and 0.255 with corresponding Cu and N length at
2.38 and 2.13 A˚, respectively. The Cu-N bond order of SCN was
0.469 and the bond length was 2.05 A˚. So, Cuþ in CuL2(SCN)2
formed coordinated number 4. Different from Ru2þ with
4d65s05p0 configuration (forming the low spin complex N3, d2sp3
hybridization, and coordinated number 6), Cuþ with 3d104s04p0
configuration forming sp3 hybridization, creating coordinated
number 4 in the complex.
The Cu-N bond order is smaller, in particular, the Cu-N bond
of pyridine. Comparing with Ru-N bond order in N3, it is found
that the CuL2(SCN)2
is not thermodynamically stable as
RuL2(SCN)2. This can be considered as a drawback of Cu
þ com-
paring with Ru2þ.
The analysis results of HOMO and bond order also revealed the
important role of the ligands (SCN in N3) play in the photon sen-
sitized complex and has led to new approach of improving the
photon sensitive efficiency by modification of the inorganic
ligands. In this work, several elements were studied to investigate
the SCN replacing possibility by F, Cl, Br, CN, and H2O.
Table 1 shows that the bond order decreases for the halogen
series (F, Cl, and Br). This can be interpreted by the increase
in radius of X (X¼ F, Cl, Br) in Cu-X bond and consequently led
to decrease in the effective interaction to form the Cuþ complex.
The photon absorption intensity, from F to Br, was observed to
have drop and the maximum wavelength too shrunk (approaching
the near UV).
Concerning the CN ligand, the bond order of Cu and C is con-
siderable (0.63), and the photon absorption intensity of the form-
ing complex is higher than that of halide complex but less than
the photon absorption intensity of SCN complex (0.17). Replac-
ing SCN by water will create a complex that is not sensitive to
the radiation in near UV and visible range. This means that mate-
rial is not suitable for dye synthesis in DSSC. From the Table 1, it
is found that SCN is most suitable candidate for photon sensi-
tized complex development as compared to F, Cl, Br, CN,
and H2O ligands.
Implementing the similar experiments, the functional group–
COOH of pyridine was replaced by Cl, OH, CH3, and
CF3. The results were listed in Table 2.
In Table 2, the COOH replacement by other groups did not
change the bond order of Cu-N (pyridine). The reason is that the
Cu-N bond length is almost unchanged (2.13 A˚). However, the
electron structure was varied by different electron repulsive/
attractive capacity of different groups versus the benzene ring,
especially in the two following cases:
þ -OH groups strongly push electrons into benzene ring (by
þC effect).
þ -CF3 groups pull electrons out of benzene ring (I, H
effect), similar to COOH group (electron attraction by C
For Cl (I, þC effect) and CH3 (þI, þH effect), the elec-
tron repulsive/attractive capacity versus the benzene ring is fairly
weak. Thus, the electron attraction groups like CF3 and
COOH, when immobilized to the benzene ring of pyridine will
enhance the photon absorption intensity and the best absorption
was found in near UV range.
Fig. 4 The computational UV–VIS spectra of FeL2(SCN)2 and CuL2(SCN)2
Fig. 5 The computational HOMO and LUMO of CuL2(SCN)22
Journal of Solar Energy Engineering APRIL 2015, Vol. 137 / 021006-3
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The replacement of COOH by Cl, OH, CH3, and CF3
did not significantly improve the photon absorption intensity and
maximum wavelength (0.17 and 373 nm for COOH), but the
result suggests that binding the electron attraction groups to the
benzene ring will enhance the photon absorption intensity, and
hence improve the performance of DSSC [13,14]. Moreover, the
photon absorption capacity of CF3 based complex is comparable
to that of COOH with the wavelength shifted to the red (383 nm
as compared to 373 nm in COOH). This finding is also essential
because the IR and visible range cover the majority of the solar
Following the above discussion, an electron attraction group,
CH¼O (with C effect), was added at the –o position of the
benzene ring in CuL2(SCN)2
complex with the hope that will
improve the photon absorption capacity with the wavelength
shifted to the red band (Fig. 6). The modified complex is denoted
as CuM2(SCN)2
. An amazing result was obtained. The photon
absorption capacity is considerably increased (0.19; higher than
0.17 of CuL2(SCN)2
and comparable to 0.20 of N3), and espe-
cially, the maximum wavelength was found at 460 nm (373 nm for
and 410 for N3).
It can also be seen, in Fig. 6(b), that the HOMO of
complex almost formed from the AOs of Cuþ and
SCN ligand.
4 Conclusion
This work investigated the electron structure detail of N3, the
possible factors influenced the conversion efficiency of solar radi-
ation into electricity in N3. The obtained results are fundamentals
for further research on different complexes.
The calculation proved that CuL2(SCN)2
is more suitable than
FeL2(SCN)2 complex in development of dye sensitized solar cell
due to the photon absorption capacity as well as wider absorption
range. According to results obtained, although the photon absorp-
tion capacity of CuL2(SCN)2
is lower than that of N3, but as it is
much more cheaper than N3 and therefore considered as a poten-
tial candidate for future research.
The modification of Cu(I) complex by using various numbers
of ligands are to enhance the photon absorption capacity as well
as the absorption range can be predicted by the quantum chemis-
try calculation. By altering the organic ligand, adding an electron
attraction group to the benzene ring, for instant, bring a better
result as compared to the inorganic ligand. According to achieved
analysis, CuM2(SCN)2
is considered as potential material for N3
replacement. Further empirical research will be conducted to
verify this conclusion.
This work was financially supported by the Vietnamese
National Foundation for Science and Technology Development
(NAFOSTED) for a basic research Project No. (104.99-2011.44).
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