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• Tạo ra 2 tế bào gốc
• Sự tự làm mới bởi quá trình phân bào đối xứng thường gặp
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Trường Đại học KHTN - Đại học Quốc Gia Tp. HCM
Sự tự làm mới (self-renewal) là quá trình tạo
ra những bản sao tế bào gốc thông qua quá trình
nguyên phân
Ít nhất 1 tế bào chị em vẫn giữ khả năng tự làm
mới và biệt hoá
• Phân bào đối xứng (Symmetric cell division)
• Phân bào bất đối xứng (Asymmetric cell division)
tạo ra
• Tạo ra 2 tế bào gốc
• Sự tự làm mới bởi quá trình phân bào đối
xứng thường gặp
ü ở các tế bào gốc nhất thời, chúng xuất hiện
trong quá trình phát triển của phôi ở GĐ
sớm để gia tăng kích thước cơ thể
ü Trong quá trình tái sinh sau tổn thương
• Tạo ra 1 tế bào gốc và 1 tế bào biệt hoá
hoặc 1 tế bào gốc với khả năng biệt hoá có
giới hạn
• Sự tự làm mới bởi quá trình phân bào bất đối
xứng có thể thấy ở các tế bào gốc trong phôi
ở giai đoạn phát triển muộn và trong cá thể
trưởng thành để duy trì cân bằng nội mô
observed in mammalian NE cells (Konno et al.
2008). This raises the intriguing possibility
that a “parallel” spindle is the result of an elab-
orate regulation of spindle orientation, and
that a slight tilt in orientation within a small
range is actively controlled to dictate symmetric
versus asymmetric NE divisions.
Interestingly, recent studies found an-
other asymmetry during NE cell divisions:
Prominin-1, or CD133, localizes to the mid-
body ring of dividing NE cells with an interest-
ing asymmetry, correlated with the mode of
stem cell division. Prominin-1 is expressed in
many adult stem cells and cancer stem cells,
although its function remains unclear. Before
the neurogenic stage of development, when
the Prominin-1-containing midbody ring is
excluded from both daughters, being released
into the extracellular space (Dubreuil et al.
2007; Farkas and Huttner 2008). Once
neurogenesis begins later in development, NE
cells start dividing asymmetrically and the
Prominin-1-containing ring is inherited by
the stem cell (NE cell), whereas the daughter
fated to differentiate is devoid of this ring.
This strong correlation implies that the
Prominin-1-containing midbody ring might
be somehow involved in stem cell behavior
such as stem cell potential or asymmetric stem
A Apical
B Apical
Symmetric Asymmetric
(mutant situation)
Figure 3. Spindle orientation and asymmetric division in Drosophila and mouse neuronal stem cells. (A) In
Drosophila neuroblast, spindle is oriented perpendicular to the apical crescent (red line) that contains the
Baz (Par3)-Par6-aPKC complex, as well as Pins, Insc, and Gai, leading to asymmetric stem cell division. The
apical crescent is required for spindle orientation, the basal crescent formation and spindle size asymmetry
(i.e., the apical half is larger than the basal half ). The basal crescent (yellow line) contains fate determinants
that promote/allow differentiation such as Numb, Miranda, and Prospero. In the mutants that are defective
in spindle orientation, the apical and basal crescents are bisected into two daughters, leading to symmetric
stem cell division. Neuroectoderm cells (from which neuroblasts are derived) also have the apical complex,
except for Insc. They divide symmetrically by orienting mitotic spindle parallel to the apical crescent. Ectopic
expression of Insc in these cells result in the recruitment of Pins to the apical cortex, leading to
perpendicular spindle orientataion (Yu et al. 2000). (B) In mammalian (mouse) neuroepithelial cells, the
mode of cell division shifts from symmetric to asymmetric during development. The stem cell identity is
determined by inheritance of a tiny apical cortex containing cadherin (red line), and thus mitotic spindle
does not have to tilt significantly to divide asymmetrically.
Y.M. Yamashita et al.
10 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol 2010;2:a001313
Spindle orientation and asymmetric
division in neuronal stem cells
Asymmetric division of the Drosophila neuroblast is controlled by a
closely related mechanism3,17. Moreover, in Drosophila neuroblasts, an
evolutionarily conserved cell fate determinant, Numb, is asymmetri-
cally localized to daughter cells that are destined to differentiate18.
A classic example of an asymmetric division that is controlled by an
extrinsic mechanism is provided by the Drosophila germline stem cell,
which divides with a reproducible orientation to generate one daughter
that remains in the stem-cell niche and retains stem-cell identity, and
one daughter that is placed away from the niche and begins to differen-
tiate4,19,20. A stem-cell niche is defined as a ‘microenvironment’ that pro-
motes stem-cell maintenance (refs 21, 22; see also page 1075). Cells that
create stem-cell niches include cap cells in the Drosophila ovary19 and
hub cells in the Drosophila testis23,24. In the ovary, cap cells synthesize
ligands called Decapentaplegic (DPP) and Glass bottom boat (GBB)
that activate bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signalling in germ-
line stem cells, thereby repressing the gene bag-of-marbles25,26, which
encodes a protein that promotes differentiation27. In the testis, hub cells
synthesize a ligand called Unpaired that activates the JAK–STAT (Janus
kinase and signal transducer and activator of transcription) signalling
pathway in germline stem cells to prevent differentiation, presumably
by controlling target genes that remain to be identified4,23,24. Special-
ized junctions at the interface between the niche and germline stem
cells anchor the stem cell to the niche28,29. The mechanism controlling
orientation of the mitotic spindle relies on centrosomal components
in spermatogonial stem cells29. More importantly for our discussion
here, the orientation of these asymmetric stem-cell divisions controls
the location of daughter cells and thus their access to extrinsic signals
that regulate stem-cell identity.
It is important to note that asymmetric divisions can be governed
by both intrinsic partitioning of fate regulators and asymmetric expo-
sure to extrinsic cues. Sperm entry initiates asymmetry of the C. elegans
zygote30,31, and signalling from the neural epithelium orients divisions
of Drosophila neuroblasts32 (Fig. 2c). Furthermore, Numb modifies the
response to Notch signalling of the daughter cell that inherits it, indicat-
ing that cell fate determinants can function by altering the response to
external cues33. By contrast, asymmetric division of Drosophila germline
stem cells does not seem to rely on partitioning of cell fate determi-
nants. Although each germline stem cell is marked by a cytoplasmic
organelle called the ‘spectrosome’, the function of this asymmetrically
distributed organelle remains uncertain. In addition, daughters of the
germline stem-cell division seem to be equivalent in developmental
potential, as we discuss below. Thus, these divisions seem to be intrinsi-
cally symmetric in terms of developmental potential, but seem to achieve
an asymmetric outcome through the distinct positions of the daughter
cells relative to the niche.
Some mammalian stem-cell divisions possess hallmarks of asymme-
try and seem to be controlled by evolutionarily conserved mechanisms.
An example is the division of neural progenitors. Undifferentiated neu-
ral progenitors in the developing rodent cortex distribute Numb asym-
metrically to precursors destined for neurogenesis34–36. The inhibition
of Notch signalling by Numb is crucial for neurogenesis in flies, and it
also seems to be involved in the regulation of mammalian asymmetric
division33,37,38. Numb is also asymmetrically distributed to progeny of
cultured satellite muscle cells, where it promotes myogenic differen-
tiation of one daughter cell39. Thus, asymmetric segregation of Numb
may be a common mode of control. A second example is the regulated
orientation of mitotic spindles, which has been found in both mamma-
lian basal epidermal progenitors7 and cortical ventricular zone neural
progenitors40. Indeed, spindle orientation relies on the cortical locali-
zation of the conserved PAR–aPKC complex7, a mechanism that also
controls the asymmetric division of Drosophila neuroblasts41,42. Thus,
mammalian progenitors are likely to use some of the mechanisms of
invertebrate progenitors to divide asymmetrically.
Symmetric divisions can expand stem-cell number
Symmetric stem-cell divisions have been observed during the devel-
opment of both invertebrates and vertebrates. Symmetric stem-cell
divisions are also common during wound healing and regeneration.
A hallmark of all three processes is an increase in the number of stem
cells. This increase cannot be explained by a strategy restricted to
asymmetric cell division in which only one daughter cell maintains
stem-cell identity.
A classic example of symmetric stem-cell division during develop-
ment occurs in the C. elegans germ line. The larval nematode hatches
from its eggshell with only two germline stem cells but, during sub-
sequent larval development, these germ cells proliferate to produce
roughly 2,000 descendants in the adult gonad, including one pool of
undifferentiated germ cells and another pool of differentiating gam-
etes5,43 (Fig. 3a). During larval development and in adults, C. elegans
germline stem cells are maintained by signalling from a niche formed
by the ‘distal tip cell’5. In contrast to the Drosophila niches, which rely
on BMP and JAK–STAT signalling23,24,44,45, the distal tip cell niche uses
Notch signalling to control C. elegans germline stem cells throughout
development and in adults43.
Self-renewal Generation of
differentiated cells
c d
Stem-cell population
Stem-cell population
Figure 1 | Stem-cell strategies. a, Stem cells (orange) must accomplish
the dual task of self-renewal and generation of differentiated cells (green).
b–d, Possible stem-cell strategies that maintain a balance of stem cells and
differentiated progeny. b, Asymmetric cell division: each stem cell generates
one daughter stem cell and one daughter destined to differentiate. c, d,
Population strategies. A population strategy provides dynamic control over
the balance between stem cells and differentiated cells — a capacity that is
necessary for repair after injury or disease. In this scheme, stem cells are
defined by their ‘potential’ to generate both stem cells and differentiated
daughters, rather than their actual production of a stem cell and a
differentiated cell at each division. c, Symmetric cell division: each stem
cell can divide symmetrically to generate either two daughter stem cells or
two differentiated cells. d, Combination of cell divisions: each stem cell can
divide either symmetrically or asymmetrically.
b ca
Figure 2 | Controls of asymmetric stem-cell division. Three simple
mechanisms are shown, but others are plausible. For molecular details, see
recent reviews1–4,12,17,31. a, Asymmetric localization of cell polarity regulators
(red) initiates the asymmetric division. Shown is asymmetric assembly
of the PAR–aPKC complex at one end of the dividing cell. Stem cells are
orange, differentiated cells are green. b, Cell fate determinants (red) can
be segregated to the cytoplasm of one daughter cell, as shown here, or they
can be associated with the membrane, centrosome or another cellular
constituent that is differentially distributed to the daughters. c, Regulated
orientation of the mitotic spindle retains only one daughter in the stem-cell
niche (red), such that only that daughter cell has access to extrinsic signals
necessary for maintaining stem-cell identity. This mechanism achieves
an asymmetric outcome, even though the division itself is intrinsically
symmetric. In an alternative but similar model, the daughter cell placed
away from the niche is exposed to signals that induce differentiation.
NATURE|Vol 441|29 June 2006 INSIGHT REVIEW
Morrison.indd 1069 16/6/06 3:15:07 pm
Nature Publishing Group ©2006
Tế bào gốc
Asymmetric division of the Drosophila neuroblast is controlled by a
closely related mechanism3,17. Moreover, in Drosophila neuroblasts, an
evolutionarily conserved c ll fate determinant, Numb, is asymmetri-
ally oca iz to daughter cells that ar destined to differentiate18.
A classic example of an asymmetric div sio that is controlled by an
extrinsic mechanism is provided by th Drosophila germline stem cell,
which divid s with a reproducible o entat on to generate one daughter
that remains in the stem-cell niche and retains stem-cell id n ity, and
one daughter tha is placed away fr m the niche and begins to ifferen-
iate4,19,20. A tem-cell niche is defin d as a ‘microenvironment’ that pro-
motes stem-cell maintenance (refs 21, 22; see also page 1075). Cells that
create stem-c ll niches include cap cells in the Drosophila ovary19 and
hub cells in the Drosophila testis23,24. In th ovary, cap cells synthesize
ligand called Decap ntaplegic (DPP) and Glass b ttom bo t (GBB)
that activate bone m rphog netic protein (BMP) signal ing i g rm-
ne stem cells, thereby re r ssing the ge e bag-of-marbles25,26, which
encodes a protei that promotes differentiation27. In the testis, hub cells
synthesize a ligand called Unpaired t at activates the JAK–STAT (Janus
kinase and signal ransducer and activator of transcription) signalling
pathway in germline stem cells to prevent diff rentiation, presumably
by controllin t rget genes that remain to be identified4,23,24. Spec al-
ized junctions at th interface betw en the niche and germline stem
cells anchor the stem c ll to t e niche28,29. The mechanism controll ng
orientation of the mito ic spindle relies on centrosomal components
in spermatogonial stem cells29. Mor importantly for our discuss on
here, he rien ation of these asymmetric stem-cell divisions c trol
the location of daughter ll and thus their access t extrinsic signals
that regulate stem-cell identity.
It is important to note that asymme ric divisions can be gover ed
by both intrinsic partit oning of fate regulators and asymmetric expo-
sure to extrinsic cues. Sp rm entr initiates asymmetry of th C. elegans
z gote30,31, and signalling from the neural epithelium orients divisions
of Dr sophila neuroblasts32 (Fig. 2c). Furthermore, Numb modifi s the
response to Notch signalling of t e daughter cell that inherits it, nd cat-
ing that cell fate determinants can function by altering the respon e to
external cues33. By contrast, asymmetric division of Drosophila germline
stem cells does no seem to rely on partitioning of cell fat determi-
nants. Although each germline st m ell i marked by a cytoplasmic
organel e call d the ‘spectr some’, the function of this asymmetrically
distributed organ lle remains uncertain. In addition, daughters of the
germline stem-cell division seem to be equivalent in developmental
potential, as we discuss below. Thus, hese divisions seem to be intrinsi-
cally symmetric in terms of dev lopmental potential, but s em to achieve
an asymmetric out ome throug the di tinct positions of the daughter
e s relativ to the niche.
Some ammalian stem-cell divisions possess hallmarks of asymm -
try and seem to be controlled by evolutionarily conserved mechanisms.
An example is the division of neural progenitor . Undifferenti ted neu
ral progenitors in the developing r dent co tex distribute Numb asy -
metrically to precursors destined for neurogenesis34–36. The nhibition
of Notch s gnalling by Numb is c ucial for n urogenesis in flies, and it
also seems t be involved in the regulation of mammalian asymmetric
division33,37,38. Num is also asymmetrically distributed to proge y of
cultur d sa ellite muscle cells, where it promotes yogenic differen-
tiat on of one da ghter cell39. Thus, asymmetric segrega ion f Numb
may b a common mod of control. A second example is the regulated
orientation of mitotic spindles, which has be n found in both mamma-
lian bas l epidermal progenitors7 and cortical ventricular zon neural
p ogenit rs40. Indeed, spindle orientation r lies o the c rtical locali
z tion of the conserved PAR–aPKC complex7, a me hanism that also
controls the asymmetric divisi n of Dr sophila neuroblasts41,42. Thus,
mammalian prog nitors are likely to use some of the mechanisms of
inve tebrat progenitors to d vide asymmetric lly.
Symmetric divisions can expand stem-cel number
Symmetric stem-cell divisions have been observed during the devel-
op ent of both invertebrat s and vertebrat s. Sy m tric stem-cell
divisions are also common during wou d healing and re en ration.
A hallmark of all three processes is an increase in the number of stem
cell . This increase cannot be explained by strategy restricted to
asym et ic cel division in which o ly one daug ter cell maintains
stem-cell identity.
A classic example of symmetric stem-cell division during develop-
ment occurs in he C. elegans germ line. The larval nematode hatches
from it eggshell with only two germline stem cells b t, during sub
sequent la val development, these germ cells prolif rate to produce
roughly 2,000 descenda ts in the adult gonad, inc uding one pool of
undifferenti te germ cells and another pool of dif entiating gam-
etes5,43 (Fig. 3a). During larval d velopme t and in adults, C. elegans
germline stem cells are maintained by signalling from a iche formed
by the ‘distal tip cell’5. In contrast to the Drosophila niches, which rely
on BMP and JAK–STAT sig alling23,24,44,45, the distal tip cell niche uses
No ch sign lling to control C. elegans germline stem cells throughout
development and in adults43.
Self-renewal Generation of
differentiated cells
c d
Stem-cell population
Stem-cell population
Figure 1 | Stem-cell strategies. a, Stem cells (orange) must accomplish
the dual task of self-renewal and generation of differentiated cells (green).
b–d, Possible stem-cell strategies that maintain a balance of stem cells and
differentiated progeny. b, Asymmetric cell division: each stem cell generates
one daughter ste cell and one daughter destined to differentiate. c, d,
Population strategies. A population strategy provides dynamic control over
the balance between stem cells and differentiated cells — a capacity that is
necessary for repair after injury or disease. In this scheme, stem cells are
defined by their ‘potential’ to generate both stem cells and differentiated
daughters, rather than their actual production of a stem cell and a
differentiated cell at each division. c, Symmetric cell division: each stem
cell can divide symmetrically to generate either two daughter stem cells or
two differentiated cells. d, Combination of cell divisions: each stem cell can
divide either sym etrically or asymmetrically.
b ca
Figure 2 | Controls of asymmetric stem-cell division. Three simple
mechanisms are shown, but others are plausible. For molecular details, see
recent reviews1–4,12,17,31. a, Asymmetric localization of cell polarity regulators
(red) initiates the asymmetric division. Shown is asy metric assembly
of the PAR–aPKC complex at one end of the dividing cell. Stem cells are
orange, differentiated cells are green. b, Cell fate deter inants (red) can
be segregated to the cytoplasm of one daughter cell, as shown here, or they
can be associated with the membrane, centrosome or another cellular
constituent that is differentially distributed to the daughters. c, Regulated
orientation of the mitotic spindle retains only one daughter in the stem-cell