Abstract. Identifying basic traits of personality structure is one of the key issues in the area of
personality psychology. Among certain models of personality structure proposed are the two
models that have attracted researches since 20th century. They are the Five Factor Model -
suggesting 5 factors of personality structure and the HEXACO model or the six-dimensional
framework of personality. Despite being developed and studied over the past decade, the
HEXACO model is believed to have more advantages than the Five Factor Model due to its
theoretical foundation that based on cross-national and cultural lexical studies. Furthermore, the
HEXACO model outweighs the Five Factor model to the extent as to anticipate behavioural and
personality problems. In this article, with the study into the structure of personality based on the
HEXACO model, we propose 5 major qualities of personality with detailed criteria for its
application into Vietnamese high school students.
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Bạn đang xem nội dung tài liệu The application of six-dimensional model of personality (The hexaco model of personality) to identify main qualities of personality of high school students in Vietnam, để tải tài liệu về máy bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Nguyen Thi Lien and Bui Thi Thu Huyen
HNUE JOURNAL OF SCIENCE DOI: 10.18173/2354-1075.2017-0174
Educational Sciences, 2017, Vol. 62, Iss. 12, pp. 48-54
This paper is available online at
Nguyen Thi Lien
and Bui Thi Thu Huyen
Institute for Educational Research, Hanoi National University of Education
Faculty of Psychology and Education, Hanoi National University of Education
Abstract. Identifying basic traits of personality structure is one of the key issues in the area of
personality psychology. Among certain models of personality structure proposed are the two
models that have attracted researches since 20th century. They are the Five Factor Model -
suggesting 5 factors of personality structure and the HEXACO model or the six-dimensional
framework of personality. Despite being developed and studied over the past decade, the
HEXACO model is believed to have more advantages than the Five Factor Model due to its
theoretical foundation that based on cross-national and cultural lexical studies. Furthermore, the
HEXACO model outweighs the Five Factor model to the extent as to anticipate behavioural and
personality problems. In this article, with the study into the structure of personality based on the
HEXACO model, we propose 5 major qualities of personality with detailed criteria for its
application into Vietnamese high school students.
Keywords: Five Factor models of personality, HEXACO model, high school students, personality,
personality structure.
1. Introduction
The forth-industrial revolution has deeply changed all social aspects in many countries, including
Vietnam. This raises the requirement of identifying fundamental qualities of personality of students in
order to help them in becoming global citizens and exhibiting traditional values. Professor Phạm Văn
Vương demonstrated that “It is advisable to participate in global citizen activities with the unique
value and through the shortest as well as the most effective way, which is the education” [14].
Similarly, Herbart - a philosopher in the 20 century - stated that the purpose of education was the
development of personality. There have been numerous studies worldwide and in Vietnam, focusing
on traits and qualities of personality as a stable and consistent psychological structure. One of the new
cutting edge theories providing the model of personality structure used in the 20
century is the Five
Factor Model of personality (FFM) or Big Five Model (BFM). Attached with this theory is the
appearance of Personality Inventory i.e., NEO-PI and NEO-PI revised (Personality Inventory-Revised)
developed by Costa and McCrae in 1992 with five basic qualities including Neuroticism; Extraversion;
Openness to Experience; Agreeableness and Conscientiousness [4, 5, 11]. The development of the
Five Factor Model and the Personality Inventory brought about the prominent trend of personality
Received: September 27, 2017. Revised: October 29, 2017. Accepted: December 5, 2017.
Contact: Nguyen Thi Lien, e-mail address: liensupham@gmail.com
The application of Six-dimensional model of personality (the HEXACO model of personality) to identify
research in the 20
century. There have been studies concentrating on the answers to two main
questions: first, is the NEO-PI-R applicable to different cultures?; second, how are those 5 main
qualities reflected in the sample of different countries and to what extent are they reflected in different
countries and cultures? Numerous studies have pointed out the differences and similarities among
those qualities of personality in different samples from Asia area such as China, Japan, Malaysia,
South Korea, Hong Kong, etc [6]. The impact of this trend on Vietnam is also recognized. However,
theoretical researches as well as empirical studies on the Big Five Model with the application of NEO-
PI in Vietnam have been limited. An outstanding study was the project KX05-07 by Phạm Minh Hạc
et al., which utilized the NEO-PI-R to evaluate 5 prominent qualities of personality of high-school
students, university ones, employees in Vietnam and Vietnamese in foreign countries [6]. In addition,
the study by Đinh Thị Kim Thoa and Trần Văn Công also employed the short version of NEO-PI-R to
seek for typical features of qualities of personality among more than 1182 students majoring in
different fields in Hanoi and Da Nang [13].
After nearly one decade being in favour of the Five Factor Model of personality, various
researchers pointed out main drawbacks of this model. For example, FFM is based on lexical study or
lexical hypothesis, categorizing and modifying notes about personal differences and demonstrating
that characteristics of personality can be built up with lexical structure and expressed under the form of
adjective in most cases [2, 6]. Moreover, these lexical notes are made and summarized in English
language only. Therefore, the lexical-based description and synthesis would not reflect personality
structure to the fullest. As De Vries et al., (2009) questioned the FFM that whether it is comprehensive
enough to incorporate of the full range of personality traits [4]. Then, another model of personality
structure has been introduced with 6 factors, namely the HEXACO model proposed by Ashton and
Lee (2004). It is supposed that this model results from restructuring the Five Factor Model in order to
establish a more appropriate and comprehensive model of personality structure. The six factors in
HEXACO model include Honest-Humility; Emotionality; Extraversion; Agreeableness; Conscientiousness
and Openness to Experience. The HEXACO model has thriven as a new trend in personality research
in particular and personality psychology in general in the early of the 21
century [1, 4].
2. Content
2.1. Overview of the HEXACO model
2.1.1. The Five Factor Model of personality and measurement of personality based on five factor
One of the key issues of personality psychology is working out psychological structure of
humans’ personality. In fact, the identification of fundamental traits of personality would help
researchers discover the root and effects of personality changing in a consistent basis [8]. Therefore,
authors have made great efforts in building up an optimal and appropriate personality structure model.
It can be seen that there have been two prominent trends in researching personality structure since the
early of the 20
century, which are the Five Factor Model of personality (FFM) and six factor model
of personality-the HEXACO model of personality.
In the first half of the 20 century, personality structure was a controversial issue, which caused
disagreements among researchers. However, in 1980s, many researchers supported the idea that
personality change could be summarized by 5 specific and unique factors. These factors were
identified based on lexical study (English) with the first researches carried out by Cattell in 1974,
Nguyen Thi Lien and Bui Thi Thu Huyen
which covered a collection of adjective describing personality traits. The five common factors of
personality, or in other words-the Big Five factor (Goldberg, 1990) included:
(1) Extraversion (for example, being sociable, talkative vs. untalkative and shy);
(2) Agreeableness (for example, being friendly, sympathetic vs. indisposed and cold);
(3) Conscientiousness (for example, being organized, hardworking, strict vs. disorganized, lazy
and careless);
(4) Neuroticism (being comfortable vs. sad and anxiety);
(5) Intellect/ Imagination (for example, being knowledgeable and imaginative vs. ignorant).
Different trends in studying personality in the late of 1990s focused on the application of this Five
Factor Model. For instance, in 1992, Costa and McCrae established the personality inventory with 5
basic factors, namely NEO-PI (NEO-Personality Inventory) and NEO-PI-R (Personality Inventory-
Revised). In these inventories, there were 3 factors based on lexical study related to personality traits
conducted by Catell in 1974, such as Extraversion, Neuroticism and Openness to experience; the other
two factors of Conscientiousness and Agreeableness were added owing to the results of recent lexical
and personality studies. Accordingly, empirical studies on personality mostly concentrated on the
investigation of the 5 factor model as well as the applicability of measuring scale NEO-PI-R in
different countries and cultures. For example, the research using NEO-PT-R in 24 nations carried out
by Fruyt et al., (2009) revealed that the factor “Openness to experience” was at low level in Asian
countries like Malaysia, South Korea and China, which resulted from difficulty in identifying this
factor among Asian adolescents. On the other hand, the factor “Conscientiousness” reflecting
hardworking and trouble overcoming among Asian adolescents gained extremely high score, which
demonstrated cultural identity of Asian countries with appreciation of success in studying. In other
research by Phạm Minh Hạc et al., in 2007 with nearly 3000 students, young labour and Vietnamese in
foreign countries, it was shown that in comparison with American students, Vietnamese ones aging
from 17 to 20 achieved lower score of “Neuroticism” (emotional stability) and they also worse in
terms of “Extraversion” and “Openness to experience”. Regarding the two factors of “Agreeableness”
and “Consciousness”, there was no big difference in the average score between American and
Vietnamese students. These apparent empirical research results reveal similarities of personality to
some extent which represents for the culture of Asian countries, including Vietnam.
Despite its effort in proposing the best and the most appropriate model of personality structure,
the Five Factor Model of personality is still limited in certain aspects. Firstly, the FFM regards the
personality structure as the result of 5 factors only. Secondly, FFM relies on terms denoting personal
differences in only one language (English). Consequently, the question about the compatibility of
personal differences with different cultures and languages should be raised.
2.1.2. Lexical study on personal differences in different languages: the appearance of the
HEXACO model
Based on the above mentioned drawbacks of FFM, Ashton and Lee (2004) conducted the lexical
research related to personality structure not only in English, but also in 12 other languages like Italian,
German, Greek, Hungarian, Korean, etc. The results stated that relying on various languages, there
should be six rather than five factors of the personality structure. In some languages, there were other
descriptions about personal differences. Therefore, these authors suggested the HEXACO model
with 6 factors/dimensions, among which, 3 ones were quite similar to the Big Five model including:
The application of Six-dimensional model of personality (the HEXACO model of personality) to identify
(1) Extraversion; (2) Conscientiousness; (3) Openness to experience; the other two factors; (4) Emotionality
and (5) Agreeableness (versus anger) were variations of Neuroticism (low emotional stability) and
Agreeableness in the Big Five model. The biggest difference in the HEXACO model was the addition
of a new factor: Honest-Humility, which reflected personal difference in terms of showing sincerity,
fairness and modesty in contrary to insincerity, bias and arrogance. It is true to say that the HEXACO
model of personality structure somewhat can be viewed as an alternative to the well-known FFM or
Big Five model [1].
The six dimensional framework of personality can be summarized based on the explanation of
specific details in the following table
Table 1. The HEXACO model and explanation of qualities of personality
No Factor Explanation Benefit of showing at
high level
Limit of showing at
high level
1 Honest-Humility Sincerity
Gaining co-operation
(mutual support and
Losing development
opportunity as the
result of taking
advantage of other
2 Agreeableness
(opposite to anger)
Gaining co-operation
(mutual support and
Losing development
opportunity as the
result of being
exploited by other
3 Emotionality Empathy / Emotional
link with other people
Help seeking
opportunity for the
survival of self and
Losing development
opportunity due to
relation to risks for
self and relatives
4 Extraversion Sociability
Preference to show
Social developing
(friendship and
Wasting time and
Social environment
5 Conscientiousness Hardworking
Improving the usage
of different resources
Reducing risks
Investing more time
and efforts
6 Openness to
Gaining physical and
social development
Wasting time and
Dealing with natural
and social
environment risks
Attached with the six factor model of personality proposed by Lee and Ashton was the
measurement for personality structure so-called the HEXACO Personality Inventory (HEXACO-PI;
Lee & Ashton, 2006). This inventory has been adapted in different languages with positive results [8].
The exploration of the HEXACO model with specific explanation in table 1 reveals that the
highlighted feature of this model is the synthesis of characteristics of personality based on multi-
lingual lexical study. Thus, this model not only reflects typical qualities like the Big Five one but also
Nguyen Thi Lien and Bui Thi Thu Huyen
introduces others that can be utilized to explain and predict important symptoms of personality that are
not mentioned in the Big Five model. Different empirical studies have clarified these advantages of the
HEXACO model. For example, De Vries and De Hoogh (2009) pointed out correlation among factors
in the HEXACO model with egoism-the tendency of those only caring about themselves and
disrespecting for the right of others when these others interfere with their economic and personal
achievement. This study covered 349 students majoring in psychology and education in Holland. The
authors worked out that the four factors of Extraversion, Emotionality, Agreeableness and Honest-
Humility in the HEXACO model were closely linked with egoism. Especially, Honest-Humility was
much closer to egoism than other factors [4]. Similarly, Shepherd and Belicki (2008) also explored the
relationship among factors in the HEXACO model with qualities of toleration and forgiving in
students and adults aging 18 to 50. It was demonstrated that Agreeableness was the most important
and persuasive indicator for forgiving quality in the research subject [12]. As mentioned above, one of
advantages of the HEXACO model is the probability to forecast personality and behavioural disorders.
There has been series of researches on the correlation between Honest-Humility and symptoms of
crime, hostility at workplace, stealing, alcohol abuse and public violation. Among these, there are ones
that working out the relationship between people having low level of Honest-Humility and high level
of committing crimes such as thief [9] and their wish for power as well as high potential of mental
disorders [10].
2.2. The HEXACO model and its application to identify main qualities of personality of
high-school students in Vietnam
Based on the investigation into personality structure according to the six dimensional frameworks i.e.,
the HEXACO model-a new model was introduced and has been utilized for more than ten years in the
world. It is realized that this new model has appropriate factors, which can be employed as a reference
to determine main qualities of personality of high school students in Vietnam. Although there have
been no studies on the application of the HEXACO model among Vietnamese students so far, it is
potential that this model is promising and should be considered as a suggestion for the identification of
main qualities of personality of high school students in Vietnam. This is due to previous studies and
analysis into the HEXACO model as well as the latest policies on education and training made by the
Ministry of Education and Training, Vietnam.
First, research results of the project KX05-07 by Phạm Minh Hạc et al., revealed that the revised
FFM model could be applicable to high-school students, university ones and Vietnamese labour with
the addition of specific criteria for students and young labour to adapt with Vietnamese culture.
Among 5 factors of personality, Conscientiousness and Agreeableness were prominent ones among the
researched objects.
Second, the HEXACO model was concluded based on the multi-cultural and lingual research with
different factors in personality. It can be used to predict problems related to personality and behaviour.
Therefore, this model is potential to be applied to various cultures with different languages. Moreover,
6 factors in personality structure are synthesized through lexical study in Asian and European
countries so they are widely employed.
Third, in Vietnam nowadays the fundamental and comprehensive transformation of education and
training has called for great attention. This is reflected in decree number 88/2014/QH13 by the
Assembly, which regulated that “The transformation of education under the development of learners’
qualities and competence aims at showing their potentialities at most” [3]. Thus, it is essential to figure
out qualities of personality with specific criteria, which can be measurable.
The application of Six-dimensional model of personality (the HEXACO model of personality) to identify
Forth, the above mentioned orientation given by the Assembly was specified in the proposal for
general high school curriculum released in 2017, in which it was emphasized that the aim of high
school education should concentrate on establishing and developing main qualities for students such as
patriotism, agreeableness, hardworking, honesty and responsibility. These qualities should be attached
with three core competencies including autonomy and self-study; communication and co-operation;
problem solution and creativity [3].
Within this study, we employ the idea considering personality as a group of personal
characteristics and psychological qualities that reveal an individual’s social behaviour and value [7].
As a result, the identification of psychological qualities of personality is essential in order to suggest
the orientation for the establishment and development of comprehensive personality for high-school
students under the instruction of the Communist Party and the Assembly. However, it is supposed that
the application of any personality model into the context of Vietnam requires careful consideration and
adjustment so that it is suitable for the country’s culture and people’s characteristics. Thus, we propose
that the identification of qualities of high-school students should be shown in 3 key aspects with 5
corresponding qualities specified as the followings:
Table 2. Performance of qualities of personality of high-school students in Vietnam
Aspects Qualities of
Performance HEXACO model
Self-respect - Confid