Abstract. Bilingual education or language immersion education is a second language
teaching approach in which the medium of classroom instruction is the learners’ second
language. The term ‘immersion education’ was widely used when Canada first initiated
the French immersion program in St-Lambert, Quebec which has become a major bilingual
education model for many countries to replicate or refer to for their education innovation.
This study reviews definitions of bilingual education, highlights what the literature says
about bilingual education models, and describes success stories from around the world.
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HNUE JOURNAL OF SCIENCE DOI: 10.18173/2354-1075.2017-0144
Educational Sci., 2017, Vol. 62, Iss. 6, pp. 192-200
This paper is available online at
Nguyen Thuy Nga, Nguyen Thi Mai Huong, Nguyen Thi Thu Ha
Faculty of English, Hanoi National University of Education
Abstract. Bilingual education or language immersion education is a second language
teaching approach in which the medium of classroom instruction is the learners’ second
language. The term ‘immersion education’ was widely used when Canada first initiated
the French immersion program in St-Lambert, Quebec which has become a major bilingual
education model for many countries to replicate or refer to for their education innovation.
This study reviews definitions of bilingual education, highlights what the literature says
about bilingual education models, and describes success stories from around the world.
Keywords: bilingual education, immersion, immersion model, immersion education.
1. Introduction
The terms ‘bilingual education’ and ‘immersion’ are used interchangeably because both
refer to the model of education in which the child not only learns the second language, but also
is educated through the medium of this language. Thus, the target language is used as a means of
instruction to deliver the content of the curriculum. There have been various versions or types of
bilingual education or immersion. Different types of immersion such as total immersion, partial
immersion, and two-way immersion are offered to students in different age groups. They are
distinguished both by the enrolment age and the extent of the second language use in the course.
A further difference is whether or not the instruction involves both the first and second languages
as the medium of instruction.
This study reviews the definitions and models of bilingual education and additionally
provides an overview of successful bilingual education in Canada, Finland, and the US where the
local context of each country is carefully considered to maximize the effectiveness of the particular
bilingual immersion model.
2. Content
2.1. Definitions of bilingual education
Bilingual education is not easy to define. Broadly speaking, bilingual education means
using two languages for instructional purposes. Since it is impossible to separate language and
culture, bilingual education also entails bicultural education [1].
The 20th and 21st century witnessed the conceptualization and reconceptualization of the
term ‘bilingual education’. To begin with, bilingual education referred to the use of two languages
Received date: 15/4/2017. Published date: 25/6/2017.
Contact: Nguyen Thuy Nga, e-mail: thuynga.nguyen@hnue.edu.vn.
An overview of bilingual education: models and success stories
in schooling [2]. This was then further divided into ‘subtractive’ and ‘additive’ bilingualism. The
subtractive approach aimed at replacing learners’ L1 with a majority language while additive
bilingual sought to add a new language alongside the students’ mother tongue; hence, promoting
bilingualism and bi-literacy in the long term. Later, bilingual education became known as
immersion language education and was confined only to programs whose aims were to “achieve,
foster and/or maintain longer-term student bilingualism and bi-literacy, adding another language
to the student’s existing language repertoire”[3]. According to May [3], all programs belonging
to the subtractive continuum cannot be considered bilingual education. In other words, bilingual
education must adopt the additive orientation. Bilingual education helps students to achieve
bilingual competence by using both languages in teaching the non-language-related academic
content (no less than 50% of the curriculum in one year or more) [4]. Immersion programs can be
categorized as early immersion (starting in kindergarten or grade 1), middle immersion (starting
in grade 4 or grade 5) and late immersion (in grade 7).
In brief, although different definitions have been offered, they share one common feature,
that is, bilingual education requires the use of another language other than the mother tongue
language at school. The general aim of bilingual education is to foster students’ bilingual
2.2. Bilingual education models
Back in the 1970s bilingualism was broken into four types: transitional, monoliterate, partial
and full bilingualism [5-6]. The conceptual framework of three education models as transitional,
maintenance, and enrichment was later offered by Fishman [7]. The transitional model encourages
language minority students to shift to the official language, assimilate to mainstream culture norms
and then be incorporated into the national society. The maintenance model encompasses programs
encouraging language minority students to maintain their native language and strengthen their
cultural identity. The enrichment model fosters the development of minority languages on the
individual and collective levels, cultural pluralism at school and in the community, and national
society based on the autonomy of cultural groups.
In terms of linguistic goals, there seems to be general consensus among researchers [8-10]
that there are three major groups of bilingual education:
1. Monolingual forms of education for bilinguals: The programs of this type aim to assist
ethnic minority children in the first phase of their education until they master the majority
language. The language used in the classroom is the majority language. The aim therefore is to
assimilate the children into the mainstream. Being able to use the majority language is the ultimate
outcome of these programs.
2. Weak forms of bilingual education for bilinguals: The target learners in the programs of
this type are still minority children. However, there are some dynamics in the use of the minority
language and the majority language. The aim of education is assimilation into the main stream, but
some elements of enrichment of both languages can be found. The language outcome therefore is
limited bilingualism.
3. Strong forms of bilingual education for bilingualism and biliteracy: This is true bilingual
education. The programs of this type aim to produce relatively balanced bilinguals who are
proficient in both languages. Thus, the outcome of this education model is bilingualism. In this
type of education, appropriate attention is paid to both languages and cultures and therefore can
create diversity with positive effects in the classroom. This educational model is often found
in bilingual countries (e.g. Canada, Luxembourg, Indonesia, etc.) or countries with a highly
developed social culture (Nordic countries, Japan, etc.).
Nguyen Thuy Nga, Nguyen Thi Mai Huong, Nguyen Thi Thu Ha
2.3. Successful bilingual education practices
2.3.1. Bilingual education in Canada
French immersion is a form of bilingual education that has prevailed in Canada since its
inception in 1965, in St-Lambert, Quebec [11-12]. In this kind of bilingual education model,
a child whose first language is not French receives instruction at school in French. In most
French-immersion schools, children will learn to speak French and learn most school subjects
such as History, Music, Geography, Maths, Art, Physical Education and Science in French.
Evidence shows that French immersion is an effective way for Anglophones to achieve French
proficiency [12].
It is worth looking at the history of the development of French immersion model in Canada.
French immersion education in Canada has gained a great amount of attention from educators
in the country and all over the world. It was supported by the release of a landmark report
made by Canada’s Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism in 1969. Among many
other things in this report, the recommendation of making French an official language alongside
English was a salient point that soon encouraged the Official Languages Act to become a part
of Canadian legislation not long after that. These events served as an initial motivator for this
bilingual education model to be developed.
Canadian people have seen a number of benefits of being bilingual including economic,
cognitive and cultural benefits and have strongly supported bilingualism. Canadians who can speak
both English and French earn more on average than those who can speak only one language [13].
Being bilingual has proved to help improve problem-solving skills and enables the bilingual person
to discriminate between relevant and misleading information more effectively than the person who
speaks a single language [9, 14]. Being bilingual also leads to improve participation in Canadian
society. According to the statistics from the Centre de Recherche sur L’Opinion Publique (CROP)
made in 2004, a majority of Canadian people strongly support bilingualism and want Canada to
remain a bilingual country. They also think that it is important for their children to be bilingual in
English and French [11].
Even though Canadian people are well aware of the benefits of bilingualism, very few
Canadians, particularly the Anglophones, learn a second language. According to the Canadian
Council on Learning, the rates of French–English bilingualism have steadily increased since the
early 1970s with nearly half of Francophone Canadians being able to speak English. However,
this is not the case for Anglophone Canadians. Fewer than 10% of the Anglophones can speak
French. CROP made a survey to investigate the reasons why so few Anglophone Canadians learn
French and indicated that the lack of interest and the lack of learning opportunities were the main
causes. The latter was taken into consideration and French immersion education was thought to be
an effective method to create the learning opportunities for Anglophone Canadian people.
There are several types of French immersion depending on the age of first French instruction
and the intensity of French instruction. They can be summarized in the following tables:
Table 1. Age of first French instruction [11]
Immersion types Age of first French instruction
Early 5-6 years
Delayed or middle 9-10 years
Late 11-14 years
An overview of bilingual education: models and success stories
Table 2. Intensity of French immersion [11]
Immersion model First 3 years Subsequent years
Total immersion 100% Decrease from 80% -40%
Partial immersion 50% 50%
As seen from the table, the early immersion starts from the very beginning of the child’s
schooling, whereas the delayed immersion commences a few years later and the late immersion
when the children are 11-14 years old. Thus, the French language training precedes the mother
tongue training in the early immersion, but for the delayed and late ones the training of French
takes place after the training of their mother tongue. Likewise, in the total immersion, since the
child receives full education in French during the first 3 years, the training of French comes before
the mother tongue, which is gradually increased in the amount of exposure in the next years of
their schooling.
The question about the effectiveness of French immersion has been a central concern in a
large body of research. Whether or not this bilingual education model affects the fluency of the
child’s native language or whether French skills can be developed properly in this bilingual model
or whether the focus on language might discard academic skills have attracted a lot of attention
from researchers [11; 12; 15].
In terms of French skills, evidence shows that students in French immersion schools
outperform students learning in regular core French programs on all types of French language
tests. This finding was shared by both Ragoonaden [12] and the report made by Canadian Council
on Learning [11]. It should be noted that total- immersion students’ proficiency in French tends to
be higher than that of partial-immersion students [16; 17]. By the same token, early-immersion
students outperform late-immersion students in the four French language skills and grammar
18]. This seems to indicate that the more and the earlier students are exposed to the language
environment, the higher proficiency they will be able to achieve.
A natural concern, however, is that the French immersion students’ native language will
suffer and will lead to lower score in English, their native language, since the focus of their
curriculum is on French. Notwithstanding this concern, studies show that these students, especially
the total and early immersion ones, show the same level of proficiency in English literacy when
measured against their counterparts in regular English school after one year of introduction of the
English language. Interestingly, a recent report based on data from the Program for International
Student Assessment (PISA) suggests that 15-year-old French-immersion students perform better
on reading (tested in English) than non-immersion English students [11]. Evidence also shows that
when compared with non-immersion students, the French immersion score the same in academic
subjects, such as Science and Mathematics, and even better in some cases [11]. The downside
of this bilingual model as suggested by some studies is the inaccurate French oral and written
production skills (expressive skills) and a high dropout rate at the secondary level [11;12].
2.3.2. Bilingual education in Finland
The Finnish education system consists of early childhood education, pre-primary education,
comprehensive education (a nine-year basic education), upper secondary education (3 years
consisting of vocational and general education), and higher education (provided by universities
and polytechnics). Finnish and Swedish are two national languages of the new republic; out of
the 460 urban and rural municipalities in 1990, 395 were officially Finnish-speaking, 21 were
bilingual with Finnish as the majority language, 20 with Swedish as the majority language, and 24
municipalities were Swedish-speaking [19].
Following the Canadian bilingual education model, Swedish language immersion for
Nguyen Thuy Nga, Nguyen Thi Mai Huong, Nguyen Thi Thu Ha
Finnish speaking children was first introduced in Vaasa in 1987 and it has become part of the
mainstream system. The immersion program in Vaasa, also known as early total immersion, started
for Finnish speaking children at the age of 5 for two years and continued in the comprehensive
school. Teachers in this program used only Swedish to talk and teach pupils with the support
of non-linguistic communication although they could understand Finnish. Before the initiative
immersion programs started in Vaasa, Finnish teachers had visited immersion school in both
Canada and Catalonia to observe how immersion was carried out and sought advice and insights
to help them start the program [20]. When immersion students entered comprehensive schools,
teaching was increasingly held in Finnish and students were taken to Finnish language classes to
enhance their mother tongue and keep their culture identity [21].
Since the early 1980s the Finnish government has issued several policy documents aiming
to diversify the range of foreign languages studied (partly to combat the dominance of English
in relation to pupil/student’s subject choice) and to improve the general standard of language
proficiency. One such measure was the introduction of an optional second foreign language in
grade 5 (age range 11-12 years) to follow the introduction of the first foreign language in grade 3
(age range 9-10 years) [19]. Despite the fact that besides Swedish and Finnish, bilingual education
in Finland today also offers many other languages such as Chinese, Sami, German to meet
the diverse language needs of the country, English quickly becomes the only foreign language
studied [22].
Currently, three basic types of bilingual education are being put into practice in Finland,
they are total immersion, partial immersion, content and language integrated learning (CLIL).
Early total immersion usually starts between 3 and 6 years of age and continues from kindergarten
to grade 9. Although early total immersion is the most popular program in Finland, another type
of immersion, i.e. partial immersion is offered by many other municipalities. In partial immersion,
instruction time is distributed evenly (50%: 50%) between the first and the second language
from the beginning of the program. Unlike total and partial immersion CLIL program offers the
possibility to learners to use a foreign language so that after some learning they will be interested
in the subject itself. In this method, students are encouraged to use the foreign language they
do not normally use. The aims of CLIL are to learn the subject and to learn to use the foreign
language [21]. The type and age of immersion education in Finland can be summarized in the
following table.
Table 3. Types of immersion education model
in Finland (Summarised from [19; 20; 21])
Type of
Age of immersion Language of immersion program
Total immersion
Kindergarten (age 6) or
Grade 1 (age range from 7
to 8 years).
All subjects are taught in a foreign language in
kindergarten or in grade 1 and reduce to 50%
at grade 6 (age range from 12 to 13 years).
Grade 1(age range from 7
to 8 years).
Instruction time in first and second
language/foreign language is distributed
evenly with the ratio 50:50.
Can start from Grade
1(age range from 7 to 8
Some subjects are taught in a foreign
language. The percentage can vary.
An overview of bilingual education: models and success stories
Research has been carried out to investigate the effectiveness of immersion education and
the results showed that 90% of immersion pupils had results as good as the monolinguals in the
international reading comprehension test for grade 3. In story telling test, immersion pupils even
had better results in retelling stories. The findings also showed that immersion students did not
lag behind in their L1 development [20]. Furthermore, the results of exams support the argument
that immersion develops strong L1 competence of students and the immersion experience seems
to give students more confidence even when their proficiency is limited [23].
Although immersion education in Finland has shown its effectiveness in education system,
some concerns have been raised on language education. For example, it is claimed it is critical
to develop skills in other languages rather than just English. Another issue is how they could
strengthen and develop the language immersion in Finland and how they could benefit from this
method in other language classes [24].
2.3.3. Bilingual education in the United States of America
Bilingual education is an issue which stimulates heated debates in the US. Supporters of
nationalism maintain that Americans should solely speak English while others hold the view that
it is necessary for their citizens to be bilinguals or multi-linguals [25].
The first bilingual programs in the US were created for the so-called Limited English
Proficiency (LEP) learners to boost their English competence for academic success at school
[26]. Initially, most of them were based on the transition model. These programs, despite enjoying
immense popularity at the time, aimed at replacing students’ L1 (mostly Spanish) with English
instead of developing their bilingualism [3]. Research suggests that the optimal duration for a
transitional program is between five and seven years. In the US, however, most programs take
three years [27].
Another model implemented was the maintenance bilingual program for minority language
students and the majority of clas