• Assessment of sea water quality in some limestone island and archipelagos areas, Viet NamAssessment of sea water quality in some limestone island and archipelagos areas, Viet Nam

    Abstract: With nearly 3,000 large and small islands, the islands and archipelagos of Vietnam have outstanding features in terms biodiversity and geology. The islands are mainly formed from carbonate (limestone), intrusive igneous rock, sedimentary and volcanic rocks, in which limestone islands predominate, distributed mainly in the Gulf of Tonki...

    pdf9 trang | Chia sẻ: thanhle95 | Ngày: 10/07/2021 | Lượt xem: 414 | Lượt tải: 0

  • Environmental pressure from pig farming to surface water quality management in Yen Dung district Bac Giang provinceEnvironmental pressure from pig farming to surface water quality management in Yen Dung district Bac Giang province

    Abstract: This study focuses on the environmental pressure of waste generated from pig farming in Yen Dung district. Terrain analysis of the digital elevation model (DEM) was used to delineate the sub-basin map where pollutants accumulated. Then we combined this map with land use map and statistical data for determining the distribution of pollu...

    pdf11 trang | Chia sẻ: thanhle95 | Ngày: 10/07/2021 | Lượt xem: 400 | Lượt tải: 0

  • Investigation of indoor and outdoor air quality at elementary schools In Hanoi, VietnamInvestigation of indoor and outdoor air quality at elementary schools In Hanoi, Vietnam

    Abstract: Indoor air quality is having insufficient attention despite its importance for human health, especially for schools because children is one of the most sensitive groups to air pollution. This study focuses on monitoring the air quality inside classrooms at some elementary schools (ELS) of Hanoi with representative parameters including ...

    pdf8 trang | Chia sẻ: thanhle95 | Ngày: 10/07/2021 | Lượt xem: 416 | Lượt tải: 0

  • Spatial zoning strategy for socio-economic development and environmental protection in Cu Chi district, Hochiminh citySpatial zoning strategy for socio-economic development and environmental protection in Cu Chi district, Hochiminh city

    Abstract: Cu Chi, with a natural area of 43,496ha, is a district in the northeast of Hochiminh City, where infrastructure has been built intensively and rapidly in recent years. This development results in not only general socio-economic conditions but also the improvement of local welfare. On the other hand, relentless urban and industrial deve...

    pdf11 trang | Chia sẻ: thanhle95 | Ngày: 10/07/2021 | Lượt xem: 356 | Lượt tải: 0

  • Radon concentrations and their controlling factors in mud-built houses in Dong Van plateau karst geopark, Ha Giang provinceRadon concentrations and their controlling factors in mud-built houses in Dong Van plateau karst geopark, Ha Giang province

    Abstract: This article presents results of radon (222Rn) and thoron (220Rn) concentrations in room air measured inside mud-built houses that are traditional dwellings on the Dong Van Karst Plateau. The measurements were conducted in December 2016 and July 2017, corresponding to “cold” and “warm” months, respectively, by using a portable RAD7 det...

    pdf10 trang | Chia sẻ: thanhle95 | Ngày: 10/07/2021 | Lượt xem: 332 | Lượt tải: 0

  • Effects of urban transportation infrastructure development projects on residential land price in Cau Giay district, Hanoi cityEffects of urban transportation infrastructure development projects on residential land price in Cau Giay district, Hanoi city

    Abstract: Urban transportation infrastructure development projects usually act as a lever for real estate values. This research aims to assess the effects of some projects on urban land prices in three wards of Cau Giay District, namely Quan Hoa, Dich Vong, and Dich Vong Hau wards. With 161 samples surveyed, we established a multivariate linear ...

    pdf14 trang | Chia sẻ: thanhle95 | Ngày: 10/07/2021 | Lượt xem: 390 | Lượt tải: 0

  • Holocene sedimentary environment in HP1 core at Duong Kinh, HaiphongHolocene sedimentary environment in HP1 core at Duong Kinh, Haiphong

    Tóm tắt: Bài báo bước đầu khôi phục sự thay đổi môi trường thành tạo trầm tích Holocen vùng ven biển Hải Phòng dựa trên kết quả phân tích tảo Diatomeae và độ hạt tại lỗ khoan HP1-Quận Dương Kinh, thành phố Hải Phòng. 52 loài diatom được nhận biết và phân chia thành năm đới sinh thái Diatomeae dựa trên sự thay đổi tỷ lệ của 4 nhóm sinh thái đặc t...

    pdf16 trang | Chia sẻ: thanhle95 | Ngày: 10/07/2021 | Lượt xem: 299 | Lượt tải: 0

  • Đánh giá tài nguyên đất và nước xã Na Ư, huyện Điện Biên, tỉnh Điện Biên phục vụ xây dựng mô hình phát triển bền vững tích hợp 3E+1Đánh giá tài nguyên đất và nước xã Na Ư, huyện Điện Biên, tỉnh Điện Biên phục vụ xây dựng mô hình phát triển bền vững tích hợp 3E+1

    Tóm tắt: Na Ư là một xã biên giới Việt - Lào nằm ở phía tây của tỉnh Điện Biên. Việc xây dựng mô hình phát triển bền vững tích hợp kinh tế, môi trường, hệ sinh thái và an ninh phi truyền thống (3E+1) là nhu cầu cấp thiết nhằm thúc đẩy sự phát triển của cộng đồng địa phương, trong đó tài nguyên đất và nước là những yếu tố đầu vào quan trọng. Mục ...

    pdf15 trang | Chia sẻ: thanhle95 | Ngày: 10/07/2021 | Lượt xem: 383 | Lượt tải: 0

  • Civic participation in climate change policy implementation in Ho Chi Minh cityCivic participation in climate change policy implementation in Ho Chi Minh city

    Abstract: With questionnaires from 210 respondents, the author came to conclusion that civic participation in climate change policy implementation in Ho Chi Minh City was not effective. All eight forms of participation were rated below 30%; no form of participation was effective. The reason behind this fell in the lack of regulation framework fo...

    pdf10 trang | Chia sẻ: thanhle95 | Ngày: 10/07/2021 | Lượt xem: 395 | Lượt tải: 0

  • Efflux pumps and these inhibitorsEfflux pumps and these inhibitors

    Abstract: In this era of multi-drug resistance, efflux pump is one of the major problems which is increasingly concerned by scientists. The structure and mechanism activity of the efflux pumps on both bacteria and eurakyotes that are gradually being clarified. Since then, efflux pump inhibitors have also been studied and initially applied in cli...

    pdf11 trang | Chia sẻ: thanhle95 | Ngày: 10/07/2021 | Lượt xem: 454 | Lượt tải: 0