Abstract. Teaching foreign language including English on the STEM education
approach has been concerned in many countries. Content and Language Integrated
Learning pedagogies (CLIL) has been used as an useful tool to promote students’
language competencies and emotive outcomes in content class, especially for science
content. This study addresses the basement for the English teaching on STEM
education approach which implements science topics with English for grade 5th
students. The case study of learning outside school activities for a small group has
been researched.
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HNUE JOURNAL OF SCIENCE DOI: 10.18173/2354-1075.2018-0169
Educational Sciences, 2018, Volume 63, Issue 9, pp. 61-69
This paper is available online at
Hoang Thi Nga1, Tran Thi Lan1 and Nguyen Hoai Nam2
1K65K, Faculty of Primary Education, Hanoi National University of Education
2Faculty of Primary Education, Hanoi National University of Education
Abstract. Teaching foreign language including English on the STEM education
approach has been concerned in many countries. Content and Language Integrated
Learning pedagogies (CLIL) has been used as an useful tool to promote students’
language competencies and emotive outcomes in content class, especially for science
content. This study addresses the basement for the English teaching on STEM
education approach which implements science topics with English for grade 5th
students. The case study of learning outside school activities for a small group has
been researched.
Keywords: STEM education, primary education, content and language integrated
learning (CLIL).
1. Introduction
The important role of teaching English toward primary students has been shown in
several years. In the conference of teaching English for elementary students in Vietnam in
2009, the prospect trend was confirmed that made students familiar with learning English
earlier. English has been teaching not as a language tool but an useful instrument brings
about knowledge to others subjects as mathematics, science, technology and so on [14].
This point of view also has been revealed in the latest draft for teaching English for
Vietnamese General Education, on January, 2018 [10].
Many researches show the proper of teaching English situated with the context of
studying other subjects which are familiar to students in their living and culture settings.
The authentic learning not only makes students motivated but brings about the
convenience in learning other language except mother tongue [17, 21]. By joining into
universal and diversity learning activities, students feel more interested and motivated
than boring actions as remembering words and grammar structures. Thus, the students’
skill are developed generally and diversely due to the active and collaborative learning
that they take part [17].
Received January 12, 2018. Revised August 22, 2018. Accepted September 3, 2018.
Contact Nguyen Hoai Nam, e-mail address: namnh@hnue.edu.vn
Hoang Thi Nga, Tran Thi Lan, and Nguyen Hoai Nam
Such active environment is also created by STEM education. With the help of active
activities as discovery or working as a scientist or implementing design as technologist or
engineer, students approach familiar topics attached and appropriated to their lives and
views. By that way, the improvement of students’ interest and learning efficiency is
explicit [5, 24].
Sharing the same purpose which promotes the motion and development of students’
competencies, teaching English and teaching subjects on STEM education approach have
been studied to find the connectivity between such fields [19]. In the context of
worldwide and the effectiveness of the 4th industrial innovation, the human force needs to
be well educated in professional work and English to meet the demand of the changing
settings. Therefore, teaching foreign language including English on the STEM education
approach has been concerned in many countries [17]. Content and Language Integrated
Learning pedagogies (CLIL) has been used as an useful tool to promote students’
language competencies and emotive outcomes in content class [9], especially for science
content [13]. Students in the case-study have positive perception towards science [22].
The advantages of teaching foreign language on approach of STEM education has
been carried out for students in learning science in high school and university. The results
show the strength of STEM education in developing students’ competencies and bringing
about the general and diverse knowledge to students. The successful achievements are
reported in several European and American countries [1, 17, 21]. The active learning
methodologies as project-based, problem-based and others have been used variously to
point out the effectiveness to students at different level including primary [21].
Like others living in the Asian countries, Vietnamese parents pay much attention to
their children’s English study due to the belief of their future success related to the
English proficiency [6, 12]. In non-English speaking parts of the world, many children
learn English as a foreign language in school. The number of children learning English
are increasing rapidly. Because of the lack knowledge in English, some parents send their
children to have a continual program in non-formal institutions after schooling time [18].
In Vietnamese settings, children are sent to English centre or tutored by a tutor normally
is a student in college or university. The issues are concerned to prevent the learning
pressure on children, as they have to study rather than play in free time due to the parents’
In order to deal with the issues, invoking the students’ motion and interest plays
important role. Learning topics and learning activities should be conducted to present a
new learning settings for students rather than repeat the way they studied or answer
questions for next lessons in school. This is correspondent to the case study whereas the
two first authors are 3th-year students. They do not teach in English institution or English
centre. However, they have an English tuition supported by the students’ parents which
help them to carry out their teaching plan. The research questions are: (i) how to
implement an English tuition on approach of STEM education, and (ii) what the
effectiveness of the strategy towards children’s motion and interest, in the case study of
learning outside school activities in Vietnam.
Teaching English for 5th grade student in primary school via science topics on approach of
2. Content
In order to find out appropriated answers for all questions, the authors divide the
study into two sections. The first section accounts for the relationship versus English
learning and STEM education under the umbrella of CLIL for primary education. The
role of engineering design-based process is considered to bridge the gap between the
students’ interest and their parents’ expectation. Several conceptions will be presented to
make connection between these terminologies and content studied.
The second section will show the teaching plan in brief and the procedure to carry out
on approach of STEM education aligned with engineering design-based process. Twelve
students at 5th grade in primary school were separated into 3 groups to do the team tasks
and projects. Students were encouraged to work actively as discussion, designing,
implementation of the design and discourse on their achievements and products.
2.1. Literature reviews.
2.1.1. Content and Language Integrated Learning
CLIL is abbreviation of “Content and Language Integrated Learning” which
integrates foreign language teaching and other disciplines. According to this approach,
subjects or part of subjects are taught in a foreign language which promotes
simultaneously mastering of both subject and foreign language. Thus, CLIL was
considered as a suitable strategy for addressing challenges to many nations [20]. In such
case, foreign language is understood as a tool for students to study other subjects which
allow them to develop their skills in communication. Language learning are more
purposeful to solve specific communicative tasks [9]. The principles (4Cs) for CLIL are:
content, communication, cognition, culture. The content specifies the aspects of
comprehension and understanding related the specific content of the subject or area of
knowledge. The communication means using of the second language (L2) while learning
about the subject content. The cognition refers to the development of the learning skills to
construct the knowledge about content, language, thinking skills and competences. The
culture means the interconnection with the social – culture factors surrounding the
learning process. Learning theories, language learning theories, and intercultural
understanding are merged under CLIL’s umbrella [7]. CLIL has been proved to have a
good impact on language skills. It can boot students’ motivation towards learning and
benefit cognitional development and skills [11]. Their understanding and tolerance to
culturally different people also are developed [7].
A six-stage process is given to teachers a tool for planning and developing their own
CLIL model. Teachers are suggested to begin the process by having in mind that the
CLIL model is flexible and accordingly can be adapted for all contexts [8]. The first stage
in the process of planning CLIL is to come up with a common idea of CLIL. Next stage,
teachers will analyze and personalize the CLIL context. Planning a CLIL unit is third
stage. A unit based on CLIL must be constructed under the theory of the 4Cs and under
other CLIL principles. Preparing the unit is the fourth stage. At the fifth stage, teachers
monitor, evaluate, and understand CLIL in the classroom. The data are gathered to plan
future units. The last stage for planning a CLIL program is to think of inquiry-based
professional learning communities.
Hoang Thi Nga, Tran Thi Lan, and Nguyen Hoai Nam
2.1.2. STEM education
STEM is acronym of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. The
purpose of STEM education is to contribute to the development of a STEM-capable
workforce and the interest and engagement in STEM of students. Students engage in the
practices, cross-cutting concepts, and core ideas of science in order to develop critical
thinkers and consumers. Students enjoy activities as discovery or working as a scientist or
implementing design as technologist or engineer. Playing role in the context appropriated
to their lives and views, student’s interest and learning efficiency is explicit [5, 24].
The experiences may occur in one or several class periods, or throughout a
curriculum; they may be reflected in the organization of a single course or an entire
school, or they may be presented in an after or out-of-school activity. (p31 in [25])
Engineering has the advantage to students, especially in the primary/elementary
school as they enjoy with hands-on activities and creative works [26, 27]. The use of
engineering design as a context for learning within science and mathematics is a common
trend while as different levels of integration is applied between the STEM disciplines
learning efficiency is explicit [5, 24, 25].
Though the use of engineering design as a context for integrated STEM learning is
promising, the application at the primary level must be concerned. The shortage of
experiences in engineering instructions, the lack of the materials and resources needed for
effective implementation of integrated STEM instruction and the limitation of content
knowledge within engineering and STEM accounts for the under prepared and
overwhelmed feeling of primary teachers. A solution is implemented that provides teacher
the literacy of STEM integration and engineering design [23].
2.1.3. STEM education and CLIL
Teaching English and teaching subjects on STEM education approach have been
studied to find the connectivity between such fields [19]. CLIL and science share
common purpose to promote the learning interest and efficiency of students. CLIL
improves student’s language learning (L2) and general performance in science. Practical
studies have been shown to benefit for both science content and L2. CLIL science
learning environments have positive effects on language and science attitudes to students
[15]. Nevertheless, teachers should consider that students’ understanding the content
under instruction with foreign language. In order to solve the problems, culture and
content should be integrated to stimulate a meaningful real life context. In this way,
students clearly understands the language functions in the context of culture and be able
to transfer the language to another real life context in a meaningful way [17]. The
appropriate content for age and cognitive abilities of students is chosen so that the
learners can relate language learning experience to real world language functions.
Because Science and Math subjects relate to universal knowledge, whereas Technology
and Engineering often develop around cultural practices and perspectives [1]. Participants
from different fields and from different educational levels in the STEM context may lead
to different results. However, some parents of young learners concerned about the
challenge of neglecting the first language for the children.
Teaching English for 5th grade student in primary school via science topics on approach of
To address the issue, teachers are encouraged to change methodology. They instigate
opportunities for purposeful communication and joint action that are supportive of both
science and language learning, rather focus only on teaching language. Students’
contributions to the community are valued for their meaning and substance rather than
their linguistic accuracy. Language use in the science classroom involves registers,
modalities, and interactions. Registers refer to the linguistic features used in talk and text
to meet the communicative demands of particular interactions, as from colloquial or every
day. Modalities refer to the multiple and diverse channels through which communication
occurs (e.g., pictures, symbols, graphs, tables, equations, text). Interactions refer to the
communication of students as one to one, one to small group and one to many. Because
students communicate with broader audiences, they can rely less on a shared frame of
reference. Thus, they require the precision and explicitness that a specialized register
affords [16].
2.2. Research Design
The environment protection topic was chosen due to the familiarity to the children’s
view. The topic was dealt with the project named “Build an idea and green village”. A
well-known process for teaching science topics named as BSCS 5E Instructional Model
has been applied variously and shown effectively. The model has 5 phases as: Engage –
Exploration – Explanation – Elaboration – Evaluation [2, 4]. The model is believed to
promote students gain fundamental concepts in science and other domains. However, in
order to set up authentic learning context to evoke students’ emotion, the study addresses
the learning procedure according to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) which
integrate engineering with science. Though several different functions and features have
been pointed out between science and engineering, and requirements differ for students at
different grade, the crosscutting concepts, linking the fields and implementation are
concerned to promote students’ learning [3].
In order to realize the connection, a fourth-steps procedure was carried out to
organize students’ learning activities as:
- Step 1 (Preparation): Working as a tutor, the teacher presents the topic to students.
The topic comes from the discussion between the teacher and students. The teacher
prepares the teaching plan, learning activities in plan, vocabulary for the topic. Students
can also find out the words for the topic by themselves which will be summarized and
corrected by the teacher during lessons. The first of the phase aligns with Engaging stage
in 5E model. These activities capture students’ attention, connect their thinking to the
situation which is familiar to them. After that, students are required to explore the
phenomena of pollution by watching the video clip and find out the types of pollution.
They are asked to explain the causes of pollution.
- Step 2 (Plan): Students are asked to imagine about the ideal village which are not
affected by the pollution. They discuss in group to draw an image on paper with a friendly
machine to environment.
- Step 3 (Create): Students are called for implementing the plan. They create
machines with garbage materials and put the product in the space of designed village.
Hoang Thi Nga, Tran Thi Lan, and Nguyen Hoai Nam
- Step 4 (Disclose): Students present their product to other groups. They are
evaluated by other members and teachers.
The teaching script carries out into two classes. The first two steps are
implementation in the first session and the remainder for another.
In comparison with 5E Instructional model, the plan and creative step are extension
of “Elaboration”. In other words, it is extension of 5E model or be known as engineering
design-based process. With this model, science knowledge is absorbed by solving
problems which are required by teachers. The activities are called as investigation of
background science knowledge.
In relation with the principles (4Cs) for CLIL, the process assures four factors as
content, communication, cognition and culture. Because topic is selected in negotiation
between students and teachers, the content meets the comprehension and understanding
related to the science in the curriculum. Students are encouraged to prepare English words
related to the topic, so they have opportunity of using the second language while learning
about the subject content. That meets the communication factor. During the process,
students are promoted to use language skills as watching, reading, writing, asking,
discussing and so on, thus, the cognition requirement is satisfied. Students have their own
design of ideal village which include their surroundings. Therefore, it refers to the culture
factor in CLIL.
Such process also conforms to the shift in the science classroom which involves
registers, modalities, and interactions. Because of the familiar topic, students can use the
linguistic features which comes from colloquial or every day. Multiple and diverse
channels through which communication occur due to the modality of learning as watching
video, drawing image or creating machines with friendly materials and equipment’s. With
groups and disclosure activities, students interact with classmates and teachers.
In sum, the engineering design-based process comes up to CLIL and the shift in the
science classroom which leads to the perspective implementation.
2.3. Research Findings and Discussion
In order to evaluate the practical process, both the product and learning activities of
students are concerned. In communication with teachers as answering, questioning,
writing and so on, students understand the cause of pollution. They can identify the types
of pollution. All of them (12 students) know several machines which are saving power
and clean to environment. 95% students (11 students) can remember and pay attention to
the material and equipment to create the model. Students can use English words in
writing, talking and presenting their plan and product with excitement. They feel like in
evaluating the others’ activities and products.
The positive attitude of students reflects in the result of 95% interviewees’ interest in
English class on STEM approach. They wish to have more such English lesson because
they like the active and funny activities that make learning as playing a game.
The positive achievements of language teaching